Mr Mike Millard
Winter Sports Program
As we come to the end of the Winter Sports Season, I acknowledge and thank the many people in the Pedare community for their involvement and commitment during the season. To the students, coaches, team managers and parent supporters, who really did go above and beyond in their efforts, thank you for all you bring to this important aspect of school life.
Netball Presentation Night for SPIN Program
The Inaugural Pedare Netball Presentation Night, under the new SPIN program, was held on the evening of Tuesday 12 September with Thunderbirds player, Kate Shimmin, who was invited to speak and present awards. The passion our students and coaches have for Netball was clearly evident and I am pleased Pedare has taken the step to have netball as its ‘first specialist’ program. The Pedare teams in the SADNA program at the Golden Grove Courts all performed very well with many in the younger teams only just beginning their netball careers. Thanks go to Ms Fiona Themann, our coaching specialist and Thunderbirds player, for bringing her passion for the game to share with our students.
Student Achievement in Geography
It is my pleasure to let you know Year 11 student Sophie Szabo has been selected to represent SA in the Australian Geography Competition’s Big Week Out, to be held this year on Kangaroo Island.
Geography’s Big Week Out is a mix of stimulating and hands-on Geography activities which will challenge and extend high-scoring Year 11 students, who will be representing each state. This Geography field experience serves as a showcase of the excellent work Geography students and teachers are doing around Australia. It is also used as the selection mechanism for choosing Australia’s team (four students) who will compete at the 15th International Geography Olympiad to be held in Quebec City, Canada in August 2018. We wish Sophie all the very best as she joins this field experience with the other high achieving students.
Combined Boards Event
Each year, the three ONE+ schools, Gleeson, Golden Grove HS and Pedare, bring together the school boards, student leaders and staff leadership teams to affirm our joint commitment to providing shared learning and shared facilities within the ONE+ environment. The ONE+ environment supports students from each of the three schools and is able to provide learning opportunities that go beyond what an individual school may be able to provide. There is a deep commitment to providing the very best learning opportunities for the students in our collective care.
This year, the guest speaker was Mr Andrew Reed, General Manager, Hender Consulting, who spoke passionately about contemporary leadership. He shared that gone are the days of ”bust through or arrogant” leadership and in its place, is leadership based on authenticity, integrity, sincerity and humility. This was an affirming message for the leadership teams and board members of each school.
Hender Consulting is a leading Adelaide recruitment firm and Mr Reed was able to share with the student leaders how to develop their skill set to make themselves more attractive to future employers. His key message to students was to develop skills through sporting and music involvement, volunteering and part time work as they pursue higher education post their secondary schooling. Employers are looking for people with initiative, a caring outlook and the capacity to work very positively within teams. The student leaders really appreciated this feedback and advice and plan to action opportunities in their own lives.
Mr Randall Pearce
Staff and Student Design Team
What an exciting time to be at Pedare, for both staff and students. Student Voice is very important to us and we look for every opportunity to allow our students to have a say. Historically this has been through the SVC and Year 5 Student Captains.
The move to One College has provided an opportunity for the College to invite both students and staff to help with ideas for our new buildings and surroundings.
The student design team is made up of four students Hudson Thomas, Year 1, Grace Terrington, Year 2, Oscar Elding, Year 3 and Emily Schulz, Year 4. Already they have attended two meetings with the architects and have impressed all with their ideas and maturity. They have worked with classes and year levels, conducted surveys and have ably shared the thoughts of others during our meetings.
The staff team includes myself, Melissa Clifton, Laura Logan, Heath Perry and Joy Ey. We all bring different experiences, but share a common passion for the Junior School and what makes our current school so special. It has been exciting seeing ideas becoming reality and basic concepts and pictures at this stage being drawn.
We will continue to involve our staff and students during this process and hope to extend this opportunity soon.
Student Captains
Last week we announced to the College community our Student Captains for 2018; Casey Elding and Lorcyn Murdey-Green, congratulations and well done, I look forward to working with you closely next year.
