Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 10 for 2022

The Vine Issue 10 – 2022

August 5, 2022
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Mr James Tamblyn


My thanks to all students, staff and families for your contributions to a very positive and relatively uninterrupted start to Term 3. A special welcome to all families joining the College this term, including our new Mid-Year Reception students and their families. 

With COVID-19 and flu cases high across the state, we appreciate the steps that community members continue to take to keep each other safe. We’ll monitor case numbers at the College very closely and keep families informed of any changes to settings as required. At present, mask-wearing for all adults and students in Years 3-12 is strongly encouraged by SA Health, a measure we very much endorse. 

I had the pleasure of attending a number of annual events towards the end of Term 2. The Year 12 Formal was held at the Convention Centre and was a fabulous evening of celebration for our Year 12 students and their families. A beautiful feature of this event is the involvement of families for the first part of the evening, where they can share with their children the fun and atmosphere of the night. It was wonderful to have so many family members in attendance, and we look forward to all the milestones in the second half of the year that will mark the final weeks of our graduating students’ journey at the College. 

Year 12 Formal – Friday, 1 July at Adelaide Convention Centre

The Year 9 Community Project Evening was held on Thursday, 30 June. This project is a culminating experience of the IB MYP Program and the evening provides an opportunity for students to share their research and initiatives with families, friends and staff. Again, the event was incredibly well-attended, reflecting the strong connection between families and the learning program, and the commitment that parents and guardians continue to demonstrate in support of their children’s learning. The quality of presentations on display was exceptional. I thank and congratulate all Year 9 students, recognise the work of the staff involved, and commend the leadership of our MYP Coordinator Hayley Mayer whose work in this space is integral to the ongoing success of our IB curriculum.

Year 9 Community Project Evening – Thursday, 30 June

Families visiting the Junior School regularly will see the progress of our new OSHC facility, which is coming along nicely. As per the ‘Coming Soon’ update circulated to the community last term, a number of other projects scheduled for the second half of this year remain on track for commencement and completion. We look forward to keeping families up to date with the progress of these exciting initiatives as we continue to identify opportunities to grow and enhance the facilities and resources available to our students.

Progress of the new OSHC and Vacation Care facility


Mr Andrew Whiteman


It was with delight that we welcomed our students back last week after the extended holiday break. The schoolyard came to life very quickly as students filled the College with their energy and desire to see their friends. The break allowed many families to do something different, change the daily routine, not prepare school lunches or worry about the bus timetable. It was a very welcome break after Term 2! I hope that the holidays allowed your family time to recharge the batteries in readiness for the second half of the year. 

Returning to school, we have seen a number of staff and students who have had to take time away, either through testing positive for COVID-19, Influenza or general sickness. We are mindful that any absence can affect student learning and have been encouraging students to maintain physical distance, wear a mask and wash their hands regularly. A reminder that students with cold and flu symptoms must stay home to help stop the spread of infection. Students who are at home, but are feeling well enough, can access all learning materials in their Google Classrooms. We hope that, with the warmer months on their way, we can see a reduction in sickness in our community. 

For our Year 10 and 11 students, the exciting prospect of choosing their 2023 subjects has already begun. Students have received detailed information and now have the next two weeks to discuss options for 2023 with their subject teachers. Please use this link for the 2023 Senior School Curriculum Handbook for detailed information on each subject area. Thank you to all families who have booked a Future Pathways conversation for Week 3 or 4. This important time with your child and a subject counsellor will help to shape their future here at Pedare and beyond. Please do not be too concerned if your child is unsure of their pathway, there are many students just like them, and we are here to guide them. Please contact the College Office if you have any trouble booking one of these sessions. 

Our Year 12 students have returned with a determined attitude and a desire to work hard for the remainder of their time at Pedare. It has been great to see so many students using their time effectively and seeking assistance at any available opportunity. Another layer of support is the upcoming Year 12 Parent/Teacher interviews, which will be held on Monday, 15 August, in the Mallee building. Our Year 12 students are at a very important time in their lives, and strengthening the partnership with home and school can help to ensure good outcomes over the coming months. Please contact the College Office if you are unable to make the allocated time for these interviews to arrange another time that is mutually convenient. 

We look forward to a productive term ahead.


 Mr Callum Iles


The Power of Consistency

I was talking to a friend who works in the school wellbeing space about how one of the biggest problems young people face is finding someone they feel comfortable speaking to when experiencing difficulties. In the face of the ‘moveable feast’ of changing teachers and pastoral staff, some schools may lack the consistency students need to meet them in their times of need. According to recent research by Independent Schools Australia, three out of four young people will not seek help from a teacher or school counsellor as their first point of contact when facing challenges. Unfortunately, the internet ranks higher than us teachers regarding where students turn to for help! Consistency has a real impact on student wellbeing. 

We celebrated Semester 1 Academic Excellence winners from Years 6 to 12 during the Academic Assembly this week. Students were able to acknowledge their peers who consistently performed at a high academic level for an entire semester. Semester 1 was not easy, particularly amid sickness and unpredictability. Many students, however, could still find the motivation and strength to achieve their best academically. My observations and conversations with these students indicate that consistent effort, focus and drive led to those results. 

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits says, “The most important battles must be fought anew each day. Exercising today does not render tomorrow’s workout unnecessary. Supporting your spouse today does not mean you can mail it in tomorrow. Learn to love the endless nature of things and life gets easier.”

This is an important message for today’s young people and one that I always share with my children. Making the most of lesson time, completing homework, preparing for tests, developing quality study techniques, asking questions when you get stuck, showing up to class and collaborating with those around you are all habits that lead to academic success – whether you end up with an academic award or simply know you have achieved your best.

Consistency is powerful. It shows commitment, and nothing great is ever built without commitment. 

I look at the athletes performing in the Commonwealth Games, and we see the result of hard work, consistency and focus. It inspires me to bring this to all areas of my life so that I can build something great. 

This is also what we continue to do in the Pedare Middle School, as we provide consistent accountability, encouragement and direction for all students. I am continually impressed by the attention to detail and countless hours the Middle School staff put into providing an engaging and meaningful learning experience for their students. 

And it all starts with showing up, consistently.

Year 6 Academic Excellence recipients

Year 7 Academic Excellence recipients

Year 8 Academic Excellence recipients

Year 9 Academic Excellence recipients

Year 10 Academic Excellence recipients

Year 11 Academic Excellence recipients

Year 12 Academic Excellence recipients

Middle and Senior School Academic Assembly – Tuesday, 2 August


Mr Randall Pearce


Welcome back to Term 3. I hope you have returned from the school break refreshed and ready for the exciting times ahead.

A very warm welcome to our new students and 20 new Mid-Year Reception students in their little red hats; it is wonderful to have you join our Pedare community.  

The Junior School events calendar this term is sensational; some of the highlights include:

  • Junior School Disco, hosted by Parents and Friends (P&F) Committee – Friday, 5 August
  • URStrong Parent Presentation – Tuesday, 9 August – 6pm – Chapel 
  • Book Week Dress-up Day and activities – Friday, 19 August 
  • Year 4-7 Musical performances, “Wizard of Oz” – Wednesday to Friday, 31 August-2 September – 7pm – Golden Grove Arts Centre
  • Father’s Day Breakfast and Stall – Friday, 2 September
  • Parent/Teacher Interviews – Tuesday and Wednesday, 6-7 September 
  • Junior School Shine Assembly/Awards – Friday, 30 September 


Reports / Parent-Teacher interviews / Learning Journeys

I trust that you found the Semester 1 reports comprehensive and informative. Teachers will reflect on Semester 1 achievements and plan for each student’s enrichment throughout Semester 2. We value the ongoing communication with you, and the Parent/Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, 6-7 September.


Lost Property

Please be reminded that there are currently several items held in lost property. We ask that parents visit the Junior School office to locate any lost items and, as always, please remember to name all items as this assists us greatly in ensuring each item is returned to the rightful owner.


Kiss and Drop

I have been informed and have witnessed some driving behaviour which I fear will put our students at risk. Therefore, I ask our community to follow all signs, drive in the direction the arrows indicate, and within the speed limit advertised.  


I look forward to a productive and rewarding term ahead. Please feel welcome to contact me if you have any queries.

Term 3, 2022 commences on Monday, 25 July


Year 4-7 Musical, The Wizard of Oz
31 August-2 September

Somewhere over the Rainbow, Pedare students have been rehearsing hard to present the 2022 musical, The Wizard of Oz. Tickets sales are NOW OPEN, and with two talented lead casts, you’ll want to come twice! Visit today to secure the best seats!

CharacterThursday Evening     Wednesday + Friday Evening  
DorothyLucy HMadeline W
ScarecrowIsabella WKate P
Tin ManHanna AHarry T
LionAshley ADakota H
Wicked Witch    Elani SGrace T
GlindaIsabella MAimerance R

After a tornado hurls through Kansas, Dorothy Gale and her dog, Toto, are swept away from their home to the colourful and vibrant Land of Oz. To find their way back home, they must embark on a journey to the Emerald City, where the Wizard of Oz resides. On the way, they are accompanied by a Scarecrow who wants a brain, a Tin Man who wants a heart, and a Cowardly Lion who wants courage. They are all hopeful that the Wizard will be able to fulfil their wishes, but not far behind them is the Wicked Witch of the West, who is out for revenge on Dorothy after she accidentally killed her sister, the Wicked Witch of the East. Join us to see if Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion’s wishes are granted and if Dorothy will ever find her way home, somewhere ‘Over the Rainbow’.

2023 Middle School Music Scholarships

The College Music Scholarship Program recognises individual musical talent and the commitment of the College to this important area of the curriculum and the musical and worship life of the College. 

These scholarships are open to instrumentalists and vocalists and will be awarded to students who display outstanding musical ability and potential and a sound academic record. The College has a strong music culture with Concert Bands, a Stage Band, Choirs for all ages and a Jazz vocal ensemble, String Ensembles, two string quartets, percussion and guitar ensembles and a biennial musical, that we will develop with successful applicants. Applicants may have a contemporary, jazz or classical background in Music.

2023 Principal’s Middle School Music Scholarships are open to current Pedare students who will be in Years 5, 6, 7 or 8 in 2023.  Principals Middle School Music Scholarship recipients will be excelling in the instrument they are currently learning and will be expected to take on either a band or string instrument (at the College’s discretion) to become part of the wider ensemble program as a second instrument.

Please contact the Community Relations Manager, Julie Holland at: for an application form or if you have any questions.

Book Week 2022

The library staff are excited about our favourite week of the year: Book Week! This annual national event allows us to shine a spotlight on books and reading and celebrate the numerous benefits they provide to children and adults alike. 

Did you know…

  • Reading for just 6 minutes a day helps children meet, and even surpass, literacy benchmarks.
  • Books expose children to 50% more words than television, improving their vocabulary.
  • Adults who read for as little as 30 minutes a week are 20% more likely to feel satisfied with their lives.
  • Adults listed reading as one of the most common ways to alleviate stress.
  • Older adults who continue to read are less likely to have a cognitive decline, 2.5 times less likely to develop Alzheimers, and may even live longer!

We are busily planning our Book Week activities for our R-12 students and look forward to sharing these details soon. This year’s theme is ‘Dreaming with eyes open…’, and the beautiful artwork by Jasmine Seymour, an Indigenous author and artist from Dharug Country, inspired us to celebrate more of our First Nations authors and illustrators.

Happy reading!

Pedare Library Staff – Sarah Mossel, Susan Kretschmer, Wendy Ellis, Alison Sharp

URSTRONG: Language of Friendship Workshop
Tuesday, 9 August

This year, the Junior School has started its journey using the URSTRONG program to support children’s learning about friendships. Pedare is proud to be a URSTRONG school and is committed to empowering our students with skills and environments where kindness becomes the culture.

Junior School parents and caregivers are invited to attend a Language of Friendship workshop on Tuesday, 9 August at 6pm. Tyson Greenwood (Director of URSTRONG Schools), supported by Lyn Davis, Assistant Head of Junior School and Junior School staff, will introduce and familiarise the skills and language to foster healthy, feel-good friendships.

Registration is required through the following link:


One+ Science Investigation Awards
Friday, 29 July

On Friday, 29 July, some budding Science students from Pedare Middle School participated in the One+ Science Awards. Students from the three campus schools enter a science project that they have designed, implemented, and evaluated themselves. 

A selection of the Years 7-9 projects from our own Pedare Science Fair was entered, including a range of high-quality entries demonstrating originality, creativity and sound use of the scientific method. 

All of our students had the opportunity to present to at least two judges from the university and science sectors who had come to view the students’ work. They spoke clearly and confidently about their work and were excellent representatives of Pedare. 

When the winners were announced, we were thrilled to have achieved the following places:

Year 71stAshton F, Krishna N, Harry TStoked by Coke
2ndNaomi N, Grace TPlant Life
3rdHanna ACan you handle the pain?
Year 81stOscar E, Nathan MUnder pressure
2ndFiona CElectricity & Water pH
4thOjus TCorrosion Conundrum
Year 91stCallum RRobots v Humans
2ndJesse C, Isaac LDoes added sugar preserve bread?
3rdLanna A, Aditi MHow different foods affect blood glucose?
4thDivleen A, Hanna MCEffectiveness of Dettol sanitizer.

Congratulations to Ashton, Krishna and Harry, who also received the UniSA prize as the competition’s overall winners; a terrific achievement for this team of Year 7s!

Next, it is off to the Royal Adelaide Show for the next round of the competition. We look forward to seeing our students compete against other schools around the state.


SALA Exhibition: Gobbled Up

Year 7 Visual Art

A delicious SALA (South Australian Living Artists) exhibition of student artwork is currently on show at The Grove Shopping Centre. The launch event occurred on Monday, 1 August, with Pedare staff, students and families gathered to celebrate the fantastic achievements of the Year 7 Visual Art students. The exhibition is on display for public viewing from 2 – 15 August.  

Year 7 cohort responded to the theme of ‘Food as a subject’ by creating artworks that express their personal tastes and experiences. They enjoyed experimenting with different mediums and were inspired by contextual artists Billie Justice Thomson and Claus Oldenburg. Students were thrilled to meet South Australian artist Justice Thomson and were able to learn about her processes, techniques and life as a professional artist. This unit was a great success, and sharing students’ artistic responses with SALA audiences is just the icing on the cake. Accompanying the students’ artwork is one of Justice Thomson’s artworks.

Emily Kenny

100 Days of School

Year 1

On Monday, 1 August, Year 1 classes celebrated their 100th day of Year 1. As part of our daily routine, children have been counting and tallying our days at school. They became increasingly excited when they reached the 100-day mark, so we decided to celebrate this milestone. We created our own 100-day crowns and completed 100-piece puzzles and some 100-challenge tasks. We even used a photo booth to see what we would look like when we are older. It was such a great day, and all the students left school with a smile and a certificate to celebrate their achievements!

Rikki Hendry, Alice Dunstone and Leanna Ephgrave

Robotics Day

Year 5

On Monday, 1 August, Year 5 students were excited to learn how to build, create and code Vex Go robots. Clear communication skills were vital as they collaboratively built a 2-axis robotic arm. Students showed a great deal of persistence as they experimented with coding their robots to pick up coloured discs.

Thanks to Mr Zankov for teaching and supporting the Year 5 students (and teachers!) and helping us have an awesome day!

Marika Brown

Bottle Tops Sorting

Year 2

The Year 2s are avid recyclers, passionate about caring for their environment. They have engaged the support of our local community in their efforts to keep metal ring-pulls, plastic bread tags, and plastic bottle tops out of the landfill. Given the transdisciplinary nature of their learning experiences, the students sorted the bottle tops as part of a Mathematics activity before creating a striking mosaic during Visual Arts and using their photographs in the creation of Media Art. This exercise supported the ongoing development of their Learner Profile as they practised their skills as Communicators, Carers, Thinkers and Reflective individuals. 

Ailsa Burne

Science Lab Visit

Year 1

Year 1s have been exploring how we use science in our everyday lives as part of the inquiry into’ How The World Works’. We were so lucky to have a visit to the science lab where we were able to predict, experiment with liquids and record. We enjoyed being scientists by wearing safety goggles and an apron. Not only that, but we have now created our very own science lab in our Year 1 classroom area so that we can continue to explore and experiment.

Rikki Hendry, Alice Dunstone and Leanna Ephgrave



The Pedare Extra-Curricular Team are excited to bring you a new portal, containing information and links all in one location to our Sports and Clubs program.

The Portal is updated regularly to bring you the latest news, announcements, updates, results and more of Pedare Extra-Curricular activities and events.

SUNA Netball Carnival
Sunday, 31 July

Last Sunday, Netball Sub Junior 1 & 2 girls had a very early morning start travelling to Morphett Vale to play in the Southern United Netball Association (SUNA) Carnival. Although the weather was freezing, windy and raining, the girls were amazing all day. They played their hearts out to be undefeated in all games and were very deserving of winning the grand final. They made Pedare proud not only with their netball skills but also with their sportsmanship and overall attitude throughout the day. 

Great job, girls!




Tea Tree Gully Anglican


Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting, or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you. We meet at the church at 8:30am, 10:00am, and 6:00pm in person. If you can’t join us just yet, we’ll continue to stream at 8:30am and 10:00am online using Zoom and YouTube  Service times are 8:30am and 10:00am.

Please contact Dave Brown on for more details, or check their Facebook page for links.

If you are struggling and would like to talk with someone from the church during these trying times, please phone 8264 3736.




Tea Tree Gully Uniting – Banksia Markets


Tea Tree Gully Uniting host the ‘local and friendly’ Banksia Markets on the first Saturday of each month from 8:30am to 1:00pm at 600 Milne Road, Banksia Park. Stalls inside the hall and in the car park include produce, fresh fruit and vegetables, jewellery, tools, bric-a-brac and lots more.

For more information contact the TTG Uniting Church website at




St Mark’s Anglican Church


St Mark’s Anglican Church has a 9.00 am traditional service each Sunday morning and 9.30am each Wednesday morning. We would love to see you at either or both of our services. We are located on the corner of The Golden Way and Wynn Vale Drive, Wynn Vale.

For further information and updates about St Mark’s services and events, please visit our website at or visit our Facebook page




Golden Grove Uniting Church


Golden Grove Uniting Church, corner of Crouch and One Tree Hill Road, Golden Grove, has a traditional service at 10 am on Sunday. Also, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, we have a cafe-style church, which is a relaxed contemporary worship service at 6 pm in the Church hall.

Café Youth is a fun, interactive program for young people ages 14 and up looking to engage in topics of faith. It is held in the Church hall on the first and third Sunday of each month during the school term, from 6.30-8.30 pm. Café Youth sessions start with a fun 30-minute activity based on the theme for the night, then followed by “Talk Time”, during which the group discusses a topic of faith whilst enjoying delicious snacks, refreshments and pizza! The cost for each session is $5.

For further information, please contact the Office on 8251 4298 or email You can even check our webpage: