Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 1 for 2020

The Vine Issue 1 – 2020

February 7, 2020
The Vine logo


Mr James Tamblyn


My thanks and gratitude to the staff, students and families of Pedare for the warm welcome you have extended to me over my first month at the College. I have appreciated the opportunities to meet with many of you and look forward to connecting further at our upcoming Parent Information Evenings on Wednesday February 12.

It was wonderful to welcome our students for the commencement of the academic year last week. I’ve spent time with each year level and have been most impressed with the settled and organised manner in which the year has begun.

I encourage you all to speak to the relevant staff here at the College should you require any support or clarification. One of my central beliefs about an exceptional education is that relationships are at the core. Strong connection between students and teachers, complemented by regular communication between school and home, are imperative. If you need any support or have any questions, please ensure you reach out and allow our staff to support you as required.

Pedare has some incredible opportunities to explore as we enter the new decade. One such opportunity that is gaining the College global exposure is in the field of Robotics and Digital Technology, led by Digital Technologies teacher Emil Zankov. Last year Pedare ran the VEX Robotics Competition, the only South Australian school to do so. This resulted in a number of our teams making the national tournament in December where they performed exceptionally well.

Dr Ady James was involved as a judge throughout this tournament, and on the back of this invited Emil to present to the Southern Hemisphere Space Program (SHSP). The SHSP invites participants from around the world to experience a five-week camp on all things space. As an invited lecturer to the program, Pedare was able to demonstrate, to an informed audience, the exceptionally high level of STEM engagement offered to our students.

As a final part of the SHSP, our 2019 Senior Robotics Competition students presented to all the participants, and University of South Australia Engineering and Education faculty lecturers. They were also invited to tour the Engineering and Mechatronic facilities.

Industry connections are a critical part of education. Throughout the year we look forward to furthering our reach with a number of industries to provide our students the best possible STEM experiences, both inside and outside the classroom environment. Congratulations to Emil, his team of staff and all students involved in the world-class Technology program being facilitated at the College.

Whiteman Andrew Final


Mr Andrew Whiteman


Welcome back to 2020 and what a start it has been. It was such a positive start on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week as our students streamed in the doors with excited (and some nervous) faces all bursting to see their friends and classmates again. Our new students were welcomed, and, in true Pedare fashion, newcomers were well looked after. The first days at a new school are certainly not easy and congratulations to all students who started this year for your courage and willingness to meet new friends. We hope you have an enjoyable and productive time here at Pedare.

Senior students returned on Wednesday and I spoke with them about embracing the challenges that are ahead of them. There should not be many surprises for them this year as they know that each year the workload increases in difficulty and amount. They know this and I have asked them to look forward to the challenge and embrace the fact that when things are hard, you work harder to conquer them and, with that, brings even greater and better rewards. We are here at Pedare to not only become better students but also to be better people, better friends, better sons and daughters. As Year 12 students enter their final year, I wish them every success for their year at Pedare.

We warmly welcomed our new College Principal, Mr James Tamblyn, who has started his tenure at Pedare this term. James has brought a renewed sense of excitement to the College and sees the College through fresh eyes. I encourage you all to come and speak with James in the upcoming welcome mornings or evening events listed below. In such a short time it is already clear that James brings with him a sense of genuine warmth and care for the students and community at Pedare.

There are a number of events coming up that we are pleased to invite parents to, and hope that you will come and meet your childrens’ teachers or see your child compete on the sporting field:

  • Wednesday 12 February: Year 6-11 Parent Information Evening – A chance to mingle with other families and staff and hear from some of the key staff at Pedare and meet with teachers.
  • Thursday 13 February: MS/SS Swimming Carnival at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre
  • Wednesday 19 February: Year 12 Parent Information Evening – Year 12 teachers will speak with all parents and be available for questions.
  • Friday 13 March: MS/SS Athletics Carnival at Tilley Reserve

We warmly welcome you to these events and look forward to seeing you there.

The term has started well, and students are settling back into the routine. A reminder to senior students about their subject choices; students completing a Stage 2 subject have until Friday of Week 3 to speak with me about any changes they are considering. Year 12 is a big year and students really need to be working hard from the very first weeks and any changes after this will put them at a disadvantage and is not in their best interests. Other students have a further week if they are considering a change. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you would like any information regarding academic progress.

This week communication was sent home to Middle and Senior School families regarding the Continuous reporting process and how we intend to increase our communication within the SEQTA Engage platform. If you require help with this, please contact the College Office.

I look forward to touching base with you at the upcoming events.

Mrs Lauren Brooks


 Mrs Lauren Brooks


On behalf of our staff I would like to welcome all of our children and families back to our 2020 school year. It was wonderful to see our students settling in so well to their classes this week. I would like to thank our excellent team of staff who have ensured a very smooth start to the year due to meticulous preparation and planning. From the very first class, students have been engaged in innovative and exciting lessons with their teachers and enjoyed a positive and happy atmosphere in our school.

In our first few days we have been talking with students about our expectations and what it means to be a part of our College. We have high expectations of all of our students and demand excellence from them each and every day. Every student is important and will be cared for by our staff. Our teachers will come into school each day with an open mind, continually working to support and motivate whilst encouraging students to strive to be the best version of themselves. I ask all of our students to come into school each day with a growth mindset, a positive attitude and willingness to take on the challenges our teachers set for them.

Last year, we opened Mallee, our beautiful new Middle School, that offers some of the most incredible learning facilities in South Australia. In 2019, we enjoyed seeing the learning experiences begin to evolve into more collaborative, creative, flexible and individual opportunities. We are very excited to continue on this journey in 2020 to see even greater opportunities for students within our Mallee building. Some of these include the opening of our new Launch Room, The Green House, Farm Bots and the continuation of the Green Screen Room, Aquaponics and Robotics; to ensure we can provide learning experiences that inspire every individual to love learning at Pedare. Within Mallee, our Middle School, lives opportunity.

It is my pleasure to introduce some new staff members to our 2020 teaching team. We welcome Miss Taymar Rowe (Year 8 Core teacher), Miss Alana Glapa (Year 6 Core teacher and SPIN Co-ordinator), and I am also very happy to introduce Mr Josh Willis as our new Assistant Head of Middle School. Our Middle School teaching staff are a dynamic, creative, hardworking team who are looking forward to supporting your son or daughter’s learning journey with us in 2020.

We hope to see many families at the Pedare Information Night on Wednesday 12 February from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. This will be an opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and learn some more details about 2020 opportunities. There will be nibbles and music provided by our students and it will be great to see you there!

Mr Randall Pearce


Mr Randall Pearce


On Tuesday 28 January, we welcomed in the new school year, with 51 new Reception students and 25 new students from Year 1 to Year 5, totalling 318 students who are now enjoying their first school days of 2020 in the Junior School.

It was wonderful to see the many smiling and excited faces hearing about their summer adventures and sharing in their hopes and dreams for the school year. It is also great to see such positive staff and I thank all for their involvement.

On Monday 10 February, we will induct our newly elected ‘Pedare Student Voice’ students, selected from each class to represent their peers and to help improve Pedare each day through their actions and ideas. This year, at assembly, I will share a simple message or theme for the year, that I hope will resinate with our College Community.

“Don’t stand by, stand up!”

Students, from time to time, will see behaviours or actions from others that they know are not right or may upset them and at that moment in time they are presented with a choice – do I….

  1. Walk by, or do I
  2. Stop to check if things are alright and then do I
  3. Speak up or Stand up

At our PSV assembly, Mrs Davis and the Junior School Captains will share the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ where Jesus was presented with a choice and so my challenge to the students this year is: Make the right choices that will help create a better and more peaceful world?

With this in mind, I plan to explore the following choices and focuses for the year, which I hope will transcend the school gate and into your homes.

  • Manners are a choice – always choose your best manners and know that ‘Please and Thank You’ are the three most important words
  • Greeting people well is a choice – start your day greeting people well with ‘Good Morning’ and giving eye contact
  • Including all students in your games is a choice – if you see someone alone / sad welcome them into your games
  • Littering or not putting your rubbish in the bin is a choice – you all can help by putting your rubbish in a bin and serving our school by helping out should there be rubbish on the ground
  • Wearing your uniform with pride is a choice – know what is expected and go beyond
  • If someone is mean or rude choose to stand up, talk to someone so we can all help.

I am looking forward to a fantastic 2020, working alongside you as we share this immense privilege of guiding our next generation of learners and leaders.


To ensure that there is clear communication between school and home, it is extremely important that parents notify the College of any changes to their contact details.

As parents know, the College rarely uses traditional post to communicate with parents. Rather, information about day to day matters, extra-curricular activities, events and the fortnightly newsletter The Vine are emailed to parents.

In addition, there are a number of situations when we may need to contact a parent (or a designated emergency contact). This may be when a child is ill or injured and needs to be collected from school. Whilst of course, the most common reason to contact a parent is to discuss a matter concerning their child.

Please ensure your contact details are updated with the College as Pedare needs to record your residential address, mailing address, contact numbers of both parents and preferred email address for communication.

If there has been any change in your family circumstances, please also ensure the College has a copy of any Court or Parenting orders. To advise any changes, please email the Community Relations Manager, Julie Holland

Mrs Julie Holland – Community Relations Manager


Rev Mark Hawkes will lead the service, which will include Communion and the opportunity to receive the sign of the cross in the ask for those who value that tradition. For more information, please click here.



Ash Wednesday Services – Junior School

As an Anglican and Uniting Church school, Pedare celebrates Ash Wednesday with in-school services for all Junior School students. During these services, students may choose to receive the sign of the cross with ash on their forehead or hand.

This year, our service, led by College Chaplain Mr John Morton and Rev Sue Page, will be held on Wednesday 26 February, in the College Chapel. Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend. For times of services and more information, please click here.



Academic Achievement Assembly

Year 8 – Camp

Earn & Learn Resources


On Thursday 6 February, 13 students from the Class of 2019 were welcomed to Pedare’s 90+ Club at the Academic Assembly. It is wonderful to see the high level of achievement and success our students reach each year, and 2019 was no different. We congratulate Jack Hynds as the Dux of the College, whose ATAR was an outstanding 98.1. In 2019, 100% of Pedare students completed SACE; 19% were placed in the top 10% of the State; 50% were placed in the top 20%; 2 students received 6 A results – Holly Randell and Ashley Sarich; 6 students received 5 A results – Jack Hynds, Alexander Booth, Kate Dewis, Aavi Puri, Connor Pullinger and Jorja Solly.

Congratulations to the following students:

Jack Hynds (98.1) – College Dux 2019

Merit: Mathematical Methods

Pathway: Computer Science (Advanced), University of Adelaide

Alexander Booth (97.75)

Pathway: Pharmacy (Honours)

Nicholas Silby (96.6)

Pathway: Physiotherapy (Honours) – Uni SA

Lachlan McPherson (96.15)

Pathway: Computer Science (Advanced) – University of Adelaide

Ashley Sarich (95.55)

Pathway: Bachelor of Law (Honours) & Bachelor of Journalism & Professional Writing – Uni SA

Holly Randell (93.8)

Pathway: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Architectural Structure – Uni SA

Khadija Rana (92.75)

Pathway: Considering Bachelor of Law or Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering

Sarun Edakkadan (92.35)

Pathway: Computer Science (Advanced) – University of Adelaide

Kate Dewis (92.15)

Pathway: Bachelor of Secondary Teaching with a Bachelor of Arts – University of Adelaide

Owen Hirons (92.15)

Pathway: Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) – Uni SA

Jorja Solly (92.0)

Pathway: Bachelor of Design & Marketing – Uni SA

Connor Pullinger (91.5)

Pathway: Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama) – Flinders University

Aavi Puri (90.25)

Pathway: Bachelor of Criminology – University of Adelaide


Other Merit Award:

Chloe Archer

Merit: General Mathematics

Congratulations to the Year 12, Class of 2020 who were presented with their badges at the Academic Assembly on Thursday 6 February:

Class of 2020


Class of 2020


Class of 2020


Class of 2020


Class of 2020


Holly Randell, Class of 2019 – Reflecting on Year 12

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated as Academic Captains for 2020:

2020 Academic Captain

Maya Smale

2020 Academic Captain

Soniya Panakkal



Year 8 Camp

In only the second week of school for 2020, Pedare’s Year 8 cohort travelled down to ‘Little Eagle Campsite’ on Hindmarsh Island for their outdoor experience, the timing of which aims to help develop relationships, problem solving abilities, challenge comfort zones and a chance for students to enjoy the outdoors.

The program involves students completing an overnight kayaking expedition to the Investigator Eco Centre on Currency Creek. Surfing lessons on Goolwa Beach and camp craft at ‘Little Eagle Campsite’. Students this year also experienced the wonders of Granite Island due to unfavourable kayaking conditions in the afternoons. Building on previous years programs, students cooked their own meals on camp stoves that were provided, and the general consensus was pasta was the ‘go-to’ meal, some creations were more exotic than others. Life lessons were had, and memories were created. Surfing was a new experience and the waves at the famous Goolwa Beach did not disappoint with many students succeeding at their own level and with smiles on their faces and laughter in the air. Competing with peers in team challenges at base camp, where students worked positively with one another to build shelters, catch makeshift water and play an epic game of Powerball, proved to engage all who gave one hundred percent effort.

While the first challenge for students is the daunting prospect of heading into the wilderness in only the second week of the term, once they arrive, all preconceptions are forgotten, and the fun starts immediately. We look forward to seeing the Year 8 cohort continue to practice the skills learned back at the College and on future Pedare Outdoor Experiences.

Mr Michael Secomb – Director of Sport, Camp Coordinator



In 2019, Pedare participated in the Woolies Earn and Learn promotion. Our wonderful College Community collected over 60,000 stickers which we were able to redeem for resources for the College. We thank everyone that contributed and are happy to share with you some of the items the students are now able to enjoy as a result of this promotion.

The Junior School Library has a set of floor cushions for the students to use when silent reading or during story-telling time. There is also a set of four ottomans which have been very popular.

The new Mallee building now houses a number of large colourful cushions currently being used in the Year 6 and Year 7 classrooms.

Library Staff


Congratulations to Kai Gres, Class of 2019, who, on Tuesday 28 January, attended a ‘Australian Defence Force Academy Sign-in Ceremony’ at the Keswick Barracks.

Kai has been offered a placement at ADFA after successfully navigating through the rigorous selection process and upon achieving the required ATAR. Kai’s family were there to farewell him as he set off after the Ceremony for Canberra, where he will study a Bachelor of Arts, as well as begin military training.

Well done Kai.

Mrs DeBoer | Campus Defence School Mentor



Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:



Week 1


  • Sub Primary 1 – Pedare vs Tea Tree Gully 3 – Cancelled due to weather
  • Sub Primary 2 – Pedare vs Golden Grove 6 – Cancelled due to weather
  • Primary 1 – Pedare vs Tango 6 – Won 24 – 8
  • Primary 2 – Pedare vs Golden Grove 6 – Loss 6 – 8




Tea Tree Gully Anglican


SWAT Youth (Years 7-12)

Meets Friday each week during school term at 7:30pm. Come for a great time of games, friendship and Bible discussion. We meet at 19 Perseverance Rd TTG. Click here for more details or phone Dave on 0403 723 953.

Weekly Services – Check out our web site for more details.

Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion.

Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries.

Sunday@6pmYouth, young adult and those young at heart. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.