The Vine Issue 7 – 2017

All the latest news and events in Pedare's The Vine Newsletter. Middle & Senior Athletics, Harmony Day, TTG District Swimming winners, Receptions Visit the South Australian Art Gallery plus messages from the College Principal and Heads of School.

The Vine Issue 6 – 2017

All the latest news and events in Pedare's The Vine Newsletter. Middle & Senior Athletics, Harmony Day, TTG District Swimming winners, Receptions Visit the South Australian Art Gallery plus messages from the College Principal and Heads of School.

Generations in Jazz 2017

Pedare students compete in Generations in Jazz 2017 Pedare students left today (5th May) to attend Generations In Jazz Festival held in Mt Gambier from the 6-8 May. Generations in Jazz will be attended by thousands of highs school students from all over Australia to compete in Stage Band and Vocal Ensemble competitions. The festival