Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 15 for 2019

The Vine Issue 15 – 2019

September 27, 2019
The Vine logo


PLEASE NOTE: the College Office and Junior School Administration will be closed during the school holidays and Term 4 will commence on Monday 14 October.


Mr Mike Millard


Mr Mike Millard


Final Reflection

As I write my final Vine Reflection, I think back on the exciting journey Pedare has been on in the last decade. We came together as a community of students, parents, staff and board members to deliver a very significant One College outcome for Pedare and its future.

Personally, I am very grateful for the support and assistance the College Board and Leadership Team have provided me as we navigated this process.

Being a member of the Pedare Community in 2019 will hold a special significance for all of us, be it students, staff, parents or the Board. In years to come we can all say confidently:

We were there in 2019 when Pedare came together as One College on One Campus.”

The task involved in moving to One College has been a very significant endeavour. The amalgamation has taken vision, bold decision making, commitment and perseverance. The wonderful new learning spaces are the culmination of the journey which began in late 2015 to create a Reception to Year 12 One College Campus.

My retirement from teaching comes at a very good time for Pedare as we look to the future growth of teaching and learning, the pastoral care and well-being programs and the continued improvement of the fabric of the College all led by new Principal Mr James Tamblyn.

My best wishes also go to Mr Andrew Whiteman for Term 4 as he takes on the role of Acting Principal. This will be a wonderful learning experience and I know the Pedare community will reach out to him in strong support for the final part of 2019.

I wish the Pedare Community all the very best as you embark on the next exciting phase.

Mr Andrew Whiteman


Mr Andrew Whiteman


It is with a touch of sadness that I write this week’s article as we farewell Mr Millard after 10 years of service to Pedare. Mr Millard has been a wonderful leader and will forever go down in Pedare’s history as the Principal that brought One College to life. Mike, and the leadership team at the time, set a strategic plan that would see the two campuses become one. In 2019 this occurred, and we are here to enjoy all that it brings. It was a remarkable achievement and required a consistent and diligent approach to all of the finer details, something that Mike led from the front.

I personally sat in many design and building meetings around the new spaces at Pedare and no matter how big or how small Mr Millard wanted the best for our students. He was strong on details to ensure that the architects and the builders understood why we were building the rooms and outside spaces like we were. He wanted them to know that it was important to our students as they were the ones who were going to inhabit these on a daily basis.

I would like to thank Mr Millard for his leadership and friendship over the past 3 years. He has taught me a lot about how to lead a school and I have appreciated him passing on his knowledge to me and the others in our leadership team. He is a humble man who never seeks out reward or recognition but sets the example for others to follow. Mr Millard should be very proud of the legacy he leaves behind and know that Pedare is a better place for having him here for the past 10 years. Enjoy your retirement Mike!

The College celebrated Foundation Day with the biennial College Dash on Thursday 26 September. It was great to have some parents join us to also witness the official opening of the Jackson Oval. It was nice to see Mr Lindsay Jackson there for the occasion and cut the ribbon on ‘his’ oval!!

Term 3 is now complete, and all of our students are deserving of a break after another busy term. In the last few weeks of term our Year 11 students attended a Geography camp, a Physical Education Camp, our Year 9 and 10 students attended the Royal Show competing in a Science competition, Year 8 language students toured the city and of course Year 12 students completed their trial examinations. Year 12 students now only have nine days of school remaining, a scary thought for some. They are to be commended on the way they have handled the year and we have no doubt they will finish off the year well.

In the absence of a Term 3 report, if you have any concerns with your child’s academic progress over the term please make contact with the class teacher via email. Our staff will be able to provide strategies for improvement and help you to help your children whilst they are at home. We know that students and families, at times, live complex lives and if there are issues that you think the school should know about please do not hesitate to contact the teacher or Community Coordinator at any time.

I thank you for your support so far this year and the Senior School is certainly in good hands next term as Ms Jan Robertson takes on the role as Acting Head of Senior School. She has a strong history with the Senior School and will lead the students through the final term with ease. I will be the Acting Principal in Term 4 whilst we await Mr James Tamblyn to commence at the beginning of 2020. I look forward to the challenge of leading Pedare in these very exciting times.

Here some important dates:

  • Students return to classes: Monday 14 October (Summer uniform with hat)
  • Spring Carnival: Thursday 24 October commences at 1:00pm
  • Year 12’s farewell breakfast and Worship service: Friday 25 October

Have a happy and safe break.

Mrs Lauren Brooks


 Mrs Lauren Brooks


A Focus on LeadershipIt is an exciting time of year, when we start to look at formal leadership opportunities for our students in 2020. Our Middle School Captains play a pivotal role in life at Pedare; they are the voice of our student body, and the medium between all students and staff. They have a responsibility to work with staff to make improvements together at the College and represent our school at the highest possible standard. The successful applicants will spend time with the Assistant Head of Middle School and Head of Middle School later in the year to begin work on their 2020 vision of what they would like to accomplish as leaders next year. Students are currently finalising their applications for the leadership positions available and we look forward to beginning interviewing candidates in early Term 4. Good luck to all of our students engaging in this process.

Speaking of leadership, this of course is the final newsletter article under the Principalship of Mr Millard. In his time at Pedare, he has been bold, courageous and created a culture of excellence. I know Mr Millard would not want too much attention in his last few days with us, so instead, I will focus on the staff culture he has created and will leave as his legacy. A true leader is someone who is selfless and spends their time serving others, to build capacity and strengthen the team around them. Examples of this are in every direction you look in our Middle School. It is a privilege to work with such a dynamic, innovative group of people leading our Middle School in 2019. Perhaps in Year 6 it is Ms Mossel or Mrs Zerner who are leading their students to take action by writing letters to Members of Parliament raising awareness for those less fortunate than we are. Or maybe it’s Mr Gale and Miss Cameron’s classes in Year 7 always looking for new ways to engage and motivate students to inspire a love of learning. Perhaps we look to Mrs Gerber in Learning Support or Mr Richards Year 8 class, always going ‘over and above’ to support and nurture students both academically and their wellbeing. Or perhaps we look to our committed and dedicated Miss Tomczyk providing an environment for each student to grow and find individual success. It was a profound experience working with some Year 9 students last week discussing the topic “teachers who have had a positive impact on me.” It was a very proud and special moment for me to watch and listen to the students discussing the times where teachers had supported them, cared for them, challenged them and believed in them.

Of all of Mr Millard’s achievements at Pedare, my personal favourite is this culture he will leave behind. A culture where teachers want to get out of bed in the morning to come to Pedare, because they love their job and share in the vision of the direction of our College. Such a strong and positive staff culture of course impacts our teaching and learning environment directly. It results in happy, valued teachers who extend themselves to provide an exceptional teaching and learning environment for our students. It has been a privilege to serve at Pedare under the leadership of Mr Millard and his legacy will live on in our Middle School for many years to come.

Mr Randall Pearce


Mr Randall Pearce


Year 4 Popcorn Stalls 

The Year 4 classes recently sold Popcorn to the Junior School community. This was part of one of their transdisciplinary units of inquiry that has seen much learning that covers many curriculum areas. Year 4s, over the past few weeks, have been Entrepreneurs, inquiring into many aspects of a successful business. This learning has been made relevant with a loan (float) of $10 from the school.

The IB and PYP are perfect vehicles to allow our teachers the scope to present the curriculum in a way that makes the learning relevant, significant, challenging and engaging. Teaching entrepreneur skills is, I believe, the next big thing and is an important area of development for our children.

As such, learning provides our students with the knowledge to develop their own business, this includes helping them learn about core business areas such as sales, finance, marketing, accountancy and management, as well as broader ranging skills such as effective communication, adaptability and maintaining confidence.

The advantage of teaching such skills over more traditional subjects is that they are not uniquely relevant to an entrepreneurial career path. You can be an entrepreneur in any field, so it stands to reason that the skills needed for starting your own business would also be desirable in terms of being an employee.

Within the Australian Curriculum Humanities and Social sciences (HASS) / Economics and Business it states the rationale:

The Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business empowers students to shape their social and economic futures and to contribute to the development of prosperous, sustainable and equitable Australian and global economies. The study of economics and business develops the knowledge, understanding and skills that will equip students to secure their financial futures and to participate in and contribute to the wellbeing and sustainability of the economy, the environment and society.

According to the Australian Curriculum this learning starts in Year 7, so I congratulate the Year 4 teachers and their students for their stalls and the fantastic learning that has taken place this week and over the term.

Learning Journeys / Year 5 Exhibition

The children once again were excited to showcase their learning on Wednesday 25 September.

This year, our learning journeys included the Year 5 Exhibition. This was our first attempt as a school to complete this process and learning. Indeed, much learning has taken place both by students and teachers. The students have gained knowledge, whilst that is important, they have also learnt how to work and thrive as a group; learning how to work together to compromise and make decisions that may challenge one another. As teachers we are learning how to facilitate this process, allowing children to fail safely in an environment that is kind and caring and one that is not high stakes. Well done to all involved.

It is always wonderful to open the College and the classrooms, for the children to act as guides and for them to share with you how much they learn and their love for our school.

Enjoy the beautiful Spring weather and holidays, see you all at the beginning of Week 3 Term 4, as for the first two weeks of term I will be in China with the College’s Cultural Tour. Please direct any inquiries at this time to either Mrs Paula Hanna or Mrs Laura Logan.

Til Next time



After the final farewell Assembly for College Principal, Mr Mike Millard, on Thursday 26 September, a ceremony for the official opening of Jackson Oval took place before the highly anticipated College Dash. The weather couldn’t of been more perfect for our Foundation Day race. Students looked wonderful in the colourful Community tops as their competitive spirit shone. Congratulations to Greenwith for being our College Dash winners of the trophy this year, well done all students who participated.

At the end of the races, students assembled in their communities where delicious refreshments of cookies were given out. These proved a big hit with everyone and we would like to thank Spice & Co – Personalised Cookies for supplying such wonderful treats to share. To follow Spice & Co on Facebook please click on the link

This is always a much anticipated event at the College, one that has become quite a unique tradition for Pedare.




Registration is NOW OPEN

Registration for 2021 Academic Scholarships are now open to both new enrolments and current students and awarded following the ACER examinations. The value of the scholarships is up to 50% tuition fee remission with Scholarships being reviewed on an annual basis to monitor the student’s continuing performance. It is expected that recipients will complete their schooling at Pedare.

The ACER scholarship examination will be held at the College on Saturday, 8 February 2020.

Online registrations are now open and the closing date for registrations is Thursday 23 January 2020The fee to sit the scholarship test is $110.

Please follow the link to register

  • For students in Years 5 or 6 in 2019, for Year 7 or 8 in 2021, please apply for a Level 1 Scholarship Test.
  • For students in Year 7 or 8 in 2019, for Year 9 or 10 in 2021, please apply for a Level 2 Scholarship Test.
  • For students in Year 9 in 2019, for Year 11 in 2021, please apply for a Level 3 Scholarship Test

Please direct any enquiries to the Community Relations Manager, Mrs Julie Holland, on 8280 1700 or

Please note that for all scholarships and bursaries the other College charges, such as the Resource Fee, Camp and eLearning Levy are to be met by the candidates’ parents/caregivers.



The 2018 Yearbook will be available shortly and, as per the College Fee Schedule, each family who had a child enrolled in 2018 will receive a copy. Should you wish to purchase additional copies, please contact the College Office to place an order. Each additional copy will cost $35.


The Year 12 Music Performance Evening will be held on Wednesday 16 October in the College Chapel from 7:00pm. The event is a wonderful night featuring the talents of our Stage Band, Luminaire, String Quartet 1 and Solo Performances. Parents, family and friends are all welcome.


Pedare Junior Primary presents ‘Children of the World’ Christmas musical on Wednesday 4 December in the College Chapel starting at 6:30pm. This is another evening of great entertainment where all Junior Primary students perform in front of a delighted audience. Please save the dates for both of these amazing evenings and be thoroughly entertained while supporting your children.



Congratulations to the following students who were presented at Assembly on Friday 27 September with their Head of Junior School Awards for Term 3:


RRB – James Panagopoulos


RD – Acholdit Yaak &

RO – Lincoln Horton


1C – Ashley Soraghan &

1M – Sebastian Ozog


2O – Ashleigh Skewes &

2B – Chelsea Madden


3HA – Brendon Scholefield &

3S – Jelina Wang


4CO – Dakota Illman  &

4CA – Matilda Funnell


5P – Anthony Klitogiannis &

5C – Oscar Elding


On Thursday 19 September, Receptions had a big day out in the city to consolidate our learning of our Unit of Inquiry ‘How we Express Ourselves’. Students visited the Art Gallery of South Australia where the day was broken up into two sessions where they explored the permanent collection within the gallery and also attended an artist workshop called “My Portrait, My Story.” Students had a fun time eating lunch on the Art Gallery lawns and enjoying the sunshine.

Student comments:

  • “This was the best day ever!” – Tessa
  •  “The string room was my favourite!” – Kevin

Ms Sarah Davis & Ms Jasmine Orlowski – Teachers, Reception



The Year 2 cohort was blessed with delightful, Spring weather for their excursion to the Marine Discovery Centre. They enjoyed fossicking on the beach and uncovered precious treasures including a seahorse skeleton and a fulgurite. Creative sculptures were collaboratively constructed using sand, seaweed and shells. Indoors, a range of engaging activities were on offer. Students gained an Aboriginal perspective on land care, enjoyed using the 3D vision goggles to participate in a virtual scuba diving experience, went fishing, created waves, considered eco-friendly waste reduction options and used microscopes to get a clearer view of sea creatures, plants and shells. It was an enjoyable learning experience all ‘round.

Mrs Ailsa Burne & Mr Christopher O’Brien – Teachers, Year 2



In the inquiry into how the world works, Year 5s investigated the forms of visual media and compared its functions in different cultures.  As a part of our action plan stemming from this unit, students have made bilingual signs and posters for every classroom in junior school serving for various audience and purposes.

Ms Grace Liu – Chinese Teacher R-5




Week 9 saw the introduction of the ‘Tinker Table’. Students were extremely keen to put their skills to the test and to dismantle several different electrical appliances. This activity brought into BFG an influx of older students all eager to pull apart old computer components and also helped the younger students, demonstrating and assisting the correct and safe way to use the various screwdrivers. Conversations were filled with discussions about the best screwdriver to use, what various parts were used for and exclamations of excitement as the mystery of the machines yielded to the determination of the students. While the older students were focussed on finding the mysteries within, the younger students were keen to create their own machines resulting in some weird and wonderful inventions.

The activity was extremely popular however I have exhausted my supply of electrical equipment. If any families have some old electrical equipment (toasters, kettles, computer parts etc) that they would like to donate could you please contact Amy Agnew via the school.

Sunday 15 September was International Dot Day. Inspired by the book called ‘The Dot’ by Peter H Reynolds, we are asked to imagine the power and potential of millions of people around the world connecting, collaborating, creating and celebrating all that creativity inspires and invites. This week the BFG has become a creative hub with children all contributing to a collaborative piece of artwork that is being displayed in the BFG Hideout. The inspiration for the artwork is ‘we are all unique……but when we work together, we can create something amazing’.

Mrs Amy Agnew – Coordinator Learning Support




There are over 6000 languages spoken in the world today. In Week 10, we have been celebrating the diversity of languages in our community as well as the languages that we teach and learn at Pedare.

Our language classes have enjoyed a variety of cultural experiences.

Some of the highlights:

On Monday of Week 10, Year 9 Chinese students visited the Chinese Temple in Ottoway. The Venerable monk taught the students about learning buddha’s teaching and meditation. They then visited Chinatown and enjoyed Chinese cuisine in the food court. Everyone loved exploring Chinatown and completed a “Challenge”.

Year 8 Chinese students concluded Term 3 making their own Chinese rap songs. They enjoyed this tremendously with much laughter and fun.


Year 8 German students visited a German cake shop – in their classrooms!

Here are some student comment about the cake making:

  • “I made a black forest cake because it is such a delicious dish.” – Nathan
  • “I made apple pies with puff pastry. I made this to see how cooking German food tastes. i like all the ingredients in this dessert.” – Jessica
  • “I made Mamorkuchen (marble cake). I was interested in making this because the presentation looks very appetising. I love to cook so making this cake was a lot of fun.” – Chloe
  • “When I was creating my German butter pound cake, I tried the mixture when it was creamy and it tasted very nice. But the after taste came to me and it was very sweet.” – Zack
  • “I made German biscuits. They are two biscuits stuck together with raspberry jam. This was a fun recipe to make.” – Bella

Year 7 German students researched authentic recipes and then cooked and shared their dishes with the class. The varied offerings, including Schwarzwälderkirsch Torte (Black Forest Cherry Cake), Kartoffelpuffer (potato pancakes), Strudel and Schnitzel, created a wonderful feast for the students.

Year 9 German students watched the fascinating film, “das Wunder von Bern” (The Miracle of Bern), set in post-war Germany against the backdrop of the 1954 Football World Cup. Some may have found it slow to start with, but the final goal on a rain-soaked field, giving Germany the victory, was a thrilling moment for everyone, even those of us who saw it coming.

Every day this week Home Groups have answered language quizzes, and on Thursday, the Day of Languages, Chinese and German treats were shared with the Middle School at Recess.

A group of Year 9 and 10 students will depart on Saturday 12 October for the 2019 China Tour. We wish them safe travels and their trip can be followed here:

Ms Susan O’Connell – Learning Area Coordinator, LOTE




Our Year 7 cohort experienced a SANFL training session when members of the Central District Football Club visited the College to run clinics in Week 9. Students were taken through a number of drills to develop basic skills and progress to applying these skills in game situations. A fantastic opportunity for everyone involved and hopefully a few students have found a new sport to try in the future. Our Anglican Cup, Knockout and Catholic Girls teams await new recruits in 2020.

Mr Michael Secomb – Learning Area Coordinator, H&PE R-12




On Monday 23 to Wednesday 25 September, Year 11 students ventured to Murraylands Aquatic Centre at Murray Bridge. With changes to the Stage 1 Physical Education curriculum in mind, students were out to improve their paddling skills in a range of personal water-craft and try their hand at knee boarding for the first time. Their goal was to see and feel themselves improve in ability and confidence over the 8 sessions on the water. The weather was a balmy 18 degrees on average with a few rays of sunshine. A great program all round with students demonstrating their personal leadership skills, taking on many other roles around camp to ensure they were prepared for sessions and meals were on the table for their peers. Looking forward to venturing back to Murraylands Aquatic Centre in 2020.

Mr Michael Secomb – Learning Area Coordinator, H&PE R-12



“Throughout this year, Erin Smith and I have been part of the 4-day STEM Girls program by UniSA. On the first two inquiry days we worked in groups with other STEM girls to do Biomechanic experiments, learn new maths and physics skills, and extend our problem-solving abilities.

The third session was a conference and dinner at the Mawson Lakes Function Centre. It involved a networking seminar where we not only made friends with like-minded girls from all over SA but were able to interact with industry professionals and listen to inspiring guest speakers.

The last day consisted of industry tours, where Erin and I were lucky enough to visit the RAAF, SA Power, Rising Sun Pictures (who knew big Hollywood movies were made in Adelaide!?) and MOD.

Overall, this program was an invaluable experience for both of us and we would definitely recommend any girls next year to take this opportunity. The ability to speak to engineers and visit real workplaces has given us many career ideas and helped us make informed subject choices for next year.”  

Maya Smale, Year 11




As part of their SACE studies, students in Year 11 undertake a Research Project.  Students can research just about anything and this year we have a great variety of topics amongst our students. While undertaking their research, students are encouraged to look for suitable experts to develop their knowledge and understanding. After talking to Paula Leuthen (SA Parliament, Member for King) at the opening of the Middle School, Oliver Shephard-Bayly gained the opportunity to speak to the State Treasurer, Rob Lucas. Oliver is researching the effect of a GST rise on low income earners and the opportunity to interview Mr Lucas was a great experience.

Mrs Ingrid Moodley – Research Project Teacher



Congratulations to Emily Briggs, Year 7, who has been selected to play in the School Sport SA 12/U Tennis team. Emily will compete in the Australian Tennis championships in Perth from 12-19 October.

Good luck Emily.


Congratulations to Hertu Ravichandran, Year 6, who, on Tuesday 24 September, won the NEHTA Table Tennis Trophy for Division 2, 2019. Hertu has also won a trophy for same age level (Age 13), won the current champion of Division 1 and received a Best Player trophy for this year.

Well done Hertu.


Congratulations to Joshua Rocca, Year 9, who competed at the Australian National Clubs Gymnastics Carnival held on the Gold Coast from Wednesday 11 to Sunday 15 September. Joshua gained a 2nd place in Individual Men’s Level 6 trampoline, missing 1st place by 0.1 and 4th place in Men’s Level 6 tumbling.

Well done Joshua.



Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:

City to Bay Fun Run

Independent Schools Swimming Carnival



An incredible amount of interest this year saw 55 students from Year 4 and 5 training throughout the term on Monday and Thursdays in preparation for this year’s City-Bay Fun Run. A new training trail took us down through Wynn Vale Dam.

On Sunday 15 September, we had 47 students, 28 parents and 9 teachers participating in the 6 kilometre event. Conditions were very good and on the warm side.

We ran supporting Childhood Cancer Association, who appreciated our support. Students and teachers were provided with gold shoelaces which represent Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (September). We raised $1868.83 in total. Special mention to Year 4 students, Tyson Soraghan who raised $531.99 and Bailee and Dakota Illman who raised $427. A great effort from the Pedare community. Elliot the CCA mascot came and visited us last week and showed his appreciation with a letter addressed to Mr Pearce.

The Childhood Cancer Association after the race provided us with food and refreshments as we relaxed as a school community and shared our experiences. A great opportunity for us to share our efforts as a community.

Thank you to all the parents involved as well as the Junior School teachers. Once again, a valuable experience for all involved.

Here are some of the comments from the students:

  • “I my gosh it was so hard, I didn’t think I could finish, but I’ll do it again!” – Zoe Goodland
  • “It was fun but especially hot.” – Ruby Dolejs
  • “Found it easy!” – Kacie Duff
  • “Was relaxed because I got into a relaxed pace.” – Riley Pilgrim
  • “Was a fun day but the track was long!” – Jasmine Brett
  • “Really liked it, drinks every 2km helped a lot.” – Koby Novaski (did the 12km event)

Mr Heath Perry – Coordinator of Junior School Extra-Curricular R-5




An enthusiastic group of Year 5-7 students competed in the Independent Schools Swimming Carnival held at the STARplex, Trinity College Gawler on Monday 16 September.

Pedare achieved their best result to date, 5th overall out of all Independent Schools in the state of that age group. Highlights were Emilia Basic, Year 4, being awarded overall highest female point scorer and the 10/11 age group relay team came first.

Well done to all students who participated in this event.





  • U10 Boomers – Pedare vs Prescott – Loss 15 – 29
  • U12 Panthers – Pedare vs GS Nets – Loss 14 –  28 (MVP Whole Team)
  • U12 Stars – Pedare vs GS Shooters – Loss 12 – 30
  • U12 Year 5/6 – Pedare vs Bullets – Loss
  • U14 Blue – Pedare vs Prescott SJH Tigers – Loss 43 – 44
  • U14 Red – Pedare vs SJP Lions – Won 32 – 18



  • U10 Boomers – Pedare vs GS Rockets – Loss 6 – 46
  • U12 Panthers – Pedare vs Prescott Wildcats – Loss 18 – 41
  • U12 Stars – Pedare vs GS Nets – Loss 18 – 14 (MVP Brady)
  • U12 Year 5/6 – Pedare vs SFX Bulls – Won 48 – 19
  • U14 Blue – BYE
  • U14 Red – Pedare vs Stradbroke Sizzlers – Loss 28 – 30




City of Salisbury Nature Play SA


The City of Salisbury in partnership with Nature Play SA, is bringing you a family fun day, with a bunch of family fun activities, all of which are FREE. The day encourages both children and families to play outdoors.

The event is being hosted on the Sunday 13 October from 11:00am to 3:00pm at St Kilda Playground. We hold a variety of different activities, which are listed on the attached poster. Food and refreshments will be available to purchase. To find out more, please click here. You can register your interest via click here.

We hope to see you there.




School Dental Services


Dental care is FREE for ALL babies, preschool and most children under 18 years at School Dental Service Clinics. Specially trained staff provide comprehensive dental care to help prevent pain and tooth decay and will talk to you about what your child needs before they provide any treatment. They have been a trusted government dental service for children since 1969 and bulk bill under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. The nearest clinic to Golden Grove is the Modbury GP Plus Super Clinic. To make an appointment phone 7425 8700 or click here to be directed to the website.




Tea Tree Gully Anglican


SWAT Youth (Years 7-12)

Meets Friday each week during school term at 7:30pm. Come for a great time of games, friendship and Bible discussion. We meet at 19 Perseverance Rd TTG. Click here for more details or phone Dave on 0403 723 953.

Weekly Services – Check out our web site for more details.

Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion.

Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries.

Sunday@6pmYouth, young adult and those young at heart. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.