Mr Mike Millard
Happy Father’s Day
I wish all Pedare families an enjoyable weekend as many of us come together with our family members to recognise the significant role fathers have in our lives. Some of us will be honouring our dads, husbands, brothers and sons, while others will spend the day celebrating special people who have played a fatherly role in our lives.
On a personal level, Father’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to recognise my own father’s role in my life and to gather our family together as we affirm his love and guidance for my brother, sister and me, eight grandchildren and now two great-grandchildren. Both our parents have shaped our values and beliefs significantly and, just as we celebrate Mother’s Day, we equally emphasise the role my father has had in our family.
Student Achievements
ABODA Bands Festival
Congratulations to the String Ensemble and String Quartet which achieved gold medals for their performances at the ABODA Bands Festival at Westminster School last week. The Intermediate Band and Senior Concert Band each achieved a Silver Award in their respective sections. In each band section, there were 14 other schools competing. The continued improvements in the ABODA results reflect the passion and dedication of the students and staff of the Music Department.
VEX Robotics Competition
Last week culminated with Pedare hosting the VEX Robotics competition with teams from Playford Primary School, Pembroke School, St Patrick’s Technical College, and Trinity College and Pedare competing. Vex Robotics is the Middle to Senior Years Robotics competition. It focusses on the development of the students’ construction, problem-solving and coding skills. Pedare’s younger cohort of Year 6 and 7 students competed in the plastic robots and the older students’ robots are constructed in steel. We look forward to hosting the major VEX competition on 21st September when schools from across Adelaide are coming to Pedare for the day. Thank you to Mr Emil Zankov for being the driving force behind Pedare’s leading role in this Robotics competition.
We are all very pleased to see the large steel framework of the new Blue Gum Gymnasium dominating the western skyline of the College. The Middle School is advancing rapidly with the first stage of the first floor concrete ready to be poured over the coming weekend. The Junior School steel frame is being manufactured and will be delivered in the coming weeks.
After months of preparation and ground works it is wonderful to now get a sense of what the buildings will be like. The students are excited and now have many questions about what each building will look like.
Mr Randall Pearce
National eSmart Week – September 2018
Under the direction of Assistant Head of Junior School, Mrs Clifton, we have decided to take part in National eSmart Week. This is a time when communities come together to encourage everyone to be smart, safe and responsible when using digital technology. It creates awareness and provides solutions and ideas for community education on issues of cyber safety, bullying and wellbeing both on and offline.
National eSmart Week will be held from 2-8 September 2018, in line with National Child Protection Week. As a registered school, your child will be working with their teachers on activities that will provide an awareness of eSafety.
eSmart, an initiative of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, helps teachers, librarians and the greater community to best manage cyber risks, bullying and cyberbullying issues so students feel safer and supported. eSmart supports schools to embrace the benefits of technology while reducing children’s’ exposure to cyber risks, such as cyber bullying, online sexual predation, sexting, identity theft and fraud.
Our goal at the College, along with you at home, is to keep children safe from bullying, cyberbullying and violence. eSmart is one way we hope to achieve this.
Advise from eSmart to keep safe online:
Top 10 cyber safety tips
Mr Andrew Whiteman
As Week 6 goes by, Year 9 students are all breathing a sigh of relief as their Community Projects come to a conclusion. Students presented their findings to a panel throughout the week and all of the teachers were impressed with the level of commitment shown by the students. The amount of action that the students completed for their projects was a step up from last year and they are to be commended. Students donated dog beds, they donated money, time and clothes to Backpacks 4 SA Kids and various charities, they taught young children sports or how to read, they helped the elderly, they increased awareness about diseases or those less fortunate than others, they created booklets on healthy eating or mindfulness – the list could simply go on and on. Well done to all students involved and thank you to all the parents who helped manage the stresses of the final weeks of the program. Mr David DeBoer has done a wonderful job of managing all the students through this worthwhile project where students have learnt many skills that will be useful throughout their entire lives. Well done!
It was an absolute eye-opener to walk into the Chapel last Friday and see the VEX Robotics tournament in full swing. Students from 5 schools visited and competed with our students in a variety of robot challenges. For me, it was wonderful to see our students from Year 6 through to Year 10 so engaged and active at the event. The entire day students had to compete and problem solve (mostly under pressure), with other students from Pedare and the visiting schools. Some impressive displays of collaboration were evident throughout the day. It was particularly pleasing to hear a visiting teacher express her gratitude for the welcoming nature of our students and how willing they were to help her young students. You all deserve a pat on the back. The next tournament is on Friday 21 September and I look forward to seeing even more problem solving and competitive robot challenges taking place.
I have recently been taking some tours around the College for prospective families to join Pedare and it is often commented about how well are grounds are looked after. It is with pride that I mention that our students love being here at Pedare and they take care of the grounds. Our grounds and maintenance staff also do a wonderful job to be constantly improving our environment. The sense of pride in Pedare features in the classroom as well as out on the sporting field. Just this past week we have had Year 6 and 7 students attend the Independent Schools Swimming Carnival, Year 8/9 Netball compete in the Netball Knockout finals, Year 8/9 girls Basketball team compete in a Knockout round, our Year 8 classes compete in the Book Cup Grand final and that is not to mention all the netball, football, soccer, debating, chess and volleyball that Middle School students are also involved in. Being active and getting involved in extracurricular activities is a great way to lead a balanced life and many of our students find being involved another way to enjoy all that Pedare has to offer.
As you will have seen around the local area Pedare is preparing for our annual Open Day on Sunday 16 September from 1:00pm-4:00pm. We are anticipating a lot of interest due to the introduction of One College and the exciting building developments that continue to generate interest. We look forward to displaying the many talents of our students on this day.
Mrs Gillian Edwards
Congratulations to Connor Pullinger in Year 11, who this week represented the College at the Golden Grove Lions Club Youth of the Year competition. Connor spoke eloquently and passionately about a subject close to his heart, as well as entertaining the gathering with several impromptu speeches on previously unseen topics. He received very complimentary responses from the members and now looks forward to representing the area at the District Final in Port Augusta in October. We wish him well.
The Year 11 Physical Education students certainly enjoyed the recent opportunity to develop their coaching skills working with some of our Junior School classes. It appears to have been a rewarding experience for all involved and we look forward to even more occasions like this when we are all on the one site as One College.
Year 10 students have had the opportunity to learn a little more about the Tea Tree Gully Council and its services as part of the Community Possibilities Project, an initiative introduced this term. They were addressed by Carly Didcote, the Youth Development Coordinator at the City of Tea Tree Gully, who outlined some of the areas, such as Volunteering, Waste Management & Creative Upcycling and Active Ageing – the promotion of inter-generational connections, in which students could conduct research and suggest possible recommendations to enhance these types of programs within our local area. The students will conduct this research and develop their presentations within their Life Long Learning lessons and we look forward to seeing their contributions.
This week, the subject counselling appointments were held for the current Year 10 students moving into Year 11 next year, with the current Year 11s attending their appointments next week. There will be a follow-up session held during school hours for any student who missed making an appointment.
On Wednesday 22 August, Year 1 classes took part in The Bush Classroom. We travelled by bus to Parra Wirra on an adventure to make real-life connections to our unit of inquiry where we are exploring living things. Upon our arrival, students were very excited to see the vast bushlands that would be our classroom for the day. We had lots of wonderful opportunities to act like scientists by observing living things in their natural habitat, as well as exploring the concept of camouflage. We also thoughtfully collected natural materials in order to make and decorate our own clay minibeast that we had seen throughout the day. Hiking through the bush to a nearby lake was a new experience for many of the students and they eagerly searched for plants and enjoyed taking their learning out of the classroom.
Mrs Jenna Petkovic & Mrs Liz Morgan – Year 1 Teachers
Shiver me timbers! Pirate Pip prefers reading to raiding! This young pirate’s treasure is found in books. Books that can be read again and again enabling readers to embark on many exciting adventures.
On Wednesday 22 August, Captain Sam (author David Cronin), bought his ‘Pirate Pip’s Party’ performance to Junior School as part of our Children’s Book Week celebrations. The show was based on his book similarly named. It took students on a journey with Pirate Pip as he gathers ingredients to bake a cake for Captain Sam. Our very enthusiastic students sang pirate songs, danced like pirates, watched magic tricks and squealed in delight at the surprise arrival of Geoffrey the rabbit.
Mrs Heather Bennett – Junior School Teacher Librarian
On Friday 24 August, Pedare became the first school in South Australia to hold a VEX Robotics Tournament. VEX Robotics opened its Australian Headquarters last year with distribution across Australia and New Zealand. As a VEX Event Partner, my role is to facilitate training and development and competitions. Students have been working throughout the year in VEX Robotics, firstly having exposure in our Year 8, 9 and 10 Digital Technology classes and then in the extra-curricular program offered to all Middle and Senior School students.
VEX Robotics has twice been named the Guinness Book of Records title holder for ‘Largest Robotics Competition’ with over 30,000 people attending the World Championships in April of this year. Students in VEX are given a field to compete on and score as many points as possible working in an alliance. VEX Robotics provides students the opportunity to work in a team to engineer and program robots. But it’s actually not about robots, that is the by-product. The real outcome is students working collaboratively in teams, under pressure in an environment that is constantly changing and with issues arising that can’t be predicted.
STEM is four letters that represent the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Programs such as VEX Robotics are considered STEM because you can’t achieve a completed product without the culmination of all four disciplines. Our next competition will be held on Friday 21 September, with invitations extended to all families. We look forward to welcoming back VEX teams across South Australia, celebrating the season’s achievements.
To get involved as a judge, volunteer or referee lookout for an email going out in the coming weeks.
Mr Emil Zankov – Digital Technologies Teacher
On Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 of August, 52 of our students made the annual pilgrimage to Westminster College, once again, for the ABODA Band and Orchestra Festival. This year, Pedare took our String Ensemble, String Quartet on the Wednesday and the Intermediate Concert Band and Senior Concert Band together on the Thursday.
We are so proud of the way our students performed in their sections and also the excellent feedback they received in a special feedback session directly after their performance. The conductors were also given invaluable comments on their leadership of the ensembles.
Pedare’s results this year were the best to date. Both String Ensembles received Gold Awards for their polished performances in the Intermediate Strings section and both Concert bands received Silver Awards for their performances. Students in these ensembles are developing and growing in skill and maturity all the time.
Many thanks to Mr Gerald Pederick (Conductor of the Senior Concert Band), Mr Angelo Valdivia (Conductor of the Intermediate Concert Band) and Mrs Sheryl Beck (Conductor of the String Quartet 1 and String Ensemble) for their hard work preparing the students for ABODA 2018.
The students had an amazing time bonding over their love of music and it is delightful to see students enjoying being part of the music program at Pedare.
Mrs Nadine Stroud – Director of Music R-12
ICAS Science Awards
This year, 35 students from Year 6-12 sat the ICAS Science competition. 63% of these students received a merit or higher with the following results: 1 High Distinction, 6 Distinctions, 9 Credits and 6 Merits. Congratulations to the following students:
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 12
Pedare Piranha Pool Pitch Winners
In small groups, Science classes in Year 6-10 designed a ‘pitch’ based on the current topic being studied in lessons and the best pitch was presented to our 4 successful and credible entrepreneurs: Wolf Frys (aka Mr M Secomb), Leon Must (aka Mr D Gale), Sara Blakely (aka Ms S Ireland) and J’ark Hucherberg (aka Mr J Henriks) during the Bookweek/Science Week assembly.
From Year 6 Ryan, Jack and Jonathan presented ‘The Mobile Kitchen’, Year 7 Jack, Liam and Georgia presented ‘Oxygenaut’, Year 8 Ivanna and Paige presented ‘Georock it’, Year 9 Mia, Ashleigh and Shannon presented ‘Dissolvable Bandaids’ and Year 10 Jacob and James presented ‘The Gadget Jacket’.
The overall winners on the day were the Year 9 team ‘Dissolvable Bandaids’ who will receive iTunes vouchers as a prize.
Science and Engineering Competition
Congratulations to Year 10 students, Teilani Sentschuk, Erin Smith and Maya Smale, who competed in the Science and Engineering Competition at the Velodrome. There were 8 different activities throughout the day and they were successful in coming first in the Bridge Building Competition. Maya, Erin and Teilani presented the Bridge to Mr Millard at the Assembly held on 23 August.
Mrs Leonie Brown – Learning Area Coordinator, Science
Pedare’s Year 8 students enthusiastically approached the 2018 Cross Campus Competition celebrating the Book Week theme – Find Your Treasure. Winning Round 2 were The Bookworms – Alina Bunkenburg-Lee; Jasmyn Vo; Maya Kancheff and Erin Wallace.
Four competitive teams went through to the Grand Final in the Thiele Library on Friday 24 August to compete against Gleeson and Golden Grove.
Tension in the room was palpable and befitting a tough competition. Our students acquitted themselves well, taking out first and second places. Coming in second by 1.5 points were The Hufflepuffs – Lily Appelt; Kiara Skene; Paige Waugh and Irina Tarchynska and winning by half a point were District 12 – Amelie Sams; Ruchi Aryal and Gloria Masango.
Congratulations to all participants and the teachers who guided them.
Mrs Liz Denton-Brown – Teacher Librarian, Middle & Senior School
District 12 – Gloria Masango, Amelie Sams, Ruchi Aryal with Mrs Denton-Brown
The Hufflepuffs – Kiara Skene, Lily Appelt, Paige Waugh and Irina Tarchynska
The Bookworms – Alina Bunkenburg-Lee, Jasmyn Vol, Maya Kancheff and Erin Wallace
On Wednesday 22 August, the Year 6 cohort celebrated Book Week with a dress-up day and a block of modules dedicated to book-related quizzes and activities. Even the teachers got into the spirit, with Ms “Hermione” Mossel, Mrs “Pippi Longstockings” Zerner and Ms “Long John Silver” Young putting in an appearance. The students voted for the Best Costumes, with Jasmine Luong (the White Rabbit from “Alice in Wonderland” and Gideon Malherbe (a Knight of Narnia from “The Chronicles of Narnia”) taking away a book voucher as a prize. It is great to see so many students enjoying reading.
Ms Rachael Young, Ms Sarah Mossel & Mrs Karen Zerner – Year 6 Teachers
The golden age of Newspapers is long gone, and the sun appears to be setting on an industry that has shaped the world for more than a century. We have been plunged, head first, into a time of live reporting, instant sharing and ‘fake news.’
On Thursday 23 August, our Year 10 Essential English students were privileged to tour through the News Corp print centre. Since the early 90s, this particular location at Mile End South, has received the news, after the journalists’ daily cut off at 4:00pm, and buzzed into action, printing thousands of papers overnight and distributing them in the early hours of the morning. Our tour guide, who had himself worked in the industry since 1984, remembers the night the call came through to ‘stop the press.’ The front-page story was moved to Page 4, and was replaced with the headline “Diana Dies.”
Our students were able to view first-hand the one-ton rolls of paper as they whipped at lightning speeds up through the ceiling. Each page is printed four times: first with blue, then magenta, then yellow and finally black. The huge cutting machine cuts and folds the papers, and every couple of minutes, a paper drops through a chute to be checked by hand for misprint or fading in the colour. Folded papers then zoom up and down along huge conveyor belts before ending their journeys, packed and packaged, in the back of trucks.
Wearing safety goggles, hi-vis vests and ear plugs, we walked across an overhead catwalk and looked down at the buzzing machines below. Our guide guessed that in five to ten years it would all be gone; that the printing of the news would be dead. What a privilege for our students to be there for this twilight moment in time.
Miss Sarah Rose – Learning Area Coordinator, English
On Thursday in Week 5, Year 11 Visual Art students visited four exhibitions in the city. We began at the Art Gallery of South Australia, and like the Year 10 Art students in Week 4, viewed two photography exhibitions of Tracey Moffatt and Diane Arbus. Students also explored the interactive installations created by Chiharu Shiota. The final exhibition included a detailed curator talk; explaining the symbolism of Aldo Iacobelli exhibition, at Samstag Museum. Students were highly engaged and were commended by the gallery staff for their behaviour and the quality of their discussions.
Mrs Leah Grant – Visual Art & Media Art Teacher
On Friday 17 August, Year 11 Geography students enjoyed a great day learning about the sustainability and liveability of different forms of urban development across Adelaide. Christie’s Walk, Sturt Street in the CBD, provided our students with an opportunity to experience a unique and highly sustainable form of housing in the heart of the city. Students learned how Adelaide’s first rooftop garden, straw bale houses and a host of other features increase sustainability. Students also compared modern townhouses with 1900s cottages near the Greek on Halifax. This was followed by a nice break at the Central Market for recess.
Urban Fieldwork skills were developed in the Peachey Belt allowing students to compare the liveability of their street to Davoren Park. Lunch and ‘retail therapy’ seemed to be part of our break at Elizabeth City Centre. Finally, we assessed the liveability and sustainability of Mawson Lakes. Our students represented the College with pride.
Mr Andrew Penny – Learning Area Coordinator, Humanities
We encourage families to share their child/rens personal achievements from both within and outside of the College, as we understand learning doesn’t stop at the school gate. If your child has a special achievement, we welcome your submission. Articles of 100 to 200 words along with a good high-resolution photo can be emailed by clicking the button below.
Congratulations to Maggie Tan, Year 4, on achieving a silver medal at the Adelaide Eisteddfod for 9 Years and Under Any Orchestral String Player Solo. Maggie performed “Gavotte” by F.J. Gossec.
Well done Maggie.
Congratulations to Ava Hughes, Year 6, who has achieved success recently in a number of Drama and Vocal competitions:
Well done Ava.
Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:
Extra-Curricular Fixtures are available on the Pedare App and on the College website.
Pedare’s Year 6/7 Netball Squad and the Year 6 Development team, participated with a high level of success at the Tea Tree Gully District SAPSASA Netball carnival on Friday 17 August.
The two squad teams competed in Division 1, while the newly formed Development team competed in Division 2.
With only two weeks of training under their belt, the Development team performed very well, and showed significant improvement as the day progressed. They had one very solid win and several games where they showed determination and resilience against stronger oppositions. Through closely monitoring the Development team during the day, 4 students were selected to join the Year 6/7 Squad for the remainder of the year. We wish these students well as they learn more about the game and develop their skills to an even higher level.
Squad team 2, playing in Division 1 showed good court structure, understanding of the game and worked well as a team. Their improvement from the Specialist Schools Carnival was evident, and their determination was rewarded with two significant wins against St Davids 1 and Golden Grove 1. The showdown against Pedare 1, was hard fought, with some excellent interceptions being taken in the circle by Tayla.
Squad team 1, also playing in Division 1 worked well together all day, refining team plays and learning to not panic when put under pressure. They went through the day undefeated and became Division 1 champions for the second year in a row. This team has also been participating in the State Knockout Competition and have progressed through to the Semi-final, to be played next week. We are now hoping that we can join the Year 8/9 and Year 10 teams in the State final.
Mrs Jude Johnson – Assistant Head of Middle School
The Year 10 SPiN Netball team (pictured with Year 8/9 team) won their way through all of the Knockout rounds. On Monday 27 August, we attended the State finals and the girls played with strength and spirit. They finished the day as minor premiers, not dropping any games in the minor rounds. The defence was strong and the mid-court players ran hard and attacked the ball in every game. Our shooters were accurate, and the team worked together beautifully all day.
The Grand Final saw us play Bordertown, who we had beaten earlier in the day. The game was goal for goal and the crowd were on the edge of their seats. Unfortunately, we lost the match by two, but I was so proud of every player and their efforts. It could have gone either way, but we ran out of time. Every player showed respect for their opponents and umpires, whilst working incredibly hard in every game. Hold your heads up high and we will try it all over again next year.
Year 8/9 played off for 3rd and 4th against a team they had beaten in the rounds and unfortunately they lost.
Well done, Pedare.
Week 4
Week 5
Code Camps are back at Pedare for the October school holidays. 3 – 5 October.
Little League (Years Rec-1) Suitable for Beginners
Our little coders make their first small but important leap from consumers to creators of tech. Build awesome mini-games and learn about coding using a mixture of iPad and physical based learning.
Spark (Years 2-6) Beginners + Intermediate
Fun, engaging and challenging… and are our most known Code Camp that over 12,000 students have completed. Code Camp Spark is where every student in years 2-6 should start their Code Camp journey.
Ignite (Years 2-6) Intermediate + Advanced
If you have completed Spark check out Code Camp Ignite! Students build on their skills and create new apps with increasingly complex logic, more code, behaviours and problem-solving. Start with Drag & Drop and then move to Line Coding with JavaScript.
Enrol and help your child become a coding superstar! For more information, visit Click here for more information.
Generators Kids Club 2017 (Years R-6)
Come and join us. Generators Kids Club meets Fridays each fortnight for great games, craft and bible time. The next Kids Club is on Friday 7 September from 3:30pm-5:00pm. This craft this week is Pop Sticks Paper Fans. To download the Term 3 program from our website. For information about 2018 Kids Club, phone Rick on 8264 3736 or click here
SWAT Youth (Years 7-12)
Meets Friday each week at 7:30pm. The next meeting is on Friday 7 September. Come for a great time of games, friendship and bible discussion. For information about 2018 SWAT Youth, phone Dave on 0403 723 953 or click here.
Normal Weekly Services – Check out our website for more details.
Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion.
Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries. Communion on third Sunday of every month.
Sunday@6.00pm: Youth, young adult and those young at heart. Communion first Sunday of every month. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.
Hear the Police Band, Off the Cuff, while enjoying High Tea at St Mark’s Anglican Church, 160 Wynn Vale Drive, on Saturday 6 October from 2:00pm-4:00 pm. Tickets are available for $15.00. To book or get more details, contact Margaret on 0429446919.