Mr Mike Millard
The last few weeks have been very affirming about how student engagement in Pedare activities builds a strong sense of belonging.
This was very evident at the Winter Sports Presentation Evening held on Wednesday 4 September, when all the winter sporting teams gathered to celebrate their participation and achievement over the course of Terms 2 and 3, 2019. I was so pleased to see significant growth in the number of sporting teams presented that evening. The College now has many teams in a large number of competitions catering for students from Year 3 to Year 12. Each team supports student growth, well-being and a sense of belonging. This is such a positive and purposeful value-add for our students and one worth acknowledging. I thank the coaches and team managers very much for their contributions to the success of Pedare sport. Many are Old Scholars, and this is such a strong affirmation of Pedare’s culture. Please click here for more on the Winter Sport Presentation evening.
VEX Robotics Competition
The second area of growth in student participation and that strong sense of belonging has been in Pedare’s VEX Robotics space. On Friday 6 September 2019, we hosted teams for a major VEX Robotics Competition and 2 teams of our students represented the College. The engagement and sense of purpose displayed by our students was very pleasing. Robust team work builds a strong sense of belonging and both of our teams performed very well to advance to the Australian Nationals to be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 December 2019.
This week, the South Australian Government has announced support of the National Tournament raising the profile of the work the College has achieved in bringing the tournament to many South Australian STEM engaged students.
Open Day 2019
Pedare’s Open Day held on Sunday 8 September was a huge success with many families touring the College and new facilities. To read more about this event, please click here.
Mr Andrew Whiteman
This week, Mrs Brooks and I spoke with all Middle and Senior School students about the introduction of our Mobile Phone policy. College staff has been so impressed with the manner in which the students have taken on the responsibility of not using their mobile phones during the school day. All students are aware that mobile phones are not to be used or seen once they step onto the grounds unless a teacher gives an explicit instruction to use them in a lesson. We again repeated to students that we are not anti-technology and there are countless examples of students using their phones in class for videoing, editing and capturing images. Students are also able to visit staff office’s or the front office to use a phone in an emergency situation. I would like to thank all the parents who have emailed and spoken to staff about the positive impact that the policy has had on their children. Parents are also using the College Office to relay messages to students throughout the day and are not contacting their students via mobile phone. At 3:15pm students can use their phones to receive text and make calls as they need.
A noticeable positive change in the school yard at break times has been so well received by the students themselves with much more positive social interaction occurring each and every day. It is just so pleasing that our students are now used to not being addicted to checking social media throughout the school day. Setting clear boundaries around phone and technology use at home can also have a continued positive effect. Students do need technology at their fingertips for schoolwork and homework and applying restrictions on social use should also be in place in the home. Please speak with your children’s Community Coordinator or class teachers if you feel you need some assistance in setting some clear boundaries at home with device use.
Congratulations to all students involved last week with the ‘write a book in a day’ event. Students from Junior, Middle and Senior Schools joined together in great scenes of camaraderie as they literally created a book from scratch. Thank you to Mr Goodall and Ms Young for providing this excellent experience for our students. To see the smiles on students’ faces, even at 7:00pm on a school night, demonstrated how engaged they were. Well done everybody!
This year’s Open Day was a fantastic success with many new families coming to visit the College last Sunday. A lot of feedback was received about our student tour guides and how professional and engaging they were. I lost count of the number of times parents complimented our students on their knowledge of the College and their ability to interact with both the adults and children on the tour. Thank you to those students who volunteered on the day, including Musicians; Technology and Robotics students and of course those that helped prepare the delicious food and coffee for our visitors. Even on a cold Sunday afternoon the Pedare spirit was alive and kicking.
A reminder that all students must have the College hat and wear this at each and every break time and Physical Education class. The College summer uniform is an option that can be worn in Week 9 and 10 if the weather is warmer; however, the Blazer is a compulsory item (even with summer uniform) for assemblies in Term 3. At the start of Term 4 all students are to be wearing the Summer uniform by the end of Week 1
Mrs Lauren Brooks
Creating a Strong Community
It has been a focus of the Middle School this term on embedding our sense of community within each classroom. It has been wonderful to see our staff and students thrive in our co-teaching trial. This has provided a platform for additional support in classrooms, mastery and ability-based learning experiences and more creativity; engaging our students in a variety of new methods.
In seeking to develop an innovative culture, we have also had to model being comfortable with failure to our students. In fact, at a recent staff meeting, several of our staff referred to this as “Flearning”, which means, “Learning through failure”. We appreciate this can be a confronting and vulnerable experience for students. However, we are committed to modelling to our students that failing is an important part of all our learning journeys. Furthermore, effort does not always automatically mean success. It is a difficult concept to consider that ‘trying hard’ is sometimes not always enough to achieve the best grades, or the fastest running time or achieving our goals the first-time round. As educators at Pedare, we are looking to encourage students to consider, how can we sit comfortably in those moments of failure, own them and thrive in the learning to propel ourselves forward? It is an exciting time in the Middle School exploring these concepts as a dynamic staff team and proposing these big ideas with our students.
2020 Transition & Subject Selection
Last week, Middle School students began their initial preparations into 2020 transitions. Year 6, 7 and 8 students engaged in informative presentations from staff and students as well as having the chance to complete preference surveys. Furthermore, our current Year 8 students were able to complete their subject selections in partnership with their parents. Now that we have the majority of this key data, we look forward to beginning the construction of our 2020 timetable throughout Term 4. There will be more information in the coming weeks about the official Transition ‘Move Up Days’ for all students as well as our induction process for new students joining Pedare.
A reminder to our Community about the College’s direction regarding devices in the Middle School. By next year in 2020, all students in the Middle School are required to use a Chromebook for their daily lessons at the College. At the completion of Middle School, students will have a choice to continue with their current Chromebook or choose another device that they wish to use. Further information can be found on the College website including specifications and a Portal to purchase a device.
Mr Randall Pearce
PYP Authorisation Visit Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 September
Next week we welcome two visitors from the International Baccalaureate (IB) who, after three plus years of being a candidate school for the PYP, will come to assess our progress with the goal to move from candidacy phase into a fully authorised PYP school.
This authorisation team will visit classes, speak to teachers, parents and students, view necessary planning and documentation to ensure our Junior School is meeting the requirements of the IB PYP Standard and Practices. Their recommendations will help us to reflect and improve our teaching practices and resources in order to be the best we can be for our community of learners. Thank you to all the teachers and to Mrs Laura Logan as PYP coordinator for the efforts leading up to this visit and thank you for the parents and students who will provide feedback to the IB next week.
Considering this visit, I thought it timely to share some key terms, structures and approaches from the PYP.
Planning for Inquiry
The PYP identifies inquiry as student or teacher-initiated learning experiences that move students from their current knowledge, to a deeper knowledge. This means inquiry cannot be a ‘free for all’, but rather a well-planned and thoughtful experience. True inquiry requires a teacher to know the curriculum and their students well. This occurs through rigorous, ongoing assessment, initially happening weeks before the students take part in a unit of work. This enables our teachers to carefully scaffold activities, acknowledging the various prior knowledge and / or misconceptions their students may have.
Explicit Teaching
Research clearly identifies that explicit teaching is a necessary component of a student’s education. The PYP framework also acknowledges knowledge as an essential element of the programme. The Australian Curriculum documents outline the skills and content that students must acquire across their R – 5 learning journey. Explicit teaching becomes the ‘toolkit’ that our students need for academic success, and without it, they would be unable to inquire effectively. Pedare Junior School utilises a variety of resources to support explicit teaching, particularly in the areas of literacy and numeracy. Whilst it may not sound like your child is experiencing explicit teaching (ie. Rote learning from when we were students), please be assured it occurs daily in fun, engaging and meaningful ways.
The Essential Elements
‘In the PYP a balance is sought between acquisition of essential knowledge and skills, development of conceptual understanding, demonstration of positive attitudes, and taking of responsible action.’ (Reference: Making the PYP happen; Pg10)
In planning for the written curriculum, the following five elements are purposefully considered and incorporated in the learning process:
Frequently Used Terms
Central idea
An enduring understanding that integrates conceptual understanding and factual knowledge and promotes student inquiry into a transdisciplinary theme
Mental constructs or ‘frames of mind’ that are universal, timeless, abstract and transferable
Essential agreements
Agreed upon norms, guidelines and procedures within a school
Lines of inquiry
These clarify the central idea and define the scope of a PYP unit of inquiry
Programme of Inquiry (POI)
A collaboratively developed framework for inquiry, with the purpose of allowing students to explore six universal themes of knowledge (‘Transdisciplinary Themes’)
Broad knowledge, skills and understandings that transcend the boundaries of traditional subject areas and yet can be applied to learning within any of them
Units of Inquiry (UOI)
Transdisciplinary units, structures around a conceptual ‘central idea’ that empower students to develop a lasting understanding of the knowledge contained under the PYP transdisciplinary themes.
Till Next time
On Sunday 8 September, Pedare threw the doors open for a very successful Open Day and I thank all the student tour guides, performance groups and staff for their contributions on the day. There was a sizeable and constant stream of visitors, many of whom stayed on to hear the ensembles and enjoy the catering provided by the Senior Hospitality class. It was wonderful to see so many Old Scholars coming back to tour the One College developments. The Old Scholars were blown away by the developments that have taken place over the last 2 years. Many commented that they would love to be back at school to enjoy the new learning opportunities available at Pedare.
2020 Enrolments
At this time of the year, some families may have a change in circumstances which may mean their child will not return to Pedare in 2020.
Parents are reminded of the College’s Terms and Conditions of Enrolment.
In the event of the withdrawal of a student from the College, a full term’s notice must be given in writing advising that a student will be leaving the College, or not returning for the following year. If such notice is not given, one term’s fees (10 weeks) will be payable in lieu of notice.
As we have significant waiting lists in some year levels, please advise as early as practicable if your child will not return in 2020. Please advise in writing or by email to the Community Relations Manager, Julie Holland
Sibling Enrolment – Ensure a Position will be Available
Have you enrolled younger siblings of children already attending the College? There are limited places still available for Middle School in 2020 and 2021 and interviews are currently being held. There is very strong demand for places in the Junior School with waiting lists in most year levels in 2020.
Register your application early to secure a place for your child. It is the responsibility of the parent/caregiver to complete separate application forms for all siblings wishing to attend the College, otherwise placement will not be guaranteed. A separate application form needs to be submitted for each child accompanied by a $50 application fee and a copy of their Birth Certificate or Passport, most recent school report (where applicable) and any relevant Medical reports and Educational Assessments.
Please contact me, Community Relations Manager, Julie Holland for an application form or collect one from the College Office.
On Thursday 5 September, The Performing Arts room was absolutely buzzing with excited Junior Primary students ready to perform for their family. Presenting solos on their chosen instrument, they oozed enthusiasm with some literally running up to take their place centre stage. The less formal venue and success of the afternoon recital has set them up well for a confident performance next year in the Chapel.
Following on from the Junior Primary session, two more sessions were held after school and into the evening. These sessions gave Year 3-5 students the opportunity to perform in the Chapel, utilising the Grand Piano and professional audio-visual equipment. Altogether, over 90 students impressed, with all students performing admirably.
Throughout the sessions, parents were offered insight into the Pedare Music Program and hopefully learnt something new. The importance of providing a designated space for practice and appropriate equipment such as a music stand were reiterated. Likewise, the myth that students will practice without being asked, was also dispelled. Whilst this does occur in some cases, even students who thoroughly enjoy playing, often find so many other distractions in their life, that a prompting from parents is usually required and ultimately welcomed. Music lessons are an investment, with one of the returns being the pleasure of listening to your child practice and the overwhelming pride experienced when your child performs.
May your child bring you many more proud moments as they continue to share their talents within the many ensembles on offer at the College.
Mrs Rachelle Knight – Performing Arts Coordinator R-5
On Wednesday 11 September, two very excited Year 1 classes went on an excursion to Para Wirra Conservation Park. This was a part of our inquiry unit, Sharing the Planet. The students have been inquiring into our central idea of ‘Living things perform functions in our environment’. The students participated in the Bush Bugs program facilitated by Shanelle Palmer of ‘The Bush Classroom’. They learnt about different native plants, went dip-netting for water bugs, explored the bush for minibeasts, played camouflage games and made a mini-beast from clay which they were able to take home. Year 1s had a fun and educational day.
Mrs Liz Morgan & Mrs Tania Crawford – Teachers, Year 1
Chinatown Experience by Thomas and Eva 5P
On Tuesday 10 September, we visited the Star House Chinese Restaurant for lunch. The food was excellent, the staff also provided exceptional service and catering for dietary concerned classmates. Some traditional dishes we tasted included Fried Rice, Fried Noodles, Dim Sum, Crispy beef – Mr Peartree scoffed at all of the leftover Crispy Beef as he loved it so much! Garlic green beans and so many more. We all really enjoyed the experience, though the live crabs in the corner of the restaurant were a little creepy! For anyone wanting to visit, it is in Gouger Street in the city.
We also completed a set of activities set by our Chinese teacher, Mrs Liu. In the Kim Wang grocery store we had to find certain items and write the price and details of the item. The second station was Hong Kong grocery store and we had to write about what food we want to try or have never seen. We also had the opportunity to buy foods that we may like and visit the closest Gong Cha store to buy a Chinese drink. Overall, everyone had a great time and it was a good experience for all of Year 5.
Other student comment:
On Thursday 29 August, the College Chapel came alive to the sounds and colour of the Music and Art students. Our annual Music and Art Showcase is a chance for the students to present their performances and creations to the public in an exciting event, hosted by some of our Senior Music students.
Every Pedare Music ensemble with students from the Middle and Senior Schools performed. Some of these ensembles included students from as young as Year 3 as becoming One College has provided the students with more opportunities to engage in Music Ensembles at the level they are playing at. There were some fantastic performances from our Intermediate and Advanced Strings, our Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Concert band students, our Percussion Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble, Melodica and Harmonia Vocal Ensemble, and our premier auditioned ensembles, Luminaire Vocal, Stage Band and String Quartet 1 and 2. Along with this, the Year 9, 10/11 and 12 Class bands performed contemporary pop pieces, with the Year 10/11 Class presenting a special piece on the Boomwhackers.
It is a joy and a privilege to work with such fantastic, committed students and passionate and dedicated staff in our Music team. To see the students beaming with pride as they perform with such maturity and musicality is amazing and brings so much life and fun to the Pedare Community.
Many thanks to our Music team, Mr Gerald Pederick, Mrs Rachelle Knight and Ms Carolyn Taylor for all of their hard work in bringing together such a wonderful performance. Also, many thanks to our ensemble directors who also work weekly with the students to develop their skills and confidence. Miss Morgan Welch, Miss Cathy Bennet, Ms Sheryl Beck and Mr Andrew Chan and Mr Angelo Valdivia.
What an amazing opportunity you provide your children with as being involved in learning Music develops not only the cognitive abilities, but a student’s sense of self-worth and confidence.
Mrs Nadine Stroud – Director of Music, R-12
Students from Year 5-12 recently spent 12 hours competing in the ‘Write a Book in a Day’ competition. Students were grouped into seven teams who were working together to write and illustrate a book that will go to hospitals across Australia to be read by students suffering from a range of illnesses. Seven books were completed in total and students raised money toward childhood cancer research to find better treatments and ultimately a cure.
The students had great fun exploring their imaginations and collaborating as authors and illustrators. Comments from students included:
Mr James Goodall – Acting Learning Area Coordinator, English
Our Year 7s have been engaging in a fantastic learning opportunity this year that develops student agency and creativity. This term, Grace Collins had the focus to learn and investigate the trajectory of an elite athlete. This resulted today in a Q & A session with elite Thunderbirds Netballer Chelsea Pitman. It was such a privilege for our Pedare students and teachers to learn from Chelsea and also see Graces’ hard work come to life!
Mrs Lauren Brooks – Head of Middle School
Author Scot Gardner recently presented to the Year 8 students from Pedare, Golden Grove and Gleeson. He spoke about how his inspiration for stories comes from travel and the people he meets. He offered some tips to student writers: reading work aloud is crucial if you want your writing to be the best it can be – it helps you to notice things such as when the writing can be distracting for the reader, to consider variety of sentence length, typos, or whether you run out of air and need more punctuation. The process of reading aloud can be a whisper which will still engage the speech sounds of the brain.
