Mr James Tamblyn
As you are no doubt aware, the Commissioner of Police, acting in his role as the State Coordinator responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, has recently announced the Emergency Management (Education and Early Childhood Settings Vaccination) (COVID-19) Direction 2021.
This Direction applies to all employees, OSHC providers, volunteers, parent helpers, contractors and service providers either engaged by the College or contracted to provide services to the College. A copy of the Direction can be found here.
The Direction requires all individuals to receive at least one dose of a Therapeutic Goods Association approved COVID-19 vaccination and a booking to receive a second dose by 10 December 2021, except those who have a medical exemption endorsed by the Chief Public Health Officer.
Measures to ensure compliance with the Direction by 10 December 2021 have commenced.
We understand that there will be members of our community for whom this Direction will cause difficulty. If there is anything the College can do to support you through this period, I invite you to make contact with my office directly.
As borders open on 23 November and COVID-19 enters our state, we will be guided by SA Health with regard to managing the health and safety of our community, including our response to any positive cases. We will continue to use QR codes, prioritise hand hygiene, practise physical distancing, ask parents and visitors to wear masks indoors, and request unwell community members to stay at home. We thank you all in anticipation of your ongoing support of these measures, and your commitment to work in partnership with us as we navigate this next phase of the pandemic.
Mr Andrew Whiteman
Congratulations to our Stage Two students who have now completed their final examinations for 2022. I commend them all on the manner in which they approached the final weeks of their education at Pedare. Our online and paper examinations were all completed successfully and smoothly. The results for our Year 12 cohort will be released on Monday 13 December.
Please see below the links to the Stage One and Year 10 examinations that will be held at the College next week.
Students should attend in formal summer uniform and only at the times they are required for an examination. The Watte Centre and Catford Library will be available throughout the day for students to remain at school and study for later exams. For our Year 11 students, this will be their final rehearsal for Stage 2 exams next year. We wish all our students the best of luck as they prepare for their final assessments of 2021.
Our 2022 Year 12 students will attend an Orientation Day on Friday 26 November, where they will have the opportunity to meet with their teachers and hear about the individual requirements of each subject. In some subjects, there may be holiday work that students will be provided to give them the best chance of success in the following year. All current Year 11 students will attend from 8.35 am, with the day concluding at 1.05 pm. Students in Year 10 who are enrolled in a Stage Two subject in 2022 are also required to attend, however, they are only required to attend their specific subjects.
Mrs Lauren Brooks
Wellness Day
On Friday 26 November we are looking forward to our Middle School ‘Wellness Day’.
This is a continuation of the Middle School’s experiential learning initiatives that promote authentic and engaging learning opportunities that build student agency. Wellness Day activities will have a strong focus on mental, digital and physical health, to help our students continue to strive to become the best versions of themselves.
Students can wear their PE uniforms on this day.
As a part of this day, students have the option to bring along a gold coin donation to support our MND Ice Bucket Challenge, which will be run at lunchtime to support this worthy cause.
Year 9 Outdoor Education Experience
This week, our Year 9 cohort began their adventure to Camp Willochra in Mount Remarkable National Park in the Southern Flinders Ranges, to engage in their much anticipated Outdoor Education experience.
Students participated in hiking, mountain biking, camp crafting challenges and community service. Most significantly, students engaged in an overnight Solo Experience. This was a powerful activity for our students, to break away from the connected world we live in and focus on where they have come from, who they are and where they are going.
We were so proud of our students for the way they immersed themselves in all the learning this outdoor education experience had to offer.
New Subjects in 2022
We continue to strive to be a forward-thinking Middle School that connects our students to advanced technology, industry and develops critical employability skills. It is my pleasure to announce two new subjects to Year 7 next year at Pedare.
How I wish I could be a Year 7 student at Pedare next year!
Welcome Day
With two events within a short period of time called ‘Wellness’ and ‘Welcome’ Days, it is important I outline the distinction between the two!
On Tuesday 30 November, we are looking forward to our ‘Welcome Day’. This is an opportunity for students to move up into their 2022 classes for the day. On this day, students will meet some of their 2022 teachers and explore some of the new opportunities and learning activities that may be on their horizon next year.
Students can wear their PE uniforms on this day.
Mr Randall Pearce
Junior School Sports Day
This year’s event was held on a cool and cloudy Friday 19 November, with children from Mid-Year Reception to Year 5 participating in several events, from track and field to fun events, such as sack race and tug of war.
This year’s Sports Day was very successful due to the children’s dedication, determination and desire to achieve their personal best. The most pleasing aspect of Sports Day was to see all children show improvement along with their smiles—a true indicator of the fun time the children had.
After a year of not being able to conduct a Sports Day in the Junior School, it was truly amazing to see our community—parents, grandparents and special friends—cheering on the students as they ran, threw and jumped in their events.
Thank you to all children for their community spirit and sportsmanship throughout the day. We also thank Mr Perry, Admin and Property & Grounds staff who work so tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure a safe and organised day of competition.
A final thank you to all our parent volunteers and the Junior School teachers who provided the opportunity for our children to experience such a happy and fun day.
Congratulations to Eldergreen community who won today’s sports day.
In Term 3, sixty-eight students from Year 4 to Year 12 took part in the Australian Mathematics Competition. Students from all Year levels performed well, with students in the College achieving a total of 17 Distinctions and 29 Credits.
Congratulations to Joshua D who received the Best in School Award, and well done to the following students who received Distinctions:
Upper Primary Division
Junior Division
Intermediate Division
Senior Division
Australasian Problem-Solving Mathematical Olympiad
This year, twenty-five Year 7 students took part in the Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiad. Despite missing one round of the competition due to COVID lockdown, students performed well. Congratulations to the following students who achieved highly:
Congratulations to Charlotte E who received an A+ for her Grade 2 Violin exam.
Congratulations to Year 7 student, Eugene L, who has been selected as a Finalist for Secondary Investigations in the December 2021 BHP Foundation Science and Engineering Awards with his project titled “The Power in Bacteria: The Microbial Fuel Cells”.
The Fire Danger Season is fast approaching, so ‘Why Risk It?’.
SAPOL has launched its 2021-22 bushfire prevention campaign, ‘Why Risk It?’. Developed in collaboration with the SA Country Fire Service and Neighbourhood Watch SA, it puts a spotlight on the regulations around those seemingly harmless activities that can accidentally start bushfires such as garden waste burning, harvesting, and lighting campfires.
As part of the campaign, and to help you understand what you can and can’t do during the Fire Danger Season, check out the following fact sheets by SAPOL.
If you see anything suspicious, report immediately by calling SAPOL on 131 444. In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000). If you have any information about someone deliberately lighting fires, call Crime Stoppers on 1800 33 000. You can remain anonymous.
You are invited to attend the Middle and Senior School Art Exhibition which will be held on Thursday 25 November in Mallee from 5 to 6.30 pm. It is a free event and opens to the College community.
Hand-painted clutches created by students in the Art Club will be available for purchase on the night. All money raised will go to two great local charities, Kick Start For Kids and Talk Out Loud. A silent auction of the fabulous Robotic Art by Year 7s will be held during the night, followed by the announcement of the Middle and Senior School Art Prize Award.
To ensure that we meet COVID-19 requirements, all attendees must RSVP via the link here: Middle & Senior School Art Exhibition RSVP. All attendees should enter via the main entrance to Mallee (on the southern side) and COVID-19 QR Code check-in on arrival.
– From the Well Being Team
World Kindness Day was celebrated on Saturday, 13 November. For ideas on how to bring kindness to your life, see
Community Day was a lively day, full of fun activities for Junior School students. The day started with a picnic lunch with our community groups, where we talked and engaged with other students from different Year levels and classes.
The fun activities include tug of war run by Eldergreen; chant competition run by Surrey; bottle flipping challenge run by Brooklyn; community Mascot drawing competition run by Greenwith; and ‘Stick-the-hat on the Mascot’ Game run by Hillcott.
Tug of war was the most popular activity, as most students wanted to take part. It was well organised, and every student got at least one turn to take part. The bottle flipping challenge was another popular event, it didn’t take too long for the bottoms of the bottles to get cracked and started to leak. The echo from the chant competition was heard throughout the Junior School Main Street during lunchtime. ‘Stick-the-hat on the Mascot’ game was so busy, there wasn’t enough time for the leaders to eat their sandwiches! The calmest activity of all was the drawing of the community mascots, where the Captains saw lots of wonderful artistic skills on display.
Overall, the activities were a great success and everyone enjoyed their time.
Ashlee S and Tu H, Year 5s
During Food Technology, Year 6 students cooked healthy stuffed potatoes using the College’s very own fresh produce. Vine-ripened tomatoes grown in the Greenhouse, chives grown in the Aquaponics facility, and parsley grown in the Subpods were collected on the day of cooking. These fresh ingredients added delicious flavour to the students’ grilled potatoes. During the cooking practical, students focused on food presentation, knife skills, and safe grilling in our collaborative One+ kitchen spaces. The healthy stuffed potatoes were a hit!
Lani Budiono
An intrepid group of Geography students visited the Riverland on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th of November.
After the delicious pies and pastries from Newland Bakery at Waikerie, we went to Banrock Station which is a large restored wetland and mallee environment owned by Accolade Wines. Ranger Owen Williams explained the significance of the ecosystem informatively, and each student then tested the water quality of the groundwater and in the wetland using a range of fieldwork instruments.
Afterwards, we went to Australia’s first Solar Farm at Pike River Apartments at Lyrup. The owner, Andrew Caire, instructed students on how to adjust the angle of the solar panels. He then explained the importance of sustainability and the use of repurposed materials in the construction of the Function Centre. Later in the evening we went to Camp Kedron and enjoyed 8-Ball, table tennis and card games.
The next day, we had an enjoyable time, completing the 8 km loop of the wetland and learning about the impact of the Ngawitjerook people and European settlers. We finished with lunch and a visit to Greenfields Wetlands.
Sincere thanks to Mrs Bramford for all her care and assistance in this great camp. Thank you to a wonderful group of students who represented the College well during the camp.
Andrew Penny
“The camp was a great experience. I enjoyed walking with friends and learning new things, such as how to test the salinity of the water. It was a lovely evening having dinner at Berri Hotel and having lots of fun with friends playing games at night. The best part of the camp was watching the beautiful sunset and the reflection of the light on the river.” Shiphrah T, Year 11
The Pedare Extra-Curricular Team are excited to bring you a new portal, containing information and links all in one location to our Sports and Clubs program.
The Portal is updated regularly to bring you the latest news, announcements, updates, results and more of Pedare Extra-Curricular activities and events.
Congratulations to Thomas, Jordan and Anna who have been part of the Tea Tree Gully District School Sport SA tennis team. Their team won the Division 2 tennis state championship, played recently at Tea Tree Gully Tennis Club. The team was undefeated against the other 7 teams that participated.
Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting, or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you. We meet at the church at 8:30am, 10:00am, and 6:00pm in person. If you can’t join us just yet, we’ll continue to stream at 8:30am and 10:00am online using Zoom and YouTube Service times are 8:30am and 10:00am.
Please contact Dave Brown on for more details, or check their Facebook page for links.
If you are struggling and would like to talk with someone from the church during these trying times, please phone 8264 3736.
Tea Tree Gully Uniting host the ‘local and friendly’ Banksia Markets on the first Saturday of each month from 8:30am to 1:00pm at 600 Milne Road, Banksia Park. Stalls inside the hall and in the car park include produce, fresh fruit and vegetables, jewellery, tools, bric-a-brac and lots more.
Banksia Markets Family Fun Day
Come and have a browse, a cuppa and a chat, at our next friendly Banksia Markets on Saturday 4 December, 8.30am-1.00pm. As part of the market, there will be a special Family Fun Day with free children’s activities, a treasure hunt and a gift for every child. Christmas Craft activities, Christmas gift ideas, BBQ, Devonshire Tea and more than 30 stalls are available.
For more information download the flyer here or contact the TTG Uniting Church website at
Christmas Events
St Mark’s Anglican Church invites you to the Christmas Eve Carols on 24 December 2021 at 10.30 pm, followed by a communion service. Christmas Day communion service will be held on the 25th December 2021 at 9 am. We would love to see you at our Christmas Services.
You can get in touch with us by calling our minister Jo Smith on 0401 086 404 or by emailing office@stmarksgoldengrove.
For further information and updates about St Mark’s services and events, please visit our website at or visit our Facebook page
Golden Grove Uniting Church, corner of Crouch and One Tree Hill Road, Golden Grove, has a traditional service at 10:00am on a Sunday morning. Also, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, we have a cafe style church, which is a relaxed contemporary worship service at 6:00pm in the Church hall.
On a Friday morning for parents/carers and children from birth to 5 years we have a mainly music programme starting at 9:30am. This is a fun, interactive 30-minute music session followed by morning tea and free play.
For further information, please contact the Office on 8251 4298 or by email: you can even check our webpage: