Mr James Tamblyn
On Thursday 16 September, we celebrated Foundation Day. Our College was founded upon the vision of our local Anglican and Uniting Churches to create a school that supported students to develop a life-long love of learning. And only because of this vision we are here today, in this amazing community, with incredible opportunities.
At our Foundation Day Assembly, we played a version of the Beatles’ ‘All You Need Is Love’ and I spoke of how the song essentially encapsulates the one thing central to everything we stand for; love. We aspire to develop within our students a deep love of learning. To foster a love of life, the extraordinary opportunity gifted to us all. And the most difficult mandate of all; to love each other.
As a community, our love for each other is demonstrated when we put other people’s needs ahead of our own. When we interact with each other kindly, patiently, compassionately and justly. And on Foundation Day, we reflected again on the imperative of ensuring that this love for each other does indeed remain the foundation upon which everything in our community is built. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)
My thanks to all staff, students and families for your contributions to the College throughout Term 3. It seems like an eternity ago that we entered a seven-day lockdown in the first week of Term. And despite students being able to learn from school since that time, it has taken considerable effort to reschedule, rearrange and ultimately catch up on events and milestones unable to take place through the early part of Term 3.
I hope the upcoming term break provides for you all an opportunity to spend some quality time with your family. We look forward to welcoming students back to school on Monday 11 October.
Mr Andrew Whiteman
The College held its traditional Foundation Day Assembly and College Dash last Thursday. This day celebrates the very first days of Pedare and everything in between until now. We reflected on the humble beginnings on the dusty fields of Golden Grove to the multi-storey Reception to the Year 12 campus we have today. In 1986 the local Anglican parishes of Tea Tree Gully and Modbury, and the Uniting Church parishes of Tea Tree Gully and Golden Grove came together and formed Pedare Christian College. The land on which we stand was once a vineyard and, as an acknowledgement of our history, a vine can still be found at the entrance to the school. Pedare was designed to be a school that focuses on developing the whole student – not simply an academic pathway. Its community feel was what made it popular with the 70 students that started on that first day, and it is our community now that continues to bring in students from around Adelaide to our great school. Congratulations to Surrey who were the winners of the College Dash where our students raced around the pentagon. Please ask your children about this exciting race!
This week, our Year 12 cohort completed their final trial examinations. The students handled themselves well, and although they were challenged, they found the experience very valuable in preparation for their final exams. We continue to support our eldest students as they prepare for the final 8 days of their Pedare journey. Over the holidays a number of workshops have been organised with teachers, and we recommended that all students attend their required sessions. A timetable is attached here: Term 3 Stage 2 Holiday Workshops
Over the past week, we have been discussing with all students the uniform requirements for Term 4 and, in particular, the College expectations in regard to uniform, hairstyles and grooming. Summer uniform can be worn from the first day of Term 4 and there is no longer the expectation of wearing the College Blazer. Our expectations are explained in the College Planner, and we intend to uphold these from day one of Term 4. After another busy term, students are certainly ready for a break and a change of routine. The students have been working very hard and deserve the 2-week holiday period. We look forward to welcoming all our students back to school on Monday 11 October.
Mrs Lauren Brooks
Year 6 – Mind Your Own Business
Over the course of Term 3, Year 6 students have been involved in an interdisciplinary unit covering Maths, Language & Literature and Individuals & Societies. They investigated successful businesses, the process of branding, advertising, and marketing to a target audience, and considerations around profit, loss, income and expenditure.
This culminated in students creating their own simulated businesses, making decisions around their products, prices, branding, marketing and sales techniques.
The ‘store owners’ enjoyed having ‘customers’ from across the College come through on Market Day to purchase their goods and services. Well done to all of our students on their amazing businesses, and the huge amount of learning and engagement they have shown over this unit.
Year 7 – Rocket Experiential Learning
Year 7 students enjoyed a two-day Science incursion this week, working in teams to explore the application of the scientific method, manipulation of variables and interpretation of data through designing and launching rockets! A fantastic and engaging real-world learning experience for our Year 7 students to finish their Science unit off with a ‘bang’!
Year 9 – Language Day
On Wednesday 22 September, Year 9 German students participated enthusiastically in our ‘German Day In’.
Students enjoyed a few competitive rounds of Klassenzimmer Fußball (classroom soccer) and raced through the challenges of the Schnitzeljagd (treasure hunt). They threw themselves into the Schuhplattler (a kind of Bavarian folk dance) and became inseparable from their feathered German hats.
The students were very engaged throughout the process and had lots of opportunities to practise their German language skills. A big Danke schön to Frau Edmondson and Frau Callen for helping to make the day possible!
To view more photos of the ‘German Day In’, please click here.
Meanwhile, Year 9 Chinese class went on a Chinese cultural excursion. The students enjoyed the day and gained valuable insight into Chinese culture. Starting at the Chinese Temple in Ottoway, the Venerable monk taught students about Buddha’s teaching, the Buddhist temple architecture and meditation.
Students also visited Chinatown and had the opportunity to see Chinese characters in use and to practice their language skills.
To view more photos of the Chinese cultural excursion, please click here.
Mr Randall Pearce
Year 4 Stalls
Year 4 classes sold a variety of items to the Junior School community on Friday 17 September. This was part of the transdisciplinary Unit of Inquiry that covers learning in so many curriculum areas. Over the past few weeks, Year 4 students have been entrepreneurs, inquiring into many aspects of a successful business. This learning has been made relevant with a loan (float) of $20 from the school.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) and Primary Years Program (PYP) are perfect vehicles to allow our teachers to present curriculum in a way that makes learning relevant, significant, challenging and engaging. I believe teaching entrepreneur skills is the next big thing and is an important area of development for our children.
Such learning provides our students with the knowledge to develop their own businesses. This includes helping them learn about core business areas such as sales, finance, marketing, accountancy and management, as well as broader ranging skills such as effective communication, adaptability and maintaining confidence.
The advantage of teaching such skills in more traditional subjects is that they are not uniquely relevant to an entrepreneurial career path. You can be an entrepreneur in any field, so the skills needed for starting your own business would also be desirable to be an employee.
Within the Australian Curriculum Humanities and Social sciences (HASS) / Economics and Business, it states the rationale:
The Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business empowers students to shape their social and economic futures and to contribute to the development of prosperous, sustainable and equitable Australian and global economies. The study of economics and business develops the knowledge, understanding and skills that will equip students to secure their financial futures and to participate in and contribute to the wellbeing and sustainability of the economy, the environment and society.
According to the Australian Curriculum, this learning starts in Year 7! I congratulate the Year 4 teachers and their students for their stalls and the fantastic learning that has taken place this week and over the term.
(Please note: this will also be Spring Carnival for Middle & Senior School students, further details to follow).
The Parents and Friends Association are holding another One College Colour Explosion. The day’s focus is on fun with the added benefit of raising funds for improving facilities at the College.
Registration for the One College Colour Explosion is $10 per student. Register by creating a cyber-safe online fundraising profile at
Registration and donations need to be finalised on or before 18 October. Further details of the day’s activities to follow.
Congratulations to the following students who were presented with a Junior Shine Award for Term 3 at Assembly on Friday 24th September 2021.
Mid-Year Reception:
Archer T
Joshua R & Toby (Tobias) T
Year 1:
Caterina C & Charlotte D
Year 2:
Nancy Y & Yasha T
Year 3:
Alice B & Arya H
Year 4:
Alex J & Aditya M
Year 5:
Chantel M, Christian C & Jobe L
Congratulations to Tessa E who was awarded the First Place winner for the Prose Section of the Young Writers Award.
Junior School Shine Shield was presented to Surrey for Term 3, 2021. Congratulations!
Congratulations to the following students who have worked so hard to achieve Lexile 1000 or reading one million words this year to become a Literacy Pro Millionaire.
Lexile 1000 Award:
Bassil A & Isaac F
Literacy Pro Millionaire:
Sucre P & Bhavish P
It was a pleasure to attend the awards ceremony for the Oliphant Science Awards on Friday, 17th of September. The Oliphant Science Awards are conducted annually by the South Australian Science Teachers Association (SASTA) and provide students with an opportunity to extend their scientific literacy.
This year Pedare had five students enter the Oliphant Science Awards, which they committed to in their own time outside of school, with students winning multiple prizes. It was outstanding to see Eugene won the overall Mark Oliphant Trophy for his project on ‘The Power of Bacteria: The Microbial Fuel Cells’, which looked at the generation of electricity from bacteria found in soil.
Samantha Ireland
Please click here to see the full list of winners and prizes.
The week leading to Middle School Service Day on 10th September, we asked our staff, students and families, to consider donating items to support families who had just arrived in Adelaide from Afghanistan.
Members of the Pedare Student Voice sorted the donations which were collected by Relationships Australia SA’s Personal Education and Community Empowerment (PEACE) Multicultural Services.
Thank you to those who have already donated items to support the refugees who have landed recently in Adelaide. One of the Year 12 students, Timothy, wrote a beautiful prayer and shared it during Worship on 7 September. The prayer expresses both the heartache for the pain in our world and the sense of responsibility that God’s response will come, in part, through our compassion and generosity.
Dear God,
In a world filled with suffering and pain outside of our control, we look to you for guidance and the support of the Holy Spirit. We pray for the citizens of Afghanistan, particularly the most vulnerable (the women, children and those who’s beliefs do not conform to that of the Taliban). We pray that they might seek comfort and be brought closer to you in these trying times.
As people who are greatly blessed by relative stability and wealth, it is our responsibility to support those, in Afghanistan and around the world, who are struggling due to poverty or are persecuted for their religious and political beliefs. We ask that you encourage and support us and the organisations that deliver this aid in this mission.
We pray for those in our country, the soldiers and their families bearing the scars of war, and those who have lost loved ones due to the Virus, who might perhaps fear for their own lives. Grant our leaders wisdom so that their suffering has not been in vain.
As isolation induced depression and the suicide rates rise, in our country and in others, please introduce more people to the love and openness of your community so they do not feel alone.
This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our saviour,
Timothy, Year 12
M&SS Worship 7/9/21
There is nothing quite like a good holiday – time to escape your daily routine, do some new things, see new places. Research also suggests that holidays are a chance to improve your physical and mental wellbeing.
So, whatever this holiday brings for you, be sure to take the chance to escape your daily routines and recharge, do the things that bring your joy and feel that boost in your energy and morale.
Happy holidays!
Adapted from Thrive Global, 2019
The Primary Years Program (PYP) Exhibition marks the final year in the PYP. It provides a valuable opportunity for Year 5 students to bring together and utilise their learning from their time in Junior School. The focus is on the process, rather than the product. Thus, we look forward to rich discussions about the learning and process with the school community on Exhibition day.
Year 5 students have undertaken an extensive research project involving hours of discussions, debates, questions, and reflection on the central idea of ‘Knowledge and effort can lead to change’. They have been encouraged to think deeply about a chosen global issue and to consider the impact on individuals and communities. This has culminated in the creation of student action’. Action is a means for students to show that they have linked their learning to real-life issues and opportunities. Students acted in ways they felt to be the most appropriate, whether this be in the form of advocating, informing, innovating, educating or participating.
We are extremely proud of the dedication and commitment our students have demonstrated in this process. As Year 5 students move forward to Middle Years Program (MYP), they do so with confidence that they have gained many skills, the ability to inquire and research, to work collaboratively and to choose and develop appropriate action.
A huge thank you to Year 5 teachers and mentors who facilitated such a wonderful learning environment, allowing our students to feel supported in taking risks in their learning.
Laura Logan
In Week 9, Stage 1 Physical Education students travelled to the Murraylands Aquatics Centre for their annual Aquatics Camp. The camp had a specific focus on learning a new skill and developing an understanding of different learning strategies to support their progress from the cognitive to the associative phase. Throughout the experience, students were able to reflect on the various forms of feedback and practice types that were used by the instructors, peers and themselves.
Students were provided with a wide range of activities such as sailing, sailboarding, kneeboarding and paddleboarding. We were blessed with fantastic weather and excellent facilities to make it such as wonderful experience.
I would like to thank Ms Glapa and Mr Fennell for giving up additional time to support the Physical Education program and the students. I would also like to thank the wonderful staff at Murraylands Aquatics Centre for allowing us to have this opportunity.
Damien Hutchings
Year 11 & 12 CAD CAM Classes visited the UniSA Future Institute 3D Printing Laboratory as part of industry links to the subject area. 3D printing uses computer-aided design (CAD) to create three-dimensional objects through a layering method of printing material on top of each other to construct the final shape, similar to a stack of pancakes. We were taken on a tour of the Lab, which has facilities to 3D print in 4 different techniques: Resin 3D Printer (SLA), Metal 3D Printer, Carbon Fibre Printer, and Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM).
UniSA 3D Printing Lab manufactures custom components for business and education needs. Students were able to learn about all the different 3D printing techniques and finished products. One project that was being printed was a copy of an old ceramic tile from a water fountain in Melbourne, which is no longer made. 3D printer replicates the old fountain feature, so the tradespeople could make moulds from it for reproductions.
This was a fantastic experience for everyone. It gave great insights into viable career opportunities and tertiary study pathways for our students.
James Walsh
When Year 8 Drama met Year 1 Performing Arts!
During the last week of Term 3, Year 8 Drama and Year 1 Performing Arts classes combined for a double module to take part in a joint experience. Year 8s planned some drama warm-up games and activities to do with the younger students. Year 8 students shared their learning from the past term and enjoyed some quality time with the younger students. What unfolded was a lot of fun, laughter and dancing. Thank you to the Year 8s and Year 1s for participating in this exciting, joint experience.
Mrs. Griffiths and Mrs. Bramble
Year 1
On Wednesday 8th September, two very excited Year 1 classes went on an excursion to Para Wirra Conservation Park. This was a part of the inquiry unit, ‘Sharing the Planet’. Students have been inquiring into our central idea of ‘Living things are connected within environments’. The students participated in the Bush Bugs program, facilitated by Shanelle Palmer of ‘The Bush Classroom’. They learnt about different native plants, went dip-netting for water bugs, explored the bush for mini-beasts, played camouflage games and made a mini-beast from clay, which they could take home. We had beautiful weather on the day and students had a wonderful time of fun and learning.
“I liked the net dipping because I caught so many little creatures.” Jasmine
“I liked finding the coloured match sticks in the camouflage game.” Carrie
“I liked finding the bugs in the dirt, and we found lots of millipedes.” Allegra
“I loved seeing the inch ant nest. The ants were charging out of the hole.” Brodie
“I learnt that water bugs actually exist and that they are really fast.” Austin
Sharon Booth and Liz Morgan
Year 9
On 22nd September, Year 9 Chinese class went on a cultural excursion to extend students’ knowledge of Chinese culture, language and food. Starting with a visit to the Chinese Temple in Ottoway, the venerable monk explained about Buddha’s teaching, Buddhist temple architecture and meditation. Students then went to Chinatown, where they could sample a wide range of Chinese foods and see all the signs and product labels in the Chinese language. The excursion was interesting and fun as students completed a ‘challenge’ on the way.
“I thoroughly enjoyed the Chinatown excursion. I was able to spend a day with my peers and teachers while learning about different aspects of Chinese culture. At Chinatown, I was able to enjoy different foods from the Chinese cuisine and discuss certain learning aspects with my friends. We were able to spend a nice afternoon looking for the answers in our challenge booklet in Chinatown, purchasing certain products, and enjoying the time getting closer with my peers.” Isabella, Year 9
“I really enjoyed the Chinatown excursion because I experienced Chinese culture with food and architecture. In Chinatown, we visited a lot of different shops where I was able to talk in Chinese to the staff and asked for prices and how the different snacks tasted. I think a lot of Chinese people appreciate people trying to learn their language and about Chinese culture.” Samuel, Year 9
Siew Ng
By Imogen, Kiara & Alicia
Being part of University of South Australia (UniSA) STEM Girls has been an excellent opportunity that we are definitely grateful to have been a part of this year. It not only connected us with like-minded peers, but also introduced us to a whole world of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) that we had not discovered before.
On Thursday 16 September, we attended the annual Conference Dinner where we were able to network with students from other schools and listen to inspirational keynote speakers. On Friday 17 September, we travelled by bus to different STEM industry providers in Adelaide. Firstly, we visited Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) and saw some demonstrations of thermite and liquid nitrogen. We also had tours of different facilities, discussing the new technologies being developed. We then travelled to Bianco Reinforcing, where we had a tour of the steel factory. Friday’s lunch offered us another opportunity to network with the other students in the program. After lunch, we walked to South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) where we listened to presentations on the new and innovative medical research taking place. The day finished with being able to explore Ministry of Defence (MOD), where we investigated the interactive exhibitions to learn more about ocean life, global warming, greenhouse gases, immune system and robotics.
Overall, we would highly recommend getting involved when you are in Year 11 as it is a fantastic opportunity to investigate STEM careers and connect with industry professionals.
If you are in Year 11 in 2022, have chosen at least 2 Science subjects and are interested in this program, please email Miss Ireland.
Year 2 Special Performance
This term Junior School students have learnt a new song, ‘Jesus Strong and Kind’. On Friday 17 September Worship, Year 2 classes presented a special surprise for everyone. They led the singing of this beautiful song by using Australian Sign Language (AUSLAN) to sign the words in the song. They had been secretly practising and memorising the signing for the whole song. It was a beautiful presentation, and the process broadened students’ awareness of those in our community who are hearing impaired. There are other classes now wanting to learn how to sign the words too!
John Morton
German Day In
Year 9, Wednesday 22 September
Buddy Visit – Reception & Year 12
On Monday 13th September, Year 12 students spent some time with their Reception buddies designing and planning parts of our Pedare community that they would like to build. As part of the Junior School’s Unit of Inquiry project, both Reception classes shared the stories which they had written with their buddies.
It was an absolute joy to see the relationships that developed between our students in Reception and Year 12.
Jan Robertson
Silk Painting Workshop
Pedare’s vision for reconciliation is guided by our Christian Ethos, with a commitment to developing meaningful relationships with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. A key component to our Reconciliation Action Plan is a commitment to welcoming Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into our classrooms as guests to work alongside our students and children in learning activities.
We were fortunate to have Tjimari Sanderson-Milera from Kumarninthi (Becoming One) who conducted a Silk Painting workshop on 21 September to support our vision and plan for reconciliation.
The Pedare Extra-Curricular Team are excited to bring you a new portal, containing information and links all in one location to our Sports and Clubs program.
The Portal is updated regularly to bring you the latest news, announcements, updates, results and more of Pedare Extra-Curricular activities and events.
Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting, or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you. We meet at the church at 8:30am, 10:00am, and 6:00pm in person. If you can’t join us just yet, we’ll continue to stream at 8:30am and 10:00am online using Zoom and YouTube Service times are 8:30am and 10:00am.
Please contact Dave Brown on for more details, or check their Facebook page for links.
If you are struggling and would like to talk with someone from the church during these trying times, please phone 8264 3736.
Tea Tree Gully Uniting host the ‘local and friendly’ Banksia Markets on the first Saturday of each month from 8:30am to 1:00pm at 600 Milne Road, Banksia Park. Stalls inside the hall and in the car park include produce, fresh fruit and vegetables, jewellery, tools, bric-a-brac and lots more. A BBQ and delightful Devonshire Teas are available. There is also 50% off of items in the BIG shed. For more information contact the TTG Uniting Church website at
St Mark’s Anglican Church currently have a 9:00 am traditional service. Please email to advise if you will be attending either service for COVID-19 requirements.
For further information and updates about St Mark’s services, please visit the website at or visit their Facebook page
Golden Grove Uniting Church, corner of Crouch and One Tree Hill Road, Golden Grove, has a traditional service at 10:00am on a Sunday morning. Also, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, we have a cafe style church, which is a relaxed contemporary worship service at 6:00pm in the Church hall.
On a Friday morning for parents/carers and children from birth to 5 years we have a mainly music programme starting at 9:30am. This is a fun, interactive 30-minute music session followed by morning tea and free play.
For further information, please contact the Office on 8251 4298 or by email: you can even check our webpage: