Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 15 for 2018

The Vine Issue 15 – 2018

September 28, 2018
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Mr Mike Millard


Mr Mike Millard


I wish all students and parents a very restful October holiday break after what has been a busy term.

The Year 12s are excited by the fact they have only 10 formal days of schooling next term prior to study vac and we wish them well as they use the holiday period for completing final assignments and preparing for their examinations. This preparation will provide them with the assurance to give of their best efforts in their SACE examinations. The SACE examinations begin on Monday 5 November. The final day of formal schooling for the Year 12s is Friday 26 October.

Journey Uniting Church
This Sunday morning’s service is the final time Journey Uniting Church (JUC) will function from the College Chapel. I had the opportunity to join their Sunday Service last weekend and to wish them all the very best as they move to a temporary site at Ridgehaven where they can operate fully as a 7 day per week faith community. JUC will spend the next few years designing and planning their new church building which is to be built on the old Sprint Auto Shed site on the Grove Way.

The decision to move was entirely Journeys’ as they have been constrained in the sense of being a truly 7 day per week church by their location within our school. Their community outreach and youth programs have expanded significantly in recent years and they have found it difficult to run these within the constraints of their offices and creche areas of our Chapel. This strategic approach by the church is very much part of contemporary outreach for them and we wish them all the very best in their new direction.

We thank the Minister, Rev Andrew Hogarth and his family for their great support of Pedare over many years. Andrew was Deputy Chair of the Pedare Board for a number of years and all his children have completed their education at Pedare. Our best wishes go to the whole Journey community.



I know the College community is heartened by the recent good progress of our building program. With winter behind us, we can look to a real push ahead and strong progress through to January. It is exciting to see the changes that are taking effect each day.

The new Junior School parent car park and Kiss and Drop were opened for use on Monday 24 September with paving work on the surrounds taking place in the coming weeks. The new facility is well designed, and the College will move to plant the trees and garden areas in the coming months ready for the commencement of school in late January 2019.

The steel framework for the Junior School classrooms and Administration block is being erected quickly and will be completed by the end of the first week of school break.

In the Middle School, the three ‘big’ concrete pours for the top level are now completed and 1/3rd of the steel frames are in place. The Blue Gum Gymnasium is progressing quickly with all the floors having been poured and the external cladding well underway.


Mr Randall Pearce


Mr Randall Pearce


On Tuesday 25 September, Year 4 classes sold homemade lemonade to the JS community. This was part of one of their transdisciplinary unit of inquiry that has seen much learning which covers many curriculum areas. Over the past few weeks, Year 4s have been entrepreneurs, inquiring into many aspects of a successful business. This learning has been made relevant with a loan (float) of $10 from the school.

The IB and PYP are perfect vehicles to allow our teachers the scope to present the curriculum in a way that makes the learning relevant, significant, challenging and engaging.  Teaching entrepreneur skills, I believe, is the next big thing and is an important area of development for our children.

As such, learning provides our students with the knowledge to develop their own business, this includes helping them learn about core business areas such as sales, finance, marketing, accountancy and management, as well as broader ranging skills such as effective communication, adaptability and maintaining confidence.

The advantage of teaching such skills over more traditional subjects is that they are not uniquely relevant to an entrepreneurial career path. You can be an entrepreneur in any field, so it stands to reason that the skills needed for starting your own business would also be desirable in terms of being an employee.

Within the Australian Curriculum Humanities and Social sciences (HASS) / Economics and Business it states the rationale: 

The Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business empowers students to shape their social and economic futures and to contribute to the development of prosperous, sustainable and equitable Australian and global economies. The study of economics and business develops the knowledge, understanding and skills that will equip students to secure their financial futures and to participate in and contribute to the wellbeing and sustainability of the economy, the environment and society.

According to the Australian Curriculum, this learning starts in Year 7! So I congratulate the Year 4 teachers and their students for their lemonade stalls and the fantastic learning that has taken place this week and over the term.

This week, a charity supported by Lifepoint Church in Modbury, where John and Nicole Griffiths preach, parents of Emily, Year 1 and Micha, Year 4, was brought to my attention via a kiss and drop chat. Nicole and John are assisting A21 (an Australian non-for-profit organisation fighting to abolish slavery), with a ‘Walk for Freedom,’ that aims to stop slavery in all forms across the world. This walk will take place Saturday, 20 October from 2:00pm. Please click here for more information regarding this event.

Mr Andrew Whiteman


Mr Andrew Whiteman


Term 3 is over for another year and we can look at this time as three-quarter time of a football game. At three-quarter time, it’s a time to take a well-earned break from the hustle and bustle of the past 3 terms. The break is a time to rest and recuperate for the upcoming term, to think about the things we did well and the things we need to improve on. Any coach will tell you that a big effort is required to finish off a game and so it is with school, that a big effort is required in Term 4. We have the time to readjust our goals and put our plans in place to have a successful end to the year. We want to switch off over the break but also understand that we have one term remaining that still has a lot riding on the result!

Over the busy school year, teachers often talk with students about having a positive mindset and the College works hard to look after the mental wellbeing of all students. Mental health is now the number one national concern for young people in Australia, according to Mission Australia’s annual Youth Survey. In a large survey of Australian children, 45% said they were ‘extremely concerned’ about coping with stress. School or study problems came in second at 35%, followed by body image 31%, depression 23% and family conflict. Our role is to support the students in their journey through adolescence and provide education on how to deal with school stresses and outside stresses. Mrs Joanne Murby is the College Student Counsellor and a wide range of students from all year levels work with her on a regular or intermittent basis which often results in a positive outcome. If you think your child may benefit from some counselling at school please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher, Community Coordinator or Joanne herself.

Congratulations must go to the Pedare students who competed in the first Annual VEX Robotics tournament held here at the College last Friday, 21 September. The students were very committed to the cause and used every ounce of their problem-solving skills to fix broken down robots throughout the day. Unfortunately, we did not win the top prize but the experience and learning that took place was absolutely first class. Well done to Mr Emil Zankov for all the time and effort he has put into organising and running these events. The passion shown by the students has certainly inspired Mr Zankov to keep up the momentum.  The VEX National Championships are held in Melbourne in November this year and we are hoping that some of our teams qualify.

Enjoy the three-quarter time break and I hope you all have a very relaxing and safe holiday. We look forward to Term 4 with excitement as it will be the last time we are housed in the Grevillea and Caladenia buildings. No doubt as we return more and more of the construction will be completed as we enter the final part of the build. We look forward to seeing all the students back in summer uniform on Monday 15 October.

Mrs Gillian Edwards


Mrs Gillian Edwards


As Term 3 comes to a close, our Year 12 students are finalising the last of their school-based assessments prior to their farewell on Friday of Week 2 next term. We look forward to this first of several events as they transition from Pedare.

They will have received, from their teachers, the results of their Trial Examinations held in Week 8 and we expect them to use this feedback to assist them to focus their revision over the coming term break. A number of teachers have made themselves available to conduct workshops during the up-coming holidays and this program has already been sent to students and families. We do encourage our Year 12s to take advantage of these opportunities and to commit to a balanced study program during the holidays, whilst ensuring they enjoy some rest and relaxation as well.

Following the announcement of our College Captains for 2019, the process to select next year’s Community, Arts and Sports Captains has taken place. Congratulations to those students who have been appointed. We look forward to your induction at the assembly in Week 1 of Term 4. Commiserations to those who were unsuccessful but thank you for your applications and we hope you will continue to look for other opportunities to serve the College next year.

A number of our female students in Years 10 and 11 have recently attended STEM activities targeting girls held both at Flinders University and UniSA, and by all reports enjoyed this learning experience. Please see articles in this issue of The Vine.

Our Year 11 students have enjoyed extended learning opportunities through their attendance at PE and Geography camps in the last week.

The Year 10 Media Arts class, some of whom are responsible for decorating some of the brick pillars in the Wattle Courtyard in Semester 1, have turned their hand to creating large mural boards. These were presented to the College and will be installed above the tunnel walkway down to One+. We thank them and their teacher, Mrs Leah Grant, for their efforts to beautify areas of the Senior School precinct this year.

Finally, students in Year 9 have been provided information and counselling in preparation for their subject selections for next year. This is the first step as they transition from Middle School and we look forward to their official welcome to Senior School early in 2019.


The College Community are invited to attend an informal Afternoon Tea to farewell Mr Lindsay Jackson, Deputy Principal, who will be retiring at the end of 2018 after 33 years of service at Pedare. The event will be held on Saturday 17 November in the Wattle Centre from 2:30pm – 4:00pm. For more information and the link to RSVP please click here.

Mr Mike Millard – College Principal



To celebrate One College, families are invited to purchase pavers which will be included in the landscaping of the College grounds. This is a great opportunity to record your child’s time at Pedare with their own paver, where it will become part of Pedare history.

Pavers will be laid on Main Street in the new Junior School, on the pathway to the new Blue Gum gym and on the outdoor learning areas and play spaces in the new Middle School.

Each paver will have ‘One College 2019’ at the foot and you can include one or two lines of text to name your paver, either with your family name or an individual student name. To order your paver, please click on the link below by Friday 5 October.

One College Paver

  • 1 Family Name Paver – $66.00
  • 1 Individual Name Paver – $44.00
  • 2 Individual Name Pavers – $82.50
  • 3 Individual Name Pavers – $110.00
  • 4 Individual Name Pavers – $ 137.50
  • 5 Individual Name Pavers – $165.00


The College is busy progressing the establishment of our own Out of School Hours Care program (OSHC) to commence from the beginning of the school year in 2019.

Since our last advice to families about our OSHC, I am pleased to advise that we have submitted all of the required forms and paperwork to the Education Standards Board (ESB) in order to become an Approved Provider of an OSHC service (including Vacation Care).

Once Approved Provider status has been granted from the ESB, the College will advertise for an OSHC Director and start engaging with families on setting up arrangements and enrolment information for the 2019 school year.

To ensure a smooth transition for families, we are pleased to advise that Cobbler Creek OSHC has confirmed they will continue to provide OSHC and Vacation Care Services for Pedare students during the upcoming summer break.

Further updates and information will be provided to families once we receive further information from the ESB regarding our application.



Congratulations to the following students who were presented with a Head of Junior School Award at assembly held on Friday 28 September:

  • RRB – Aria Tsimopoulos
  • RE – Lukas Hoffmann
  • RO – Lincoln Griffiths
  • 1M – Nina Niu
  • 1P – Indianna Milford
  • 2B – Erin Bewley
  • 2C – Jobe Launer
  • 3GH – Jasmine Brett
  • 30 – Ruby Dolejs
  • 4C – Brij Upadhyay
  • 4V – Thomas Palmer
  • 5C – Lucas Smyk
  • 5P – Peyton Holmes

RRB – Aria Tsimopoulos


Lincoln Griffiths – RO

& Lukas Hoffmann – RE


Nina Niu – 1M

& Indianna Milford – 1P


Erin Bewley – 2B 

& Jobe Launer – 2C


Jasmine Brett – 3GH

& Ruby Dolejs – 3O


Brij Upadhyay – 4C

& Thomas Palmer – 4V


Lucas Smyk – 5C

& Peyton Holmes – 5P

Congratulations to other award winners:

ICAS English Recipients: 4C

  • Brij Upadhyay – Distinction
  • Tianxin Feng – Credit
  • Samarbir Singh – Credit
  • Curtis Warhurst – Credit
  • Liam Skewes – Merit
  • Ruby Horridge – Participation
  • Phoebe Urquhart – Participation


ICAS English Recipients: 4V

  • Oscar Elding – Distinction
  • Thomas Palmer – Credit
  • Maggie Tan – Credit
  • Ojus Thakur – Merit
  • Brianna Air – Participation
  • Dallas Jenzen – Participation
  • Ruth Kabongo – Participation
  • Eva Ruff – Participation
  • Jack Williams – Participation

Millionaires @ Pedare Reading Club

  • Oscar Elding – 4V
  • Emily Schulz – 5LC

Literacy Pro Graduates:

  • Jamin Field – 5P
  • Tin Lam – 5P
  • Lucas Smyk – 5C
  • Taylor Tedesco – 5P



On Thursday 20 September, the Year 2 cohort was delighted to be able to visit the Marine Discovery Centre. With mounting excitement, they headed for Henley Beach, where they fossicked for natural materials to create models of sea creatures on the sand. Their natural enthusiasm inspired them to ask questions about their discoveries and our knowledgeable guides shared a wealth of information with the students.

Back at the centre the students were quickly engaged in a variety of activities and information sessions, including: Aboriginal culture and understanding of our marine habitats, the use of virtual reality goggles providing an underwater experience, sea life puppets and water and waste management.

The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended, and the students have continued to inquire into marine life and our responsibility to care for our seas and coasts.

Things we learnt at the Marine Discovery Centre:

  • “When a fish is dead its eyes dry out.” – Lily
  • “Sausage jellies have snail eggs in them and puffer fish skin is poisonous.” – Sophie
  • “The Port Jackson shark lays an egg in an egg case.” – Neel
  • “A Port Jackson shark can grow up to a metre long. Don’t pick up shells from the beach because there could be a sea creature inside.” – Stella
  • “A puffer fish’s skin is dangerous and they puff up to protect themselves.” – Darsh
  • “Whales have 18 giant ribs.” – Sarah
  • “Did you know that a baby seahorse is called a fry?” – Tu
  • “French baby seahorse is called a French fry!” – Henry
  • “Did you know a baby whale is twice the size of us now, when it is born?” – Liana

Mrs Ailsa Burne & Ms Alicia Clare – Year 2 Teacher




On Monday 17 September, Year 3s walked to the Cobbler Creek area with Mrs Shanelle Palmer from The Bush Classroom. We explored this fantastic local natural resource, looking carefully at the adaptations that help plants and animals to survive. The students used bird watching charts and explored food chains of native species.

“I enjoyed learning about the plants, what they can do and how they survive.”Harrison

“I found it very interesting what we learned about mistletoe and the funny places it can grow.”Grace

“We enjoyed the experience of just being in nature.”Leo & Ruby

“I enjoyed learning about the different species of plants, especially the Christmas bush.”Olivia

“We saw some plants that we never knew existed.” Emilia & Stella

Mrs Libby Graham & Mr Christopher O’Brien – Year 3 Teachers




On Thursday 20 September, Year 5 classes participated in a 1 hour Yoga Session as a part of their Unit of Inquiry. Our Central Idea for the unit is ‘Self-reflection provides individuals opportunities to experience wellbeing.’ Susannah Frost provided the opportunity for students to experience the practice. Various poses included ‘The Lion’ and ‘The Woodcutter’. These encouraged them to focus on their breathing – which aids in calming your mind. The students also learnt a series of poses and were then competently able to put them together to form a series of flowing movements.

Students’ response to the provocation were:

  • “The yoga session was very stress relieving.” – Kalon
  • “The exercises really helped my back feel better.” – Peter
  • “It was really relaxing and helped me find my inner self.” – Mia
  • “The activities were challenging and fun.”- Bella
  • “The session was very relaxing and self-motivating.” – Lucas
  • “It was really fun and I would do it again.” – Isaac
  • “I learnt new yoga poses.” – Kyan

Following this experience, students are now looking forward to more opportunities to learn more about well-being, both mental and physical.

Mrs Lauren Ciano & Mr Andy Peartree – Year 5 Teachers



In Weeks 9 and 10, Year 9 Media Art and Visual Art students attended an excursion to the city. We spent time viewing a public art sculpture related to the environment and sustainability. We visited the EDO Style exhibition at The David Rouche Gallery, where students gained a deeper insight into the historical context of this extravagant Japanese art period. Following this, students discovered a variety of street art murals. They further discussed the risks, style and messages explored in public art.

Mrs Leah Grant – Visual Art & Media Art Teacher




On Monday 24 September, the Year 9 Chinese class went on a Chinese cultural excursion. The excursion was interesting and fun, giving us an insight into Chinese culture. Starting at the Confucius Institute at the Adelaide University, we learnt about brush strokes and Chinese calligraphy. We then tried using ink on rice paper, with our instructor taking us through step-by-step, painting bamboo and a panda. This was more difficult than it looked, with some of us creating very strange looking pandas. From there, we looked at Peking Opera and the masks that are worn. Students learnt about how each colour represents a certain personality trait. We were given a blank mask that we painted with different colours and copied either a design or made up our own.

After this, we had a recess break and walked to Chinatown. Along the way, we saw lots of Asian influences in Rundle Mall and on King William Street. Here we were given time to explore the area and complete a questionnaire along the way, as we looked in shops and got to see traditional food places. The best part was getting to try some of the foods, including dumplings and fried rice, and also exploring the culture as there was a wide variety of Chinese restaurants and cafes to choose from. We also had a couple of hours to buy food and explore more of the products Chinatown has to offer. Cha Time was a popular spot, as well as Krispy Kreme. Trying to read the Chinese signs was also quite an interesting challenge.

Overall, the excursion was a fun experience, with the highlight being the Chinese food.

Ms Siew Ng – Chinese Teacher




On Thursday Week 9, eight Year 10 students were invited to attend the “Inspiring Women in STEM” day at Flinders University. The aim of this annual event is to encourage greater female participation in STEM courses at University level, and STEM careers. The students worked in small teams to design and create a catapult and test it under 4 categories: distance, precision, accuracy and power. Then they attended a panel discussion with special guests; women currently working in various STEM careers. This was followed by the pizza lunch (a highlight for many!) and then it was time to battle! Each team battled another team, trying to be the first to knock over the opponent’s cups using their catapult. The winners went on to the next round. One Pedare team, consisting of Maya Smale, Erin Smith and Teilani Sentschuk, made it to the finals before being defeated by a lightning-quick demolition by Urrbrae. All 8 students were excellent ambassadors for Pedare.




STEM Girls UniSA is a four-day program run by UniSA during Term 3 to encourage girls to consider STEM careers. The first two sessions covered Mathematical, Science and Technology based projects where the girls worked in mixed teams from various schools to solve a problem and then report back to the groups.

The last two days saw the girls develop their networking skills and practice them with guest speakers at the dinner held at Mawson Lakes Hotel on the Thursday evening, followed up the next day with visits to various STEM businesses. Our group were fortunate to visit RAAF, SAAB, Rising Sun Pictures and MOD where we were able to have hands-on experiences with a flight simulator and VR headpieces.

“The STEM girls program was such a success. It was very informing and it gave me a new perspective to STEM and subjects involving maths. The Networking dinner was very helpful in regards to being able to communicate with women who are successful within their STEM careers. I was lucky enough to sit with the Mayor of Salisbury and a high school teacher. It was very informative and I learnt a lot. I also had the privilege to visit the RAAF base of Edinburgh and SAAB. I have made many memories as it was a very rewarding experience.” – Jiamai

“I really enjoyed this STEM for Girls workshop as it expanded my knowledge of the fields of work STEM students can go into. I particularly enjoyed the RAAF excursion as part of the industry tours and would recommend next year’s Year 11 students to attend this four-day excursion.”- Aavi

Mrs Leonie Brown – Learning Area Coordinator, Science


On 19, 20 and 21 September, Year 11 PE students travelled to Murraylands Aquatics Centre as a part of their SACE Physical Education course and participated in many water sports. The views looking over the river were beautiful and a most enjoyable time was spent in nature. The students enjoyed sailing, kayaking, sailboarding, skiing, windsurfing, stand up paddle-boarding and knee boarding. This was a 3 day camp and the students are to be commended on their manners, willingness to attempt new skills and behaviour. The Year 11s really enjoyed the aquatics lifestyle, experience and the time shared on camp. We all worked as a team to prepare and clean-up breakfasts, lunches and dinners. This camp will be a fond memory for our Year 11s of an enjoyable time away with teachers and peers.

Ms Fiona Hunter – Community Coordinator, Brooklyn



Oliver Shephard-Bayly, Year 10, who was awarded the Premier’s ANZAC Spirit School Prize and, during the holiday break, will be touring Vietnam as part of his prize, organised a ‘loose change’ fundraiser in support of two Vietnamese Orphanages. And what an amazing result it was. In coins alone, the College raised $970. This, along with notes also donated, and Oliver’s go-fund-me page, a magnificent total of $1190 has been raised!

Each Home Group was asked to collect coins over recent weeks and it culminated in a challenge to find out which group could make the longest line of coins. 6Y were the clear winners, with an incredible 24.2 metres of coins, and won icy poles for the whole class!

While on the tour, Oliver will have the privilege of visiting the Orphanages and will use the money to help provide food and other necessities for the children in the orphanages.

Thank you to the College community for getting behind Oliver and supporting this great cause, which exceeded all expectations. We are looking forward to hearing lots of feedback on his return.



We encourage families to share their child/rens personal achievements from both within and outside of the College, as we understand learning doesn’t stop at the school gate. If your child has a special achievement, we welcome your submission. Articles of 100 to 200 words along with a good high-resolution photo can be emailed by clicking the button below.


Congratulations to Grace Collins, Year 6, who was awarded Best and Fairest play for her Sub Junior 3 team at North East Zodiacs Netball Club. Grace was also recognised for 10 seasons at the club.

Well done Grace.


Congratulations to Siddharth Dhayanand, Year 8, who has won the Grand Final in NETA (North East Tennis Association) winter League competition 2018 in Division 2 Yellow Ball. The competition was held on Sunday 9 September at the Para Hills Tennis Club.

Well done Siddharth.



Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:

City to Bay Fun Run

Track & Field Championships – Metro

Junior Indoor Soccer



Extra-Curricular Fixtures are available on the Pedare App and on the College website.

Click here to view the Extra-Curricular fixtures online

Extra-Curricular Fixtures_web



A strong contingent of 39 students from Year 4 and 5 trained throughout the term on Tuesdays and Fridays in preparation for this year’s City-Bay Fun Run.

On Sunday 16 September, 33 students, the most of any year we have competed in, 12 parents and 4 teachers participated in the 6 kilometre event. Conditions were very cold but fortunately for us, dry.

For the first time, we ran in support of the Childhood Cancer Association, a great charity who appreciated our support. Students and teachers were provided with a ‘Childhood’ t-shirt on the day, which made us very identifiable as a group and also helped to make it easier for us to stay together throughout the run.

The Childhood Cancer Association provided us with food and refreshments after the race, as we relaxed as a school community and shared our experiences. A great range of satisfaction was shared, from beating times from last year to achieving beyond expectations.

Thank you to all the parents involved, as well as Mrs Booth, Mr O’Brien, Mr Callaghan, and Mr Morton, who was a first timer and also filled in at the last moment. Once again a valuable experience for all involved.

Here are some of the comments from the students:

  • “I’m normally playing games on my iPad, so I was surprised that I could do it.” – Max Jamieson Colmer
  • “It was fun because we got to run together with our friends.” – Hebah El Rachid
  • “Great opportunity to see how far I can run. Now I know!” – Jack Wallis
  • “I was really proud to run within one second of my dad.” – Teagan Shean
  • “It was really fun but very challenging.” – Anthony Klitogiannis
  • “I had the stitch but my dad forced me to keep on going.” – Kyan Smith
  • “What hard work, but I am so proud that I finished in the time I did.” – Emily Schulz

Mr Heath Perry -Physical Education & Extra-Curricular Coordinator R-5 



Congratulations to the following students on their achievements in the School Sport SA SAPSASA Track & Field Championships – Metro:

Middle School:

  • Kiera Geesing: 11-Year-old Girls, 3 rd place Shot Put
  • Emily Howie: 12-Year-old Girls, 3rd place High Jump
  • Daniel Growden: 13-Year-old Boys, 100m Finalist and 4th place in 4x100m Relay

Junior School:

Jack Williams:

  • Won 10-Year-old Boys 100m
  • Won 10-Year-old Boys 200m
  • Won 10-Year-old Boys 800m (Jack broke the 36-year record by 4 seconds running a time of 2.21.02). He was awarded a special medal for this achievement.

Junior School Cont:

  • Harry Slater: Won 10-Year-old Boys Discus, placed 1st and Shot Put, placed 6th
  • Hamish Pullen: Participated in 10-Year-old Boys 4x100m
  • Lorcyn Murdey-Green: Participated in Long Jump, placed 9th
  • Tri Nguyen: Participated in the 800m

Jack Williams, Harry Slater, Hamish Pullen, Tri Nguyen, Lorcyn Murdey-Green


Keira Geesing


Emily Howie


Daniel Growden

Term 2 & 3 – Burragah Recreation Centre This season, we had 4 teams nominated for Indoor Soccer from Pedare, two Under 11s (Pedare Glory & Pedare United) and two Under 9s (Pedare Panthers & Pedare Strikers). Unfortunately, there was only one other school nominate for the season in both age groups (St. David’s) so it was quite difficult for the children. Our Under 11s have had a very challenging season as St David’s had an extremely talented squad of players. However, every match they played, both of the Pedare teams gave 100% effort and really represented the school well. There were a few very evenly matched games and although St David’s generally came out on top, Pedare should be extremely proud of their efforts and the progress they made throughout the season. Some of our players have improved tremendously and this was clearly evident in the level of skill and teamwork on display. The referee regularly commented on how close games were and how sometimes the score line was not a true reflection of the match. Both of our Under 9 teams have had a more successful season. Again, playing against just St David’s was difficult for the children but they enjoyed it, winning every one of their games. Both of the Under 9 teams have had an excellent season and even though they won all matches the development and progress that was displayed was amazing to see. Some children who had never kicked a ball before are now displaying excellent awareness, skills and teamwork. They ran their hearts out every game and always came off knowing they’d given their best, even if a little tired and red faced. Overall, it has been another enjoyable season for Pedare’s Indoor Soccer teams and they should all be proud of their achievements.


Term 2 & 3 – Burragah Recreation Centre

This season, we had 4 teams nominated for Indoor Soccer from Pedare, two Under 11s (Pedare Glory & Pedare United) and two Under 9s (Pedare Panthers & Pedare Strikers). Unfortunately, there was only one other school nominate for the season in both age groups (St. David’s) so it was quite difficult for the children.

Our Under 11s have had a very challenging season as St David’s had an extremely talented squad of players. However, every match they played, both of the Pedare teams gave 100% effort and really represented the school well. There were a few very evenly matched games and although St David’s generally came out on top, Pedare should be extremely proud of their efforts and the progress they made throughout the season. Some of our players have improved tremendously and this was clearly evident in the level of skill and teamwork on display. The referee regularly commented on how close games were and how sometimes the scoreline was not a true reflection of the match.

Both of our Under 9 teams (pictured above) have had a more successful season. Again, playing against just St David’s was difficult for the children but they enjoyed it, winning every one of their games. Both of the Under 9 teams have had an excellent season and even though they won all matches the development and progress that was displayed was amazing to see. Some children who had never kicked a ball before are now displaying excellent awareness, skills and teamwork. They ran their hearts out every game and always came off knowing they’d given their best, even if a little tired and red-faced.

Overall, it has been another enjoyable season for Pedare’s Indoor Soccer teams and they should all be proud of their achievements.

Mr Christopher O’Brien – Coach



Week 8


  • U12 Blue – Pedare vs Highbury Hornets – Won 26 – 17 (MVP Stephen K, Jack M)
  • U12 Red – Pedare vs Bullets – Won 25 – 24
  • U14 Blue – Pedare vs Pedare U14 Red – Loss 13 – 24
  • U14 Red – Pedare vs Pedare U14 Blue – Won 24 – 13 (MVP Bailey W)

Week 9


  • U12 Blue – Pedare vs Pedare U12 Red – Won 27 – 21
  • U12 Red – Pedare vs Pedare U12 Blue – Loss 21 – 27
  • U14 Blue – Pedare vs SJMS Hurricanes – Loss 18 – 19
  • U14 Red – Pedare vs SFA Panthers – Won 19 – 14



Code Camps


Code Camps are back at Pedare for the October school holidays. 3 – 5 October.

Little League (Years Rec-1) Suitable for Beginners

Our little coders make their first small but important leap from consumers to creators of tech. Build awesome mini-games and learn about coding using a mixture of iPad and physical based learning.

Spark (Years 2-6) Beginners + Intermediate

Fun, engaging and challenging… and are our most known Code Camp that over 12,000 students have completed. Code Camp Spark is where every student in years 2-6 should start their Code Camp journey.

Ignite (Years 2-6) Intermediate + Advanced

If you have completed Spark check out Code Camp Ignite! Students build on their skills and create new apps with increasingly complex logic, more code, behaviours and problem-solving. Start with Drag & Drop and then move to Line Coding with JavaScript.

Enrol and help your child become a coding superstar! For more information, visit   Click here for more information.



Tea Tree Gully Anglican


Generators Kids Club 2018 (Years R-6)

Come and join us. Generators Kids Club meets Fridays each fortnight for great games, craft and bible time. The next Kids Club is on Friday 19 October from 3:30pm-5:00pm. The craft that week will be Rainbow Sands. To download the Term 4 program from our website. For information about 2018 Kids Club, phone Rick on 8264 3736 or click here

SWAT Youth (Years 7-12)

Meets Friday each week at 7:30pm. The next meeting is on Friday 19 October. Come for a great time of games, friendship and bible discussion. For information about 2018 SWAT Youth, phone Dave on 0403 723 953 or click here.

Normal Weekly Services – Check out our website for more details.

Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion.

Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries. Communion on third Sunday of every month.

Sunday@6.00pmYouth, young adult and those young at heart. Communion first Sunday of every month. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.



Garage Sale Trail – Tea Tree Gully Uniting Church


The Love your Neighbour Garage Sale Trail will be held on Saturday 20 October from 9:00am -2:00pm at 600 Milne Road, Banksia Park. Food and drink will be available, including a Sausage Sizzle and Devonshire Teas. All is undercover, with ample car-parking facilities. Goods on sale are furniture, books, games, home-wares, kids stuff, tools and collectables. Monies raised will go to supporting students in Uganda. For more information click here.



‘Off the Cuff’ Police Band at St Mark’s


Hear the Police Band, Off the Cuff, while enjoying High Tea at St Mark’s Anglican Church, 160 Wynn Vale Drive, on Saturday 6 October from 2:00pm-4:00 pm. Tickets are available for $15.00. To book or get more details, contact Margaret on 0429446919.