Mr James Tamblyn
One of the most enjoyable and energising elements of my role at Pedare is sharing in the rich range of learning opportunities facilitated for and with our students. Over the past fortnight I have had the privilege of being present with many classes and cohorts across the College as they inquire, discover, explore, design, hypothesise, persist and perform.
Our Year 5 students are currently engaged in their annual Exhibition Project. In small groups they are required to choose a sustainable development goal, create appropriate lines of inquiry, write guiding questions, and apply Kath Murdoch’s inquiry cycle as a framework to gather information before deciding on how they will take action. As a mentor to one of these groups I have been exceptionally impressed with the empathy, thinking skills and independence the Year 5 students have demonstrated. I very much look forward to the Year 5 Exhibition on September 23.
As part of their SPARK studies the Year 6 students last week presented their proposals, to a panel of judges including myself, for the sustainable development of the area surrounding the College Greenhouse. The ideas suggested by our students were exceptional, and the judging panel has made a recommendation to include at least one element of each group’s thinking to create a flexible, low-maintenance, garden space that uses native flora, attracts local fauna, includes areas of shade and outdoor furniture, and embraces the sub-pods recently purchased to complement our recycling initiative. We look forward to supporting the development of this space in a simple, cost-effective manner over coming months.
The Illuminate Challenge is an annual week-long competition run by Illuminate Education Australia and sponsored by Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand and Torrens University. Students work to create a start-up business to solve a real-world issue, and are guided through the process by competition mentors, in partnership with staff from the respective schools. Pedare teachers Kirstin Davenport & Rebecca Williams supported our students. The competition was facilitated online in 2020, with our teams competing live against schools from across SA, NT & QLD.
Pedare entered two teams; one comprising five Year 10 girls, and the other six Year 11 boys. Our Year 10 girls worked to create a consultancy service and app that supports wellness in workplaces, and our Year 11 boys developed an idea for creating a fibre network to rival the NBN and improve internet access and data speeds for Australians. Students were able to draw on their personal strengths and interests, as the workload was divided across the team. Our students engaged deeply in the process at every step and produced some exceptional work.
The girls placed first overall, and the boys third. They also won the following award categories:
Best Business Case & Financial Tables; Best Business Launch Presentation; Best Short Challenges Award; Student Choice: Best Idea. I thank and congratulate all students and staff involved. We look forward to recognising their achievements with the community at an upcoming assembly.
On Thursday 3 and Friday 4 September the Year 12 Drama class performed their major production, Wayne Tunks’ ‘Flame Trees’. Directed by Drama teacher Raelene Lyon, the students delivered a moving and powerful performance, a wonderful achievement considering the limited time available to rehearse. The event was very well attended by families, staff and friends. Well done to all involved.
Outdoor Education Experiences postponed from earlier in the year due to COVID have now commenced. The Year 9 Camp to Melrose took place in Week 7. The Year 7s visited Woodhouse Activity Centre in Piccadilly in Week 8, and the Year 10s will visit Moorook in Week 9. It is an excellent result to get all Outdoor Education Experiences scheduled and facilitated in the context of the challenges the year has presented. I’d like to recognise the outstanding work of Michael Secomb (Director of Sport and Outdoor Education) to coordinate these events with our Outdoor Education Experiences partner Wilderness Escape. I also recognise the commitment of our staff who have supervised these Journeys. I managed to spend part of the morning with the Year 7s at Woodhouse on Tuesday and it was wonderful to see the students getting right out of their comfort zones as they tackled the imposing challenges of the high ropes course. Their encouragement and support for each other was amazing, and ultimately made the difference for a number of students who initially believed these challenges were beyond them. Well done to all involved.
Mr Andrew Whiteman
The last two weeks have been busy in the Senior School as our Year 12 students prepare for their Stage 2 trial examinations to be held in Week 9. Our teachers have been working very closely with students to ensure they are all best placed to perform in what is their last practice before their final examinations held in Term 4. We wish them well.
Year 11 students and their parents have been given details about the independent learning day which will be on Wednesday of Week 9, 16 September. This is an excellent opportunity for our students to practice many of the skills that they will need as they enter their final year of schooling. Students will be supervised for the day; however, they will not have their scheduled lessons but will be able to complete tasks of their choosing. Throughout part of the day, students will have access to their Research Project teacher to allow them some dedicated time to plan the next phase of this important Stage 2 subject. Providing an opportunity for students to practice being self-directed learners and refining their skills in prioritising their own workload cannot be underestimated.
With the warmer weather a reminder about the College uniform and hat policy. All the details have been provided to students and, as per the College Policy, there is a short time of change-over from Winter to Summer uniform at the end of the term. If students wish to wear Summer uniform due to unseasonably warm weather this is permitted during Weeks 9 and 10. All students must be wearing the full summer uniform by the start of Week 2 of Term 4. Please be aware that students must wear the full winter or full summer uniform, and not a mixture of each. A reminder that students can wear long pants or shorts all year round, depending on their comfort levels, with the appropriate winter or summer shirt and Blazer/tie.
We all look forward to the weather warming up and this also means that all students are required to have a College Hat on when they are outdoors. During all Physical Education lessons (or when outdoors in lessons) and during recess and lunch all students must wear their hat. College hats can be purchased from the College Office, the P & F Shop or Devon Uniforms.
Year 10 students head off for their Outdoor Education Experience next week to Loch Luna and Moorook Game Reserve in the Riverland and I look forward to sharing some of the valuable life lessons that the students will learn during and at the completion of this challenging and worthwhile experience.
Thank you for your continued support in what has been a very busy term.
Mr Josh Willis
International Baccalaureate – Middle Years Programme
In Week 7, students explored the Key Concepts of the IB MYP during Home Group lessons. These 16 Key Concepts are explored across the curriculum and help students analyse big ideas and help develop a body of knowledge through structured inquiry. Students were asked to unpack each of the sixteen Key Concepts by creating cardboard ‘keys’ of each Key Concept, showing words, activities or other ways in which students may use these across the curriculum. We are looking forward to seeing these around the Mallee building once all are completed.
Outdoor Education
It was a pleasure to see our students thriving in the outdoors over the last two weeks. Our Outdoor Education Program provides unique learning opportunities and life experiences for our students that go beyond the classroom.
Year 7 students experienced three days at Woodhouse Activity Centre in the Adelaide Hills, enjoying activities such as mountain biking, bushwalking and the ever-popular high ropes course. A special thank you to our Year 9 leaders that went along on Tuesday to provide assistance to the staff and students for the day. Please click here for photos of the Year 7 Camp.
Year 9 students travelled to the Southern Flinders for a four-day experience at Mt Remarkable, Melrose. There were many different activities and experiences including overnight bushwalking to Mambray Creek, problem solving and team challenges. Thank you to the staff that spent time away from their families to provide this experience for our students and to Mr Michael Secomb for his continued work in this space. Please click here for more about the Year 9 Camp.
Student Leadership
It is an exciting time in the Middle School as we begin to explore 2021 student leadership opportunities. This week, I spoke with all Year 8 students about formal leadership opportunities in 2021. Leadership positions are structured to allow a number of students to experience positions of responsibility and develop the skills required to effectively lead in the Middle School. Students are invited to apply for various leadership positions which focus on service, teamwork and responsibility.
Mr Randall Pearce
In times of uncertainty it is helpful to remain positive and optimistic. With the holidays fast approaching, I thought it helpful to provide some structure for you and your family whilst you practice the art of optimism and gratitude. Please click here to view 31 ideas I have put together, and I would like to encourage you to give them a try. If there any that do not suit, simply swap one for another which may be better for you and your family.
All the best and please share with me the ideas you have completed and enjoyed.
Information technology is now used in virtually every home in Australia. Social networking, entertainment and educational activities are the most popular activities online for children and young people, and there can be many positive outcomes of this use.
However, parents need to remain actively involved and vigilant regarding the nature of their children’s online activities and continue to be a critical influence in children and young people being responsible digital citizens and engaging in online activities safely.
The College has partnered with CyberSafe Families and throughout the day on Monday 21 September, their representative Chris Greene, will provide Cyber Safety sessions in class to our Year 2 to Year 9 students.
There will also be a Parent Evening session to provide parents and caregivers with strategies to make their home environment cybersafe!
When: Monday 21 September – 6:50pm for a 7:00pm start.
Where: The Wattle Centre
Parents need the skills and understanding to safely and effectively manage their digital environment with confidence. It is important for families to understand both the opportunities and the threats that the online world provides. In the evening session, parents will hear directly from Chris about this critical topic. Cybersafe Families School Parent session will share best practices recommended by the Australian Government’s Office of the eSafety Commissioner.
In light of the recent alert from the eSafety Commissioner regarding disturbing activities on social media, we commend this parent session to our families. Parents are encouraged to bring their parent and student devices to the presentation. Chris will coach users through some practical settings on their devices in the session. This helps provide parents with confidence and some first steps in providing a safer online environment for their homes.
For more information please visit their website:
Who doesn’t love Spring?
Clear blue skies, bright warm sun, colourful flowers and the gentle noise of birds and insects – not to mention pollen, grass seeds and hay fever?!
The beginning of Spring has already seen much of this beautiful weather, but did you know it also brought National Wattle Day. Since 1992, this day has been recognised on September 1 in all states and territories of Australia – but what exactly is National Wattle Day?
About Wattle Day…
Why do we celebrate National Wattle Day?
We celebrate National Wattle Day to celebrate Australia and being Australian.
We celebrate National Wattle Day because:
How appropriate that some of our buildings here at Pedare take the name, Wattle, and that part of our College prayer reads, ‘Give us an open heart towards others knowing that our diversity inspires creativity and builds community strength’.
Let us take a moment in each new day to show gratitude for the beautiful country in which we live, for the wonderful school and community that Pedare is to each one of us and for the wonder of diversity in our people and in our Australian landscapes.
On Wednesday 2 September, Year 1 classes went on an excursion to Para Wirra Conservation Park. This was a part of their inquiry unit, Sharing the Planet. Students have been inquiring into the central idea of ‘Living things perform functions in our environment’. Year 1s participated in the Bush Bugs program facilitated by Shanelle Palmer of ‘The Bush Classroom’. They learnt about different native plants, went dip-netting for water bugs, explored the bush for minibeasts, played camouflage games and made a minibeast from clay which they were able to take home. Students had a fun and educational day.
Here are some comments from the students:
Mrs Liz Morgan & Mrs Sharon Booth – Teachers, Year 1
On Wednesday 19 March, 36 students from Middle and Senior School took part in ‘The 59th South Australian Hamann School Mathematics Competition for Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Prizes’, run by the Mathematical Association of South Australia.
The following students have been selected to receive a prize/certificate which will be presented at a future assembly:
Junior Division
Congratulations to all the students who took part.
Mrs Nicola Fotheringham – Learning Leader, Mathematics
Eugene Lee
Ojus Thakur
Brij Upadhyay
Year 9 is an exciting time for students as they are nearing the end of their Middle School journey and await a new challenge at the beginning of next year in the Senior School. A new path this year has been forged through the Pedare Passage in conjunction with the Community Project. The Year 9 Outdoor Education Experience features elements of both experiences with the purpose of helping to develop students as individuals for their future.
The Year 9 Outdoor Education Experience to Camp Willochra located north of Melrose connects students with the local community of the Southern Flinders Ranges. The program aims to build upon students personal and practical skills which they have learned and practiced during their previous outdoor experiences at Pedare. The main component being a beautiful walk through the middle of Mount Remarkable National Park; starting at Alligator Gorge and walking south to Mambray Creek campground with a stop at Hidden Camp. Students also have the opportunity to enhance their cycling skills on the trails of Melrose and for the daredevils some of the mountain bike tracks around the local area. Rescuing a dummy pilot out of a tree in a mock rescue scenario will test student’s ability to work in a team. Providing students with yet more opportunities to gain life-long skills in areas of problem solving and cooking. This year was the first step into an overnight solo experience, where students stayed alone in a tent spread around the grounds of the Willochra campsite. While still close to friends and facilities, students spend the time reflecting on their past, present and future.
Students always return with a story to tell and memories to share for a lifetime. Learning about their personal capabilities is an important experience in life and the opportunities that camp experiences provide on this journey are invaluable for their development. Students so often return from camp programs with a new sense of the world around them and in this case, what the world has to offer for their future.
Mr Michael Secomb – Director of Sport
In Week 7, Pedare had two dedicated teams of Year 10 and 11 students participating against schools across SA, QLD & NT in the Illuminate Entrepreneur Challenge.
Working together for four full days, teams undertook a series of business building activities including video-conferenced financial planning and marketing mentoring sessions with industry experts. Their learning culminated in the development of a business case and business launch video. Working intensively on a team project with many competing priorities and deadlines and using a wide range of skillsets, enabled students to get an insight into life in a start-up enterprise.
Students practiced their inquiry skills, creating a sustainable solution to solve a relevant problem in the community. We congratulate all students involved on their hard work and resilience throughout the competition stages and on their outstanding results. The 2 Pedare teams were placed 1st and 3rd overall. They also won the following award categories:
Here are a couple of quotes from members of the winning team:
Mrs Kirstin Davenport – Senior School Business Teacher
On Thursday and Friday of Week 8, Year 11 English classes were lucky enough to attend an excursion to the Art Gallery of South Australia. This trip was to enable students to view an array of artworks from talented artists, as a visual stimulus for the upcoming narrative they will write.
Many students had the opportunity to immerse themselves within an interactive exhibition created by Michelle Ryan of Restless Dance theatre, titled Seeing Through Darkness. This display enabled students to alter the space themselves by means of their own shadows, casting vibrant coloured lights on the gallery walls.
Other inspiring works included the Samurai exhibition, showcasing the Japanese warrior culture. Bark paintings from Arnhem Land in the Converging Currents display and the immersive string installation display by Chiharu Shiota titled Absence Embodied.
The excursion was a valuable experience for the students, and we look forward to reading their narratives in the coming weeks.
Mrs Lauren Griffiths – Senior English Teacher
The Senior Drama students were afforded a wonderful treat, visiting the now regal Her Majesty’s Theatre which is full of Art Deco glamour after its recent upgrade. The State Theatre production of Gaslight by playwright Patrick Hamilton was the perfect Victorian-era play to grace the new stage. A psychological thriller the play was a captivating performance for the students to critique and learn from. The depth of detail in the design elements captured the students’ imaginations and the themes lead to some analytically robust discussions in lessons the next day.
“Gaslight was a wonderful way to reopen theatres and experience live theatre for the first time in months. The brilliant production elements and gripping story had us all on the edge of our seats.”
“I was just happy to be experiencing theatre again after covid, but the fact that Gaslight had me hooked from the start made it even better! I’d never been in the Her Majesty’s Theatre before, so this was an amazing experience! The grand regal look of the theatre made the play even more immersive.”
The Year 12 Drama class were thrilled to be performing in front of an audience on Thursday 3 and Friday 4 September. After much anticipation and delay our Year 12 production was back in full swing after being postponed in the hopes that theatre would re-open, and re-open they did. Flame Trees written by Wayne Tunks and based on the popular Cold Chisel song of the same name, was a delight to bring to life. The play centres around Tess, who ten years ago, made a decision which would change her life forever. She comes back to the small town that she grew up in, but everything has changed, and she finds that she is not welcome. Flame Trees deals with the complexity of life’s relationships, especially when you believe that you are making the right decisions for the those that you love. The Year 12 Drama students were grateful for the opportunity to come together and share their creativity and passion for telling stories, with our wonderfully receptive audience.
Flame Trees by Cold Chisel
Year 12 Essential English students recently completed their “Exploring Hidden Treasures” journey through the Adelaide CBD.
This excursion introduced our unit on Instructional Writing and students were given a list of instructions to follow that took them on a unique journey through many parts of the CBD they never realised existed. They worked in small groups to follow detailed instructions, and mostly arrived at their end destination without getting too lost!
Having successfully completed their journey, students worked on creating their own series of instructions for a mystery journey of their own.
It was a day of fun and mystery, and recognition that if you don’t follow an instruction exactly, you might not end up where you’re meant to be!
Mrs Sarah Bloomfield – Learning Area Coordinator, English
Congratulations to Keeley Devink, Year 6, who entered the SAETA Young Writers Award on her own merit and wrote a story titles ‘Monkey Madness’. The story went through multiple rounds and made it through to the finals. She then was invited to attend a ceremony which was sadly postponed due to gathering restrictions.
Keeley was awarded with Second Place in her age group. Well done Keeley on such a wonderful achievement.
Congratulations to Jack Williams, Year 6, who competed in the Athletics South Australia Cross Country Championships on Saturday 15 August at North Adelaide Golf course.
Jack won gold in the U14 category on the hilly 3km course with an impressive time of 10:06 and was the youngest competitor in the race.
Well done Jack.
Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:
Congratulations to our Pedare Year 9 Netball team who defeated Gleeson 26 – 15 in the grand final of the SA Catholic Secondary School Girls Sports Association (SACSSGSA) competition on Saturday 5 September. Old Scholar Laila Moodley, Class of 2017, was the coach of the team this season.
Week 6
Week 7
Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting, or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you. We meet at the church at 8:30am, 10:00am, and 6:00pm in person. If you can’t join us just yet, we’ll continue to stream at 8:30am and 10:00am online using Zoom and YouTube Service times are 8:30am and 10:00am.
Please contact Dave Brown on for more details, or check their Facebook page for links.
If you are struggling and would like to talk with someone from the church during these trying times, please phone 8264 3736.
St Mark’s Anglican Church currently have a 9:00 am traditional service and a contemporary service at 4:00pm. Please email to advise if you will be attending either service for COVID-19 requirements.
St Mark’s Kids Club (for Reception to Year 4 students) has also resumed this term on Thursday afternoons at 3.30pm (meeting fortnightly). Please email if you would like to attend.
For further information about St Mark’s services and Kids Club, please visit the website at