Mr Mike Millard
Final Day for Year 12s
The Pedare community has worked very hard to change the culture of the final school days for Year 12s. No longer do we have ‘muck up day’. The end result is a dignified and appropriate farewell. The final day began with a student and parent breakfast in the Wattle Centre before Worship.
This is followed by the final Year 12 performance and then the Guard of Honour formed by the Year 6-11 students. I commend the efforts of the Head of Senior School, Mrs Gillian Edwards and the Assistant Head of School Ms Jan Robertson in being the drivers behind this very respectful conclusion to Year 12. It is an emotional day for students and parents as many of our students began their school life at Pedare in Reception.
Reception Transition
The very important commencement of schooling transition days for Reception 2018 have begun. Most students quickly develop an understanding of Pedare’s culture and transition with great confidence. Some tears are to be expected from the less confident of the new intake. Given my comments about the end of thirteen years of formal schooling and the emotions of our Year 12 students and their parents, I reflected with the Junior School staff that “some students cry when they commence in Reception and cry when they leave at the end of Year 12”. The crying at the end is a clear sign Pedare has had a big impact on their lives.
Year 9 Community Project
The first cohort of Pedare Year 9 IB MYP students to complete a Community Project rather than a Year 10 Personal Project presented their work at a special display evening held on Wednesday 1 November. This change of emphasis saw teams of students develop a service based concept and then deliver real outcomes to assist the community. Quite a number of teams chose to develop projects that directly assisted community groups such as Hutt Street Centre, Red Cross, Anglicare and Uniting Care. The Community Project can be completed by a team of students which is very beneficial for IBMYP learning outcomes. My thanks to the parents and supervising teachers who supported the students through this new process. To see more information about the Year 9 Community Project, please click here.
Mr Randall Pearce
On Thursday 9 November, the Junior School conducted a very special assembly/worship to acknowledge our work as Anglicare Angels and to pass on our Angel duties for 2018 onto Pulteney Grammar School.
We had the pleasure of welcoming to Pedare, Reverend Peter Sandeman, Amy Osborne, Jill Rivers, Ramona Reynolds-Smith and Jim Raw from Anglicare. Also joining us for the ceremony was Denise O’Louglin and Reverend Michael Lane from Pulteney Grammar School along with six school captains.
It was wonderful to share and reflect on the work we, as a College, have completed to support Anglicare and their charitable programs. So far this year, students and staff in the Junior School have been involved in Sceanie Day, build a bike project and the City to Bay Fun Run, and are looking forward to supporting AngliCAN do it day and our Christmas Giving Tree charity.
During the ceremony, Mr John Morton, College Chaplain, shared the following bible verse from 2 Corinthians 8: 7 (NIRV):
“You do well in faith and in speaking. You do well in knowledge and in complete commitment. And you do well in the love we have helped to start in you. So make sure that you also do well in the grace of giving to others.”
At Pedare, we believe ‘From little things big things grow’ and with all the different activities we have completed this year, we have helped many people who rely on the support from Anglicare, and I am very appreciative of our Junior School community for their contributions. I truly believe we have lived this verse out in our actions as we have showed love and have done well in the grace of giving to others.
I am proud to say all our events involved student’s opinions and ideas and were involved in the planning and organising. This is significant, as this style of learning and teaching changes both the heart and mind of each member of our community allowing us to focus on our faith, service and commitment to others.
My gratitude extends to our Junior School Captains, led by Mrs Clifton, and our SVC representative led by Mrs Bennett, as without such dedicated students and leaders in our school, such opportunities are not possible.
Mr Andrew Whiteman
We have recently seen the culmination of a lot of hard work for our Year 9 students as they presented their Community Projects to their supervisors. Students have worked since Term 2 on a project that was entirely of their choosing and have researched, interviewed, planned, investigated and collaborated with each other and teachers to produce a project that investigates a community issue. The students worked incredibly hard and I would like to thank Mr David DeBoer, MYP Coordinator and all the staff involved for the smooth running of the presentation night and for all the organisation that has gone into the student projects. Students will present to a panel of teachers as their final assessment and we wish them all good luck.
It was wonderful also last week to meet many of the families that will be joining the Pedare Community in 2018 at the welcome to Middle School evening. A reminder about the transition days that will be held for any new students to the Middle School on November 23 and 24. The days will involve students joining with current students and meeting Middle School teachers. They will experience a variety of lessons and be involved in a number of performances from various subject areas and extra-curricular offerings. We look forward to meeting all our new members of the Middle School very shortly.
At the recent Middle School evening, the recommended device for 2018 and beyond was presented and more information about this is accessible on the College website under Parent Portal.
The Chromebook has been chosen as the device for the Middle School for its ability to provide an excellent educational device that will enable our students to be creative through web 2.0 technology, continued use of Google Classroom and the G suite of applications and its durability and resistance to virus. The College has a link to an online portal where all details are explained, and reviews are available on the preferred Chromebook options. Some retail outlets are choosing not to stock the Chromebook due to pricing and possible margins; however, Officeworks continue to stock them and stores such as DickSmith Online, Kogan, eBay etc have a range of Chromebooks at competitive prices. We are confident that this is the best device for the learning needs of Middle School students and look forward to their introduction. The implementation timeline is also available in the link above.
Thank you to all parents and students in Years 8 and 9 who have completed their subject selections for 2018. If you have not completed this or would like more information please contact either your child’s class teacher, Mrs Julie Holland or myself at the college. To see more information about the Year 9 Community Project, please click here.
Mrs Gillian Edwards
Senior School continues to be a busy place. With their Last Day celebrations behind them, our Year 12s are now well and truly into exam mode. They are to be congratulated for the way in which they conducted themselves in their final weeks and we continue to keep them in our prayers as their secondary schooling draws to a close.
Meanwhile the Year 10s and 11s continue to work hard too. Year 11 and 10 Geography students enjoyed their camp and coastal field trip respectively. Year 11 Biology students furthered their studies with an excursion to the Zoo. Year 10 and 11 Drama students have been engaged in preparing for their performances and so on.
Students and their families will shortly receive a letter via email outlining all the details for the rest of this term; but Year 10s and 11s focus remains on completing all assessments for Semester 2 to the best of their ability and preparing for their final examinations.
The commemoration of Remembrance Day at the College is an annual event. It is a solemn occasion that serves to remind us all to acknowledge and be grateful for those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we can enjoy our freedom and the many opportunities available to us.
I encourage our senior students to continue to make the most of their opportunities for learning and personal growth in the weeks we have left to us this year.
Thursday 2 November
Congratulations to the following students who were awarded certificates for achievements in English, Mathematics and Science:
Education Perfect – English
ICAS English Competition
Education Perfect – Mathematics
Australian Mathematics Competition
ICAS Maths
Eduction Perfect – Science
Australian Science Olympiads
On Friday 10 November, Pedare held their Remembrance Day Service at the Middle and Senior School. We were once again honoured to have the Catafalque Party and the Bugler, who played the Last Post, attend this moving service. Guest speaker, Lieutenant McDermott, from RAAF Base Edinburgh gave a speech before Nathan White, Year 10, spoke about a family member who had served and lost his life during WW1. This was followed by Ms Kuhlmann placing the wreath at the Cross and then the minute silence.
At the conclusion of the Remembrance Day Service, students were encouraged to spend a few minutes looking at the Wattle Courtyard Memorial.
When World War 1 broke out in 1914 (103 years ago), Tea Tree Gully was a farming community with a population of approximately 1500 people. 111 men from this area enlisted and served in the armed services during this war.
Pedare’s Wattle Courtyard Memorial contains names of men who belonged to three churches in the Tea Tree Gully area who served in WW1. The Memorial also includes a cross for those who sacrificed their lives whilst serving their country. The three churches, Golden Grove Uniting, Greenwith Uniting and Tea Tree Gully Anglican, are still operating today.
Mention was made that Pedare students who belong to the Golden Grove Football and Cricket clubs, would have played on Harper’s Field. That oval was named after the two Harper brothers, whose names are on the Wattle Courtyard Memorial and who lost their lives at only 20 and 23 years of age fighting for their country.
A short video is below.
We will remember them.
Due to the Junior School Sports Day being held on Friday, a special Remembrance Day Assembly was held on Monday 13 November. Students acknowledged the significance of the occasion with calm and silence during the service, an impressive accomplishment for our younger year levels. Ms Clifton and our Junior School Captains read bible verses, prayed for those who have served, or are currently serving in Australia’s armed forces and outlined why we pause for Remembrance Day.
Mr Pearce spoke about John 15:9-13
“Jesus said to his disciples, Here is my command. Love each other, just as I have loved you. No one has greater love than one who gives his life for his friends”
Following this verse and short video presentations the ode was recited, the last post played and students stood still for a minute silence. After the National Anthem students paid their respects by laying handmade wreaths and poppies at the bottom of our flag poles.
A video from the service can be seen below.
We will remember them.
Friday, 10 November
The weather was hotter than we were used to today for the Junior School Sports Day. All the students participated very well and the sea of Community tops were bright and colourful. Outside of the competition students participated in line dancing to the Macarena song lead by Ms Clifton. The cloud cover during the relays didn’t stop students from cooling off under the sprinklers amidst screams of laughter. Thank you to the parents and volunteers who enabled the day to run so smoothly despite the heat. Well done to all who participated.
Monday, 6 November
On Monday 6 November, Year 4s walked to Cobbler Creek with Environmental Educationalist Shanelle Palmer. Students listened to information about the formation of the creek and the types of native wildlife that inhabit the area.
Along the walk, students observed different native birds, natural and man-made structures, nests, bee hives and discovered interesting plant life such as the ‘Christmas Tree.’ Students participated in a fun game, which explored the food-chain and emphasised the importance of it’s stability and function.
Later, students had an opportunity to put their observations into practice when personally evaluating the current condition of the landscape, by assessing the level of erosion, weathering and quantity of plant life within the area.
It was a great walk, which really allowed all students to inquire into the Earth’s physical features!
Miss Georgia Kriaris – Teacher, Year 4
Tuesday, 7 November
On Tuesday 7 November, Year 7s participated in several Science and Geography activities at the local Wynn Vale Dam. Students collected macroinvertebrate samples such as water boatman bugs, insect larvae, small fish, worms and even a baby yabby! The study of water bugs can reveal the health of the freshwater ecosystem, depending on the findings as some insects are tolerant or sensitive to pollution or low oxygen levels.
Students toured through the water filtration plant (connected to the aquifer), where they learnt about water pH, Turbidity (clarity), conductivity (salts) and temperature and how this contributes to the cleanliness of the dam. Students in IB Science and Geography studies have investigated water filtration, water quality and the impact of water on humanity.
Mr David DeBoer, IB MYP Coordinator
Wednesday, 25 October & Thursday, 2 November
In the past two weeks, cooking workshops were held for all students learning Chinese in Years 7 and 8. Students were taught how to make Chinese spring rolls (春卷) and how it originates from the Chinese culture. The spring rolls were usually made in spring (春天) to symbolise the start of a new year.
Students made cold spring rolls with different types of fillings to eat and share. The experience was enjoyed by all classes with many laughs and fond memories. “Delicious!”; “This is fun”; “I loved eating this”; “This tastes really good,” were some example comments made by students. There were no left overs, which was a good indication of the success of the workshop.
Ms Lucy Clasohm and Ms Hui Guo
Wednesday, 1 November
In the evening of Wednesday 1 November, Year 9 students presented their Community Project display to a large group of visiting parents, siblings, grandparents and teachers.
The Community Project display in the Wattle Centre, was a culmination of over two and half months of hard work spent volunteering, researching or promoting a variety of interests, genuine needs or problems to solve in a range of local or global communities. Students rose to the challenge of working individually or in groups to complete these community and service based projects involving the four stages of investigating, planning, taking action and reflecting.
Some of the highlights included a student creating 21 hand-made teddies for children in developing countries as part of the ‘Samaritan’s Purse – operation Christmas’, a video educating teenagers on the civil war in Yemen, creative lunch boxes for school children, research and a website on the Holocaust and family histories, sports coaching, instructional guitar sessions and a variety of projects which included collecting socks, blankets and even footy boots for those in need.
This year represents the first time we have completed the Community Projects and so far we have been very impressed with the quality, variety and depth of learning that has taken place. In Weeks 4 and 5, students will be officially presenting their projects to receive their final grades for the Community Projects.
Mr David DeBoer, IB MYP Coordinator
Monday, 30 October
On Monday 30 October, eight Year 10 Pedare students, along with some of the ONE+ Scientific Studies class, visited the Adelaide Convention Centre for Ingenuity 2017. At Ingenuity 2017, all 4th Year Engineering students from the University of Adelaide present the work completed for their honours project. As Scientific Studies has a key engineering focus, this was a good opportunity for the students to gain design ideas and collaborate with those more experienced in the engineering profession. Students had a strong interest in several projects, such as the idea to design a Lunar Base on Mars as well as the building and development of an ‘exoskeleton’ which assists people to walk. The exoskeleton project was especially important for Scientific Studies, as students are designing and building a prosthetic limb.
Scientific Studies is a Stage 1 subject offered to Year 10s as an elective. It gives the students the opportunity to gain 10 SACE credits, experience what Year 11 Physics and Chemistry is all about and use a broad range of Technology skills learnt in previous classes.
Mr John Connell
Friday, 3 November
On Friday 3 November, the Year 10 Geography class left very early in the morning to travel along Adelaide’s coastline learning about the variation in processes and landforms. On our arrival at Hallett Cove, students examined an erosional section of our coast considering the unique shape of the area, wave cut platform and the rich glacial history exhibiting more than 260 million years of formation.
Students were impressed by the way tectonic movement and immense variation in pressure had led to changes in the folding of the rock at extreme angles. The class completed a field sketch, measured the frequency of the waves and length and height of the beach. Students were amazed by the movement of the ‘erratics’ from Victor Harbour to Hallett Cove in the glaciers that passed across South Australia thousands of years ago.
At Glenelg (a depositional section), students learnt about the artificial beach, as they studied the long shore drift, the impact of the breakwater, the artificial island on Glenelg North, and the formation of a tombolo. Most students were surprised to learn that tax payers subsidise the maintenance of the dredge and channel at Glenelg. Our last visit was to Tennyson where students visited one of the last remaining dune systems along Adelaide’s coastline, completing a transect diagram of dune vegetation.
Mr Andrew Penny
Monday-Tuesday, 30-31 October
On 30 and 31 October, Year 11 Geography students went to the Riverland to compare the impact of the Ngawitjerook people and early European settlers on the environment around Banrock Station, the restoration of the wetland and the consequences for biodiversity.
Students completed fieldwork on the vegetation in the wetland. Christophe Tourenq, manager of Banrock Station, gave a detailed presentation on the changes to the station over 20,000 years. Year 11s also visited the Pike River Solar Farm at Lyrup, which was Australia’s first private solar farm, and their luxury apartments. Owner of the farm, Andrew Caire, enlisted the help of the students handing out wrenches to alter the angle of the array to receive more sunlight and explained the significance of meridian altitude. Students were impressed by the apartments and function centre as well as the Caire’s hospitality.
On our arrival at Camp Kedron, we enjoyed a country roast and hot dessert, followed by Volleyball, 8 ball, table tennis and cards which made for an enjoyable evening. Following a cooked breakfast, we headed to Greenfields Wetlands to compare a constructed wetland with Banrock Station. The students deserve credit for their excellent behaviour and responsible attitudes.
Mr Andrew Penny
Wednesday, 8 November
On Wednesday 8 November, Eco Force students participated in a Thanksgiving Service at Campbelltown’s St Martin’s Anglican Church. The annual event was the culmination of local gardens donating herbs and vegetables to charity. Reverend Tony Cox organised the event in the chapel and students spoke confidently about homelessness and poverty in the Adelaide area, as well as saying some prayers of thanksgiving and participating in a traditional service.
Students enjoyed exploring the old church which was built in 1860 and farm machinery dating back to the days of the Campbelltown market gardens. Eco Force enjoyed growing food in its market gardens and participating in this worthy event.
Mr David DeBoer, IB MYP Coordinator
We encourage families to share their child/rens personal achievements from both within and outside of the College, as we understand learning doesn’t stop at the school gate. If your child has a special achievement, we welcome your submission. Articles of 100 to 200 words along with a good high-resolution photo can be emailed by clicking the button below.
Congratulations to Louise Shimmin, Year 5, who received an A+ in the AMEB Exam for Flute.
Well done Louise.
On 30 September, I had the wonderful privilege of watching Old Scholar Genevieve Hudson, Class of 2015, in a performance for Symposium Production. The picturesque Grandstand in Victoria Park was the unique setting for a modern adaption of Shakespeare’s lesser performed work, Timon of Athens. Genevieve played the character of the Poet and it was a very proud moment to see her passion for acting has continued even after her much-loved performance as Mrs Bennett in Pedare’s Year 12 Drama production of Pride and Prejudice.
Genevieve is currently studying Performing Arts and Creative Writing at Magill University which will enable her to work in the theatre as an actor or she will have an opportunity to complete her Masters in Education in 2019 to be a teacher of Drama and English.
Mrs Raelene Lyon, Drama Teacher
Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:
Chess Tournament
Extra-Curricular Fixtures are available on the Pedare App and on the College website.
Monday, 30 October
On Monday 30 October, the Pedare Chess team were invited to participate in the Adelaide North Super Finals (Secondary Championship Chess tournament). The students played a total of nine, half hour games from 9:30 through to 2:30. Pedare competed against 6 other schools and finished a creditable 3rd with a score of 21 points from a possible 36. Our top performing students were Shaun Phillips and Aoyong Yuan both on 6 out of 9 followed by Katherina Mazai-Ward on 5 points. All 3 achieved distinction certificates. Our remaining players were Timothy Szabo and Nathan White both achieving 4 out of 9 and Genevieve Saunders on 2.
It was an enjoyable and satisfying end to the chess season for 2017.
Mr John Carletti
Week 2
Week 3
The Catford Library is again collecting Christmas gifts this year, to be donated to St Vincent de Paul Society for those less fortunate. Suggestions for items to buy have been given to students’ Home Group teachers. Please remember not to wrap your gift. Thank you for supporting this worthwhile charity.
Generators Kids Club 2017 (Years R-6)
Come and join us. Generators kids club meets Fridays each fortnight for great games, craft and bible time. Our next kids club is on Friday 17 November, from 3:30pm-5:00pm at 19 Perseverance Road TTG. This week’s craft is String Art. Phone Rick on 8264 3736 or click here for more information about our Term 4 program.
SWAT Youth (Years 7-12)
Meets Friday each week at 7:30pm. Next meet is on Friday 17 November at 19 Perseverance Road TTG. Come for a great time of games, friendship and bible discussion. Phone Dave on 0403 723 953 for more details or click here.
Normal Weekly Services – Check out our website for more details.
Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion.
Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries. Communion on third Sunday of every month.
Sunday@6.00pm: Youth, young adult and those young at heart. Communion first Sunday of every month. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.
Christmas Information
Carols on the Hill: Saturday 9 December from 7:30pm. At 19 Perseverance Rd TTG. Free Food, drink, Candles and glowsticks. Bring a rug or a chair. If it rains we will be indoor.
Christmas Display: ‘JESUS IS GOD’S GIFT TO US’ – Sunday 3 to Sunday 31 December, 8:30-10:00pm. Peek into the stable window. Watch movies that celebrate the truth of Christmas. See the church garden come alive with light and colour.
Carols Service: Sunday 3 December, 10:00am
Christmas Eve: Sunday 24 December, 11:00pm
Christmas Day: Monday 25 December, 9:30am