Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 2 for 2017

The Vine Issue 2 of 2017

February 24, 2017
The Vine logo

Mr Mike Millard


Mr Mike Millard


Raising children

As a principal, I am increasingly concerned about the pressures parents and teachers are facing from the constant media critique of almost every aspect about how children are being raised. Raising children is a wonderful and joyful experience but sometimes it is hard work for both parents and teachers.

What do I hear and see that is relevant to a Pedare education?

In the last week alone I have seen the following TV and newspaper reports:

Schools should take over providing students with breakfast because of the need to guarantee all students begin their learning day with the “fuel” needed for great learning.

  • This media commentary suggests more schools should be making this service available as far too many students come to school without eating breakfast.

Schools should have greater control over the food students bring in their lunch boxes

  • The media commentary is suggesting too many students are obese and there is an obesity crisis amongst Australia’s children and youth

Schools should teach more traditional English such as Shakespeare to improve literacy skills

  • The media commentary was about the perception students have very poor grammar and spelling and they should be taught more traditionally to improve all aspects of their literacy skills

Schools should be doing so much more to make students work ready

  • The media commentary suggests students are leaving school at the end of Year 12 not ready for work.

From the four I have listed above, I fully accept Pedare parents, employers and the community should expect that Pedare students develop high-level literacy and work readiness skills and capabilities such as problem-solving, creativity and also collaboration in, and a high level of, communication skills. These are the things we want students to achieve well in and we focus on them constantly to ensure our students are skilled and capable in these areas.

I feel for parents as they too are bombarded with the constant media critique of how they are raising their children. The issues of breakfast and school lunch box food as healthy eating issues are just a small part of the broader pressures parents face in child raising.

Think of the following ……poor swimming skills, overuse and reliance by children on mobile devices, keeping children safe from social media, dealing with social and emotional changes, identity issues, risk taking, and teenage pressures……  and the list goes on

Parents and teachers are trying very hard to raise well rounded, confident, capable and empathic children. We need to draw a line in the sand that says don’t keep adding more and more expectations. Raising children is wonderfully enriching but it is becoming increasingly challenging with so much analysis, criticism and review.

Mr Randall Pearce


Mr Randall Pearce


Action in the JS

Over many years, and led by Mrs Ailsa Burne, the staff and students have been collecting the ring pull from cans of soft drinks.

The ring pull is then passed on to the Rotary Club of Barossa Valley who donate these to the Prosthesis Foundation Ring Pull Project in Thailand.

The Prostheses Foundation of Thailand produces prosthetic limbs by utilising recycled plastic bottles and metal from cans and ring pulls. The plastic is formed into sheets for use in prosthetic devices while the metal is used in fashioning joints for the artificial limbs. 2,500 ring pulls provide approximately 1kg aluminium.

1kg of aluminium can provide 7 sets of joints for prostheses.

Indiscriminate laying of mines during the many years of turmoil in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos have turned vast areas of agricultural land into killing and maiming grounds, claiming hundreds of victims each year.

Survivors of the blasts will often lose one or both of their legs. The Foundation gives these survivors a second chance in life by providing prostheses free of charge. A mobile unit goes out into regional areas to get to those who have no way of getting into the Foundations headquarters.

Recently, Mrs Burne, on behave of the staff and students of the Junior School, delivered 7kgs of ring pulls and below is the response from Mrs Bev Stephenson, the Secretary of  The Rotary Club of Barossa Valley….

“The Rotary Club of Barossa Valley wishes to congratulate the students for thinking of those who have a need, and also for caring for their environment. You are good citizens of the world and we sincerely thank you.”

This is a great initiative alive and well in the Junior School and displays our College Vision to be Globally Focussed and to enable students to make a difference in our community.

Week 5 events
I am looking forward to next week and our swimming lessons and Carnival as well as the celebrations around Shrove (Pancake) Tuesday and our reflective service for Ash Wednesday led by our College Chaplain John Morton.

We look forward to seeing you out and about next week.

Mr Andrew Whiteman


Mr Andrew Whiteman


On Monday 20 February, the Year 7, 8 and 9 Parent Information evening was held in the College Chapel. It was again pleasing to see so many parents present and meeting with their children’s class teachers. The evening was another chance for me to get to know some of the parents of the students and to be welcomed into the Pedare community. The partnership between families and the College is strongest and most productive when lines of communication are used regularly. If you were unable to attend the night or wanted further clarification on any issue, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s core class teacher via email or phone at the College.

As was mentioned on the evening the College will be holding a Parent Workshop on Wednesday 8 March, 7:00 – 8:30 pm. I strongly recommend attending this night as the presenter is Wendy Hill from Kidz Biz Education who has presented to staff about the digital age that we (and our students) live in and the short term and long term dangers associated with social media. The use of devices and social media sites can be a sensitive subject to approach with adolescents and this evening will give you some practical ideas on how to manage young children and their use of the internet. This is a Community Service event and you are welcome to invite family and friends to join you.

At the Parent Information evening, I talked about the need to set up good routines as early as possible in the school year. As the College enters the halfway point of the term often our, and our students, lives are full of Extra-curricular activities that seem to take up a lot of our time. To become successful learner’s, students must begin to plan their time and prioritize the work they have been given. One simple practical idea would be to have a timetable of weekly events, such as dancing, football practice etc. which can help students to see when they can complete their home learning. In class, the students are using their planners to write down any learning that needs to be completed at home. I encourage you to discuss the work with your child and help them to prioritize their time, completing the most urgent work first but also not forgetting which assignment is due the following week. Allowing your child to become responsible for their own learning and showing you the planner on a nightly basis can help to set up some good routines at home.

It was terrific to see so many of our students involved in the annual Swimming Carnival held at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre on Thursday 16 February. The day was a great success with lots of colour and excitement on the buses down to the pool. As it was my first Carnival, it was pleasing to see so many people swimming and competing in such a range of events. The novelty events were enjoyed by all with lots of students getting involved and scoring points for their Community. The pace in the 50m and 100m events was exciting to watch with far too many close finishes to count. At the end of the day, the relays provided some brilliant examples of school spirit with huge crowds supporting their classmates. In the finish, it was Greenwith who proved too strong and they earned a well-deserved applause when they were announced as the winners. A big thank you to all the staff who helped to organise and run the day. Mr Josh Willis, Director of Sport and Mrs Emma Hart, Extra-curricular Assistant deserve a special mention for the countless hours they spent in preparation for and in the running of the entire Carnival. Well done to everyone on another successful carnival.

On Wednesday of Week 4, the Year 7 cohort were out of the school on an excursion to Cobbler Creek Recreation Park. The students focussed on the local area and practiced some of the mapping skills they have been learning about in their core classes. The history of the local area and impact on the environment over time were just some of the areas the students focussed on. This is an example of the students making connections with what they are learning inside the classroom to the world around them. I am sure there will be many more like this in the year ahead.

Mrs Gillian Edwards


Mrs Gillian Edwards


It has been pleasing to see the students in Senior School commence the year in such a positive manner; but as we are nearing the middle of Term 1, it is timely to highlight a few reminders to ensure this positivity towards their learning continues.

The Year 10, 11 and 12 Term 1 Assessment Calendars have been distributed and students are encouraged to print off a copy and to highlight when their summative tasks are due. An additional copy on the fridge or somewhere prominent at home would also assist students to know when deadlines are due and to plan their time accordingly, with the support of their parents.

It was a pleasure to meet so many Year 12 parents at the recent Meet the Teacher evening. Some families are old hands at Year 12, having had previous children graduate from the College; however, every child is different. Others are experiencing Year 12 for the first time. We are here to provide support for all and the evening was a good opportunity for parents to hear the individual subject teachers outline the curriculum, expectations and assessments involved.

The importance of aiming to do one’s best and the need for a consistent effort throughout the year whilst still maintaining a balanced lifestyle was emphasised. One note of caution was made though regarding part-time work. Experts have indicated that more than 10 hours of part-time work a week has the potential to jeopardise the quality of a student’s final results. Whilst students may have financial commitments in terms of cars, mobile phones and the like, once again, it requires a balanced approach and the need to prioritise what is most important in this final year of secondary schooling.

We are waiting for the remainder of the furniture to arrive so that the refurbished Year 12 Study/Common room can be made available to students. Meanwhile, we congratulate them on the manner in which they have effectively used the Catford Library and the Wattle Centre as alternative study areas.

Students have expressed their satisfaction with the new Planner that has been issued this year. It contains a variety of suggestions and activities to promote learning and well-being on most pages. Some of these will be used in Home Groups and Community lessons as part of the Pastoral program; but students are also encouraged to individually read the tips and advice provided.

In a few weeks, the Year 10 students will be attending Camp Capabilities at the Coorong. This is the first year that we have introduced a camp at Year 10 level. Whilst there may be some reticence due to the challenging nature of the activities programmed and that the location is the same as the Year 9 camp late last year, we do encourage students to embrace this experience. As they enter Senior School, this camp is designed to build their resilience, thinking, teamwork and leadership skills, which will hold them in good stead for the challenging years to come.


ear 2 Assembly Week 4 2017


Friday, 24 February


On Friday 24 February, Year 2s presented an assembly with the theme ‘Provocations – Emotions Through Expressions’ which was part of their Inquiry Unit on ‘How We Express Ourselves.’
The students gave an informative presentation on how art and language is one of the diverse ways we express ourselves, where we can share our ideas and feelings in both paintings and writing.


The SVC would like to explain to parents and students as to which types of rubbish go into our new Recycling bins. Armed with gloves and holding their noses, the SVC recently examined the contents of 2 Recycling bins, only to be a little disappointed to see that rubbish was not being distributed into the correct bins.

The SVC would like to see the rubbish disposed of correctly. The only items to be placed in the new bins are ones which can get a 10 cent refund when taken to the Recycling Depot, ie plastic bottles, cans, drink cartons etc. The Recycling bins are recognized by their blue lids and have a ’10 cent’ logo placed on it.

For more information, please ask the SVC representatives in your class to explain.



As featured last year in Pedare’s newsletter The Vine, the Junior School donated $250 to WestCare as part of their ‘Flight of the Grounded Things’ project with author and storyteller Andrew McDonough. The WestCare Centre is run through Baptist Care and provides a place of hope, offering a range of services for the homeless, including housing assistance, counselling and also a place to get warm, shower and enjoy a nutritious meal.

Recently, the Junior School received an email from Andrew thanking Pedare for our donation and sharing with us how we helped to make a difference at WestCare. The Centre has now been able to install new air-conditioning and “was one of the few places able to offer air-conditioned facilities for people living on the street to safely relax and easily access water during our recent extreme heat.”

Pedare MSS Swimming Carnival 2017


Thursday 16 February

On 16 February, students from the Middle and Senior School participated in the annual Pedare Swimming Carnival at The Adelaide Aquatics Centre. The smell of chlorine was in the air as the five communities entered for the first sporting carnival of the year. It was wonderful to see so much colour and energy from the students as they anticipated the day’s events.

The highlight of the carnival was watching the competitive spirit between communities. While a swimmer’s focus is on community cup points and personal times, it was heartwarming to see the support that students had for each other. There were some fantastic team and individual performances throughout the day. Hillcott had the fastest three female swimmers in the Fast Five girls event as Gabrielle Howland won the race, closely followed by Adele Jansen and Holly Randell. (Adele had the second quickest female time of the day and is only in year 6!). Freddie Peircey (Surrey) claimed the gold in the Fast Five Boys, with Liam Crossland (Hillcott) and Jackson Dunn (Brooklyn) second and third respectively.

While Greenwith was victorious in winning the Swimming Carnival shield and the All-Age Community Relay, it is the opportunity these carnival events provide for our students to belong and succeed in their community. It is with great enthusiasm we prepare for Athletics day where students will once again display their sporting talents.



Monday 20 February

The importance of ‘responsibility in leadership’ was the focus for the Grip Leadership Conference that twelve Pedare Middle and Senior school student leaders attended recently at the Entertainment Centre.

In addition to having the opportunity to share ideas with other student leaders from schools in South Australia, the Pedare leadership team participated in enjoyable sessions that gave practical ideas and structures to help them do their best as a leader at the College this year.

The morning sessions included topics such as modeling values, upholding the trust of others, thinking outside the box and developing one’s own strengths. During the afternoon, the focus switched to turning ideas into action and seeking the support of your peers.

Presenters for the day used their own stories of student leadership to really connect with the students and had everyone out of their seats, dancing and laughing during the session break activities.

It is hoped the enthusiasm of the students at the conference is maintained into their upcoming leadership meetings. Their organisation, teamwork and communication in the coming weeks will be vital in ensuring they can plan and achieve their goals for 2017.

Below are some student comments:

“One of the things I learnt from the GRIP conference is that there are many ways to make a team work. Successful teamwork means sometimes doing it yourself, sometimes delegating to others but always working together for the same goal.”  

Mali Olafsen-Weaver, Sports Captain

“Something that I took away from the experience was to pre-plan and make sure that I have all the resources I need and to always ‘think outside the box’ when coming up with original ideas to help Pedare in the future with charity events.” 

Erin Brooks, Arts Captain

Year-7-Cobbler-Creek-hike 2017


Wednesday 22 February

For their Individuals and Societies classes, Mr Gale’s, Mr Goodall’s and Mr DeBoer’s Year 7 students participated in an excursion to the Teakle ruins in Cobbler Creek Recreation Park.

This provided the Geography classes with a real world task in which to investigate how location and place are important factors in human settlement and migration. The field work included exploring and sketching the ruins and determining use and position relative to the surrounding landscape. The local area was also investigated in terms of the early inhabitants – hunters and gatherers – represented by the Kaurna People.

This task enabled students to explore concepts in a deeper and meaningful way, make connections and develop their inquiry skills. As part of the IB MYP, students investigate concepts and contexts to a deeper level to encourage critical thinking and explore how we are connected to the world. It is great to be able to make use of the local resources and explore the Cobbler Creek Recreation Park trails.



A number of students raised concerns with the Year 12 PE teachers about undertaking Badminton as an assessed sport for Year 12 PE. As a result, the Year 12 PE SACE class has been offered the opportunity to participate in Lawn Bowls as an alternative option for a sport this year and a small number of students have elected to do this as part of the curriculum. Each Tuesday afternoon between 3:30-5:00pm, the students attend the Modbury Lawn Bowls club where they are assisted to learn the rules, participate in games and seek advice regarding technique and style from the PE teachers and members of the club. Despite the perception Lawn Bowls is played by older people, the whole class is really enjoying the opportunity to learn a new sport and develop our skills in this area.

The members involved in the Modbury Lawn Bowls club have been incredibly welcoming and extremely generous with both their time and knowledge. They have shown great enthusiasm towards the students and have created a supportive learning environment. This was particularly good, as most of the class have never played Lawn Bowls before and so embarked on this new adventure with some apprehension. What the students are discovering is that Lawn Bowls is actually lots of fun and requires a good skill level to be competitive in this sport. It has also created a great opportunity for Pedare to develop relationships with the local community and across the generations.

Thanks really need to go to Mr Hutchings and Mr Fennell for their willingness to listen to the request of the students and be so responsive to the need. They quickly developed a Lawn Bowls programme in conjunction with Modbury Lawn Bowls club and have worked alongside the students to develop our skills, knowledge and technique. The fact that they do this outside of school time and have developed a flexible PE programme shows their willingness to support the students in this really important year. If you want to learn a new sport, or come and watch the Year 12 students lock horns with the local Modbury Lawn Bowls members, you are welcome to come and see them in action on a Tuesday afternoon.

Mali Olafsen-Weaver, Year 12



Saturday 18 February

On 18 February, Shea Stringer, Year 10, held a charity event for Anglicare at Pedare’s College Chapel. The event was an art and photography exhibit for her Personal Project.

“This was one of the many ideas I had for the Personal Project because I have so many interests and hobbies, but photography is one of my most favourite hobbies and I would love to pursue it as a career. The exhibit idea came into mind when I was told about some previous projects and some ideas from charity websites during my research stage. I also love art and drawing as a hobby which is so enjoyable and I wanted a way to display it to many people and do it in a way to earn money for charity at the same time. The event was held in the Pedare College Chapel foyer, where it was set up to look like a real exhibit, using petition boards and tables to hang up many of the pieces I had created. During the holidays, I had spent most of my week’s planning, organising and painting for the event, and went on mini adventures to places such as Victor Harbor and Melbourne, where I took hundreds of photos which I then narrowed down to 150 for the exhibit itself. I bought many canvases and painted lots of paintings and created frames for photos in artistic ways for display. I had a few charities in mind to donate to, my favourite charities being Anglicare and AWL. I went with Anglicare because not only do they help out the less fortunate people, they do a range of things including Op Shops and working with the disabled and elderly. This appealed to me greatly and caught my eye straight away.

I reached out to a lovely lady whose name is Ramona Reynolds-Smith, who works for Anglicare and she loved the idea. She was a great help along the way with things such as promoting the event, setting up donation boxes and giving me some posters and magazines for the visitors to read. She came along with her amazing family and bought some of my art pieces for sale. I would like to thank her and her family for coming along to support and open the event with me, along with Mr Millard. I would also like to mention that my exhibit will be featured in some of their newsletters and magazines for Anglicare.  

Thank you to Mr Millard for coming along and informing everyone about the Personal Project. The event was a great success, whilst I am not permitted to announce the total amount raised, I will be announcing the winners of the raffle on Saturday 25 February. I would also like to thank the companies who donated money and gift cards: Coles, Woolworths, Foodland and Sports Power. Thanks also go to Tania, Zena, Bob and Megan for donating gifts for the raffle and to Megan for making all of the food. Overall the event was a successful one and I would love to do work for Anglicare again.”

Shea Stringer, Year 10

SPIN promo 2017


Wednesday 15 February 

On Wednesday 15 February, the launch of Pedare’s Specialist Program in Netball (SPiN) was held in the Wattle Centre at the Middle & Senior School.

Charlotte Veart, Pedare Old Scholar, Class of 2014, and now Tango Premiere league player and Fiona Themann from the Adelaide Thunderbirds, were the special invited guests.

SPiN at Pedare, endorsed by Netball SA has 2 strands, Curricular (SPiN), embedded into the Curriculum for Years 3-12 and Extra-curriculum (SPiN+), an opportunity to play competitive Netball representing the College through SA Districts Netball Association (SADNA). SPiN allows all students to develop specific netball skills whilst maintaining a focus on academic study. It is an integrated educational program focussing on the essential elements of Netball.

If you missed the launch night and would like to know more about SPiN at Pedare, contact Ms Fiona Hunter on


We encourage families to share their child/rens personal achievements from both within and outside of the College, as we understand learning doesn’t stop at the school gate. If your child has a special achievement, we welcome your submission. Articles of 100 to 200 words along with a good high-resolution photo can be emailed by clicking the button below.




As  Extra-Curricular sports starts up for a new year, we will feature articles below:


Knock Out Cricket




Knockout Extra-Curricular Cricket has started strongly this year with some good hard fought matches.

Year 8/9 Competition

On Saturday 18 February, Pedare played our first Year 8/9 Extra-curricular Cricket game for 2017. We batted first scoring 7/149 off our 24 overs. With many players putting runs on the board, our top batsmen were Harrison Croucher 30 not out, Ben Mason 25 not out and Angus McPherson 14 not out. St Michael’s came in and could only manage 7/46. A fantastic bowling effort by all, our top wicket takers were Ben Mason 2/1, Angus McPherson 1/0, Jaidyn Croucher 1/1, Harrison Croucher 1/3 and Bevan Wood 1/6.

Year 8/9 Knockout

On Monday 13 February, our Year 8/9 boys played in a Knockout Competition against Banksia Park International High School. Whilst we didn’t manage a win, the boys played well with good performances by Ben Mason who scored 40 not out and taking 1/14. Our other wicket takers were Cameron Dagger with 2/19, Bradley Langfield 1/4 and Henry Hollitt 1/19. We also took 2 run outs.

Senior Boys Year 10-12 – Open Knockout Cricket

On Wednesday 22 February, our Senior boys played in the Open Knockout Cricket Competition against Modbury High School. It was a close high scoring game with Pedare batting first and scoring 5/254 off 35 overs. Excellent batting performances by Ryan Clapp 68, Alex Carroll 56, Owen Hirons 47 and Lachlan Clapp 21 not out. Modbury came in and scored 3/235 in reply. Our wicket takers were Josh Gauci, Ryan Clapp and Owen Hirons. We are now looking forward to our next Knockout game.



A big Thank you to the Adelaide Universities CSER MOOC for filming the Pedare Robotics Team on Saturday 19 February.

The CSER organisation is funded privately and through federal providing STEM/Computer Science based resources to teachers across Australia. CSER were excited by what Pedare has been doing in the field of Robotics and sent a team film and interview our students. The footage will appear across their media channels and be incorporated into their learning material.



Extra-Curricular Fixtures are available on the Pedare App and on the College website.

Click here to view the Extra-Curricular fixtures online

Extra-Curricular Fixtures_web


Week 1


  • U14 Red – Pedare vs St David’s Magic Loss 3-30
  • U12 Red – BYE
  • U12 Blue – BYE

Week 2


  • U14 Red – BYE
  • U12 Red – Pedare vs St David’s Hoops Won 22-5 (MVP B Silby, O Dunn)
  • U12 Blue – Pedare vs SFX Jets Loss 6-32 (MVP J Povey)


  • Year 8/9 – Cancelled due to Hot Weather
  • Year 6/7 SAAS – Cancelled due to Hot Weather


  • Year 8/9 – Cancelled due to Hot Weather
  • Year 6/7 – Cancelled due to Hot Weather



Round logo

Kidz Biz (Over Exposed Under Prepared) Parent Only Seminar

Ms Wendy Hill, Principal Consultant/Educator at Kidz Biz Education will be visiting Pedare to run an information session for parents about the exposure young children have to information over the internet and how they can manage it. The information session will support parents to assist their children in making safe, timely and informed decisions. Put the date below in your diary to hear about this very important issue facing parents and families in our modern technological world.

Wednesday 8 March, 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the College Chapel. This is a Community Service event and you are welcome to invite family and friends to join you.

Please note:  Some of the content covered in this Information Evening is unsuitable for children, and therefore we recommend only adults attend.

“Young people today live in a time of rapid, ongoing and unparalleled social change and upheaval. Media exposure to violence, sexual images and escalating levels of family breakdowns all impact on them in some way. As an educator, business woman and mother, I believe it is extremely important that personal and social development education is made available to them in a positive and engaging way.”

Please follow the link for more information about Kidz Biz or click here to view the flyer.

Round logo

Parenting Toolbox Courses – Clovercrest Baptist Church

For those wanting to learn new strategies and skills for successful parenting, Parenting Toolbox courses are being run at Clovercrest Baptist Church in Terms 1 & 2. Select the course relevant to your stage of parenting and gain valuable insights and encouragement!

Click here for further information.

Our College Chaplain, John Morton, facilitates the 12-18 years course and would be happy to answer any questions you have about these courses.

Round logoAsh Wednesday Service

St Mark’s Anglican Church will hold an Ash Wednesday Service for College staff and families, together with St Mark’s members to be held at Pedare Christian College Chapel on Wednesday 1 March 2017 from 7.30am – 8.00am. Join with others to observe the commencement of Lent, a time when many Christians around the world prepare for Easter with a season of reflection and repentance. The Rev Mark Hawkes will lead the service, which will include Communion and the opportunity to receive the sign of the cross in ash for those who value that tradition.
For more information contact Mr John Morton (College Chaplain) on 8280 1700 or

Dance Images logo



Dance Images

Please note Dance Images will be utilising the Pedare College Chapel for Dance lessons commencing this year. For further information on their dance lessons, please click here.

Kids Club at St Mark’s

The Church of St Mark’s is running a fortnightly Kid’s Club Thursday afternoons for primary school age children. Sessions are from 3:30pm-5:00pm at 160 Wynn Vale Drive, Wynn Vale at the cost of $2 per child.
Click here for further information.

Tea Tree Gully Anglican

Generators Kids Club 2016 (Years R-6)
Come and join us. Generators Kids’ Club meets Fridays each fortnight for great games, craft and Bible time. Our next Kids’ Club is on Friday 3 March from 3:30-5:00pm. The craft this week is making a ‘Piped Playdough Picture.’ More info can be downloaded from our website. We meet at 19 Perseverance Rd TTG. See for more details or phone Rick on 8264 3736.

SWAT youth (Years 7-12)
Meets Friday each week at 7:30pm. Come for a great time of games, friendship and Bible discussion. Next meets on Friday 3 March.
We meet at 19 Perseverance Rd TTG. See for more details or phone Dave on 0403 723 953.

Weekly ServicesCheck out our website for more details
Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion
Sunday@10: Family service and children’s ministries. Communion on third Sunday of every month
Sunday@6.00pm: Youth, young adult and those young at heart. Communion first Sunday of every month. There is no children’s program, but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.


Please click here to visit the College Calendar for a full list of College events

Junior School

  • 28 February – Shrove Tuesday
  • 27 February – 1 March 9:00am – 2:30pm – Swimming Lessons
  • 1 March – Ash Wednesday
  • 2 March 9:30am – 12:30pm – Junior School Swimming Carnival
  • 8 March 7:00pm – 8:30pm – Kidz Biz (Over Exposed and Under Prepared) Parent Seminar (Parents Only)

Middle & Senior

  • 28 February – Shrove Tuesday
  • 1 March – Ash Wednesday
  • 1 March 10:50am – 11.:35am – Year 8 Immunisations Information Session
  • 7 March 4:00pm – 7:30pm – OPEN NIGHT
  • 8 March All Day – Year 7 Heritage Hike
  • 8 March 11:30am – 12:30pm – Year 9/10 Luca Lesson
  • 8 March 7:00pm – 8:30pm – Kidz Biz (Over Exposed and Under Prepared) Parent Only Seminar
  • 10 March All Day – Middle & Senior School Athletics Carnival