Wednesday, in Week 8, the candidates for Community Captains, spoke to their communities and then the students voted.
I am proud to announce the following:
Lorcyn Murdey-Green
Casey Elding
Aymee Smale
Hayden Cluse-Robertson
Teagan Shean
Samuel Carter
Karys Emery
Jamin Field
Otylia Portakiewicz
Callum Robertson
Emily Schulz
Jack Haberfield
Mr Andrew Whiteman
At Pedare, we value each and every student and one of our goals is for all students to become leaders in their local community. We want our students to become well educated, responsible global citizens. But how do we do this?
We know we provide an excellent education and our content is aligned to the mandated Australian Curriculum. We know our students enjoy the community feel of the College and if you were to ask them one thing they feel strongly about, many would say they feel proud to be a part of the community. Whether that be part of a Home Group; a Community; a core class or a sporting or extra-curricular activity.
Our students have told us they believe that to be a leader, you need to stand out from the crowd. As teachers, it gives us pride to see our students standing up for what they believe in, standing up for others and for looking out for all people in the College.
Recently, in the Middle School, we launched a campaign with the slogan ‘Stand up for our Brand’. Middle School students were asked to create a poster or banner with the messages they believe Pedare stands for. The quotes from these banners show us our students care about the College and it shows us we have students who want to help others.
Quotes such as:
“Take a stand, lend a hand. C’mon Pedare.”
“Stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone.”
“Sometimes we need someone to simply be there. Not to fix anything, or to do anything in particular, but just to let us feel we are cared for and supported.”
I was so very proud of all the students who took the time and effort to complete their advertising banners, and the winning team of Mr Gale and Ms Janeway’s Home Groups who designed a banner blending the Community colours together with the slogan ‘Unite’, certainly stood out. The banners will be visible on the Middle School water tank. Well done to all. We look forward to the ‘Walk a Mile in My Boots’ fundraiser this Friday night, as an opportunity for our students to raise money for the Hutt Street Centre and the homeless in Adelaide. This is another example of our students leading a fundraiser and doing something to show the community that we care.
Our Pedare culture of success and inclusion continues to grow and some days there are students who find school tough. We want to continue to reach out to those students and help them to become confident members of our community. We want them to become confident and comfortable, so they too can become leaders in the future. If you feel your child could benefit from assistance, we have a number of people responsible for the care of your children. The Community Coordinators are:
Please contact your child’s Community Coordinator if you would like to discuss their progress at Pedare. Whether it is an academic, social or personal concern, our Community Coordinators work with students, families and teachers to help students on their journey through school.
If there is an issue within a class, please also note that all teachers can be contacted via email or phone. Opening up the lines of communication with a staff member may help to address concerns early, rather than leaving issues unresolved. All our staff care deeply for the students of Pedare and I know they work closely with families if there are issues which need addressing. Mrs Jude Johnson, the Assistant Head of Middle School, works closely with the core class teachers, specialist teachers and Community Coordinators to look after the wellbeing of all students. Either Mrs Johnson or I can also be contacted if you have further concerns via email or phone.
Year 9 students will have an Information evening for their transition into Year 10 during Week 1 of Term 4. Information about subjects and the selections process will be presented to both parents and students.
Year 8 students will have a presentation during the school day to advise them about their subject choices for Year 9, 2018.
Information regarding both of these events will be sent via email to families later this term.
We look forward to the remaining weeks ahead with a number of exciting learning opportunities with numerous off-campus excursions occurring for a number of Middle School classes.
Mrs Gillian Edwards
Year 12 students have participated in trial examinations or extended workshop times this week. Their examination results will be sent home at the end of this term; but it is important to keep in mind that these results are simply a guide to students to confirm at this time what they know and to highlight areas within each subject that may require additional attention and revision. They do not indicate what a student’s final result will be. Students have the opportunity to attend a variety of revision workshops offered at the College during the up-coming term break; but they should also be developing their own revision program. All Year 12s have already been provided with resources to aid their study, revision and exam techniques. We wish them well as they rapidly approach the final weeks of their secondary schooling.
Year 10 students had the opportunity to visit the Tonsley site, where they were introduced to the types of courses and facilities available at Flinders University and TAFE. Student feedback follows in this issue of The Vine, and it appears, from the students’ comments, they did enjoy the opportunity to experience a tertiary environment they may not otherwise have done.
Thank you to all the students and their parents who attended the subject counselling appointments for Years 11 & 12 in 2018.
Year 9 parents and students will shortly receive an invitation to attend an important meeting regarding subject selection for Year 10 next year, to be held on Tuesday 17 October.
Best wishes to all Senior School students for the soon-to-be-upon-us term break. May you have a safe, relaxing time with your family and friends.
Sunday, 24 September
Pedare’s Open Day is an opportunity to visit the Middle & Senior School where you can experience and discover what the College can offer your child. This is also an insight for students who will be transitioning into Years 6-8 in 2018.
Tours will be conducted throughout the afternoon, highlighting future learning possibilities and other areas, including extra and co-curricular opportunities, student well-being and pastoral care, and career pathways. See how Pedare is innovating its teaching and learning to provide skills for life after school.
Enjoy a day of discovery, exploring the many displays and activities, listen to music performances and enjoy afternoon tea from the Wattle Café with fun activities for your child/children to be involved in along the way.
To register your interest and for more information click here
Wednesday, 20 September & Thursday, 21 September
The Junior School will be presenting their Musical – ‘What a Knight!’ by Craig Hawes.
Join Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table on Camelot’s craziest quest in this hilarious musical adventure! A castle full of colourful characters join in the fun, including precocious princesses, a talking dragon – and not forgetting Merlin and his magic mirror!
This is a magical production, where everyone is guaranteed to sing a lot, dance a lot and laugh a lot… at Camelot!
The ‘What a Knight’ Musical will be held on Wednesday 20 September and Thursday 21 September 2017 in the Golden Grove Arts Centre with each session starting at 7.00pm.
Please click here to book your tickets.
Pedare’s RoboCamp is all about having fun while constructing robots and structures. Recently, Year 3-6 students engaged in hands-on activities in the field of robotics and explored engineering concepts through the use of motors sensors and programming. They created their own mobile robots using Lego pieces and were introduced to standard designs and encouraged to explore their own modification and design.
Using a graphical programme language NXT-G, beginner programs cover basic techniques to provide mobility and simple behaviours for a mobile robot. Advanced programs re-cap existing knowledge presented from the beginner levels with expansion to more complicated behaviours and high-level programming techniques.
Students were encouraged to think ‘outside of the box’ when designing their robots, using a range of pieces and components. At the end of the day, students enjoyed a ‘Sumo Battle’ which resulted in the robots being tangled together in a huge mound of Lego.
Pedare serving the community – The Red Dove Cafe
The Red Dove Cafe is a Royal Adelaide Show institution for over 60 years. Since 1951 Red Dove has served food and drinks to Adelaide’s show-goers with the purpose of raising money for charity. The cafe offers a healthy range of home-style meals and a full range of snack and drink items, and operates thanks to the contribution of volunteers.
Each year, students of Pedare Christian College support the work of the Uniting Church in the community by volunteering in the Red Dove Cafe, during the week of the Royal Adelaide Show. This year, 20 students from Years 10 and 11 worked one or more shifts in the café and again, found this a rewarding and enjoyable, if not tiring, experience, with many of them suggesting they will be looking to be involved again next year.
Here’s what they said…
“Working in Red Dove cafe was something I was very anxious about as I had never had any experience working before. However, as soon as I arrived I felt welcomed by the friendly staff and excited to get started. I felt comfortable and as though I belonged in that environment. This also helped me feel comfortable to reach out to other companies to do other volunteer work. I enjoyed working in a fast-paced environment and it was overall just enjoyable”
“Red Dove was a very fun experience, and despite a few mishaps and spilt coffees, I enjoyed it a lot. It was a tiring day, but in the end it was worth it.”