Scot went onto to say how stories are absolutely everywhere and are the core of our being. Stories develop and create critical mass. He encouraged students to write from the heart and about the things that are important to them.
Mr James Goodall – Acting Learning Area Coordinator, English
On Tuesday 10 September, Ms Mossel’s Year 8 Christian Life class wrote and illustrated picture books telling the story of Joseph. Students then visited Mrs Morgan’s Year 1 class where the Year 8s were buddied up with Year 1 students and read them their books. Afterwards, they helped the Year 1s design a fabulous ‘coat of many colours’ for Joseph! It was a wonderful experience seeing the two different year levels interacting so beautifully.
Ms Sarah Mossel – Middle School Teacher
The Science Investigation Awards are an initiative of the Food & Fibre Education SA program and encourages students in Year 5-12 to be a scientist. In Term 2, Year 9 STEM students used their science investigation skills to research design and test a hypothesis about the war on plastic. Ten Year 9 students made it through the One+ Science Awards and to the State Final at the Royal Adelaide Show on Monday 2 September. All the students answered questions in detail and impressed the judges. Congratulations to Lucy Slater, Alicia Doyle and Jasmyn Vo, who managed to come third in the state and win $100 prize to be shared between them, for their poster on the benefits of bamboo toothbrushes.
Miss Samantha Ireland – Acting Learning Area Coordinator, Science
On Thursday 29 August, twenty-nine Year 10 students made their way to Titanium Security Arena for the State Final of the Science and Engineering Challenge. The Science and Engineering Challenge is a nationwide STEM outreach program presented by the University of Newcastle in partnership with communities, Rotary Club, universities and sponsors. Through the challenge, students experience aspects of science and engineering which they would not usually see in their school environment.
Students were unaware of which challenges they would be competing in until the morning introduction. After a day of engaging and thought-provoking challenges the students ended up coming 6th in the State.
Congratulations to all students who participated.
Miss Samantha Ireland – Acting Learning Area Coordinator, Science
On Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 September, the Stage 1 Geography class enjoyed two days of perfect weather in the Riverland as they gained field skills and developed an understanding of Banrock Station’s Wetland and Mallee Ecosystem and the unique mix of environment, wineries and tourism.
Tim Field presented on the unique challenges of restoring the wetland, maintaining an ecological balance and managing the interests of both RAMSAR wetland and the wine and tourism business. Our students also enjoyed visiting Australia’s first solar farm at Pike River function and wine centre at Lyrup. Andrew Caire then took our students on a tour of the stunning 5 Star Ecofriendly Sustainable apartments, reminding them there are significant economic benefits to sustainable design. Our students enjoyed the view crossing the river on the ferry and viewing the Murray flood plain at Berri’s water tower lookout. Outstanding food and a gorgeous sunset were enjoyed at Camp Kedron.
An artificial wetland at Greenfields was compared with Banrock Station and students developed an appreciation for the sustainable use of recycled water through Salisbury Councils innovative purple pipe system. Our students’ behaviour was commendable.
Mr Andrew Penny – Learning Area Coordinator, Humanities
Congratulations to the following students who did an amazing job in the Australian Geography Competition for 2019.
Against approximately 80,000 students across Australia, Pedare Christian College had some outstanding results. Year 9s can be especially proud of the results with a remarkable number of High Distinctions, Distinctions and Credits.
Special congratulations to Oliver Shephard-Bayly, Year 11 (pictured), who finished as the top student in South Australia and has earned an opportunity to attend the Big Geography Week Out on Kangaroo Island.
Students complete a range of activities and fieldwork which leads to selection for the Australian team that will compete in the International Geography Olympiad in Istanbul, Turkey.
We wish Oliver all the best for the Big Geography Week Out.
Mr Andrew Penny – Learning Area Coordinator, Humanities
YEAR 9 Cont.
Congratulations to the following students who were presented with awards at the City of Tea Tree Gully Youth Achievement Award presentation held on Wednesday 4 September:
Ryan Pallant
Daksh Gupta
Aayush Brahmbhatt
Connor Brennan
Group Project Award
Year 9 students Ryan Pallant, Daksh Gupta and Aayush Brahmbhatt were nominated by the Royal Lifesaving Society for their Community Project where they designed and implemented a ‘learn to swim’ program for migrant children.
Technology & Innovation Award
Connor Brennan, Year 10, for his Lego models, specifically for his Lego Model of a Linc Radiotherapy machine to support children going through Cancer treatment.
This followed on from 2018 when Pedare Ecoforce students won the Environmental Award and Cassie Hoare, Class of 2018, who won the Recreation and Sport Award. It is always great to see Pedare students being recognised for their achievements in the community.
Congratulations to Jack Haberfield, Year 6, who, on Thursday 5 and Friday 6 September, competed against 157 other golfers in the Primary Schools Golf Championship at West Beach Golf Parks. Jack finished 8th after the first round, with the top 46 players advancing to the Championship Round the following day. In very wet and windy conditions, he played extremely well to finish Round 2 in 5th position and securing his spot in the South Australian Team for the second year in a row. Jack and the SA Team – comprising of 8 boys and 4 girls – will travel to Queensland in the middle of November to compete in the National Final.
Good luck Jack for your next competition.
Congratulations to India Goodall, Year 4, recently competed for South Australia in the National Cross-Country Championships in Wollongong, NSW. India competed in the Under 10 Girls event on the Saturday and then in a relay event on the Monday. She came 33rd in the final and the SA team came in 4th out of 10 States and Territories (including New Zealand) in the relay. India had a fantastic time competing at this elite level, making new friends and collecting badges from the other States and Territories.
Well done India.
Pedare’s Winter Sports Presentation held on Wednesday 4 September, was a fantastic celebration of the College’s growing sporting culture and an opportunity to acknowledge our incredible players, coaches and supporters. It was great to have Sam Jacobs from the Adelaide Football Club at the event to share his experiences playing football at the elite level.
Congratulations to all of the students who have represented the College this winter and to the individual award winners below:
Intermediates Netball Grand Final
Congratulations to Pedare’s Intermediates Netball team who won the Grand Final of the SADNA competition, defeating Modbury Hawks 44-20. This is Pedare’s third premiership since entering the competition in 2017. It was great to see how well the girls played as a team and congratulations must also go to the girls’ coach Madelene Ireland on a fantastic season.
Pedare will enter a record 10 teams into the summer SADNA season, commencing the Monday 14 October.
SSSA 8/9 Volleyball
Pedare competed in the School Sport SA 8/9 Volleyball championships on Monday 9 September, with both boys’ and girls’ teams enjoying a great day of competition. The girls team composed of all Year 9s, finished second overall and only narrowly missed out on top spot after a close five set final match. The boys team finished third after three strong wins across the day. It was great to see so much encouragement and sportsmanship from both teams and we look forward to many of these players representing the College at the Middle School Anglican Cup at Pulteney Grammar later in the year.
6/7 Knockout Netball Round 3
After a strong performance in Round 2, Pedare’s 6/7 Knockout Netball team travelled to Kildare to play in Round 3 of the Statewide competition. The girls fought hard right until the end of the match and played some great netball but were unfortunately defeated by a very strong Kildare team. Final scores 46-21. Thank you to Mrs Karen Zerner for coaching the girls and working with the 6/7 squad each week.
Mr Josh Willis – Director of Sport 6-12
Dental care is FREE for ALL babies, preschool and most children under 18 years at School Dental Service Clinics. Specially trained staff provide comprehensive dental care to help prevent pain and tooth decay and will talk to you about what your child needs before they provide any treatment. They have been a trusted government dental service for children since 1969 and bulk bill under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. The nearest clinic to Golden Grove is the Modbury GP Plus Super Clinic. To make an appointment phone 7425 8700 or click here to be directed to the website.
SWAT Youth (Years 7-12)
Meets Friday each week during school term at 7:30pm. Come for a great time of games, friendship and Bible discussion. We meet at 19 Perseverance Rd TTG. Click here for more details or phone Dave on 0403 723 953.
Weekly Services – Check out our web site for more details.
Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion.
Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries.
Sunday@6pm: Youth, young adult and those young at heart. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.