Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 5 - 2017 - Easter Service

The Vine Issue 5 – 2017

April 13, 2017
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Fiona Themann



Mr Lindsay Jackson


It is a pleasure to serve as the Acting Principal whilst Mr Millard is on Sabbatical Leave.

I have heard from Mr Millard, and he has enjoyed and learned a lot whilst in Yokohama attending the International Baccalaureate World Conference. I am sure he will bring back strategies to add to Pedare’s IB Primary and Middle Years programmes upon his return.

Pedare Special Interest Netball Program (SPIN)
The College has been fortunate to secure the services of Adelaide Thunderbirds team member, Ms Fiona Themann, to the role of Coordinator of the Pedare Special Interest Netball Program. Ms Themann will mentor our coaches, Squads and SADNA team members, work with the Health and Physical Education faculty to integrate netball skills into the curriculum from Reception to Year 12 and pass on her valuable knowledge and passion of netball. She was introduced to the Middle and Senior School students in the Squads and SADNA teams on Thursday 30 March, and was enthusiastically received. Ms Themann will be meeting with the Junior School Squads and teams early in Term 2.

Learning Journeys

On Wednesday 29 March, I had the pleasure of witnessing one of the Learning Journey sessions at the Junior School. I found it encouraging and uplifting to wander through the classrooms and watch the pure joy and pride as students showed their parents a sample of the work they have done in Term 1. Their love of learning, relationships with their teachers, and sense of belonging to the Pedare community were obvious. Thank you to the parents who came to the Junior School Learning Journey, the partnership the College has with families is a special one, as we work together to support the learning of our students and children.

Learning with Technology

Pedare’s journey with student devices and using technology to enhance and improve learning outcomes continues to grow and mature.

During 2016, Pedare engaged RTG (an ICT consultant company) to review our ICT infrastructure and processes. The review indicated Pedare’s ICT infrastructure is very sound, and in the latter part of 2016, RTG assisted the College to establish two committees to improve our management of technology (Strategic and Operational Committees). These committees meet 3 times a term and contain a mixture of staff from leadership and all 3 sub schools. Among other initiatives, these committees have managed the rollout of Seesaw in the Junior School and the use of Google Classroom in the Middle and Senior Schools during Term 1 of 2017.

Click here to learn more about the Parent Communication re G Suite, as it explains what Google Classroom is, the benefits to students and teachers and encourages parents to have a chat with their Middle and Senior School children to discover how Google Classroom can support learning.

End of Term 1

At the end of a busy term, it is good to reflect on all the learning, events and activities that have occurred, and to realize how fortunate we are to be part of the positive and caring community we have at Pedare. Thank you all for your contributions towards making Pedare a wonderful place in which to learn and work.

I wish you all a peaceful Easter and a time of refreshment in the Term 1 break.

Mr Randall Pearce


Mr Randall Pearce


On Wednesday the 29 March, we welcomed the College community, parents and grandparents to view their child’s learning once again during our Learning Journeys. These are a wonderful opportunity to open our doors and to see the Junior School in action. Through making our learning visible, we allow our classrooms to develop a relationship of learning for all who are involved.

We believe our Learning Journey help to strengthen the relationships between the child, parent and teacher. They promote a positive and reciprocal atmosphere in which the child is at the centre and the heart of learning.

  • Value and respect the image of the child.
  • Invite the community into the depth of each child’s learning.
  • Strengthens relationships between the child, the parents and the teachers.
  • Connects the children’s learning with the wider community.
  • Helps children to associate knowledge with their outside world.
  • Empowers children to dialogue about their learning and to discover possibilities about their understandings.
  • Are a celebration of each child’s capacity and potential.
  • Provide an enjoyable and engaging experience for all involved!

Through opening our classrooms, we are inviting relationships which value each child’s contribution.

These shared experiences foster deeper learning for the children, families and teachers. Many thanks to the teachers for all their efforts and to the children and their families for their continued engagement and support of our Learning Journeys.

Head of Junior School Awards

On Friday 7 April, at the Year 1 Assembly, the Head of Junior School awards were presented to 2 students from each year level. The students who received an award were:

  • RH – Isaac Field
  • RM – Georgia Lebessis
  • 1E – Natalie Palmer
  • 1M – Liana Tunno
  • 2B – Isabella Winder
  • 20 – Ethan Power
  • 3A – Hebah El Rachid
  • 30 – Oscar Elding
  • 4H – Karys Emery
  • 4K – Kyan Smith
  • 5LP – Ryan Kopec
  • 5P – Izaak Brain
  • Performing Arts – Jasmine Martin

Well done to all students on their achievements.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a safe and happy Easter break and hope you enjoy a much deserved restful school holiday.

Isaac Field RH Georgia Lebessis RM

RH – Isaac Field & RM – Georgia Lebessis

Natalie Palmer 1E Liana Tunno 1M

1E – Natalie Palmer & 1M Liana Tunno

Isabella WInder 2B Ethan Power 2O

2B – Isabella Winder & 2O – Ethan Power

Hebah El Rachid 3A Oscar Elding 30

3A – Hebah El Rachid & 3O – Oscar Elding

Karys Emery 4H Kyan Smith 4K

4H – Karys Emery & 4K – Kyan Smith

Jasmine Martin Perform Arts Award

4K – Jasmine Martin – Performing Arts Award

Year 5 Ryan Kopec

5LP – Ryan Kopec

at Year 5 Camp

Year 5 Izaak Brain

5P – Izaak Brain

at Year 5 Camp

Mr Andrew Whiteman


Mr Andrew Whiteman


It is hard to believe that Term 1 is already drawing to a close as it only feels like yesterday that we were in Week 1 and discussing the start of the year. For me, it has been a wonderful entry into the Pedare community and I feel very much a part of our great school after only a short time. Walking around the school and seeing the many happy and smiling faces of the students is one of the main reasons we as teachers come to work. We love to see the students challenge themselves and overcome some of the difficulties they face. This could be inside the classroom when they complete assignments or outside the classroom when they climb and complete a high ropes course like our Year 7s students did on camp.

Everyone is no doubt looking forward to a break but the last weeks of school have been busy with students attending various events. Our Year 6 and 7 students attended the SAPSASA Athletics Carnival, performed well and finished 2nd in our division. Well done everyone! Our older students will attend the SSSSA Athletics Day also to compete against a number of schools. The Year 6/7 cricket team continues to march through the knockout rounds after another victory last week, meaning in Term 2 we will again be in action.

The SPiN (Specialist Programme in Netball) kicked off this term with a large number of girls trying out for the specialist squads and teams. Under the direction of Adelaide Thunderbird Fiona Themann, who is the Coordinator of the SPiN, they will continue to train before school and players will compete in Friday and weekend games in the coming terms. The College is very pleased to have Fiona heading up the program and the students are excited to work with someone of such high profile.

In Week 2 of Term 2, the 2017 NAPLAN assessments will take place. An information letter was sent recently via email directly to parents of students in Year 3, 5, 7, & 9. Middle School students will be practicing NAPLAN style questions on their devices prior to the test to ensure they are familiar with the question types and format of the Literacy and Numeracy tests. Please try to assure your children that the NAPLAN is simply a ‘one off’ test and does not impact on their grades at school. Some students may find the prospect of sitting the NAPLAN test stressful and we will do our best to reassure these students that all they need to do is try their best. The online test is tailored to each individual student and therefore a student is likely to experience some success with questions targeted to their ability. If you would like more information, the online demonstration site is available at NAPLAN online demonstration site. This site contains practice questions that the students can complete at any time. Students require a set of working headphones and if using an iPad, the use of an external keyboard is strongly recommended. A wide range of information is available at and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College.

On the final day of the term, Interim reports will be distributed to each student in the Middle School. Students will receive the Interim report in an envelope at the completion of the Easter Service. Please discuss the report with your child as it provides a snapshot of their achievement and engagement throughout Term 1. There may be areas to focus on for improvement and the opportunity to discuss why certain grades were achieved in certain subjects. The performance indicators also give a window into the effort and application of the students.

I wish you all a happy and safe Easter and hope that you are able to spend some time with your families over the term break.

Mrs Gillian Edwards


Mrs Gillian Edwards


Many students now navigate online using a touch screen. But while their fingers move nimbly across the screen, their shoulders hunch, their spines curve, and their necks are crooked through staring at the screen. In summary, the ergonomic impact of the devices they use may result in their posture being compromised. ‘Text-neck’ and ‘text-thumb’ are becoming familiar terms.

Studies suggest texting alone accounts for almost two hours per day for some students’ use of screen time.

Tablets and smartphones are light, portable and can be accessed anywhere and in any position; however, machines used in the lap or below a comfortable eye level place strain on the spinal discs. It is important then that the user changes positions frequently and raises the device higher to avoid low gaze angles. Students should avoid over extending their neck and avoid turning their head or tilting it to one side for prolonged periods. They should be encouraged to take frequent breaks; every thirty minutes is recommended.

Even the way in which they hold a device can cause small muscle fatigue in the hands. It is recommended they place the device flat on a surface rather than holding it in one hand. If one hand is used to hold the tablet, it should be resting behind the device rather than holding it between thumb and fingers on the side. Use alternate hands for touching and swiping on the screen. Do stretching exercises regularly. For extended word processing, the use of an external keyboard is recommended.

Eye strain is another area of concern. The resolution, contrast and brightness should be adjusted to the lighting conditions of the room or environment. Avoid glare and reflection. Magnify the text if too small. Characters on the screen should be sharp, stable and easy to read at least 50cm away from the screen. They should be large enough to see without squinting.

Dry, irritated eyes can result from reduced blinking when looking at a screen. Students are encouraged to look away from the screen every twenty minutes. They should focus on an object twenty feet away for twenty seconds. This is the 20-20-20 rule of ergonomics for eyes. By focusing on an object some distance away the eyes are exercising different muscles in different positions, thereby reducing the strain.

Laptops, tablets and smartphones have revolutionised the learning environment; but it is incumbent of us to educate our students, not only about the content they access and transmit, but also to teach them to use their devices in a way that is ergonomically sound.

As Term 1 draws to a close, I would like to thank all members of the Senior School: students, staff and parents, for their efforts and support during what has been a very busy eleven weeks.

We have been blessed with great weather and many opportunities to let our light shine, to which the reflections of our student leaders will attest. Very best wishes to you all for a safe, happy and restful break at this blessed time of the year. We look forward to being able to re-focus and re-double our efforts on our return in Term 2.

Pedare’s College, Academic, Sport and Arts Captains have written an overview to finalise Term 1 for 2017:

Laila Moodley & Pal Tear, College Captains

Term 1, what a way to start the beginning of our final year.  For the 86 Year 12s, the year was met with excitement and fear for the year ahead.

It was in Week 2 the Pedare SPiN+ program was launched, designed to increase the College’s strength and involvement in Netball. Special guests Fiona Themann from the Adelaide Thunderbirds and Charlotte Veart, Pedare Old Scholar and Tango AMND player, attended the launch.

In Week 3, Pedare held the annual Middle and Senior School Swimming Carnival where students in their Communities competed against each other at The Adelaide Aquatics Centre. In the end, it was Greenwith who were victorious in winning the all-age relay and the entire Carnival.

In Week 4, the College Captains and Middle School Captains, along with Academic, Sports, PSV captains attended the GRIP Leadership conference which aimed to teach and support student leaders through their leadership year and the years beyond.

Week 5 saw Mr Fennell’s Year 12 PE class attend three days of Aquatics at West Lakes. Aquatics is one of the sports in the SACE Stage 2 course. The fourteen students had the choice between kayaking and windsurfing. The students had a lot of fun and were very lucky with the nice warm weather, perfect for being out on the water. Week 5 was also the week when the eagerly awaited Year 12 common room was fully renovated and open to the students. The common room is a great environment and has been used and looked after well by the Year 12s. Our thanks go to the grounds and maintenance staff for the renovation of this space.

In Week 6, the highly anticipated Middle and Senior School Athletics Carnival was held for the first time at Tilley Reserve. Now with greater facilities like a full 400m track and more room, not even the late arrival of Greenwith could lessen the excitement of students to compete in over 100 events that were held on the day. Surrey was later announced as the winners of the All-age Relay and the entire Carnival.

The Year 12 students visited St Peter’s Cathedral for Religion Studies, and during the tour, learned about the history and importance of one of Adelaide’s Heritage listed locations.

Harmony Day, a casual day to celebrate our diversity. Each Home Group was provided with an orange circular panel with a handprint and students and their teachers were asked to decorate them before being displayed around the school in the Middle and Senior courtyards.

On 6 April, students involved in music lessons and groups, participated in the Masquerade Cabaret night to raise money for Generations in Jazz in Mount Gambier on 5-7 May.

Anglican Cup, a Senior School sporting event against St Johns, Pulteney and Woodcroft will be held early next term. The College production of The Little Mermaid Musical will be performed next term and the cast and staff have been hard at work getting the production together.

We wish you all blessed and safe Easter break, and look forward to the students being refreshed and keen to come back energised for another amazing term.


Sarah Arbery & Oliver Fulcher, Academic Captains

Opportunities in Learning

The Cross-Age Tutor program is a fantastic opportunity for Year 11 and 12 students to offer their expertise to some of the College’s younger students both academically and socially. By joining with the classroom teachers, our tutors are really able to make a difference to the students they help. This year there has been an overwhelming display of generosity by the senior students who have offered to give up their valuable study time to help make a difference in our school community.  In our recent Assembly, they were presented with their badges and we would like to thank them for their ongoing efforts in promoting positive learning at Pedare.

Kelsea Barker: Erin Brooks: Franziska Bunkenburg-Lee: Maruca Ciulacu-Nemteanu: Jason Franks: Kimberly Huynh: Harnoor Kaur: Caitlin Klitscher: Anna Li: Jazmyn Manson:           Thomas Montague: Mali Olafsen-Weaver: Amber Roshkov: Elijah Schutz: Tara Stint: Athena Xiourouppa: Michael Yang

Year 10 Personal Projects

We would like to acknowledge the students in Year 10 who have been working very hard on their personal project throughout this term. In Week 8, the students presented their outcomes to some students and staff in our College community and then to their families at the Display Evening. This week, they have finished drafting their project report and handed them to be assessed by the supervisors.

Our year level was the first group to complete the project when it changed to having a global context and the focus was more clearly on benefitting others. For those of us who saw your projects two weeks ago, we could see such a development in these areas and we thought your projects were just amazing! There was such variety in the range of projects and you all deserve to be congratulated for your efforts. Let’s give the students a round of applause.

Year 10s, having completed our own Personal Projects two years ago, we well remember how it feels to be in your position. You feel a sense of pride in what you have achieved and there is also a feeling of relief that it the project is finished and handed in – well, for now anyway. Enjoy a break from this until next term, and we wish you all the best when the time comes to polish your work and submit your project for the final time.


Mali Olafsen-Weaver and Nathan Caeran, Sports Captains

Term 1 has been busy in the world of sport and Extra-curricular activity. We would like to congratulate Greenwith on their Swimming Carnival win, our SASSA swimming team finishing in second place and the SAPSASA TTG team who had a fantastic day finishing in first place. The Mighty Swim earlier in the term deserves a mention as the participants ended up raising $3,488 for MS  and Jayde King was our highest fundraiser raising $443; a truly fantastic effort by all.

This year, Athletics Day was in a different location at Tilley Reserve and I think we can all agree the location change was an exciting addition. A huge thank you to everyone who volunteered and participated throughout the day either filling in events or helping find people during the day. Mali and I would also like to thank all the teachers and captains for all the work and effort behind the scenes to make the day run so smoothly. Of course, we need to also congratulate Surrey on their win and our SAPSASA TTG athletics team who finished in second place. The SSSSA Athletics team has been attending training over the last few weeks and are looking in good shape to compete, so we wish them the best of luck.

Our Netball squads have been up and running for the past month with training occurring on Wednesday and Friday mornings. We would like to thank the efforts of Ms Hunter for her input into making this an enjoyable and challenging netball programme. We also welcomed a Thunderbirds player to our staff – Ms Fiona Themann who will not only be helping in the SPiN programme but she will also be working with the two Year 12 PE classes with their unit of netball. We are very thankful and privileged for the opportunity to have a player of such high calibre working with the College.

We have had a lot of success with our weekend sporting teams such as cricket, tennis and volleyball who have all had many wins. As many of you would know Anglican Cup is approaching quickly. This is one of our most exciting days in the Senior School calendar and we really want as many students participating as possible. We still have room in girls soccer and basketball teams and a few more players in our mixed hockey team. Please email Mr Willis if you are interested in playing any of these sports.

As you can see our sporting programme has flourished and developed, and we hope to continue this success through the rest of the year.


Erin Brooks & Kane Abraham, Arts Captains

Photography Competition

The photography competition began Week 7 and ended Week 10. The brainstorming of the separate Middle and Senior School themes was difficult but brought promise as we wanted it for everyone interested in exploring their talents and being free to experiment. The themes; “A Splash of Colour” for Middle School and “Beauty Can Be Seen in All Things” for Senior School. All the entries we have received are very unique and separately look into their own interpretation of the themes. We are now deciding on the top 3 winners, which will be announced Week 2 of Term 2.

Harmony Day Disks

The Harmony Day disks that have been put around the College are to display the cultural diversity that Pedare celebrates with their students and how Australia is open to all cultures. Ms Robertson thought of the idea of all the Home Groups having orange and community coloured circles to write on and Mr Tymukus, Kane and I suggested we paint the boards and get them set up for the day. Thanks to Mrs Benyk for helping out and the grounds staff who put them up around the yard.

Music Conference with Mrs Stroud and Ms Taylor

During the middle of Week 5, Mrs Stroud, Ms Taylor, Kane and I went to the ‘AHOMINGS’ Heads of Music meeting, which proved to be a major help in how I reflect as a Captain in the arts and how to involve students in the music program. It was very helpful as other school’s Arts Captains were present and had good advice in how they organise and what they do at their own school in terms of music.

Cabaret Night

The Masquerade Cabaret Night was on Thursday, Week 10, and it was heaps of fun preparing for the night during the day, and seeing everyone rehearse what they have practiced and worked hard on throughout the term was rewarding, as everyone’s individual talent was shown and congratulated on. As I helped in the background and didn’t perform I was able to talk to parents and teachers more on what they thought about the show, they all enjoyed it. Special thanks to Mrs Stroud, Mr Pederick and Ms Taylor who were the leading forces behind the scenes to get the Cabaret Night on in such a busy term and thanks to the tech and background crew for their enthusiasm in preparing for the night, and thanks to the people who performed and did so well under pressure and nerves.

Planning towards Pedare’s Got Talent 

‘Pedare’s Got Talent’ is coming back and is better than ever. With a great team helping set it up, it will be entertaining and worth you lunchtime’s in Week 2 – 4 of Term 2. We have teamed up with Golden Grove High School to showcase a grand-final in Week 5 with the top 5 of PGT’s contestants, the money raised that night will go to charity, so please come and watch Pedare’s students talent. Special thanks to Pal Tear and Laila Moodley who have put their passion into this with blood, sweat and tears and also to Ms Robertson who has overseen the event.

Year 12 Drama Production

The Year 12 Drama production of ‘Turn of the Screw’ is well underway and is looking very promising to be a big show for anyone who wants to see it, with Pedare and Gleeson students in the class working hard and rehearsing diligently. It will be performed at the start of term 3 and is about… well you’ll have to watch it to find out about what happens.

Musical, The Little Mermaid

The 2017 Pedare Musical is underway and steadily moving its way forward to be performed at the end of Term 2. The Musical; “The Little Mermaid” has some awesome cast members and teachers volunteering their time to work on this year’s musical and we hope a lot of families come to see the performances.

Easter Assembly


Thursday, 13 April

On Thursday 13 April, the whole College came together for ‘Goggle Box’ themed R-12 Easter Service in the Chapel. After the video of the Junior School students reflecting on the Easter story, the Worship Team welcomed invited special guests, students and staff to the service. Bible readings were presented by Pal Tear, College Captain, who read Matthew 27:31-38 and Hannah Quinn, Junior School Captain, reading Matthew 28:1-7. The Year 2 Choir sang and performed a very upbeat, ‘God’s not Dead’ followed by Sarah Fry, Middle School Captain, presenting the Bible reading Mathew 28:16-20 and then the Senior students and Mrs Nadine Stroud singing ‘10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord).’ Easter prayers were given by Laila Moodley, College Captain, Braeden Ashworth, Middle SchoolCaptain, William Booth, Junior School Captain and Mr Lindsay Jackson, Acting College Principal.

Towards the conclusion of the service, College Chaplain, Mr John Morton, gave an Easter message: ‘Happy news or sad news?’ before the Worship Team introduced the final song ‘O Praise the Name’ sang by a very enthusiastic Combined Schools Choir.

This Easter thought provoking service brought a message of peace and hope through the death and resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ.



Wednesday, 5 April

Easter is an important time in the Christian calendar and in the life of our College, as it is a time when the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools come together for a College Easter Service in the Chapel.

In preparation for this event, twenty-six Year 12 students, those who started in Reception or soon after, visited the 2017 Reception students at the Junior School last week. Each Year 12 was buddied with two Reception students and spent a busy hour outside playing Chasey, Hide and Seek, Duck, Duck Goose, What’s the Time Mr Wolf and many other games and activities they have not played for a long time. There were earnest conversations, smiling faces and lots of giggling as the Reception students reminded the Year 12’s of their own Reception experience thirteen years ago. As one Year 12 student commented:

“It was an amazing day and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting my reception buddies. I had a lot of fun running around the playground, learning the proper way to play on the monkey-bars and play duck-duck-goose. It was also great to go back to the Junior School and see all the changes that have happened since I left. I am looking forward to going back again soon.”

The Reception students were welcomed by their buddies at the Easter Service and their first visit to the Chapel and these relationships will be further fostered as we lead into the Reception Commencement Service early next term. This is a special tradition of the College that is thoroughly enjoyed by all involved.

Receptions 2
Receptions 3
Receptions 5


Wednesday 5 – Friday 7 April

We set off just after 9:00am to many smiling and a few tearful parents. It didn’t take long before the singing began. The expected ‘wheels on the bus’ was heard, but later the children were belting out the latest songs from the hit parade by Ed Sheeran, Zayn Malik and Taylor Swift to name but a few. Eventually, we made it to the campsite and unloaded the trailers and had a bite to eat. After some quick games to stretch our legs it was time to watch how to set up our tents. Some were quicker than others to set up tents, but we all pitched in to help each other.

During orienteering, we learnt how to take a bearing with a compass and create a sequence of bearings that led to some letter clues which then spell a word. Each group then gave their bearings to another group for them to solve the orienteering puzzle. We were given roughly made boomerangs which needed to be filed and sanded down correctly to make returning boomerangs. It was quite a skill, but perseverance and using the weight of Mr Pearce as a vice many of us were able to create aerodynamic masterpieces. Some of us had time to paint them too.

Whilst shelter building, we gathered various natural materials and took part in a competition to build the best shelter. We then had to persuade the group on why our shelter was the best. During camo games, we mastered the art of stalking and hiding from our predators. To aid this, we covered ourselves in charcoal, mud and leaves to blend in with our surroundings. We then played a game where we had ten seconds to hide in the best spot we could find. The adventure trail was a challenge where we had to work in teams to safely carry a balloon filled with water over and under a variety of obstacles. Of the 8 balloons we were given, only 6 made it home!

After a very busy day, we were looking forward to relaxing and having our dinner served for us. No such luck! We all sat in a circle and each pair was given a trangia to cook pasta bolognaise ourselves. As the sun went down, many of us with head torches on, our dinners were still cooking away. Mrs Logan and Mr Peartree were hoping for some cheesy garlic bread, but alas there was none. When we’d finally eaten, it was time to clean up our plates and cooking implements. It took a while under the stewardship of Mr Pearce with his attention to detail and cleanliness.

As we eventually retired to our tents those of us who hadn’t zipped up our ‘doors’ properly had a few extra guests of the multi-legged variety.

Year 5 camp 1
Year 5 camp 2



Tuesday, 21 March

On Harmony Day, we launched our new Mother Tongue collection in the Junior School Tea Tree Resource Centre.

This is our bilingual collection of books for students for whom English is their second language. At the moment, we have some picture books in Japanese, Mandarin, Khmer, Afrikaans, Korean, Vietnamese, and Spanish and are in the process of purchasing some Croatian books too. This is just the beginning of our collection and our efforts to support these students. Any donations of good quality children’s books in the languages relevant to our student community would be very much appreciated.

unitingcare sa


A thank you has been received from UnitingCare SA for Pedare’s Junior School parents and community for their kind contribution to their Christmas appeal. The appeal runs during the busiest time of the year and UnitingCare appreciates the time that you have given to participating in this charity. Please click here to read more about the UnitingCare Christmas Appeal.



Pedare Student Voice is an important group within our College community. Each Home Group from Years 6 – 12 has a student representative who acts as a voice for their peers.

These students meet as Middle and Senior School groups once a fortnight to discuss concerns, suggestions and recommendations about many different aspects of school life. Some of the things PSV has contributed to and have seen change in, are, elements of the uniform, student facilities, events and activities.

We look forward to hearing more from our students so the Middle and Senior School PSV groups can set some specific goals to achieve in 2017. The PSV students will be presented with their badges early next term.

Senior School Pedare Student Voice Representatives


  • Jack Rowley
  • Kelsea Barker
  • Georgia Rohrsheim 


  • Kieran Lloyd
  • Isobel Cassidy
  • Alyssa Pilgrim 


  • Owen Hirons
  • Athena Xiorouppa
  • Thomas McCarthy


  • Thomas Howe
  • Owen Jolly
  • Jazmyn Manson


  • Katherina Mazai-Ward
  • Kyle Giovannetti
  • Xueying Sun

Middle School Pedare Student Voice Representatives


  • Jack Rowley
  • Kelsea Barker
  • Georgia Rohrsheim 


  • Gemma Donaldson
  • Tayla Stuart
  • Neel Puri


  • Holly Schutz
  • Mia Furlan
  • Thomas Murrell


  • Shaelen Graham
  • Angus McPherson
  • Jacob Berriman


  • Alex Perdellis
  • Erin Wallace
  • Aidan Alchin


  • Daisy Halliday
  • Sneha Aryal
  • Adi Veenngopal

Cabaret 1


On Thursday 6 April, The College Chapel was once again transformed into a spectacular Cabaret venue with balloons, twinkling lights and this time; masks. The Masquerade Cabaret was a stunning night of energetic and high quality performances from our Generations in Jazz Stage Band and Luminaire Vocal Ensemble including some breathtaking solo performances mostly from our Senior Music students.  


Parents, friends and families enjoyed a relaxed evening of jazz, ballads, musical theatre and refreshments. Students graced the stage in their formal attire and dramatic and confident performances. Evenings like this are a highlight for our Music team as we all learn what hard work, determination, taking risks and giving of our talents can bring to the community and our lives.  


This event is a major fundraiser for the Generations in Jazz trip to Mt Gambier on May 5-7 in Term 2. We are all very excited to go down to Generations and perform this year, there is a lot of anticipation building in the Music department for this event. Thank you to those who attended on the evening and gave generously.  


Many thanks also must go to Gerald Pederick, Carolyn Taylor, Andrew Cockburn and Lachlan Wilson (Year 12 student) for playing very important roles in bringing this event together. Of course, the students are the stars of the show and always bring so much commitment and joy to their performances making these events unforgettable in the life of the College. 

Sally Cameron


The students of Pedare Voices and Luminaire Vocal had the privilege of working with special guest vocal artist Sally Cameron, formerly from The Idea of North Vocal Ensemble. This was in preparation for the Masquerade Cabaret held on Thursday 6 April and Generations in Jazz to be held on 5-7 May. Sally shared techniques on the art of singing with the students who greatly appreciated her fun and enthusiastic approach to teaching.

Shrove Tuesday


We continue to encourage our students to have an outward looking focus and seek ways that they can make a difference to the lives of others in our community. During this term, we have been involved in several activities to do just this.

Pancake Day

The Middle and Senior School students came together for a combined outdoor Worship service held on Shrove Tuesday in the Wattle Courtyard. Led by the Worship team and student leaders, pancakes were prepared, cooked, eaten and enjoyed as we were reminded by our Chaplain, Mr Morton, of the significance of Lent leading into the season of Easter.

We were thrilled to be able to donate $500.00 to UnitingCare to use in their outreach ministry.

Anglicare SA

This year, we have made a commitment to support Anglicare SA with donations of food for their foodbanks. Through the Home Group participation in our fortnightly Worship Services, together with contributions from staff, our first food donation was made to the Salisbury branch of Anglicare.

We look forward to being able to make continued donations to Anglicare throughout the year. 

Harmony Day

Celebrated every year in Australia on 21 March, Harmony Day recognises the diversity in our cultures and our strength in unity. Orange is the colour for harmony, and at the Middle and Senior campus, we often celebrate this day with a casual day, donating money to our chosen charities, and involving students in an activity to make us stop and think about the importance of this day.

This year, Eldergreen hosted a wonderful Assembly celebrating the many different cultures here in our College community and we collected $800.00 for Uniting World and Kids Helpline, our respective Middle and Senior School charities.

Each Home Group was given an orange Harmony Day circle and asked to decorate it in a way that reflected the importance of culture, diversity, strength and unity. These circles have now been placed within the College grounds, not only adding colour, but serving as a reminder to respect and accept differences between cultures. Special thanks go to Mr Tymukas, Ms Benyk, Erin Brooks and Mr Franks for their efforts in making this activity happen.


Year 7 Camp


Monday 20 – Wednesday 22 March

2017 was the second year that Year 7 students journeyed up the South-Eastern Freeway to Woodhouse Activity Centre at Piccadilly in the Adelaide Hills. The camp is about students developing stronger relationships with their peers through team building games on Challenge Hill an iconic landmark of the sight and stepping out of their comfort zones at giddying heights by walking tightropes and leaping for trapeze bars in the forest. New activities were introduced in the form of a hike around the Mount George area, proving to be a real hit with the students despite the wet conditions. Students were set the task of bringing, preparing and cooking their own meals for the first time and with many questions in the lead up, some gourmet meals were created. A positive new step in the ever-developing camp program at Pedare, has proved to be a hit and will set students on a personal development path not only for their school journey but for their life.

Year 7 Heritage Hike 7


Wednesday 5 April

On Wednesday 5 April, Year 7s enjoyed an interesting Heritage Hike as they toured the Carter Ruins at Greenwith and then on to the Golden Grove Uniting Church, Cemetery and old Schoolhouse on Crouch Road. Students continued their walk to Captain Robertson house, which unfortunately is now in ruins, before having lunch at Garden Grove Supplies Café du Grove. They finished the day by exploring the Tea Tree Players Community Hall and Brooklyn Villa at Tilly Reserve before wearily walking back to Pedare. This was an excellent opportunity for the students to learn about the history that surrounds them in their own community.

Phil Cummings


Monday 27 March

The Year 7s greatly enjoyed the author visit of Phil Cummings. Phil spoke about how stories usually come from real-life experiences, which can be our own or from other people. He explained that we should write down ideas for stories when we think of ideas. He went on to say that once we have drafted a story it is always a good idea to get a friend or family member to read It back to us. It is also important to see that editing or comments by teachers should be seen as an opportunity to learn and improve; this is very much the experience of authors who have to make countless changes to drafts suggested by their publishers. In the break-out sessions, Phil helped the students to write drafts of stories through a series of verbal prompts which they used to write words and descriptive phrases as part of a narrative structure. The students were really engaged and responded with great enthusiasm. Some of their comments included:

“I enjoyed how we were given help planning out our stories, and using key words as well as descriptive phrases”  

“he was exciting and funny – people in the first two rows almost died of laughter”

Year 7 Science 1


Students in Year 7 Science are studying classification of living things and habitats. In one session, students were excited about handling the resident Pedare ‘Science Lab’ stick bugs. Students have also classified some of the leaves, insects and birds on campus. Under the IB MYP concepts of relationships, form and interaction, students have given critical thought to how plants and animals might be classified or organised. Also, students have looked at potential habitats for animals, their adaptations and their part in the food web. Discussion, experimentation, investigation and in-depth inquiry are all aspects of an exciting curriculum in Science. Handling the stick insects has been a great way to interact with nature and develop an interest in Biology.

Year 9 Biomes Geog excursion


Thursday 23 & Friday 24 March

Students in Mr DeBoer’s and Ms Mossell’s Year 9 Geography classes completed some field work at Dry Creek, creating a transect of vegetation. The skill involves setting up a 20-metre tape measure in the vegetation and making note of the number and size of the plants along that ‘slice’ of woodland. Students created a scale profile drawing of the woodland, noting plant species and density. In the IB MYP curriculum, students are looking at the global impact of human life on biomes (or specific ecosystems such as a forest or desert). The concepts of connection and sustainability are studied in-depth to look at the biodiversity which exists on our planet within these biomes, how humans have altered them and the issues they are facing. The construction of a transect is a key Geography skill which enables students to make sense of the natural world and communicate essential information graphically.

Personal Project Pics-14


“We were created for meaningful work and one of life’s greatest pleasure’s is the satisfaction of a job well done.”  John C Maxwell

The Year 10 Personal Projects are, without question, one of the most challenging undertakings within the IB curriculum. Given the scope of the project, they should also be one of the most significant learning experiences for our students. At the end of this process, students should be able to look back at their project, see their own personal growth and feel satisfaction at what they have achieved.

On Wednesday 22 March, we celebrated with the students as they presented the outcomes of their projects to members of the College community. Once again, the Chapel was buzzing as the students proudly spoke about their project goal and what they had achieved – to staff and students during the day, and families and staff in the evening. It was lovely that so many Year 11 and 12 students wanted to come and see the projects and to hear their high praise on the improved standard they could recognise having been through this experience themselves. In particular, the shift of the projects from being just about a personal achievement to including a defined purpose to benefit others. I would love to be able to name, and congratulate, every individual student for their achievements in this project – suffice to say, we are so proud of every one of you!!

Having completed their outcomes, the Year 10s are now into the final stage of this process. We wish them all the best as they put together their project report with the help of their supervisors. A big thank you goes to the families and staff who have supported the students on this learning journey.

Hidden Figures


Tuesday 28 March

On Tuesday 28 March, a group of female Senior Mathematics students visited the Capri Theatre in Goodwood to take part in a special viewing of the movie Hidden Figures. The event was run by the CHOOSEMATHS Program, from the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI). The students had an opportunity to listen to inspiring women working in mathematics careers, including Dr Susan James, Careers Awareness Officer at AMSI. Dr James shared with the students that 70% of all future jobs will require Mathematical skills; however, only 30% of Mathematics related Undergraduate courses are filled by female students and urged them to be inspired by the three women in the Hidden Figures movie.

The movie, Hidden Figures, is an inspirational story of the women who crossed all gender and race lines to serve as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history, the great Space Race. It outlined how these three women’s perseverance, hard work and, most importantly, their Mathematics skills enabled them to become key members of the NASA space team during this important time.

The students thoroughly enjoyed the movie and were able to see how their Mathematical skills can be used in future career pathways.


We encourage families to share their child/rens personal achievements from both within and outside of the College, as we understand learning doesn’t stop at the school gate. If your child has a special achievement, we welcome your submission. Articles of 100 to 200 words along with a good high-resolution photo can be emailed by clicking the button below.

Charlotte Armitage 1

Charlotte Armitage

Congratulations to Charlotte Armitage, Year 12, who competed in the State Final of the Lions Club Youth of the Year competition on Saturday 8 April. Charlotte was awarded the prize for Best Public Speaker.

Well done Charlotte, quite an achievement.

Madi Smith

Madison Smith

Congratulations to Madison Smith, Year 7, who participated in and whose team won the TTG District SAPSASA Girls Div 1 Softball tournament in Week 10. This is the first time TTG has won the Girls Div 1 in Softball. It was an exciting week, with a nail biting last game to fight back from 3-12 down to win 13-12 to take out the Championship. Madi was the main pitcher for the team and her mum, Pedare staff member Jodie Smith was Head Coach.

Well done on a fantastic result!





Extra-Curricular Fixtures are available on the Pedare App and on the College website.

Click here to view the Extra-Curricular fixtures online

Extra-Curricular Fixtures_web


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Soup @ St Mark’s

St Mark’s invites you to enjoy a free cafe style soup in a warm and friendly community atmosphere on Thursdays from 6:00pm – 7:30pm from May until August. Enjoy free cafe style soup in a warm and friendly community atmosphere. Everyone is welcome! For more information phone 8289 4003 or email for more information.


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Tea Tree Gully Anglican

Generators Kids Club 2016 (Years R-6)

Come and join us. Generators Kids Club meets Fridays each fortnight for great games, craft and bible time. More info can be downloaded from our website. We meet at 19 Perseverance Rd TTG. Click on for more details or phone Rick on 8264 3736.

SWAT youth (Years 7-12)

Meets Friday each week at 7:30pm. Come for a great time of games, friendship and bible discussion. We meet at 19 Perseverance Rd TTG. Click on for more details or phone Dave on 0403 723 953.

Weekly Services – Check our website for more details

Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion

Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries. Communion on third Sunday of every month

Sunday@6.00pmYouth, young adult and those young at heart. Communion first Sunday of every month. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.