Pedare - Hair Scare - World's Greatest Shave

Pedare Hair Scare 2018

February 16, 2018

As part of the current Junior School Worship theme promises, Randall Pearce, Head of Junior School, Melissa Clifton, Assistant head of Junior School and Mr Russell Hopper, Junior School Property & Grounds, promised if the Pedare Community raises $5000, they will shave their hair as part of the World’s Greatest Shave. The World’s Greatest Shave is a fundraiser organised by the Leukaemia Foundation and you can make a donation until 16 March. Melissa, Randall & Russell will shave their hair at the Junior School Assembly at 2pm, 16 March.

Cancer is one of those things people can find difficult to speak about – so we have decided not to talk but act! Unfortunately, there are few people unscathed by this horrible disease. It seems that we all know someone who has a connection with this disease; whether it be personally, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandparent, uncle, aunt or friend. Cancer does not discriminate – it knows no bounds. It does not care about your age, the colour of your skin or your religion.

If this shave helps one person who is dealing with blood cancer then it is worth it! As someone wise once said, “From little things, BIG things grow.” If this small act can make a difference or help towards the greater good – then it is worth every skerrick of hair!

By sponsoring Pedare’s Hair Scare, you will give Aussie families facing blood cancer the emotional and practical support they need. Blood cancer claims more lives than breast cancer or melanoma. And today another 35 people will be given the devastating news they have leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma or another blood disorder.
