Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 14 for 2018

The Vine Issue 14 – 2018

September 14, 2018
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Mr Mike Millard


Mr Mike Millard


Reception Ready Excursion

On Thursday 13 September, Reception Ready students embarked on their “first ever” school excursion to the Middle and Senior Schools.

A lot of firsts…….

  • first trip on a bus for some,
  • first time at the “One College Campus” for most,
  • first time in the Principal’s Office for all,
  • first time in the Wattle Cafe – food is always a highlight
  • first time seeing the new Blue Gum gymnasium – this was a highlight as there was a big crane working on the steelwork,
  • first time in the library, where Mr Millard and Mrs Booth read them a story.

This is a great opportunity for the youngest members of our College to learn more about their schooling at Pedare and explore One College Campus.


Year 2 Assembly Friday 14 September

A visit to any of our Junior School year level assemblies will affirm for parents the significant advances in student learning that the IB PYP has brought to Pedare. The approach to enquiry that teachers are following in classes enables deep learning, investigations of substance and collaboration between the students. Thank you to Mrs Crawford and Mrs Burne for preparing their Year 2 classes so that the students could confidently speak about their creative writing, art experiences in the style of the Monet’s paintings and their environmental focus on raising money from 10 cent bottle deposits to provide funds for the Uniting Church’s Drought Fund for farmers.

Open Day

It is with great anticipation we look forward to welcoming  new families to tour the College on Open Day this Sunday 16 September from 1:00 – 4:00pm. With the exciting One College beginning in 2019, Open Day is an opportunity to visit the Middle and Senior Schools to see the new building developments and experience for yourself what the College can offer your child.

Tours will be conducted throughout the afternoon, highlighting future learning possibilities and other areas, including extra and co-curricular, student well-being and career pathways. You can enjoy a day of discovery, viewing the many displays and activities, listen to music performances and enjoy afternoon tea at the Wattle Centre.



Excitement and expectations continue to grow as the ‘One College’ building program progresses, with the landscape continually changing:

  • Concrete pours for the first floor of the Middle School building have commenced
  • The framework for the Blue Gum gymnasium has been completed, with the roofing work and the concreting of the floor commencing
  • Steel-work for the Junior School building will be delivered before the end of term.

Mr Randall Pearce


Mr Randall Pearce


A continued focus this year at the Junior School is resilience. With Junior School and Community Captains being decided during last week, it is important to remind both children and parents about thinking with resilience in mind.

Resilience refers to one’s ability to successfully manage life and to successfully adapt to change and stressful events in both healthy and constructive ways. In simplistic terms, it is our survivability and “bounce-back-ability” to life experiences, and that means both the really advantageous ones as well as the really challenging, traumatic ones.

While some parents and carers try to avoid their children having negative experiences, it is actually much needed. A child needs to experience disappointment, challenge, failure and a lack of boundaries to fully develop the specific interpersonal, personal and social skills required for people to live in communities.

Children also need to learn to develop their own voice and age-dependent moments of autonomy where they get to have a sense of control over their life.

Resilience is a foundation skill for a happy life. It is the ability to know which issues are important and which are small and not worth getting upset about. Without resilience, we waste so much time and energy being upset by things that are simply not worth it.

At school, we see children allowing themselves to be deeply hurt and upset by a thoughtless comment or action. We are teaching children through the ‘You Can Do it’ program to think about what is important and what is not by using the catastrophe scale. Once they can decide how significant the problem is, then they can make better decisions on how to manage it.

Pedare Junior School is an amazing environment to come to each day due to the support we receive from our community. So, in these times, when it is tough, when life is not exactly fair, and your child misses out on an opportunity, please understand we will work with you and your child to build those skills to manage and adapt to stressful events.

Mr Andrew Whiteman


Mr Andrew Whiteman


Warmer weather and the trees in blossom signals Term 3 is rapidly coming to a close. Another busy term with so many students involved in events around the College. Our recent casual day, where students were encouraged to wear something yellow, raised over $800 for Backpacks for SA kids. A wonderful achievement.

In Week 7, the annual Cross campus assembly was held in the College Chapel, where the 3 schools came together to celebrate the various talents of our students. We were treated to some wonderful music and dance performances.

The special guest at the assembly was Mr Ivan Neville from the Department of Jobs in Canberra. He talked about the students not having to make a decision on their futures or their future careers now as Middle School students, but that they need to equip themselves with skills. What skills you ask? He explored the importance of people skills, the skills of being a problem solver, of being creative and being a good communicator. He couldn’t say what the jobs market will be like in 10 or 20 years, but he does know that people skills will always be important, even in the digital world. When the time is right, he recommended getting a part-time job to learn the skills required for future success. Mr Neville also highlighted that education is important and goes a long way in helping students secure a job in the years to come. I am hopeful our students learnt a lot from Mr Neville, who was an engaging speaker.

Middle School devices update – please refer to the email sent on 4 September regarding the required device for Middle School students. The Chromebook is the device of choice and by 2020 all students in the Middle School will be required to use this device. Chromebooks are an internet-based laptop that is specifically designed for education. Every Chromebook currently in use at the College can now be used offline at any time of the day, meaning if students are on the bus on the way home they can still access and edit any document without access to the internet. Once the student is back into wi-fi range, the device automatically uploads and saves all work. No more lost work!

Congratulations to the Year 8/9 Netball team who won their division last Tuesday evening. In the end, it was a convincing victory and one that rounded off a great year for the girls.

School Uniform Reminder

With the warmer weather approaching, and where appropriate, students may choose to wear the summer uniform in Weeks 9 and 10. Summer uniform is compulsory in Term 4 and the opposite applies, where if there is cooler weather, students could wear winter uniform for Weeks 1 and 2 only. Please no mix and matching with the uniforms.

We look forward to the remainder of the Term 3.

Mrs Gillian Edwards


Mrs Gillian Edwards


Following this week’s Year 12 Trial examinations, together with the Year 10 and 11 Parent/Teacher/Student interviews, this time of the school year is usually when our senior students reflect on their performance and hopefully re-focus their efforts for the run home. It is also a time when students may need to take steps to build their resilience.

Resilience is bouncing back after difficult times. When things go wrong, it is what helps you to cope and get through. Kids Helpline provides some very worthwhile tips to help develop resilience; but it was striking just how many of these are also encompassed in the 4 P’s which support the Senior School: Performance, Punctuality, Personal Organisation and Presentation.

Performance: Positive self-talk is so important. For example, ‘If I didn’t do as well as I hoped in that test, what can I do to get back on track?’ or ‘ I don’t know how to do that Maths question ….yet’ or ‘What can I learn from this and move forward?’

In other words, accept that you may make mistakes and look for the positives in the situation as you keep moving towards your goals.

Punctuality & Personal Organisation: ‘I can’t control everything, so what is in my control?’ Give things a go and try your best. Pedare offers so many opportunities for students to get involved in College life and feel like they belong to our community. Meet deadlines. Have an honest go at any homework. Help others or ‘give back’, hence our encouragement of community service.

Presentation: Feel good about yourself. Hold your head up. Enjoy good communication with the people around you. Be respectful. Find good friends. Presentation doesn’t just relate to the quality of your work but also how you present yourself to others. Look after yourself – hence our Pastoral Curriculum’s focus on developing students’ social awareness and risk mitigation strategies.

In promoting resilience, Kids Helpline also emphasises the importance of having a supportive family as well as the ability to ‘talk to someone’. At the Senior School, we do try our best to work with our families to provide that support. We can’t always protect our children from the challenges they will inevitably face; but together we can help them to deal with these challenges, learn resilience and find an inner strength perhaps they didn’t know they had. And hopefully, equip them with greater skills for success.


The College Community are invited to attend an informal Afternoon Tea to farewell Mr Lindsay Jackson, Deputy Principal, who will be retiring at the end of 2018 after 33 years of service at Pedare. The event will be held on Saturday 17 November in the Wattle Centre from 2:30pm – 4:00pm. For more information and the link to RSVP please click here.

Mr Mike Millard – College Principal

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To staff, students and families of Pedare Christain College,

The Journey Uniting (formerly Pedare Uniting), has had nearly 30 years of close relationship with Pedare. It has been our privilege to serve, in some small way, the past and present members of the Pedare Community, with the other founding and partner congregations, in a unique geographical and ministry setting. The Journey Uniting Church has been given the opportunity to lease a 7 day-a-week facility in Ridgehaven at the now vacated Lifepoint Church building on North East Road, to accommodate the growing ministries of the church.

The Journey Uniting remains committed to a strong relationship with the College and the wider community in Golden Grove and surrounding suburbs. Additionally, in the next few years, we will be building a permanent ‘home’ on The Grove Way, next to the park’N’ride (where the old sprint auto parts shed currently stands).

On Sunday, September 30 at 10:00am, the Journey Uniting Church will hold its last service of worship at Pedare.

You and your loved ones are most welcome to attend as we give thanks to God for this season and pray a blessing upon Pedare Christian College for the future.


Rev Andy Hogarth, Senior Pastor, Journey Uniting Church




On Thursday 30 August, the Junior School held their annual Recital evening, where 96 students performed instrumental and vocal solos. Due to a large number of students involved, the evening was split into three, one-hour sessions between 4:30pm and 8:00pm. It was the first time the Junior School Recital evening had been held in the College Chapel and the grand piano, stage lighting and professional sound added to the polished performances.

Despite many hidden nerves, students appeared confident and all performed exceptionally well. It was a very enjoyable evening, made possible only by the dedicated efforts of our students and their hard-working instrumental tutors. We thank everyone who performed, supported and attended the evening.

Rachelle Knight – R-5 Performing Arts Coordinator




On Tuesday 4 September, the Junior School held a Nude Food Day. Students had been inspired by their Sharing the Planet Unit of Inquiry. Year 4s enthusiastically persuaded EVERYBODY to participate in Nude Food Day with the help of Student Voice Council. The purpose of Nude Food Day was to ensure the environment will stay clean and healthy for longer. Classes were encouraged to bring a Nude Food lunchbox, where the food was not wrapped in any soft plastic that would be thrown into the bin. Students were heard to say, “I’m doing my bit to save the planet!”,This is amazing!”, and “No bird will eat plastic from my lunchbox today”.

Thank you to parents for supporting our Nude Food Day. We acknowledge how difficult it was to send food, not in zip-lock bags or cling wrap.

Mrs Heather Bennett – Junior School Teacher Librarian and Oscar, Keeley and Scarlett 


Classroom bins before Nude Food Day full of lunch wrappers.


Near empty bin on Nude Food Day


On Thursday 6 September, the following students were congratulated at the Humanities Assembly for winning the Australian Geography Competition:

Year 6:

  • Abdul-Jalil El Rachid

Year 9:


  • Riordan Cassidy
  • Sebastian Corney
  • Gemma Donaldson
  • Angus McPherson
  • Holly Schutz
  • Kane Stint


  • Alannah Begbie
  • Kaitlyn Ford

High Distinction

  • Timothy Szabo

Year 10:


  • Jordan King


  • Alexandra Gauci
  • Baxter Nickolai
  • Oliver Shephard-Bayly

Year 11:

High Distinction

  • Kai Gres
  • Nathan White

Year 12:


  • Keely Fleet

High Distinction

  • Isobel Cassidy
  • Joshua Gauci
  • Sophie Szabo
  • Judah Tan

Isobel Cassidy


Ethan Weber

Congratulations to Isobel Cassidy, Year 12, who was awarded a Merit in Geography. Isobel studied Year 12 Geography as a Year 11 student in 2017 and achieved the highest result a student can achieve in their final year. Isobel consistently demonstrated considerable persistence, determination, energy and skill throughout the year. Congratulations also go to Ethan Webber, Year 10, who was awarded the Outstanding Service to Geography Award. Throughout 2018, Ethan has maintained an outstanding standard in Geography and has gone above and beyond this by assisting a number of student in Year 9-11 with digital mapping using Geographical Information Systems or GIS.

Mr Andrew Penny – Learning Area Coordinator, Humanities



On Monday 6 September, Tea Tree Gully Council held the Youth Achievement Award Ceremony at the Golden Grove Recreation Centre. TTG Mayor Kevin Knight, along with officials from the TTG Council, were on hand to present awards for local sport, business and environmental achievements. Eco Force members had been nominated in the environmental category and were awarded a certificate and a monetary prize.

Eco Force has been assisting the Friends of Cobbler Creek with a native garden project at the Teakle Ruins site at the Cobbler Creek national park.

Congratulations to all Eco Force members.

Mr David DeBoer – Coordinator IBMYP



On Friday 7 September, the Year 6 cohort were privileged to visit St Mark the Evangelist Anglican Church, Wynn Vale. Reverend Mark Hawkes gave us a great overview of how his congregation worships, and took us through a guided prayer activity which revolved around a marshmallow wrapped in foil. Later, we will compare and contrast our experience at St Mark’s with a Junior School-style Worship service conducted by Mr Morton, as we explore different ways of worshipping within Christian denominations.

Ms Rachael Young – Year 6 Teacher


Primary Team – Ms Rachael Young with Jithesh, Kevin, Shaun, Isobel, Georgia, Elizabeth


Secondary Team –  Ms Rachael Young with Timothy, Bradley, Jenna, Erin, Kelsey, Jasmyn, Ivanna

YEARS 6/7 & 8/9 –


This year was the first time Pedare has entered teams in the Tournament of Minds in approximately 14 years, so we were not at all sure what to expect! Th!nk Club members were invited to self-nominate to take part and spent 6 weeks preparing for the Long-Term Challenge. There were 4 Long-Term Challenges to choose from, in the field of Language and Literature, the Arts, STEM, and Humanities, and both of our teams chose Language and Literature. Their Challenge was to present the pitch for producing the movie version of a book of their choice. Working as a cohesive team with minimal adult guidance was a challenge in itself, but both teams ended up with a good quality product to present on Challenge Day on Sunday 9 September. They also took part in a Spontaneous Challenge, which revolved around a planet being expelled from the Solar System club – the students had to justify which planet should be “kicked out” and then design a new mnemonic based on the remaining planets.

After the Tournament, some of our families headed to Pizza Hut Marion, where we all (especially the Year 9 boys!) got their money’s worth at the all-you-can-eat buffet. I congratulate all team members on their success in this challenging competition. Thank you to the parents for their support and driving the students to Flinders University.

Ms Rachael Young – Year 6 Teacher



Students have been capturing the change of season in Media Art. Here is a selection of outstanding spring photographs taken by Joshua (photo on left), Rachel (photo above), and Ruchi (photo on right).

Mrs Leah Grant – Media Art & Visual Art Teacher




On Tuesday 28 August, Neel Puri and I attended the Year 10 Maths Experience Programme at UniSA, where we participated in mathematics experimental workshops and were able to discover the many opportunities maths can lead to. We worked with like-minded students from different schools to solve networking problems such as ‘The Bridges of Konigsberg’, and probability problems like making the decision to stop at a gas station or continue to the next. We also 3D printed a small bridge by putting values into an Excel spreadsheet. They only weighed a few grams but could hold kilograms, and ours was the second strongest. Neel and I were privileged to hear from mathematicians, radiographers, marine biologists and engineers on the day, and we have both come away with many career ideas and possibilities.

Maya Smale, Year 10


We encourage families to share their child/rens personal achievements from both within and outside of the College, as we understand learning doesn’t stop at the school gate. If your child has a special achievement, we welcome your submission. Articles of 100 to 200 words along with a good high-resolution photo can be emailed by clicking the button below.


Congratulations to Cassie Hoare, Year 12, on receiving the 2018 Tea Tree Gully Council Youth Achievement Award for Sport and Recreation.

Cassie is a South Australian Trampoline Athlete and a member of the T-Jets, a high-performance program through Gymnastics SA. She is completing her SACE Stage 2 studies while committed to a heavy training schedule.

Well done Cassie.



Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:

Winter Sport Presentation Evening

Girls’ Football Team Success



Extra-Curricular Fixtures are available on the Pedare App and on the College website.

Click here to view the Extra-Curricular fixtures online

Extra-Curricular Fixtures_web



On Tuesday 4 September, players and coaches of Pedare’s winter sports teams were recognised and celebrated at the Winter Sport Presentation Evening in the College Chapel.

Players from 17 teams of our winter sports of Netball, Basketball and Soccer were awarded Most Valuable Player and Coaches awards.

Pedare was lucky enough to have Adelaide Thunderbirds player Hannah Petty speak about her journey from school sport to playing at the elite level and how she deals with the pressure of playing at the highest level.

Pedare’s Netball Coordinator Fiona Fowler was farewelled on the evening as she moves home to Melbourne. We thank Fiona for her hard work during her time at Pedare. Our specialist Netball program has grown rapidly since Fiona started and we wish her all the best for the future.

Congratulations to all award winners.

Mr Josh Willis – Director of Sport R-12



  • Hannah McClimont – MVP
  • Keeley Devink – Coach’s Award

Sub Junior 1:

  • Emily Walker & Emma Milne – MVP
  • Matilda Dunn – Coach’s Award

Sub Junior 2:

  • Amelea Klitogiannis – MVP
  • Mia Whitehead – Coach’s Award

Junior 1:

  • Brooke Cornish – MVP
  • Onoseje Ebewele – Coach’s Award

Junior 2 : 

  • Brianna Pilgrim – MVP
  • Kelsey Robertson – Coach’s Award

Pedare Netballer of the Year: Ally Hynds

6/7 Squad:

  • Chloe John – Coach’s Award

8/9 Squad:

  • Brooke Cornish – Coach’s Award

Senior Squad:

  • Isabella Bogan – Coach’s Award


U/12 Blue:

  • Stephen Kabongo – MVP
  • Nicholas Warne – Coach’s Award

U/12 Red:

  • Brooke Silby – MVP
  • Brodie Leisavnieks – Coach’s Award

U/14 Blue:

  • Jack Povey – MVP
  • Oscar Dunn – Coach’s Award

U/14 Red:

  • Bailey Winder – MVP
  • Tealia Jenkins – Coach’s Award

Middle 1 : 

  • Ryan Pallant – MVP
  • Riley D’Onise – Coach’s Award

Middle 2:

  • James Silby – MVP
  • Zac Pope – Coach’s Award

Senior 1:

  • Jack Shephard – MVP
  • Jack Hynds – Coach’s Award

Senior 2:

  • Ben Mason – MVP
  • Cooper Schahinger – Coach’s Award


Senior Girls: Lauren Booth – MVP & Samata Kandel – Coach’s Award



Congratulations also to our girls’ Football team who successfully completed their season this week. Each week, girls from Years 8 – 12 played in a competition held at St Ignatius College under the coaching of gun footballer Mr Damien Hutchings. The girls had an enjoyable season and finished in a tie for 3rd place. Well done girls! We look forward to seeing the girls continuing to develop their skills in the years to come as they had a great time this year.



Week 6


  • U12 Blue – Pedare vs Prescott Titans – Won 27 – 18 (MVP Stephen K)
  • U12 Red – Pedare vs Prescott Red Pandas – Won 36 – 10
  • U14 Blue – Pedare vs Rostrevor 6/7 Red – Won 34 – 20 (MVP Levi U)
  • U14 Red – BYE


  • Senior C Girls – Pedare vs Loreto 2 – Won 52 – 22 (MVP Paige G)


  • Sub Junior 1 – Pedare vs Banksia Park 2 – Loss 31 – 36

Week 7


  • U12 Blue – BYE
  • U12 Red – Pedare vs St David’s Hoops – Loss 38 – 27
  • U14 Blue – Pedare vs East Para Saints – Won 50 – 8 (MVP Whole Team)
  • U14 Red – Pedare vs SJP 6/7 Tigers – Loss 12 – 22 (MVP Zac G)


  • Senior C Girls – Pedare vs St Aloysius 1 – Won 32 – 19 (MVP Marissa P)



Code Camps


Code Camps are back at Pedare for the October school holidays. 3 – 5 October.

Little League (Years Rec-1) Suitable for Beginners

Our little coders make their first small but important leap from consumers to creators of tech. Build awesome mini-games and learn about coding using a mixture of iPad and physical based learning.

Spark (Years 2-6) Beginners + Intermediate

Fun, engaging and challenging… and are our most known Code Camp that over 12,000 students have completed. Code Camp Spark is where every student in years 2-6 should start their Code Camp journey.

Ignite (Years 2-6) Intermediate + Advanced

If you have completed Spark check out Code Camp Ignite! Students build on their skills and create new apps with increasingly complex logic, more code, behaviours and problem-solving. Start with Drag & Drop and then move to Line Coding with JavaScript.

Enrol and help your child become a coding superstar! For more information, visit   Click here for more information.



Tea Tree Gully Anglican


Generators Kids Club 2018 (Years R-6)

Come and join us. Generators Kids Club meets Fridays each fortnight for great games, craft and bible time. The next Kids Club is on Friday 19 October from 3:30pm-5:00pm. (The long break is due to a need to cancel on Friday 21 September, which is then followed by the school holidays). The craft that week will be Rainbow Sands. To download the Term 4 program from our website. For information about 2018 Kids Club, phone Rick on 8264 3736 or click here

SWAT Youth (Years 7-12)

Meets Friday each week at 7:30pm. The next meeting is on Friday 14 September. Come for a great time of games, friendship and bible discussion. For information about 2018 SWAT Youth, phone Dave on 0403 723 953 or click here.

Normal Weekly Services – Check out our website for more details.

Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion.

Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries. Communion on third Sunday of every month.

Sunday@6.00pmYouth, young adult and those young at heart. Communion first Sunday of every month. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.



‘Off the Cuff’ Police Band at St Mark’s


Hear the Police Band, Off the Cuff, while enjoying High Tea at St Mark’s Anglican Church, 160 Wynn Vale Drive, on Saturday 6 October from 2:00pm-4:00 pm. Tickets are available for $15.00. To book or get more details, contact Margaret on 0429446919.