Pedare - Remembrance Day 2017
Junior School

Pedare Anglicare Angels 2017

February 21, 2018

Each year, AnglicareSA grant a group of South Australian students the special privilege of being their ‘lead angels’. This year, we at Pedare, have been granted that special honour.

The role of the AnglicareSA Angels is to help with fundraising – something that we do very well at Pedare, especially when we see people in need. Being an Angel school is a big responsibility and one that all Anglican schools take very seriously. 2017 is our year to shine brightly and lead the way in helping AnglicareSA help those in need.

To help kick start this wonderful opportunity as AnglicareSA Angels, the Captains organised ‘Sceanie Day’. This was to help with the winter appeal and students were encouraged to wear casual clothes, beanies and scarves or both – hence the name ‘Sceanie’. A gold coin donation was made on the day and many donations of blankets, scarves, beanies, gloves and clothing filled the foyer at the Junior School.  We raised an amazing $543.60 which enabled the captains to go shopping and buy more supplies. This was supported by Big W and their manager – Jasmine who helped our dollars go further by giving us a ‘Wish Card’ and making sure the items we purchased were on sale.

On Friday 2 June, the Pedare Junior School community passed on their generosity to AnglicareSA during Worship. The captains had great delight in presenting these gifts (which totaled 12 baskets) and a cheque for $1000.00 to Mr Peter Burke – Director, Mission and Anglican Community Engagement and Ms Ramona Reynolds-Smith – Key Partnerships Manager. A true example of seeing our Christian ethos at work.

When Pedare Junior School’s Anglicare Angels were made aware that some students in Adelaide schools were going to school without lunch, they decided this was a fabulous opportunity to spread God’s love and to help others in the community. The Year 2s and their Year 5 buddies acted by making cheese sandwiches to be wrapped up and then donated to other schools in need where they will be frozen and distributed to the children as required.

This is a wonderful initiative and one that will be a great service to many others. Well done Anglicare Angels.

Scenie Day-5
Sandwich Day 2017-2
Scenie Day-8
Sandwich Day 2017-1