Mr James Tamblyn
We are thrilled to welcome John Hendry OAM to the College on Monday 22 March, and invite parents and caregivers to an evening presentation entitled ‘Resilient Culture of Care’.
At the heart of our new Strategic Plan is a commitment to the establishment of positive relationships, built upon a shared understanding of the five elements of quality relationships: Trust, Forgiveness, Integrity, Hope, Compassion. On Monday evening John will share important information on:
There is no cost to attend. Please book by clicking here
It has been a pleasure in recent weeks to attend a range of sporting carnivals for each of our schools, including the Junior School Swimming Carnival and the Middle/Senior Athletics Carnival. It was so pleasing to see the spirit in which our students competed and participated, representing their communities so passionately. My thanks to all involved in the organisation of these significant events, and to the support of parents and families who were able to attend.
As we continue on our Lenten journey towards Easter, I encourage your ongoing reflection upon how we are a living call to discipleship. Lent is a time for us to seek repentance for the ways we have fallen short. Throughout Lent many of us have made commitments to help bring us into closer relationship with God, either by taking up a positive habit or giving something up that we find difficult.
‘Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters.’ (Isaiah 55:1) As we read in the Book of Isaiah, all we need will be provided for us through God; we are called simply to be faithful in this knowledge. As we move into the final few weeks of Lent may you be increasingly aware of God’s presence with you, enabling you to fast from anxiety and feast on faith.
Mr Andrew Whiteman
Thursday 19 March is the international day of sleep! As parents, I’m sure you are well aware of the need for teenagers and young adults to get the right amount of sleep. You know that a lack of sleep can have a significant impact on the student’s ability to concentrate and perform at their best. Our students need somewhere between 8 – 11 hours of sleep per night. The idea of getting students into a good sleep routine may not be high on their agenda, however the importance of being well rested cannot be understated.
Some tips for getting a good night sleep
Congratulations to all our students for their efforts at last week’s Athletics Carnival. The day was once again a wonderful display of community spirit and fiercely contested competition. The number of students engaged on the day was outstanding and we were very proud of the way the students conducted themselves throughout the day. Well done to Brooklyn for winning the day and backing up their victory in the Swimming Carnival. Thank you to Mr Michael Secomb, the Community Coordinators and all staff for their input before and during the carnival. Days such as those do not happen by accident and a lot of hard work went into this fantastic day. Thank you to all of the parents who joined us on the day.
I spoke this week with our Year 10 students and discussed the challenges they face and opportunities in front of them as they move from a Middle School environment into the Senior School. The importance of setting themselves up with a good study routine and preparing themselves for the future highlighted our discussions. The 2021 cohort has started the year very well and we congratulated them on their efforts so far. We discussed with them the importance of understanding the learning and assessment requirements of a Year 10 student and the nature of SACE assessments. We look forward to seeing these students continue to grow and develop into our very own confident and inspiring school leaders.
Mrs Lauren Brooks
“Adaptability enforces creativity, and creativity is adaptability.” – Pearl Zhu
Across a student’s lifetime, their world will change and change again. They’re likely to see industry reshaped, medical advancements and huge changes to technology. Supporting our students in a gentle and measured way to be creative and flexible in the face of new situations, is a critical skill in our increasingly interconnected, globalised world.
Imagination Day was an opportunity to embrace a day of change. We challenged our students (and staff) to put away the devices for a day and engage in opportunities to solve the ‘non googleable’ problems, focus on creation (not consumption), be recognised for new ideas and ways of thinking and feel challenged outside of our comfort zones… and thrive.
For our Year 6, 7 and 8 students we completely eradicated our normal Pedare timetables for the day and wanted students to explore their personal interests, embracing a love of the learning through curiosity, imagination, choice and creation. Students were supported by their teachers throughout the day on a range of personal projects, problem solving activities, performing arts, creating new products and thinking globally whilst acting locally. It was heart-warming to see our Middle School students thrive throughout the day through such high engagement.
A huge thank you to our dedicated teachers who also took a risk on this day, stepping outside of our normal comfort zones and supporting our students so wonderfully that made this day such a success. We look forward to continuing to perfect these experiences for our students and providing more innovative opportunities such as these in the future.
Mr Randall Pearce
On Monday, I heard that March 15 was the 75th day of the year, leaving 290 days left for 2021. Our days tend to be so busy. Days, weeks, even months seem to fly by, and we are left wondering where the time has gone. During the last several months, have you made a promise that you could not keep because the time just escaped you? Even if this has not happened to you, some words of wisdom can make a difference.
Benjamin Franklin is known for a number of achievements. One such accomplishment is a set of phrases, or quotes, that have served as words of wisdom for many over the years. In today’s hectic times, remember the words of Benjamin Franklin:
“Well done, is better than well said.”
The meaning of these words is fairly easy to understand, but they serve as an excellent reminder to us. The things that we DO for others are so much more important than the things we SAY to others. In other words: “Actions Speak Louder Than Words.” So simple… but so very important to the relationships we are trying to build every day.
Take a few moments today and think back to the things you have said to others lately, including your family members. Is there something that you could have done for that person that would relay the same message?
So, this week, think about what you can do for your family, friends, acquaintances, fellow church members, business contacts, and the many others you come into contact with each week.
Is there something that you could do for them, even something little, to let them know they are appreciated? The impact of your actions can be much longer-lasting than the impact of your words alone.
For our students I encourage you all to find something you can do at home. Maybe a task that is normally done by Mum and Dad and you do that task without being asked. If you are questioned, then I ask that you take the time to thank your parents for all that they do for you and the opportunities they provide for you each and every day.
On Thursday 8 April, at 7:00pm, Pedare will once again be hosting their wonderful Cabaret evening in the College Chapel.
This is always a fabulous night of glitz and glamour, showcasing the talents of our music students as staff, family and friends are entertained by Pedare’s Stage Band, Luminaire Vocal Ensemble and Solo Performances.
Please BYO food and drinks. Tickets can be bought via QKR! App at a cost of $20.
This year, funds will be raised for Cancer Council SA.
How to take the hassle out of homework and add the motivation in?
Often the biggest issue with getting an assignment done or studying for a test is getting started. Most people struggle to feel motivated to do things that are hard. We can all think of a time when we put off going to the gym, put off making a hard phone call or having a conversation with someone, and avoided cleaning the house.
The good news is that we can learn to do things that are hard and the more we make ourselves do these things the better we get at doing them. With that in mind below are some strategies to help you get motivated to start.
These are adapted from “When Life sucks: Ideas and tactics for teens in tough times” by Kirralie Smout.
Get Ready to Study
Get all your books out, open and ready so they are easy to see and get started
Use the clock to motivate yourself to study for short blocks
Put on a timer and tell yourself you have to do 10 minutes work before having a break. Stick with it. If you are “on a roll” after 10 minutes you can keep going but make sure you do at least 10 minutes.
Have focus days in which you work really hard for on one particular subject
Mondays might be Maths; Tuesdays might be English. Writing a plan can help you to motivate yourself.
Use Rewards
Draw up a whole heap of counters and get a jar/container to put them in, Give yourself a counter for every 30 minutes of work. Make a deal that x amount of counters = a new top etc. Or make deals with yourself – if I finish my essay, I can watch my favourite show. If I spent 15 minutes revising for maths I can chat with my friends/game etc.
Write short term task goals
Set a goal for how much you will do in the next 10 – 15 minutes.
Set your own punishments
Tell yourself you can’t connect with your friends tonight if you don’t do at least 3 Maths problems. Get someone to take your phone if they see/hear you on it
Remove distractions
Instead of just using willpower to resist things that distract you try putting your phone on the other side of the room, turning off notifications, temporarily blocking yourself from certain sites
Make a list
Make short, achievable tasks and cross them off as you go. For example – Complete introduction, complete 3 Maths problems etc.
Whatever you pick – Get started!
Mrs Joanne Murby & Ms Jan Robertson – Pastoral Care
REMINDER: The Parents and Friends Association Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 24 March, 6:30pm in the Wattle Centre. New members are invited and welcome to attend.
The Parents and Friends Association (P&F) is a voluntary organisation run by an energetic committee. College parents, grandparents and friends across all year levels are welcome to join the P&F. The aim of the P&F is to have activities throughout the year to bring the Pedare Community together to both friend raise and fundraise for the benefit of our students.
We warmly welcome members of the College Community to participate in the activities arranged by the P&F, either as a member of the Committee, an event volunteer or to volunteer in the P&F Shop. There are plenty of ways to be involved in the P&F that don’t require you to be on the Committee and attend meetings. Please complete the P&F Nomination Form 2021 if you would like to nominate for the committee and return it to the College Office.
Congratulations to the following Senior and Middle School students who were presented with their 2021 Pedare Student Voice badges at Assembly held on Thursday 11 March:
On Friday 12 March, the College held the Middle & Senior School Athletics Carnival. The perfect weather helped to make the day a huge success that was filled with great excitement and competitiveness.
Year 12s dressed in some magnificent costumes, all in their community colours and made the most of it being their last Athletics Carnival at Pedare.
The events which included distance running, relays, hurdles and high jumps, as well as the novelty race between communities to see how fast they can fill buckets using sponges was very was well received.
It was great to see students who were competing being cheered on at the sidelines by their fellow students and also family and friends who came along for support.
Congratulations to Brooklyn community for being the Shield winners on the day. Brooklyn has back-to-back wins after coming first in the Swimming Carnival too.
Well done to all participants and organisers for helping to make sure the day ran smoothly.
This year’s Adelaide Fringe and Adelaide Festival have presented our Stage 1 and 2 Drama and History students with a range of fantastic opportunities this term, allowing them to venture beyond the classroom and experience some exceptional live theatre, although with a ‘masked’ difference.
On Thursday 4 March, Stage 2 History and Drama classes attended the poignant and moving performance ‘A German Life’ at Dunstan Playhouse. The one-woman direct address, performed by the talented Robyn Nevin, told the true story of Brunhilde Pomsel, the secretary to Joseph Goebbels, who always denied any knowledge of the atrocities that were inflicted upon the Jewish community. Goebbels was Adolf Hitler’s devoted associate, and the Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. The 90-minute performance was layered with sombre instrumental music and projections of black and white archival footage from Nazi Germany.
The following week, on Thursday 11 March, Stage 1 Drama class travelled to the Wayville Showgrounds and attended the equally moving production of ‘The Boy Who Talked to Dogs’, starring Irish actor Bryan Burroughs, shadow puppetry and an Irish pub band. Based on the memoir of ‘Dogman’ Martin McKenna, known infamously as a dog-communicator from County Limerick, Ireland, in the 1970s, it told the story of a gravely misunderstood young boy who escaped the endless bullying by his family and teachers by running away and eventually being adopted by six stray dogs. The performance highlighted the importance of individuality, empathy and courage.
Students were lucky enough to attend live Q and A sessions at the end of both productions, allowing them to delve deeper into the inner workings of the productions, plus the actors and directors’ creative processes. Both productions were engaging and unique in the way they told their story, bringing to life characters that experienced life’s hardships and questions of morality, albeit in different ways.
Links to the Production Programs can be found here:
A German Life:
The Boy Who Talked to Dogs:
Mrs Rebecca Williams – Drama Teacher & Mrs Lauren Griffiths – Modern History Teacher
On Monday 15 March, our Year 11 Business Innovation class went on an excursion to Adelaide Oval. Our tour of Adelaide Oval allowed us to identify how the business there is run and the ways in which the facilities work. While we were there, we needed to recognise elements of the business that could be improved to assist in increasing the success of the business.
As a part of the tour, we were able to walk inside the scoreboard and be shown how each section is changed throughout a cricket game. It was very interesting to see how complicated it was in the age where everything is generally electronic and how hard the five people inside the scoreboard would have to work. Being able to walk through the change rooms made the tour all the more engaging, as our tour guide Shirley showed us through the visiting football teams change rooms where they hang their bags, have team meetings after the game and then into the bathroom to feel the temperature of the ice baths.
Mrs Kirstin Davenport – Senior School Business Teacher
During Term 1, Year 8 Media students have been developing their photography skills. The focus has been learning a range of composition techniques including Depth of Field, Leading Lines, Frame within a Frame, Rule of Thirds and more. Here is a selection of outstanding photos captured during their photoshoots. Students are now extending their learning by editing their best photos and will also be experimenting with traditional photography techniques, including cyanotypes.
Jithesh with Mr Tom Tymukas – Learning Area Coordinator, Art
2020 Young Australian Art Award
We congratulate Jithesh Venkatesh, Year 9 and Jesse Cockburn, Year 8, for being selected as a finalist in the 2020 Young Australian Art Award. Jithesh won his gold medal for his photograph ‘Confrontation’ (see above).
Jesse was recognised for his digital artwork ‘Eyes of Wonder’ that was selected as a finalist in the Computer Art category. This is a national art competition with a variety of categories and prizes. Pedare students are encouraged to now enter the 2021 competition. Entries close on Saturday 27 September 2021.
More information available on or speak to Mr Tymukas, Mrs Grant or Mrs Johnson.
Mrs Leah Grant – Art, Media Teacher
Jesse’s Eyes of Wonder Photography
Amity Williams’ Photography
Noor Mankiratnoor Photography
Laura Searle Photography
On Monday 15 March, Year 5 Junior School captains went to the GRIP leadership conference at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. Everyone was excited to go. When we were there we learnt about leadership and what talents we had as leaders and understood that everyone had different skills. Another thing we did at the conference was watching some clips of movies and writing down how we thought the characters showed leadership. In one clip from Spies in Disguise, there was a boy who wanted to try out an experiment and turn people into pigeons to get a spy agency job. He led by his interests and his experience.
Between different topics, we did something called loud noises which were little games that all the children attending played. We played games like guessing the celebrity and the animal by giving clues. Another thing we did was think about bright ideas that we could incorporate into Pedare to make our school a better place. We shared our plans with other schools and ended up with a whole list of ideas we could introduce.
Overall, we all enjoyed our experience and gained more knowledge about how we can all become better leaders. Here are some quotes from other captains.
By Stella and Charlie, Junior School Captains
At lunchtimes on Thursday and Friday of Week 6, our Junior School students were so thrilled to participate in the mural celebrating Harmony Day in the Junior School library.
Students took care to integrate their pictures with each other, collaborating and sharing colours. Their participation reflected the harmony we are creating at Pedare.
Well done to all students who were involved.
Congratulations to Keziah Chung, Year 8, who sat the DSD 1 Exam (German Language Dipolma,) in November last year and has achieved a B1 (the highest possible mark) in reading, writing, listening and oral.
This exam is a Level 1 Language requirement for entering Germany University,
Well done Keziah.
Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:
Primary 1 Netball Team
Congratulations to the Primary 1 Netball team who defeated Tango 18 – 14 on Friday 12 March in their Semi-Final game. The girls now go on to play in the Grand Final on Friday 26 March.
Thank you to coach Amber Dinevski.
Good luck girls for your upcoming Grand Final!
Sub Junior 1 Netball Team
Congratulations to the Sub Junior 1 Netball team who won their Semi-Final against Northeast Zodiac 3 on Tuesday 16 March.
The girls now go on to play in the Grand Final on Tuesday 30 March.
Thank you to coaches Alicia Jamal, Class of 2020, Grace Collins, Year 9 and supervisor of the team Mrs Bronwyn Dutch.
Good luck girls for your upcoming Grand Final!
Week 6
Week 7
Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting, or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you. We meet at the church at 8:30am, 10:00am, and 6:00pm in person. If you can’t join us just yet, we’ll continue to stream at 8:30am and 10:00am online using Zoom and YouTube Service times are 8:30am and 10:00am.
Please contact Dave Brown on for more details, or check their Facebook page for links.
If you are struggling and would like to talk with someone from the church during these trying times, please phone 8264 3736.
Tea Tree Gully Uniting host the ‘local and friendly’ Banksia Markets on the first Saturday of each month from 8:30am to 1:00pm at 600 Milne Road, Banksia Park. Stalls are inside the hall and in the car park and include produce, fresh fruit and vegetables, jewellery, tools, bric-a-brac and lots more. A BBQ and delightful Devonshire Teas are available. There is also 50% off of items in the BIG shed. For more information contact the TTG Uniting Church website at
St Mark’s Anglican Church currently have a 9:00 am traditional service. Please email to advise if you will be attending either service for COVID-19 requirements.
For further information and updates about St Mark’s services, please visit the website at or visit their Facebook page
Golden Grove Uniting Church, corning of Crouch and One Tree Hill Road, Golden Grove, has a traditional service at 10:00am on a Sunday morning. Also, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, we have a cafe style church, which is a relaxed contemporary worship service at 6:00pm in the Church hall.
On a Friday morning for parents/carers and children from birth to 5 years we have a mainly music programme starting at 9:30am. This is a fun, interactive 30-minute music session followed by morning tea and free play.
For further information, please contact the Office on 8251 4298 or by email: you can even check our webpage: