Mr James Tamblyn
Pedare’s Community System commenced in 1991 with the establishment of five Communities which are now intrinsically woven into the fabric of our College. Each initially established as part of a 12-month trial, Brooklyn, Eldergreen, Greenwith, Hillcott and Surrey now have over 30 years of tradition and have provided connection, support, pastoral care and comradery for students, staff and families, which have significantly enhanced College life.
Petworth Announced as the Sixth College Community during the MS SS Assembly on Thursday, 17 August
As shared with students and families this week, Petworth will commence as our newest College Community in 2024. The introduction of Petworth enables us to keep the size of each Community at optimal levels to ensure the very best pastoral care for students.
Petworth Farm, originally known as Bishops Farm, is located on land in Greenwith. In 1977, the area around the Petworth Farm homestead became the suburb of Petworth, before being subsumed into the development of Greenwith in 1987. (*Courtesy of Tea Tree Gully & District Historical Society.) The selection of Petworth aligns with Pedare’s tradition of naming Communities after farms from our local area. I encourage all students and families who would like to consider being an inaugural member of Petworth to express interest via the process communicated to families this week.
On the theme of Community life, this week saw the commencement of our Year 6-12 Community Dinners, which we anticipate will become regular annual events. Thank you to the staff and students of Eldergreen and Hillcott who attended their respective dinners on Tuesday and Wednesday. We look forward to the remaining dinners next week. These evenings provide opportunities for fun, food and fellowship. My thanks to Community Coordinators and Bianca Chapman for their work in supporting this initiative.
Eldergreen Community Dinner on Tuesday, 15 August and Hillcott Community Dinner on Wednesday, 16 August
Mrs Mandy Hore
If you are anything like me, you have probably been glued to the television over the past week, joining the millions who have been tuning in to watch the Matildas’ matches.
Whether they win or lose in their upcoming bronze medal match, and whether you are a soccer fan or not, it’s undeniable that the Matildas have connected our nation, reminding us of the strength found in standing together. They have become a symbol of unity, with their collective victories sparking celebrations that foster a sense of camaraderie that transcends geographical distance and difference. These diverse young women have forged a sense of unity and belonging that is vital in today’s rapidly changing and challenging world. In a world that often seems to move at an increasingly rapid pace, the notion of belonging takes on an even greater significance.
It is this sense of connection, albeit on a smaller and more local scale, that I have felt at our inaugural Community Dinners. Pedare Community System extends beyond the classroom, enriching the holistic development of our students. It nurtures a strong sense of identity and belonging, facilitates leadership growth, encourages healthy competition, provides academic support and development, and imparts values that contribute to well-rounded individuals who are prepared to face the challenges of the world beyond their school years. The feeling of being part of a community, a team, or a group that embraces and supports us is a fundamental human need, and I have felt this through our communities.
Each Community forms a network of genuine care, celebrating successes and standing by each other during challenging times. The strength of each of our communities lies in their ability to rally behind a common cause and uplift every member to reach their full potential.
Just as the Matildas have inspired and captivated our hearts, weaving a thread of connection that runs deep through the heart of the Australian spirit and uniting a diverse nation under a common goal and a shared sense of pride, similarly, our communities strive to achieve just that!
Community ‘Test the Knowledge’ Competition – Friday, 18 August
Mr Josh Willis
It has been wonderful having discussions with our current Year 11 students and families regarding their individual academic journeys and their bespoke pathway for Year 12 and beyond. I extend my thanks to all families for their participation and attendance, as these important discussions will set a strong foundation for academic success in 2024. We look forward to continuing this journey together.
I would like to congratulate our Year 9 students on completing their challenging Outdoor Education Experience at Argadells, nestled between Warren Gorge and Buckaringa Gorge in the Flinders Ranges. This experience fostered resilience, personal growth and a connection to nature. From challenging hikes, rock climbing, abseiling, mountain biking and the experience of a solo night, students embraced these activities and conducted themselves exceptionally well. The Solo experience during the Pedare Passage session was an excellent way for students to disengage with the world around them and focus on their internal thoughts. We are confident that these experiences will empower these students as they transition into Senior School next year.
Year 9 Outdoor Education Experience, Tuesday-Friday, 8-11 August
As we reach the middle of the school term, we ask that all students focus on wearing their uniforms correctly and with pride. The College blazer looks fantastic when worn well, and students are regularly reminded that it must be worn to and from school each day and at Assemblies. The PE uniform is only to be worn on the designated days. We ask that if there are any issues with your child’s uniform that you send a note with your child to inform their Home Group teacher.
Mr Randall Pearce
As we embrace the joy of learning, I am delighted to share the exciting news that Book Week is just around the corner! All students from Reception to Year 12 are gearing up for a week filled with literacy adventures, imagination and the magic of reading.
Read, Grow, Inspire: Unveiling the Power of Reading
The theme “Read, Grow, Inspire” beautifully captures the essence of the treasures that books bring into our lives. Within the pages of a book, we find the keys to unlock our potential, nourish our minds and find inspiration to achieve greatness.
Read: Reading is the gateway to knowledge and adventure. Each turned page is a step toward exploration, enlightenment and personal growth. Through reading, we travel to distant lands and embark on intellectual quests.
Grow: Just as a seed needs care, sunlight and water to blossom into a vibrant plant, reading provides the nurturing environment for our minds to flourish. It enhances vocabulary, sharpens critical thinking and broadens our perspectives.
Inspire: Stories, whether fictional or factual, have the power to ignite our passions and dreams. Every book holds the potential to motivate us to pursue our goals, embrace empathy and create positive change.
Book Week: Fostering a Lifelong Love for Reading
During Book Week, our College will buzz with various exciting activities:
A Sneak Peek into the Book Week Magic
Author Visit: We’re thrilled to welcome South Australian author Danielle Clode, who will share her writing journey and insights. This personal connection with authors can ignite students’ passion for reading and writing.
Dress-up Parade: Next Friday, 25 August, all Junior School students and staff are encouraged to dress up as their favourite book characters or in accordance with the Book Week theme. This creative activity enhances their engagement with literature and boosts self-expression. My costume is ready, and rehearsals have already started for a very special book read. Please note that even younger siblings who have not yet attended school are also encouraged to join in on the fun.
Book Fair: Our annual Book Fair has already started and showcases a wide array of books catering to different age groups. It’s a perfect opportunity to stock up on reading material at home. The last day of the Book Fair is Monday, 21 August, so don’t miss out.
Join us in celebrating Book Week, and wish you a magical Book Week ahead!
From the College Chaplain
“I saw a large crowd with more people than could be counted. They were from every race, tribe, nation, and language, and they stood before [God’s] throne.” (The Apostle John – Revelation 7:9)
In Middle & Senior Worship this week, students reflected on a significant moment in American history almost 60 years ago. On 28 August 1963, Martin Luther King Jr stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington and delivered his ‘I have a dream’ speech. In those few minutes, King perfectly expressed the pain, the longing and the dream of his people for an end to the dark night of injustice and discrimination.
He could have justifiably shouted, “I have a demand…”, because the African American people had been denied so many civil and economic liberties that were their constitutional right. Yet he chose to appeal to the heart and soul of the nation. For that reason, he spoke instead of his dream, his vision, of what it would look like if the nation were to “rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:
We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal”
(1776 Declaration of Independence)
King dreamt of freedom for every person, no matter their skin colour, religion or cultural background. His view that ALL people mattered to God aligns with the great scene in heaven, which the Apostle John saw in his vision: people from all cultural groups on earth, united in worship and praise of God and his Son Jesus, their Saviour. He saw heaven not as a place of discrimination but of acceptance, equality and peaceful community for God’s people.
Pedare students were reminded again of the need to foster an open heart towards others, reflecting the respectful, inclusive, welcoming character of God. This is the dream, and the challenge, that is always before us all.
Mr John Morton
College Chaplain
From the Arts Department
‘Catch of the Day’ Exhibition
Our talented Year 7 Visual Art students have been creatively responding to our ‘Food as a Subject’ topic with a fishy theme this year. Students have worked across various materials, including ceramics and digital drawing, and the results have been outstanding.
We welcome you to join us at the opening launch of ‘Catch of the Day’, where several Year 7 students will showcase their work in a public exhibition at The Grove Shopping Centre as part of the South Australian Living Artists (SALA) Festival. You can find our Pedare exhibition listed as event 190 in the program.
Join us for the launch at 4.30pm on Tuesday, 22 August, at The Grove Shopping Centre food court, opposite the newsagent.
Mrs Emily Kenny
Trombone/Saxophone Lesson
Year 6
In Term 3, Year 6 students have been busy learning beginner steps on either saxophone or trombone. The students have been enjoying this experience as their sound production and note-reading skills improve.
Mrs Stefanie Edmondson
Father’s Day Breakfast
The Junior School will again be holding a Father’s Day breakfast to acknowledge and celebrate Father’s Day. This will be held on Friday, 1 September, in the College Chapel from 7.30am.
The aim is for fathers/stepfathers/grandfathers to share breakfast with the children in the school environment.
The breakfast will again be provided by Rory’s and food can be ordered using the QKr! App. The cut-off date for ordering is 8am Friday, 25 August 2023.
Father’s Day Stall
The Pedare Parents and Friends Committee is continuing its long tradition of running a Father’s Day Stall, which will be held on Friday, 1 September. Fathers, Grandfathers and significant males in student lives are special, and we want to recognise them.
Junior School students will attend with their class and are invited to purchase a gift. All gifts will be either $5, $10 or $15. Parents and Caregivers can pre-purchase ‘vouchers’ via Qkr! App before Monday 28 August.
On Wednesday, 9 August, Senior Maths students attended the annual MASA Quiz Night hosted at Kings Baptist Grammar School. Students from Pedare, Modbury High School, Thomas More College and Kings Baptist competed in vying for the Overall Champion, the Mathematical Champion and the General Knowledge Champion. All students embraced the competition with enthusiasm and excitement, working in teams to complete all questions.
This quiz not only provides a wonderful opportunity to work through mathematical problems and compete against students from other schools, but it also fosters teamwork and collaboration among students.
While our teams didn’t secure any prizes this time, we applaud all our students for their active participation in the event.
Mrs Nicola Fotheringham
Stage 2 Physical Education (PE)
Year 12 PE students had the opportunity to visit the UniSA to complete some testing within the Sports Science department. The day began with a focus on how the body reacts to temperature changes. Students completed a 6-minute sub-maximal test in room temperature conditions and repeated the test in an environmental chamber set to 33 degrees with 70% humidity.
Students then measured their body composition through hydrostatic/underwater weighing and a Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), followed by a VO2 max test. Alex S volunteered to complete the fatigue test and set a new Pedare record by registering a VO2 max of 65.08ml/kg/min with a Heart Rate of 205bpm and treadmill speed of 19km/hr with a 1% incline.
Students also visited the biomechanics lab, where they gathered data related to their chosen activities involving force plates and video analysis software.
We would like to thank the UniSA staff—Dr Grant Van Der Ploeg, Lachlan Winter, Ashlee Munro and the Exercise Physiology students—for providing such a valuable experience and enriching learning.
Mr Damien Hutchings
On Monday, 14 August, five students attended the ‘PEER Try a Trade Day’ held at the PEER Trade Training Center in Albert Park.
As both a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and a Group Training Organisation (GTO), PEER is well-equipped to prepare young individuals for trade-based careers, whether in construction, mining, oil and gas, defence or even space industries. Students engaged in activities related to plumbing, electrical, building construction and metals engineering, providing them with firsthand experience to potential apprenticeship pathways.
Mr James Walsh
All Year 7 groups went to see the Frida & Diego: Love and Revolution Exhibition this past week at the Art Gallery of South Australia. Exploring the era of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, their art has ignited inspiration for creating their own self-portraits in Visual Art this term.
Mrs Emily Kenny
The Pedare Extra-Curricular Team are excited to bring you a new portal, containing information and links all in one location to our Sports and Clubs program.
The Portal is updated regularly to bring you the latest news, announcements, updates, results and more of Pedare Extra-curricular activities and events.
Triathlon SA Award
We congratulate Alex S (Year 12) on being awarded the Male Junior Triathlete of the Year at the recent Triathlon South Australian Awards.
State Under 15 Boys Lacrosse Team
Congratulations to Finlay H (Year 9) for being selected in the State Under 15 Boys Lacrosse Team. We wish him all the best as the team competes in the State Championships in Ballarat, Victoria late September.
Campbelltown City Soccer Club Senior Team
Congratulations to Nicholas G (Year 12) for his recent contribution to the Campbelltown City Soccer Club senior game against Mcarthur in the Australia Cup. Nicholas is the youngest player in the team; playing with experienced seniors beyond his age. He competed for the full 90 minutes, celebrating when the team had an upset win against Macarthur. We wish Nicholas all the best as he progresses with his soccer ambitions.
State Under 12 Female AFL Team
Congratulations to Della MC (Year 6) who was recently selected to represent South Australia in the South Australian Under 12 Female Football Team. The SA girls performed exceptionally well, winning four out of their six games and being awarded the Bronze Medal.
A big congratulations to Della for her contribution to the team!
Students have enjoyed fun activities in Chess Club this year. Term 1 started with a relaxed atmosphere, competing against each other in individual matches. In Term 2, students participated in a heated intra-school competition, where points could only be earned by competing against a new opponent each week. Well done to the winners!
Term 3 introduces an exciting new challenge as Chess Club initiates “Beat the Teacher.” Students showcase their skills against Pedare teaching staff… and are often winning convincingly.
Chess Club runs every Friday in BG8, and all are welcome.
Mrs Anita Meinel
Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you. We meet at the church at 8.30 am, 10.00 am, and 6.00 pm in person. If you can’t join us just yet, we’ll continue to stream at 8.30 am and 10.00 am online using Zoom and YouTube Service times are 8.30 am and 10.00 am.
Please contact Dave Brown at for more details, or check their Facebook page for links.
If you are struggling and would like to talk with someone from the church during these trying times, please phone 8264 3736.
Gully Church hosts the ‘local and friendly’ Banksia Markets on the first Saturday of each month from 8.30 am to 1.00 pm at 600 Milne Road, Banksia Park. Stalls inside the hall and in the car park include produce, fresh fruit and vegetables, jewellery, tools, bric-à-brac and lots more.
For more information, contact the Gully Church website at or email
Golden Grove Uniting Church, corner of Crouch and One Tree Hill Road, Golden Grove, has a traditional service at 10 am on a Sunday. Also, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, we have a cafe-style church, a relaxed contemporary worship service at 6 pm in the Church hall.
Café Youth is a fun, interactive program for young people ages 14 and up looking to engage in topics of faith. Café Youth sessions start with a fun 30-minute activity based on the theme for the night, then followed by “Talk Time”, during which the group discusses a topic of faith while enjoying delicious snacks, refreshments and pizza! The cost for each session is $5.
For further information, please contact the Office at 8251 4298 or email You can even check our webpage: