Mr James Tamblyn
My thanks to all members of our community for your exceptional support throughout what has proven to be another particularly challenging year. It seems like an eternity ago that we started the academic year with most of our students learning from home, mask mandates in place, and many elements of College life unable to go ahead. High levels of COVID across the state, along with tough testing regimes and isolating settings for schools, made the first half of the year so difficult for so many. We are most grateful for the patience, flexibility and understanding our staff, students and families have demonstrated this year, and delighted that the past six months has seen a return to some semblance of normality.
Congratulations to our students who represent themselves, their families and the College incredibly well. We are so proud of how they commit to their learning, but more importantly, how they look after each other, aligning their behaviours with our values of kindness, respect and inclusivity. Their academic achievements over the course of the year reflect the safe and connected community that they play such a significant role in creating.
Thank you to our staff for your incredible work over the course of the academic year. We are so fortunate to have such a committed and talented team of professionals. You inspire our students, and you challenge each other. The quality of a school cannot exceed the quality of its staff. Our College is exceptional because of your dedication to our students.
As we approach Christmas, may God strengthen all of us to love one another and carry the love of Christ into a world that more and more shows its need for the news of salvation and repentance. I wish you all every blessing and every happiness through the Christmas and New Year period. May the holidays provide for you all an opportunity to reflect, relax, recharge, and spend some quality time with family and friends.
2022 Highlights
End-of-year Reminders
Students will finish at 1.05pm on Tuesday, 13 December.
OSHC will be available from 1.05pm on Tuesday, 13 December and for Vacation Care through the holidays.
Click here for the December/January Vacation Care program.
Please book via Xap.
The Catford library will not be open on the afternoon of 13 December.
College Bus Services will depart at 1.30pm on Tuesday, 13 December.
The College Office and Junior School Office will close at 4pm on Friday, 16 December
and will reopen at 8am on Monday, 16 January 2023.
For any urgent enquiries during December and January, please email
or leave a message on the answering machine, and staff will respond as soon as possible.
We wish all our College community a blessed, safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
Mr Andrew Whiteman
This week saw our Year 10 and 11 students complete their final examinations for the year. The way both year levels committed to and engaged in the week of exams was a credit to them. The students clearly understood the importance of preparing well, and it was especially pleasing to see some students smiling when they exited the exam room.
Our 2023 Year 12 students attended their first day of Year 12 at an Orientation Day last Friday, 2 December. Students participated in each of their classes and walked away with a good understanding of the requirements for next year. Some were even lucky enough to pick up some holiday reading in preparation for next year. I spoke with the cohort about preparing well for next year, that February will be here soon enough, and that they must be prepared to hit the ground running when they return. I know that Mr Willis and Ms Robertson will lead this cohort very well next year, and I wish them all the very best.
This will be my last Vine article as I change schools to Westminster next year. I would like to thank you all for your support over my six years here at Pedare. I feel very blessed to have worked at Pedare and honoured to have been a part of the wonderful community we have here. When I look back on my time, in just 6 short years, so much has changed. The combining of the two campuses has provided so many benefits to the College and is one of the most beautiful things about working in this school. The Mallee building project was obviously a highlight as we really saw the building come to life, from nothing but ideas into the beautiful looking and wonderfully creative and inspiring building it is today. Most importantly, it has always been the people inside our buildings that make it a special place. To all the staff, students, and parents of Pedare, I thank you all very much for giving me this opportunity. Although sad to leave, I know that Pedare is in a wonderful position and has many exciting projects and developments on the horizon. I will be sure to keep an eye on Pedare from afar.
I wish you all a happy and safe Christmas and a happy new year.
Mr Callum Iles
Beginnings & Endings
One of life’s little pleasures is watching Olympic Athletics. The incredible men and women who devote their lives to perfecting their sport, jumping higher, throwing further and running faster than anyone else on earth are simply wonderful. I will never forget watching Karsten Warholm break the 400m Hurdles world record at the Tokyo Olympics, running a time faster than the 400m time!
The beginning of running races is tough. The athletes have to work hard to get up ahead of speed, get their timing right so they don’t break early, warm up so they don’t pull a muscle, and do it all faster than their opponents. Beginnings are hard.
Endings are also hard, as athletes are heaving to get their chest ahead of their opponents and digging deep when nothing is left.
Similarly, beginnings and endings are hard in life.
An ending we were able to celebrate this week was the Year 9 Graduation Assembly, where we celebrated the academic achievements, IB Learner Profile characteristics and special accomplishments of the Year 9 students. It was a proud moment for parents and the culmination of a lot of hard work for students. However, afterwards, there were a number of students who were overcome by the realisation that Middle School was over. The sub-school they had known for four years was to be left behind as they embarked on new challenges and began preparing for a life beyond school. I have no doubt that each of these students will push through and enjoy the privileges of being older, but that isn’t to say that it will be easy.
Year 9 Graduation Assembly – Thursday, 9 December
We were also privileged this week to welcome the 2023 Year 6s and Year 7s to the Middle School for Welcome Day. Over 130 nervous but excited students entered the Chapel quietly, unsure of what the day would bring. Throughout the day, seeing so many current Pedare students embrace the new students and make them feel welcome was wonderful. At the end of the day, those new students were buzzing with anticipation for next year.
Welcome Day for new Year 1-7 2023 students – Tuesday, 6 December
Beginnings and endings are hard, but they are important.
No one can stay in the same place for their whole lives, and taking on the challenges of new things like Middle and Senior School, and farewelling where you have been is how students grow up, learn new skills and become who they were destined to be.
Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to ‘run with perseverance the race marked out for us’. Life is a race, there will be tough beginnings and endings, but if we push through these times of discomfort, we will find strength and rewards on the other side.
As we conclude the 2022 school year, many will be anticipating this ending. It has been one of the most challenging school years in recent memory with the hybrid start and the high levels of anxiety and uncertainty among people. Some time to refresh, regenerate and spend time with family and friends is exactly what is needed, and I wish you all a safe and restful Christmas period.
Mr Randall Pearce
Junior Primary Nativity Musical
Friday, 2 December, we welcomed parents, grandparents and special friends to an outstanding Junior School Nativity Performance. Children were super excited to share the Christmas story through their presentations. They had been working so hard this term to learn lines, where to stand, when to speak and when not to!
I am so proud of our Year 2 students, who have shown significant determination, growth and teamwork to showcase their enormous skills.
Matthew 1:20-23
An angel from the Lord came to Joseph in a dream. The angel said, “Joseph, the baby that Mary will have is from the Holy Spirit. Go ahead and marry her. Then after her baby is born, name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”So the Lord’s promise came true, just as the prophet had said, “A virgin will have a baby boy, and he will be called Immanuel,” which means “God is with us.”
Junior Primary Nativity would not have happened without a dedicated team of teachers and staff who went above and beyond. To Ms Collins, congratulations on your first Junior Primary Nativity, and thank you! You have been an absolute blessing.
Thank you to Mr Morton and Mrs Davis, who worked so tirelessly behind the scenes, doing whatever, whenever and wherever. Your wisdom, patience and calm approaches have been appreciated by all.
We are grateful to our Junior School teachers, Ms Caddy and Mrs Burnes, along with the remainder of the Reception and Year 1 teaching teams who prepared students so beautifully. The beautiful performance would not have been possible without all of you.
To our support staff, Mr Wilson and Mrs Carter, and the numerous Diverse Learning Assistants who have stepped in when needed, thank you.
Finally, to our Year 2 students, thank you! You have started the Christmas season for many of us in such a beautiful manner.
Many thanks, God bless and Christmas blessings to all.
Junior Primary Nativity Musical – Friday, 2 December
In recent weeks I’ve supported Junior School students in their preparation for the Nativity Musical. The performance for their families on Friday, 2 December, was such a highlight of the year! They brought the story to life with animated expression and joyful singing and helped us to learn how different cultures celebrate the birth of Jesus each year. It became clear that despite the broad differences in cultural practice, there was a very clear and meaningful purpose in what each country did to celebrate Christmas.
Whether it was searching for the first star on Christmas eve (Poland), or decorating the Tree of Light (China), or lighting candles to place in the window (Ireland) – the traditional celebrations helped to point to the events of that first Christmas when Jesus, the ‘light of the world’, was born in a humble stable in Bethlehem.
Like these cultural celebrations, Jesus too had a purpose. In fact, his purpose for coming into this world was decided even before his birth! Hundreds of years beforehand, the ancient prophets spoke of his arrival as the Prince of Peace. And the angel told Joseph and Mary that he was to be named “Jesus” (which means ‘the Lord saves’) because he will “save his people from their sins”. He was truly born with a wonderful purpose – to restore peace and friendship between God and all humanity.
May you join with the many cultures around the world this year to celebrate the birth of Jesus and give thanks for God’s gift of peace and love.
John Morton, College Chaplain
On the morning of Friday, 9 December, the Junior School held the Thanksgiving Service. The ceremony began with the Acknowledgement of Country and Bible Reading by the 2022 Junior School Captains, Georgia L and Sucre P, then followed by the Reflection and College Prayer led by the College Chaplain, Mr Morton.
After the Principal’s Address, a wonderful video of all the highlights from each year level about what they are thankful for in this academic year was presented. The service was filled with beautiful renditions by the choir group Junior Jingles and Melodica vocal group.
Year 5 students were presented with their certificates, followed by presentations of the Volunteer Service Award, Year 3-5 Junior Shine Awards, and specialists awards (Chinese, PE and Conductor’s Award). The 2023 Junior School and Community Captains were then inducted and presented with their badges.
Congratulations to all Year 5 students, and best wishes to the 2023 captains.
We are very proud of our Pedare Robotics team for their outstanding performance at the 2022 VEX Australian Nationals in Sydney last weekend (3-4 December).
Well-deserved congratulations to all Pedare Robotics teams that excelled during the tournament, including ‘The Nerd Herd’, who won the ‘Think Award’ for their consistent and effective use of coding techniques and programming design solutions.
Our two middle school VRC and VIQC teams performed exceptionally well with our Year 9 “ASDF” finishing 10th out of 35 teams and became an alliance selection team for finals and team “The BroBots2” our Year 7 team finishing 15th out of 40 teams also qualifying for finals.
We then had our two Pedare Senior teams show the rest of Australia the level South Australia has risen to. In the most tense and thrilling grand final, Pedare’s Year 10 ‘NextGen’ team, together with their alliance from Templestowe College, came out on top of the VRC High School division against our very own Year 11 ‘I’m a Teapot’ team. What an incredible achievement for both teams!
To have these two teams in the highest level of competition at the National level is a testament to the work these students put in over the year.
We are delighted to announce that not only ‘Next Gen’ team was awarded a special ‘Judges Award’, but the team has now qualified for the VEX World Championship in Texas in May 2023, becoming the only VRC team to represent South Australia in the world’s largest robotics competition.
Exciting times are ahead for all ten members of the ‘NextGen’ team. Good luck at the World competition!
In week 9 of Term 3, students had the opportunity to take part in the One+ Mathematics Competition. There were four categories; Junior, Intermediate; Senior and the UniSA question, which was open to students of any year level.
Pedare students performed highly, with the following students receiving a voucher and certificate:
Hanna A
Anne V
Lanna A
Uni SA open question
Ranya T
Nicola Fotheringham
Year 7-9
To celebrate another fabulous year of language learning, students of German and Chinese had various activities at the end of Term 4.
Year 7 German students celebrated Christmas by decorating a gingerbread biscuit. Year 7 and 9 Chinese students made dumplings and enjoyed a traditional Chinese meal.
Year 8 students of Chinese and German had a coffee shop activity to practice languages of ordering food and beverage as well as enjoy lots of delicious food.
Y8 Chinese Coffee Shop Activity (Monday, 5 December) & German Coffee Shop Activity (Wednesday, 7 December)
Y9 Chinese Cooking Lessons (Thursday, 1 December)
The Pedare Extra-Curricular Team are excited to bring you a new portal, containing information and links all in one location to our Sports and Clubs program.
The Portal is updated regularly to bring you the latest news, announcements, updates, results and more of Pedare Extra-Curricular activities and events.
On Tuesday, 29 November, the Th!nk Club students enjoyed pitting their wits against an Escape Room as an end-of-year excursion. All three teams escaped, aided (or hindered!) by Ms Young and Mr Iles. The students were great ambassadors for Pedare and enjoyed the trip. This term, Th!nk Club has tackled collaborative problem-solving in the form of Escape Rooms and taken part in scavenger hunts around the College involving logic puzzles, cryptic crosswords and code-breaking. Other topics explored throughout the year have included Philosophy and Ethics and preparing for and participating in the Da Vinci Decathlon. If this sounds like your cup of tea, come join us next year! We meet on Wednesdays 3:30 – 4:30.
Rachael Young
The Pedare Pride Cubs Club had their final meeting for the year last week. We welcomed Sergeant Jacqueline (Jackie) McDonald from the Community Engagement Section for the Northern Area of SAPOL.
The cubs each presented Jackie with a trauma teddy that they had made by hand this term. Jackie talked about how important these teddies are and that they will be given to police officers to have on hand when they meet with any children experiencing trauma.
The cubs enjoyed hearing about the impact their project will have in the community, and it has sparked many more ideas with them for projects next year.
Petrea Stacey
Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting, or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you. We meet at the church at 8:30am, 10:00am, and 6:00pm in person. If you can’t join us just yet, we’ll continue to stream at 8:30am and 10:00am online using Zoom and YouTube Service times are 8:30am and 10:00am.
Please contact Dave Brown on for more details, or check their Facebook page for links.
If you are struggling and would like to talk with someone from the church during these trying times, please phone 8264 3736.
Tea Tree Gully Uniting host the ‘local and friendly’ Banksia Markets on the first Saturday of each month from 8:30am to 1:00pm at 600 Milne Road, Banksia Park. Stalls inside the hall and in the car park include produce, fresh fruit and vegetables, jewellery, tools, bric-a-brac and lots more.
For more information contact the TTG Uniting Church website at
St Mark’s Anglican Church has a 9.00 am traditional service each Sunday morning and 9.30am each Wednesday morning. We would love to see you at either or both of our services. We are located on the corner of The Golden Way and Wynn Vale Drive, Wynn Vale.
For further information and updates about St Mark’s services and events, please visit our website at or visit our Facebook page
Golden Grove Uniting Church, corner of Crouch and One Tree Hill Road, Golden Grove, has a traditional service at 10 am on Sunday. Also, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, we have a cafe-style church, which is a relaxed contemporary worship service at 6 pm in the Church hall.
Café Youth is a fun, interactive program for young people ages 14 and up looking to engage in topics of faith. It is held in the Church hall on the first and third Sunday of each month during the school term, from 6.30-8.30 pm. Café Youth sessions start with a fun 30-minute activity based on the theme for the night, then followed by “Talk Time”, during which the group discusses a topic of faith whilst enjoying delicious snacks, refreshments and pizza! The cost for each session is $5.
For further information, please contact the Office on 8251 4298 or email You can even check our webpage:
Christmas Services @ St Mark’s
(Corner of The Golden Way and Wynn Vale Drive, Wynn Vale)
For more information, please contact Rev’d Jo on the email or number below:
0401 086 404
Pilgrim Group
St Mark’s Golden Grove is offering a Pilgrim Group short course in 2023 for those who want to learn more about the Christian faith:
The group will meet on Tuesday evenings during Lent, i.e., the six weeks before Easter. Tuesdays: 28 February, 7 March, 14 March, 21 March, 28 March & 4 April. @7pm
St Mark’s Church
150-160 Wynn Vale Drive
To cover the cost of materials, a small fee of $20 will be charged, for which each participant will receive a course booklet. The Pilgrim Group will be led by Rev’d Jo Smith and Rosemary McWhirter-Whitlock.
For more information, please contact Rev’d Jo on the email or number below.
0401 086 404