Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 3 for 2019

The Vine Issue 3 – 2019

March 8, 2019
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Mr Mike Millard


Mr Mike Millard


The time of Lent at Pedare

Students and staff have embraced the concept of Lent beginning with the special services and activities that occurred this week. For Christians, Lent is a time to take stock of what is happening in their lives and many commit to fasting or giving up certain foods, habits or luxuries as a way to prepare for the time of prayer, reflection and contemplation that takes place at Easter time.

Pedare’s observance of Lent began this week with the College Shrove Tuesday Pancake Day which helped to raise money for people in need through Uniting Care. This was followed the next day with special year level Ash Wednesday services for the Junior School where the focus was on how to be like Jesus in our day to day lives showing kindness, compassion and support for other students, our friends and our family.

The Lent period will culminate in the Annual Easter Service which will be held on Thursday 11 April. This service is for all Reception to Year 12 classes.

Middle and Senior Athletics Sport Day

Parents are invited to attend the Middle and Senior Athletics Day which will be held at Tilley Reserve on Friday 15 March. This is a fun day with great competition between the communities. Can I please ask parents to support our efforts to ensure every student comes to this event with a hat, sunscreen and clothing that helps to protect them from sunburn. The weather is usually still quite warm, and the UV ratings are high. A number of students get dropped at the Reserve and don’t come to school to catch the bus. These students often forget about bringing a hat for the day or their hats are in their school locker and cannot be retrieved. Parental assistance in this matter is very appreciated and shows great support of our Sun Protection policy.

Update on the One College Project

The first elements of the Junior School playground have been able to be used this week and the students are enjoying the chance to test out their climbing and balancing skills. The other key elements are being constructed adjacent to these items and the students have enjoyed seeing the rest of this playground coming together.

The Year 3-5 Stick playground has come to us from Germany and one of the major rails has developed large cracks on the topside which we believe is a finger entrapment safety issue. Please see the photograph below. The College is working closely with the Australian representative and the architects to get a resolution. We are not happy to accept the equipment is this state and will delay taking the equipment over. This is very disappointing for the students and staff and we hope to have some remedy in the coming weeks.

The Junior School Administration building, known as Acacia, has been handed over to us and the staff have moved in. This building houses Junior School Reception, offices for the Head of School and Assistant Head, the staff lunch room and a staff workspace. The Sports Centre will be handed over to the College on Friday 8 March which is very exciting. This is a wonderful space for learning and competition, and we know that it will be heavily used.

The Middle School Building is progressing with wall painting underway and the flooring beginning to be laid. This building is still on track for occupation in Term 2.


Mr Andrew Whiteman


Mr Andrew Whiteman


“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

A quote that is perfectly timed for Week 6 of Term 1. It’s around this time of the term that the student workload increases and the dreaded tests and assignments are at the forefront of our students’ minds. Taking the first step and getting an assignment underway is the best way to ease the stress that might be building up. I know that many Senior Students were nervously awaiting assessment results and trying to plan out their weeks ahead as the work requirements increase. The best advice I can give to students is for them to plan out their time and not be overwhelmed by the thought of it all. There are many staff that are here to help them and if everything seems too much to even get started, talking to a teacher or friend about this is very important. When we complete tasks or tick things off a to-do list, we feel a sense of accomplishment and the same should apply to assessments here at school. Handing them in comes with a sense of satisfaction and you can confidently move onto the next task.

At last week’s assembly, we presented our Pedare Student Voice (PSV) representatives with their badges. It is always an honour to see the fine young students we have and those that are willing to put their hand up for extra responsibility. The PSV meet on a regular basis and are the voice for all of the students in their year level. Being involved in the PSV gives students of all ages an opportunity to work with a whole new set of students, build on their public speaking skills, coordinate events, develop their leadership skills and importantly give them a chance to make a difference to the life of Pedare students. Congratulations also go to the 2019 Age Champions from the Swimming Carnival. I am always impressed with the level of commitment these students show to their sport and once again a number of records were broken.



We wish our Year 10 students safe travels and hope that they have an enjoyable experience at Loch Luna and Moorook Game Reserve during the Year 10 camp. Our students are split into boys and girls groups and build on the skills they have developed on previous Pedare camps to build rafts and paddle down the mighty Murray River. The essence of survival, working as a team and coming together to achieve a common goal are all themes that the students will experience on the camp. Sometimes it takes an experience like the Year 10 camp to really cement the bonds of friendship throughout the year level; achieving something together that many will find hard, also brings with it an immense sense of satisfaction.

In Week 5, an email was sent home to families of Senior Students highlighting some of the areas that we have been talking to our students about. The College uniform is a great looking uniform when it is worn correctly, and it is something that we ask your support with. Jewelry at the moment is an issue for some students who are not following the direction given to them; in particular the wearing of multiple earrings in the one ear lobe. A reminder that only one earring is permitted in each ear whilst wearing the College uniform.

Athletics Carnival approaches next week, and it would be wonderful to see as many families as possible to come and enjoy the day with us. The students will be in their Community tops and it’s always a wonderful sight. A reminder that it is compulsory that every student has a hat for the duration of the day.

Mrs Lauren Brooks


 Mrs Lauren Brooks


In Week 5, we addressed all Middle school students and commended them on a fantastic couple of weeks at Pedare. We shared with students the overwhelmingly positive feedback we have received from parents and staff in our community about moments where our students have demonstrated kindness and compassion. These ‘little things’ such as waiting in line patiently, opening the door for someone and saying please and thank you, can ultimately define our character and lead to us doing the ‘big things’ right too. One of my favourite speeches was delivered by Admiral William McRaven during his 2014 commencement address to graduates at the University of Texas, where he was reflecting on his 36 years as a Navy Seal. He began his address by suggesting we should all make our bed every morning! His reasoning was to ensure every morning, we accomplish a task that gives us a small sense of pride, setting us up for a successful day. It is to reinforce that it is important to do the little things right, before we can do the big things right. And if by chance you end up having a bad day, you come home to a bed well made, a bed that gives us encouragement that tomorrow will be a better day.

Alannah & Madeline Foundation

The Alannah & Madeline Foundation provided some fantastic workshops to Year 9 students over the past two weeks. The project, which began in 2018 with the Pedare community, has been educating Middle School students on bullying, especially cyberbullying, and helping transform our young people’s online relationships. The sessions promoted positive discussions amongst students about their online interactions and aimed to empower them to make informed decisions and good choices with their digital footprint. It is important that parents and teachers continue to support our young people to build their resilience, engage in respectful online interactions and to develop a range of strategies to know what to do if an online incident occurs.

Year 9 Community Project

It has been fantastic to see so many excited Year 9 students energised as they are about to embark on their Community Project journey! This project is a consolidation of their learning throughout the MYP and is a significant piece of work completed over an extended period of time. The purpose of the project is to address a need within the community and is done through the 4 criterion of the Community Project: Investigating, Planning, Action and Reflection. All of our students have been engaging with their supervisors over the past week and it has been great to see such initiative shown from many of Year 9 students reaching out to staff for this support.

Mr Randall Pearce


Mr Randall Pearce



Recently, I have noticed some trends that need to be brought to the community’s attention in regards to children arriving at school before 8:15am. Please note that under no circumstances should children be left unsupervised by parents until there is a teacher on duty from 8:15am. Should you need to drop children off prior to that time, can you please use the OSHC service provided, where children are supervised and will also receive a breakfast. OSHC before school care is open from 7:15am each morning.

On a similar note, parents are sitting with their children before the 8:15am supervision and, at times, this has been from as early as 7:30am. Please understand that this is a busy time for our Property and Grounds team and your presence inhibits their work to ready the school grounds for the day and so again I ask if you can delay your arrival to school until after 8:00am.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Next week, Tuesday 12 to Thursday 14 March, are Parent/Teacher Interviews. These are an invaluable experience for the teachers and we hope for you as parents. There is a huge body of research that points to the correlation between parent involvement in a child’s schooling and their educational success. We encourage parents to take be involved with their child’s learning by attending as many school functions as you can, especially events such as these. Celebrate the successes and together with your child and teacher work alongside each other to further develop any challenges.

Learning Journeys 

Learning Journeys will once again commence in Week 8 this term – Wednesday 20 March, and are a wonderful opportunity for students to celebrate their learning with parents and family.

All year levels will open their classroom and invite parents/caregivers to share in their learning. It involves classes showcasing completed work to their special guest. Each child will have the opportunity to share and reflect upon their different learning experiences, work, learning environments and classroom experiences.

Learning Journeys are valuable to the students, giving them the experience and enabling them to develop many different skills, including; responsibility, reflection, choice and control of their learning through self-evaluation.

Year 5 parents, please note that following on from Learning Journeys, Emily from Wilderness Escape will be offering a parent presentation from 6:30pm to 7:15pm.


We would like to remind all parents and staff entering the College grounds to adhere to the 10km/h speed limit, exercise due care and always follow car park signage. As a community, we share a responsibility to care for all students, not just our own. This means driving slowly, obeying the guidance of the staff on duty and parking in the appropriate places.

Parents, staff and students have access to car parking within the College grounds and this is a benefit to all concerned. The safety of all students is always one of our highest priorities and requires the cooperation of all drivers and pedestrians.

Surrey Farm Drive Car Park

Can all parents and caregivers please take extra care when dropping off or collecting children in the Surrey Farm Drive car park. We have noticed some drivers disregard the solid yellow line on the driveway which puts all students, particularly our younger students, at a significant safety risk. It is important we stay within the lines to ensure we are not too close to the pedestrian crossing and to avoid impeding the view for other people using the crossing.

It is critical that all parents can drop off and collect children in a safe manner. We are all busy people but rushing in this zone without the correct care and attention could result in an accident.

Junior School Car Park

With the new car park and ‘Kiss and Drop’ area now up and running, we would like to advise that the parallel parking lane, closest to the oval, is ‘kiss and drop’ only during both drop off and pick up times.  Please adhere to the following in the ‘Kiss and Drop’ area:

  • Vehicles must not stand in this zone for more than 2 minutes
  • Drivers must not leave their vehicles unattended in this zone
  • If your child is not waiting when you arrive to collect them, drive off and leave the zone free for parents whose child is waiting. The teacher on duty is there to supervise the safe collection of all children.

For older students, if possible, we suggest that the ‘pick up’ be delayed by 5 or 10 minutes.

Staff will be on duty to ensure that parents do not leave their vehicles unattended in the ‘Kiss and Drop’ zone. Please do not be offended if you are asked to move your vehicle on. The intention is to ensure that traffic moves swiftly, for the benefit of all, and avoids congestion.

The College is reviewing signage requirements in this area to assist parents and caregivers.

Please help us keep all our children safe by adhering to the road rules and taking extra care in our drop off and pick up zones, and utilise the available car parking spaces if staying, visiting or not remaining in your vehicle.

Do not use the Disabled car-parking spaces unless you display the correct disabled parking permit.

The College will continue to monitor traffic flow in our car parks. We thank you for your support and your commitment to ensuring the safety of all members of the College community.


We are receiving a number of requests from parents for messages to be passed on to their child during the school day. We ask that messages for students are limited to emergency situations only. Classrooms do not have telephones and it can disrupt learning to interrupt a class to pass on a message to a student. If plans for pick up after school change during the day, you can leave a message with the office staff. The College Office is open until 4:00pm and students, who are unsure of pick up arrangements after school, can go into the office and phone a parent.

Parents can also email their child, provided that they check their emails during the course of the day.



Pedare will once again be hosting it’s annual ‘Generations in Jazz’ fundraiser, with entertainment by Pedare’s Stage Band, Luminaire Vocal Ensemble and solo performances. The Shimmer & Shine Cabaret will be held on Thursday 4 April from 7:00pm in the College Chapel. Please click here to book your table/seats.



On Tuesday 5 March, the whole College came together to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. The event was held in the Wattle Courtyard where student leaders cooked and served pancakes to both students and staff. This was also a fundraiser with students and staff donating a gold coin and all proceeds going to Uniting Care.





On Wednesday 6 March, Pedare marked the commencement of Lent with Ash Wednesday services for all Junior School students. During the services, students chose to receive the sign of the cross with ash either on their forehead or hand. Rev Sue Page, Associate General Secretary of the Uniting Church in SA and a Reserve Chaplain at the Edinburgh RAAF Base, assisted in all three services which were held in the College Chapel, along with parents and caregivers who were welcome to attend. Students learnt that the season of Lent gives us time to think about how we can become more like Jesus: to do things to care for other people and show God’s love, even when we find it difficult to love. Many Christians use the time of Lent, to focus on preparing themselves for Easter. Students bowed their heads as each of the teachers led in prayer as they reflected on the importance of making the right choices to please God.

Students from Middle and Senior School, along with staff members and parents, joined with members of the St Mark’s Anglican congregation in Golden Grove for an Ash Wednesday service before school. The service was led by Rev Mark Hawkes, with members of St Mark’s and the College also contributing.

Mr John Morton – College Chaplain




The Junior School had a big week of swimming in Week 5 of this term, with students having fun while improving their skills. It was one of the hottest weeks on record, so it was perfect timing for the students but a little more challenging for staff and parents who weren’t able to cool off in the water. Thank you to the teachers and parents for their support during the swimming week, an event that always has a great community feel about it.

Swimming is a vital life skill for all children and especially children growing up in Australia who are surrounded by oceans and water.

The lessons highlight the importance of a basic level of swimming skills and water safety, which is promoted through the Junior School’s commitment to swimming for all year levels every year. To help prevent drowning, every child must have basic swimming, water safety skills and knowledge of how to be safe when they are in, on, or around the water, all of which are covered during our lessons at Water World.

The three days of lessons led us into the Junior School Carnival on Thursday 28 February. With slight modifications to the program to ensure safety for all concerned due to the heat, we congratulate the winning community Eldergreen, scoring ever so narrowly over Brooklyn.

Mr Heath Perry – Sport Coordinator R-5




During the Junior School Swimming Carnival week, Year 1 students worked to create a self-portrait of swimming underwater.

Students used a crayon resist white crayon with a blue watercolour wash on top. The oily or waxy crayon resists the wash to give an underwater look. Students had fun making the refracted patterns of light under the water and streams of bubbles from their mouths.

Mrs Karan Hudson – Learning Support and Enrichment



Congratulations to the following Middle School and Senior School students who were awarded their PSV (Pedare Student Voice) badges at the Awards Assembly on Thursday 28 February:





  • 6D – Rohan Thomas
  • 6H – Lorcyn Murdey-Green
  • 6M – Max Jamieson-Colmer
  • BGO – Grace Waugh
  • BSE – Maya McInnes
  • BTO – Paige Waugh
  • EKO – Isabella Griffiths
  • EPE – Angelina Jamal
  • EFI – Thomas Moyle
  • GCM – Manveer Chauhan
  • GMA – Adam Semmler
  • GWN – Deniz Dogancay
  • HGA – Charlie Corney
  • HRA – Samuel Gallamore
  • HZA – Joshua Rocca
  • SGB – Alex Smith
  • SYS – Gabby Smith
  • SGM – Charlie Monkhouse
  • BSS – Bradley Przibilla
  • BPE – Breanna Garvin
  • BTH – Erin Beattie
  • EWA – Baran Morkoc
  • EFO – Neel Puri
  • EOC – Alicia Jamal
  • GIR – Paris Hedger
  • GCA – Emma Colebrook
  • GTU – Thomas Murrell
  • HPC – Rumah King
  • HBR – Oliver Shephard-Bayly
  • HTY – Isabella Bogan
  • SWI – Vas Nair
  • SED – Nathan White
  • SPE – Eli Jeffs



On Friday 8 March, the Year 7 cohort headed out on the traditional Heritage Hike excursion. Students acted as critical thinkers and remained open-minded as they observed several artefacts and pieces of history located right on our door step in Golden Grove! Communication was key as students worked with their peers and members of the community to answer a series of questions along the way. Year 7s were able to reflect with their peers over a relaxing lunch at Café de Grove hosted by the Dell’Oro family.

Miss Bianca Cameron – Teacher, Year 7




In recent years, Pedare has had several students graduate and work as Urban and Town Planners, including Old Scholar Hannah Kennedy, Class of 2010. As the photographs show, Year 8 students are following in Hannah’s footsteps, completing geographical fieldwork assessing the liveability (or quality of life) of a neighbouring street. Students demonstrated a great attitude and willingness to learn. During the next week, each Year 8 student will then collect data for their own street and compare its liveability to Dotterel Court, Wynn Vale. Later in the term, students will experience a full day Liveability fieldtrip, examining the sustainability of Lochiel Park green village, the impact of urban consolidation on liveability, Felixstow renewal and a wetland ecosystem.

Mrs Lauren Brooks – Head of Middle School




The continuation of the Year 10 Camp Capability experience is now in its third edition in 2019, in the picturesque location of Loch Luna and Moorook Game Reserve in the Riverland region on the Murray River.

Students from the Year 10 cohort undertook the challenge of building a large raft using lengths of timber and barrels for flotation. Testing out their creations was the fun and, at times, frustrating part for many students; however, teams pushed through the challenge and found a solution which benefited all and allowed them to make their destination. Shelters were built to sleep under out of the rafts but many opted to sleep in open tents so they could fall asleep under the stars.

The flip side to the experience was the serene kayaking in the backwaters of Loch Luna, which provided students with some respite and the chance to take in the amazing scenery that the Murray River has to offer. Although it provided its own challenges through a few wrong turns and an out of water walk for some groups.

All in all, it was a long and tough few days on the water but a great start to the Senior School for the Year 10 cohort. Students will find that the challenges they overcame on camp together will progress their personal development and help to set them up for a successful education experience over the next few years.

Highlights of the Year 10 Camp will be featured in the next issue of The Vine.

Mr Michael Secomb – Camp Coordinator



On Wednesday 27 February, Year 11 & 12 Music students attended The Adelaide Fringe and were wowed by the acapella vocal group The Magnets. This was a great way for our students to immerse themselves in the Arts and be inspired as performers, and were lucky enough to get a group photo at the end of the performances.



We encourage families to share their child/rens personal achievements from both within and outside of the College, as we understand learning doesn’t stop at the school gate. If your child has a special achievement, we welcome your submission. Articles of 100 to 200 words along with a good high-resolution photo can be emailed by clicking the button below.



Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:

TTG SAPSASA & SSSA Swimming Championships



Week 6 saw Pedare teams compete in the SAPSASA and School Sport SA Swimming Championships.

On Monday, swimmers from Years 6-12 competed in the SSSA Swimming Championships at the SA Aquatic and Leisure Centre, Marion. All swimmers participated very well, and many achieved personal best times. Several students won individual races and many others placed highly. Overall the team’s effort on the day saw Pedare finish 3rd in the combined competition. A fantastic achievement in our first year in C grade.

On Tuesday, swimmers from Years 4-7 competed in the Tea Tree Gully SAPSASA Swimming Carnival at Waterworld. The team competed against a number of primary schools from the Tea Tree Gully area. Our students participated with skill and determination and came away as the overall winner of the carnival. Many Pedare students have now been selected to compete for Tea Tree Gully District at the 2019 State SAPSASA Championships.

These achievements are a great reward from many of our students who swim on Friday mornings with the Pedare Swim Squad and other students who swim for local clubs. We are hoping that our numbers continue to grow, and our swimming success continues into the future.

Mr Josh Willis – Director of Sport R-12



Extra-Curricular Fixtures are available on the Pedare App and on the College website.

Click here to view the Extra-Curricular fixtures online

Extra-Curricular Fixtures_web





  • U 12 Blue – Pedare vs Prescott Titans – Loss 6 – 17
  • U14 Blue – Pedare vs Trinity Taipans – Won 16 -12 (MVP Whole Team)
  • U14 Red – Pedare vs SJMS Blue – Won 28 – 12 (MVP Whole Team)


  • Year 8/9 – Pedare vs PAC – Won 7/134 – 5/95


  • Sub Junior 1 – Pedare vs Tango – Forfeit
  • Sub Junior 2 – Pedare vs Modbury Hawks 2 – Loss 11 – 13 (MVP Talia, Mia)
  • Junior 1 – Pedare vs Campbelltown Comets 2 – Loss 23 – 39
  • Junior 2 – Pedare vs Golden Grove 3 – Loss 4 – 43
  • Sub Primary 1 – Pedare vs Phoenix 1 – Won 11 – 4 (MVP Kaylah, Jordyn, Grace)
  • Sub Primary 2 – Pedare vs Central District 1 – Loss 5 – 10
  • Sub Primary 3 – Pedare vs Gemini 2 – TBA
  • Primary – Pedare vs TTG 6 – Won 8 – 5
  • Intermediate – Pedare vs Golden Grove 1 – Won 46 – 15


  • Primary – Pedare vs St Peters College 2 – Won 7 – 2 (MVP Stephen)
  • Middle – Pedare vs St Peters College – Won 50 – 46 (MVP Kailee, Emily)
  • Senior – Pedare vs PAC 1 – Won 7 – 2


  • Open Middle – Pedare vs Pulteney Grammar 1 – Won by FORFEIT
  • Open Mixed – FORFEIT
  • Senior Girls – Pedare vs Kildare 1 – TBA



  • U12 Blue – Pedare vs Bullets – No Game – Cancelled
  • U14 Blue – Pedare vs Prescott Gladiators – Loss 6 – 29 (MVP Whole Team)
  • U14 Red – Pedare vs SJP Tigers – Won 35 – 16 (MVP Whole Team)





Code Camps are Back for the April School Holidays


Code Camp is thrilled to return to Pedare Christian College during the April School Holidays to teach your child how to code or help them continue on their coding journey, so they can build their very own iPhone or Android apps! We will be offering a mixture of Camps these holidays to cater for students in Years 2 to 7. Camps will take place from 15 – 17 April and bookings are now open via this link:

Spark for 7 – 12 years old. Start your Code Camp journey here.

Web Hackers for 8 – 13 years old.  Brand new – students will build their own website at Code Camp! Learn HTML, CSS & JavaScript to create a multi-page website on a topic of their choice.

Please click here for more information.




P&F Association AGM


REMINDER: The Parents and Friends Association (P&F) is a voluntary organisation run by an energetic committee. College parents, grandparents and friends across all year levels are welcome to join the P&F. The aim of the association is to organise activities throughout the year to bring the Pedare Community together to both friend raise and fundraise for the benefit of our students. We warmly welcome members of the College Community to participate in the activities arranged by the P&F, either as a member of the Committee, an event volunteer or to volunteer in the P & F Shop. The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 18 March, at 7:30 pm in the Wattle Centre at the College. New members are invited and welcome to attend.

If you would like to have an active role in the College Community and make some great new friends, please email




Tea Tree Gully Anglican


Marriage Course

The Marriage Course is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your spouse and build a strong and healthy marriage that lasts a lifetime. A strong, loving and lifelong relationship doesn’t happen by chance. It takes effort and dedication to keep fun and romance alive. We can all learn how to make even the happiest marriage better.

The next Marriage Course will run on Thursday evenings in May – June 2019 (May 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, June 6th, 13th). We meet at 6:30pm for a 6:45pm start and end before 9:00pm. Each evening a special supper will be served so you’ll only need a light dinner before arriving.

It is strictly limited to 10 couples, so get in quick. Click here to register

SWAT Youth (Years 7-12)

Meets Friday each week during school term at 7:30pm. Come for a great time of games, friendship and Bible discussion. We meet at 19 Perseverance Rd TTG. Click here for more details or phone Dave on 0403 723 953.

Weekly Services – Check out our web site for more details.

Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion.

Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries.

Sunday@6pmYouth, young adult and those young at heart. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.




Gifted & Talented Children’s Association of SA


On Thursday 21 March, the Gifted and Talented Children’s Association of SA has organised an event for Gifted Awareness Week which will explain the terminology and importance of understanding, valuing and providing for gifted students. Lesley Henderson, one of Australia’s most respected educators in the field of Gifted Education, will present on this year’s theme – Belonging. This is a great opportunity to build on identifying and catering for the gifted student. If you would like further information about this session please click here.