“I’ve already had my two shifts at the Red Dove Cafe and I loved the experience! It was very helpful in terms of experience, and I was also able to put it down in my resume. The time there went really quickly with my friends and the new people I met, a guy there also taught me a little on making coffees! Although it was tiring after each shift, I definitely got something out of it and have enjoyed it.”
“Volunteering at the Red Dove Cafe was a great experience. Not only did I gain work experience, I also gained more confidence in speaking to strangers. It was interesting seeing how a cafe is run from behind the counter. I will definitely think about volunteering again next year.”
Mrs Jan Robertson, Assistant Head to Senior School
Competition Awards and Winners – Royal Adelaide Show
Some of Pedare students participated in the ‘Science Investigation Awards’ and 3D Competition at the Show. The results were as follows:
Year 9 Food & Fibre Science Investigation Awards
On 4 September, five Year 9 students represented Pedare in the ‘Science Investigation Awards’ at this year’s Royal Adelaide Show. Students were part of an integrated Science and Food Technology Unit where they had to work scientifically incorporating food or fibre and the scientific principles behind pH.
The integrated task allowed students to reach beyond the facts and formulate their own understanding of pH in their chosen area of study by choosing their own inquiry question. One group looked at the effect of pH on seed germination and growth of radishes. Another looked at the oxidation of apples and what commonly found acidic products in the domestic kitchen may counteract this reaction, and another looked at foods which cause indigestion in particular ‘coffee’ and how antacids neutralise the contents of the stomach. The exploration of the pH concept in a real-life situation led the students towards a deeper understanding of the topic and the ability to apply these ideas and science skills to new situations.
The Grand Final involved the students presenting their posters to the judges. Even though the students were unsuccessful in winning the competition, they proudly represented Pedare with their immaculate appearance and the way they conducted themselves throughout the day.
Ms Lisa Kuhlmann, Learning Area Coordinator – Technology
3D Printing Competition
Congratulations to the following students who achieved excellent results after submitting their projects for the 3D Printing Competition at this year’s Royal Adelaide Show.
The winners were:
Category 2 – Functional Object
Lachlan Wilson – 4th Place
Category 3 – Moving Object
Harry Rischmiller – 1st Place
Category 3 – Moving Object
Thomas McCarthy – 4th Place & Merit Award
Category 4 – Space+
Cameron Langfield – 1st Place
On 27 July 2017, 49 students from Years 6-12 took part in the annual Australian Mathematics Competition. The AMC is for students of all levels with students being asked to solve problems which are designated to test mathematical thinking.
The following students will be presented with their certificates at an assembly later in the year:
Upper Primary Division
High Distinction
Junior Division
Intermediate Division
Senior Division
High Distinction
Tuesday, 29 August
“On Tuesday 29 August, Year 6s were visited by German dancing champion, Mr Rowan Classen. This experience taught us a lot about German traditional dancing and German culture. The dance students learnt was extremely tiring as we only got a small amount of break time between each move. It was also fun and competitive as we competed against Mr Classen to see who was the fittest. Overall, this has probably been one of the best experiences we have had all year.” – Maya and Elizabeth
“It was fun and exciting learning about German dancing and culture. All of the competitions made us try even harder. I like learning about the differences between the dance moves from Germany and Australia.” – Isabel
Tuesday, 12 September
Year 7 classes attended an outdoor education session at Cobbler Creek Recreation Park on Tuesday 12 September. The weather was fantastic and the natural ‘hills meet plains’ landscape provided a beautiful backdrop for some outdoor learning. The session was hosted by Shanelle Palmer, an outdoor educator representing the ‘Friends of Cobbler Creek.’ She was supported by volunteers from the friends group and Department of Environment and Heritage rangers who have a role in maintaining the park and educating the public. Students spent a good part of the day hiking, playing in the new ‘nature’ playground and walking the Mai Tappa Indigenous Trail and learned about the important bush tucker and customs of the Kauna People, the original custodians of the land. The Box Mallee trees and grasslands represent some of the original landscape and vegetation of the Adelaide Plains.
Dr Phillip Roetman, Citizen Scientist from the University of SA at Mawson Lakes was also on hand to speak to the students about insects with a focus on spiders. The games, activities, talks and walks all contributed to an in-depth investigation of our local national park.
Mr David DeBoer – IB MYP Coordinator
Wednesday, 13 September
On Wednesday 13 September, Year 10 students went on an excursion to Tonsley TAFE and Flinders University, Tonsley campus. Students participated in tours of both the Uni and TAFE campuses and were exposed to cutting edge technology. Flinders at Tonsley centrally locates computer science, engineering and mathematics, with the Medical Device Research Institute and Centre for NanoScale Science and Technology.
Some students commented on their experience:
“The equipment on the campus was impressive and I enjoyed viewing these while on the tour.” – Connor
“One thing that interested me was the animation software using the orbs that followed your joints which could be used for animation, to study the way humans could walk and move.” – Genevieve
“From the trip, I learnt that the university provides a variety of learning opportunities. The many robotics, scientific and technological aspects give those seeking learning in those fields many opportunities.” – Dylan
We encourage families to share their child/rens personal achievements from both within and outside of the College, as we understand learning doesn’t stop at the school gate. If your child has a special achievement, we welcome your submission. Articles of 100 to 200 words along with a good high-resolution photo can be emailed by clicking the button below.
Congratulations to Chelsea Schar-Grant, Year 6 who recently achieved 2nd place in the Prose 3 category for the South Australian Young Writer’s Award.
Well done Chelsea.
Congratulations to Baxter Nickolai, Year 9, who achieved a High Distinction in the Theory of Music, First Grade at the Australian Music Examinations Board in 2017.
Well done Baxter.
Congratulations to Karys Emery, Year 4, who achieved a grade of Honours Plus for her Bronze Star ATOD Classical Ballet Assessment.
Well done Karys.
Congratulations to Isabella Emery, Year 5, who achieved a grade of Commended Plus for her Silver Medal ATOD Classical Ballet Assessment this year.
Well done Isabella.
Extra-Curricular Fixtures are available on the Pedare App and on the College website.
Tuesday, 12 September
“The most important thing is that you enjoy what you are doing, you have a love for it,” quoted Kate Shimmin, Australian Fast Five player, at our inaugural Pedare Netball Presentation Night. This message echoed through the evening as Pedare Netballers were presented their awards for the sport they enjoy, and have come to love.
With the Chapel transformed into a formal function room, equipped with nibbles, drinks and stellar raffle prizes, the stage was set for the night ahead. After hearing inspiration from our guest speaker, local Thunderbirds Premiership Player, Kate Shimmin, it was time to celebrate the successes of Pedare’s first ever season in the South Australian District Netball Association and a chance to recognise the achievements of a number of individuals amongst the teams.
Each coach awarded an overall Best and Fairest and a Coaches Award. (Please see award winners listed below). Hearing each coach reflect on their team’s performance, their growth over the season and their enjoyment was very special for the 100+ guests in attendance.
The last award given on the night was the Pedare Netballer of the Year, Madison Maltby. This award was chosen as an award for a student who is not necessarily the most skilled player, but a player who always demonstrates a great attitude towards the sport, the competition, the supporters and their peers.
With the above award only going to one student across the 5 teams, it would be unfair not to acknowledge the other 44 who have all shown a strong commitment to Pedare Netball, dedication to their team, and have represented the school with pride and passion.
Bring on the next season!
Ms Fiona Themann
Award winners were:
Sub Primary – Raelene Lyon
Participation Awards
Primary – Mali Olafsen-Weaver
Sub Junior – Hayley Mayer
Sub Junior – Abbee Demetriou
Junior – Nathan Caeran
Pedare Netballer of the Year
Pedare Netballer of the Year
Madison Maltby
Primary Under 11 Team
Primary Best & Fairest/Coaches Awards
Kiera Geesing & Emily Schutz
Sub Primary Team
Sub Junior Team 1 Best & Fairest/Coaches Awards
Ally Hynds & Madison Smith
Sub Junior Team 2 Best & Fairest/Coaches Awards
Inseo Yoon & Belle Arbery
Junior Team Best & Fairest/Coaches Awards
Hannah Warne & Chloe McCarthy
Presentation Awards
The Pedare Netball Club are currently seeking expressions of interest for coaches in the upcoming Summer Netball 17/18 season.
We have a range of age groups and skill levels available, from Sub Primary (9/U) through to Junior (15/U).
Pedare has just completed its inaugural season and aims to increasingly grow and develop by continuing to focus on increased player numbers, performance and number of teams within the South Australian District Netball Association. We are endeavouring to build a strong team of coaches and managers to achieve these goals.
Please register your expressions of interest by emailing and providing your details.
Expressions of interest close on Wednesday 20 September 2017.
Wednesday, 30 August
Pedare’s Year 6/7 (plus one Year 5 student) Tennis Team played in the SAPSASA District Tennis Tournament for the first time on Wednesday 30 August.
The girls team consisted of Chelsea Schar-Grant, Isabella Clayton, Alicia Doyle, Hannah Szabo, Emily Briggs, Molly Colaco, Paige Waugh, Onoseje Ebewele and Erin Wallace.
The boys team included Casey Van Hueven, Jordan Ashworth, Samuel Shephard-Bayly, Waseem El Rachid, Kabir Malhotra, Adam Semmler and Angelo Li.
Many on the team were learning the game and displayed an excellent attitude whether winning or losing and enjoyed their matches. Each player can be proud of their efforts and represented the College in a positive way. An added bonus for the day was coming third overall out of 15 teams.
Special thanks to Mrs Hart and Mr Willis who were very helpful with organisation, spare racquets and training etc.
Well done to all the team.
Mr Andrew Penny – Team Manager
Saturday, 26 August
The Pedare Senior SAAS boys dominated their division again this year. They completed an undefeated season on 26 August, with a defeat of St Peter’s 1 – 42 to 30. We say goodbye to Year 12 players Nathan Caeran and Tyson Prettejohn, both of whom have dedicated much time and talent representing Pedare on the basketball court. The team is solid with a strong cohort of Year 11 players: Jack Shephard, Carter Quinn and Aaron Lal, who will all be influential leaders next season with their combined talents and enthusiasm. The “rookies” this year were Jack Hynds and William Norrington, who both held their own and displayed increasingly strong basketball skills. The team was lucky enough to be coached by ex-scholar Branson Palmer, a talented basketball player and supportive and knowledgeable coach.
Watch this space next year, with Pedare set to continue in its Senior Boy’s Basketball domination!!
Mrs Kelli Shephard – Team Manager
Week 6
Week 7
Generators Kids Club 2017 (Years R-6)
Come and join us. Generators kids club meets Fridays each fortnight for great games, craft and bible time. Our next kids club is on Friday 21 September from 3:30pm-5:00pm at 19 Perseverance Road TTG. This week’s craft is Puppets. Phone Rick on 8264 3736 or click here for more information about our Term 3 program.
SWAT Youth (Years 7-12)
Meets Friday each week at 7:30pm. Next meet is on Friday 15 September at 19 Perseverance Road TTG. Come for a great time of games, friendship and bible discussion. Phone Dave on 0403 723 953 for more details or click here.
Normal Weekly Services – Check out our website for more details
Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion.
Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries. Communion on third Sunday of every month.
Sunday@6.00pm: Youth, young adult and those young at heart. Communion first Sunday of every month. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.