Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 13 for 2024

The Vine Issue 13 – 2024

September 13, 2024
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Mr James Tamblyn


After nearly 17 years of dedicated service to Pedare, College Chaplain John Morton has informed us of his decision to retire at the end of Term 1, 2025. John has made an exceptional contribution to the College, leading and supporting the faith life of Pedare and ensuring that our Christian mission remains at the heart of our community. We thank John for his commitment and wish him, his wife Heather and their family every blessing for the future. We look forward to expressing our gratitude and farewelling him appropriately at the end of Term 1 next year.

We are fortunate to have College Chaplains Miriam Smith and Alaina Frost, who both joined Pedare earlier this year. They have been working wonderfully as part of the Chaplaincy team alongside John, and we look forward to their continued ministry to students, families and staff in the years to come.

College Chaplaincy Team
Alaina Frost, John Morton and Miriam Smith

A special thank you to everyone involved in our annual Middle and Senior School Athletics Carnival held on Friday, 13 September. This year, the event took place at Bridgestone Athletics Centre, as our usual venue, Tilley Reserve, was unavailable due to renovations. We were blessed with beautiful weather, and everyone in attendance enjoyed a fantastic day of competition and Community spirit. Special thanks to Director of Sport Alana Tronnolone and her team for their leadership and organisation of the event.

Middle and Senior School Athletics Carnival – Friday, 13 September

On Thursday, 12 September, we recognised R U OK? Day, a national day of action reminding Australians that every day is a good day to ask, ‘Are you OK?’. This day encourages us to start meaningful conversations when we notice that someone we care about may be struggling. The R U OK? website provides valuable resources, including suggestions on how to navigate these important conversations when checking in on others’ wellbeing. By asking ‘Are you OK?’, listening, encouraging action and checking in, we can significantly increase the chances that someone in need of support receives it.


Mrs Mandy Hore


Every year, on the second Thursday of September, Australia observes R U OK? Day—a national day encouraging everyone to ask, “Are you OK?” These three words can spark life-changing conversations about mental health and emotional wellbeing. The R U OK? framework guides us through this process: ask, listen without judgment, encourage action and check in. While the day itself is important, it’s a reminder that checking in with others should be ongoing. Whether it’s a colleague, friend or family member, consistently offering support can create a ripple effect of care and understanding.

This week, our community and wellbeing lessons have focused on encouraging students and staff to check in with each other and providing them with the tools and confidence to navigate these important conversations. Statistics show that those exposed to the R U OK? campaign are up to six times more likely to reach out to someone who might need support.

We aim to make every day R U OK? Day by staying connected and looking out for one another. You are always welcome to reach out to discuss your child’s wellbeing or seek support. A small conversation can have a big impact, and we are here to listen.

R U OK? Day – Thursday, 12 September


Ms Lisa Daws


The Junior School held Parent-Teacher Interviews this week, providing families and teachers with a valuable opportunity to collaborate on student progress. These conversations strengthen school-home partnerships by keeping parents informed about their child’s academic journey, celebrating strengths and focusing on areas for growth. Thank you to all parents who attended and engaged with our teaching staff—your involvement is key to creating a supportive environment where students thrive. As always, please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher to stay connected and share in their learning journey.


R U OK? The Importance of Student Wellbeing
Our core College values emphasise that every community member deserves to feel safe, respected and included. Student wellbeing is central to a positive school experience, and when students feel supported, they engage more effectively and excel both academically and socially. On Thursday, 12 September, we observed R U OK? Day, highlighting the importance of checking in on one another and reflecting on kindness, emotions and respectful relationships. Wellbeing encompasses emotional, physical and social aspects, which build resilience, foster friendships and boost self-confidence. Our ongoing commitment to include the ‘URStrong’ strategy promotes open communication and helps students navigate challenges to thrive.

‘URStrong’ Strategy

This term, students have participated in a range of wellbeing-focused activities, including Life Education, Emmy and Friends workshops and extra-curriculars like yoga, soccer, Aussie Hoops, netball and basketball. They’ve also been involved in sustainability initiatives, VEX Robotics, Junior Orator, Oliphant Science, the Junior School Musical and Mathematics competitions. Highlights include swimming lessons for Reception and Year 1, SAPSASA and state-level events and the upcoming Year 5 Transition Program to Middle School.

Reception – Year 1 Swimming Lessons (Tuesday-Thursday, 3-5 September)

As we approach the end of the term, we are beginning to prepare class placements for 2025, intending to create balanced and supportive learning environments. Teachers, who know your child well, carefully consider academic needs, social dynamics and individual strengths. Students are also involved in this process. If you have any concerns or specific considerations about your child’s placement, please email me at by Friday, 27 September.


Mrs Eliza Buckoke


In Home Group and Community Lesson this week, we have focused on emotional intelligence—a vital skill that helps students understand both their emotions and those of others, fostering empathy, resilience and positive relationships. It’s been a great opportunity for them to be reminded of the importance of managing emotions constructively.

It was pleasing to see many students participating in the pre-events leading up to the Middle and Senior School Athletics Carnival on Friday. Their enthusiasm, sportsmanship and sense of community were evident as they worked together to earn points for their Community teams.

Congratulations to Year 7 and 8 students who represented Pedare at the Royal Adelaide Show Science Competition, hosted by Agriculture SA. We are proud of their achievements and their dedication to learning is commendable.

The VEX Robotics program is thriving, with students from Years 9 to 12 hosting teams from 10 South Australian schools for the VEX V5 Competition in the College Chapel on Monday, 9 September. We’re eagerly anticipating what our teams will achieve at the state championships in October. Well done to the many students who engage in our robotics program, including a team of five Year 6 students who recently participated in a VEX Tournament at Salisbury East High School.

Years 9-12 VEX V5 Competition – Monday, 9 September

The last of the Community Dinners saw an excellent turnout of Middle School students. These dinners offer invaluable opportunities for students to connect across different year levels. It’s fantastic to see the relationships being built and strengthened within the College community.

Years 6-12 Community Dinners (Surrey, Eldergreen, Greenwith and Hillcott)

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported our Casual Clothes Day last week in aid of ‘Backpacks 4 SA Kids,’ an organisation that provides resources to children and young people who have been displaced from their homes. We were honoured to have Lesley, a guest speaker from the organisation, speak with our students about the profound impact these backpacks have on the lives of children in need. Her touching presentation reminded us of the power of community and kindness. Your donations are truly making a difference for young people facing tough challenges.

Term 3 Casual Clothes Day – Friday. 6 September

As we progress through the term, I encourage all students to stay engaged, curious and most importantly, connected. These shared experiences—whether through competitions, events or community service—are what make Middle School such a vibrant and supportive environment for learning and growth.


Mr Josh Willis


We are excited to introduce Stage 1 Outdoor Education to the Senior School curriculum in 2024. Last week, this class successfully completed their first camp at Mount Crawford Forest, venturing on a challenging yet rewarding three-day expedition covering approximately 50 kilometres on foot. This experience gave students the chance to develop outdoor skills, resilience and teamwork in a beautiful setting. We extend our thanks to Mr Bruse, Mrs Dutch and Mr Hutchings for their organisation and guidance throughout the camp. We look forward to expanding this offering to Stage 2 next year, providing students even more opportunities to challenge themselves and connect with nature.

The final weeks of school can be a particularly challenging time for our Year 12 students, and we encourage them to embrace this period fully. We are committed to providing strong support and motivation during this critical time. In the coming weeks, Senior School leadership staff will meet with each Year 12 student individually. We have reminded our students that there is still time to make significant progress. Small improvements, focused revision and dedicated effort can have a substantial impact on their final outcomes. This is a unique and special time full of emotions, challenges and opportunities that won’t come again. We encourage students to stay present, make the most of every moment and create lasting memories.


Wisdom for Life


That’s the approximate number of decisions an average adult makes every day. In comparison, children make about 3,000 decisions, reflecting the lower level of responsibility they carry at that stage of life. Even still, 3,000 choices is quite a lot!

Many decisions are intuitive or subconscious, requiring little thought or effort (e.g. choosing cereal for breakfast or turning off a light). Others, however, demand careful consideration as we weigh various factors, such as relationship priorities, scheduling conflicts, moral dilemmas or career options.

Junior School students recently reflected on the ‘Challenge of Choices’ during Worship. As they discussed hypothetical situations, it became clear that the toughest decisions often involve the most important relationships in our lives. It’s no surprise that the wisdom from God helps us navigate life and care for those around us. Sometimes the wisest decision is to acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers and that we need God’s guidance.

But the wisdom that comes from God is like this: First, it is pure, then it is also peaceful, gentle and easy to please. This wisdom is always ready to help those who are troubled and to do good for others. This wisdom is always fair and honest. (James 3:17)

Mr John Morton


The Arts Showcase 2024

We invite you to The Arts Showcase on Wednesday, 18 September, for an evening of creativity and celebration!

At 5pm, the Visual Art Showcase in the Mallee Building will feature a stunning exhibition of Middle and Senior students artwork, including sculptures, paintings, drawings and more.

Light refreshments will also be available during the Visual Art Showcase.

Following at 6:30pm, the Music Showcase in the College Chapel will highlight performances from our talented Year 3-12 students, featuring all College ensembles. Doors open at 6:15pm, so arrive early to secure the best seat!

Parking will be available in the Junior School Carpark.

Mrs Emily Kenny


IPSHA Junior Orators Competition

Aryan K represented Pedare at the IPSHA Junior Orators Competition, held at Immanuel Primary School, competing against 14 other schools. He truly excelled, delivering a humorous and well-researched speech on “Fast Food,” which captivated the audience. Congratulations to Aryan for earning the runner-up position on the night – a fantastic achievement!

Mrs Rebecca Wallace

Royal Adelaide Show Science Competition Awards

Some Year 7 and 8 students recently participated in a state-wide science competition at the Royal Adelaide Show, organised by Agriculture SA. After their success at the ONE+ Science Awards, these students had the opportunity to showcase their Science Fair posters, engage with industry experts and connect with students from other schools across South Australia.

We are thrilled to announce the following prize winners:

  • Year 8 – 1st Place: Alex R and Charlie B
  • Year 8 – 2nd Place: Jap G, Quin S and Luke Y
  • Year 8 – 3rd Place: Tegan M, Sarah M and Allegra B
  • Year 7 – 2nd Place: Hannah S, Ella W and Olivia G

Congratulations to all students who competed and represented Pedare so proudly!

Mrs Hannah Dearman 

Youth Achievement Awards

The City of Tea Tree Gully’s Youth Achievement Awards recognised several Pedare students last Thursday, 5 September. Indiana S (Year 9) won the Peer Choice Award, Gabriel T (Year 9) received the Change Maker Award and NextGen was named first runner-up for the Together We Can Award. We are proud of their contributions to the community.

Before the ceremony, the Pedare string quartet, led by old scholar Miss Sophie Szabo, performed a 20-minute program in the foyer. Their performance showcased the College’s musical talent, impressing the audience with their skill and professionalism.


Year 3 VEX Go Day

Year 3 students participated in a VEX Go Day on Thursday, 5 September, exploring the theme of innovation in technology and future possibilities of self-driving vehicles. As part of their transdisciplinary inquiry into “How the World Works,” with the central idea that “Humans are driven to imagine,” students engaged in hands-on activities to bring their ideas to life.

Miss Kayla Gyles

Year 10-12 Excursion to Hahndorf

On Monday, 26 August, Year 10–12 German students visited Hahndorf as part of their studies on travel and emigration. They explored key heritage sites, including Paechtown Barn, the Hahndorf Academy and Saint Michael’s Church. During their stroll down Main Street, students admired the many ‘Fachwerkhäuser’ (half-timbered houses) and later enjoyed a traditional German lunch at Heidi’s Kaffeehaus.

Mr Erik Brasse and Mrs Nicole Callen

Stage 1 Outdoor Education Hiking Expedition

The Stage 1 Outdoor Education hiking expedition through Mount Crawford Forest and Warren Conservation Park was a fantastic success! Students tackled two full days of hiking, enduring unseasonably warm and humid weather that had everyone sweating. Despite the challenges of steep climbs and heavy packs, the group was rewarded with breathtaking views, picturesque lunch spots and scenic bush trails filled with spring blossoms and wildflowers.

Evenings around the campfire were a highlight, as students enjoyed the fun of cooking outdoors. Thankfully, the rain held off until the drive home, following a successful morning of orienteering. Although everyone returned with sore legs and tired bodies, they carried with them a well-deserved sense of achievement.

Mrs Bronwyn Dutch & Mr Hayden Bruse

Stage 1 Physical Education Aquatics Camp

Stage 1 Physical Education students travelled to the Murraylands Aquatics Centre in Week 6 for their annual Aquatics Camp. The camp focused on developing new aquatic skills, particularly sailing. During the camp, students had the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and gain a deeper understanding of how different learning strategies affected their performance. They also considered the various forms of feedback and practice methods provided by instructors, peers and themselves throughout the learning process.

The other activities consisted of kneeboarding, paddleboarding, fishing and powerboat driving. We were blessed with wonderful weather, good food and friendly company.

Thank you to Mr Will Acres and Mrs Rebecca Feltus for dedicating extra time to support the Physical Education program and the Stage 1 students. A special thanks also goes to the amazing staff at Murraylands Aquatics Centre for providing us with this valuable opportunity.

Mr Damien Hutchings

Year 11 Specialist Mathematics Surveying

Year 11 Specialist Mathematics class had the opportunity to explore the field of surveying through an engaging presentation and hands-on activities on Tuesday, 10 September. After a brief introduction outlining the diverse career paths in surveying, students participated in three outdoor exercises that brought the concepts to life. This experience not only captured the students’ interest but also broadened their perspectives on future career options.

Mrs Leonie Brown

Year 12 High Tea

Stage 2 Food & Hospitality students hosted a High Tea for the staff on Friday, 30 August, showcasing their culinary skills. From entrees to desserts, the students spent the day preparing a variety of delicious treats, while also refining their cooking techniques.

A big thank you to the students for their hard work and to Miss Bianca Cameron for her guidance and support throughout the event. It was a wonderful experience for all involved, and the staff thoroughly enjoyed the delicious food.


SADNA Netball Winter 2024 Season Wrap Up

As the Winter Netball Season wraps up, we congratulate all Pedare teams on an outstanding season!

A big well done to all teams who advanced to one or more of the three finals rounds:

  • Pedare Inter 2, led by Coach Khayla 
  • Pedare Junior 2, led by Coach Renae
  • Pedare Sub Junior 1, led by Coach Amber
  • Pedare Sub Junior 3, led by Coach Angela

We especially congratulate our Sub Junior 3 team for not only advancing to the Grand Final round but also winning it! The girls played a fantastic game, securing an incredible 37-13 victory.

We look forward to another successful season of Netball in the Summer. Go Pedare!

Miss Kayla Gyles

SADNA Netball Umpires Awards

Violet R (Year 6) received the SADNA Umpires Award for the Sub Junior 4 division during the Winter netball season, while Lauren B (Year 7) received the same award for the Sub Junior 2 division. This award is given to the player who earns the most votes for best on court, as selected by the umpires at each game. Congratulations to both students for this fantastic achievement.

Further congratulations to Lauren for receiving the highest number of votes across all Sub Junior teams in the SADNA competition!

Miss Kayla Gyles


The Pedare Extra-Curricular Team are excited to bring you a new portal, containing information and links all in one location to our Sports and Clubs program.

The Portal is updated regularly to bring you the latest news, announcements, updates, results and more of Pedare Extra-curricular activities and events.




Tea Tree Gully Anglican


Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you.

On Sundays, we meet at the church at 8.30 am, 10.00 am and 6.00 pm. If you want to discover what the bible says Christianity is all about, join one of the numerous weekly bible discussion groups, or want to find out about our Kids Club (R-6) from 3:30-5pm and Youth group (Y7-12) from 7-9pm that both operate on a weekly basis during school terms.

Please visit our website ( or contact Rick Maude at for details.




Gully Church (Tea Tree Gully Uniting) – Banksia Markets


Gully Church hosts the ‘local and friendly’ Banksia Markets on the first Saturday of each month from 8.30 am to 1.00 pm at 600 Milne Road, Banksia Park. Stalls inside the hall and in the car park include produce, fresh fruit and vegetables, jewellery, tools, bric-à-brac and lots more.

For more information, contact the Gully Church website at or email




Golden Grove Uniting Church


Golden Grove Uniting Church, corner of Crouch and One Tree Hill Road, Golden Grove, has a traditional service at 10 am on a Sunday.  Also, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, we have a cafe-style church, a relaxed contemporary worship service at 6 pm in the Church hall.

Café Youth is a fun, interactive program for young people ages 14 and up looking to engage in topics of faith. Café Youth sessions start with a fun 30-minute activity based on the theme for the night, then followed by “Talk Time”, during which the group discusses a topic of faith while enjoying delicious snacks, refreshments and pizza! The cost for each session is $5.

For further information, please contact the Office at 8251 4298 or email  You can even check our webpage: