Mr James Tamblyn
I commend and thank all members of the College community for your steadfast commitment to each other over the past few months. As we approach the end of Term One amidst the most unique and challenging period most of us have experienced, I sincerely hope and pray that you and your families are receiving all the support you need. If there is anything at all that the College can be doing to help you through this difficult period, please reach out so that assistance can be provided.
As we prepare to move into the Easter season, more than ever our world needs the message of hope that the upcoming weeks provide for us. As we hear in the First Letter of Peter:
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. (1 Peter 5:10)
Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar. It celebrates not only Christ’s resurrection, but also the destruction of the power of sin and death forever. It symbolises the opening of heaven with the gift of eternal life to everyone. May this promise strengthen you all at this time and fill you with the courage to stay mindful of others’ needs as we resist the temptation to focus on ourselves.
The strength of a community is defined by our capacity to give and keep giving, faithful in the knowledge that our own needs will be met. Thank you for the way you are caring for each other at this time, and in anticipation of your ongoing kindness to each other as we remain united in confronting the current challenges before us.
Please click on video below to view a message from Mr Whiteman, Deputy/Head of Senior School, Mrs Brooks, Head of Middle School and
Mr Pearce, Head of Junior School.
Because of the current changes to the way we live at the moment, from Monday 30th March all Devon Clothing Uniform Shops are closed until further notice for in-store purchasing, but they still have you covered for Winter!
For information on how to order on-line and to see what great savings are available please click here.
Recently I spent some time walking the tracks of Anstey’s Hill recreation park. It was one of the healthiest things I’ve done this year and not just for the physical exercise. The peacefulness of the native bush was mentally and emotionally calming, the lack of hurry or stress displayed by koalas and kangaroos a reminder of a different way of being. It was refreshing for my inner life and helped me see beyond, or beneath, an outer life dominated by all that is uncertain and stressful in life at this time.
As I pondered the state of the world and the state of my own spiritual wellbeing, I became aware of a dual reality that is ever present, but especially so during the current global health crisis. On the one hand I am very aware of all that is broken, sick and distorted in this world. Yet I also see the beauty of God’s creation around me and see many examples of humanity expressing compassion, wisdom and responsible care of themselves and others. We have seen so much of that here at Pedare as we strive together to overcome the frustrations and challenges and find new ways to provide students with a place of learning, support and spiritual growth. It reminds me of the opening line in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”
As Easter approaches, this dual reality helps us understand the Christian message of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God’s original creation was flawless; “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” (Genesis 1:31 NIV). Sadly, the Bible provides a record of how humanity has too often moved away from God’s design for a healthy, responsible and fulfilling existence, resulting in a world broken and strained from the effects of sin. In the New Testament one writer says, “The whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time” (Romans 8:22). What a powerful image that is!
Yet childbirth suggests the imminent arrival of something good. It’s a picture of pain, but also a picture of hope! And that’s exactly what Easter is all about. God sent his perfect Son Jesus to die for the sins of an imperfect world. His resurrection demonstrated his defeat of sin and death. Now, through faith in him we may all experience forgiveness, peace and the restoration of hope both in this life and in the life to come.
Easter Church Services
If you were considering an Easter church service this year, many churches are offering online services either live-streamed or pre-recorded. The links to those services for some of our founding and supporting parishes are provided in the Community News section of this edition of the Vine, please click here.
May you all have a safe and hope-filled Easter and experience God’s protection and provision through these challenging times.
Mr John Morton – College Chaplain
With each day comes new insights into Covid-19 pandemic, making it is difficult to explain to our younger students when remote learning will conclude. As parents, you may not be able to control state borders or how many toilet rolls your neighbour may purchase but you can control how to spend quality time with your family. As a learning community we are able to model growth mindset for our children as remote learning is a good way to start new routines within our homes.
When considering how to introduce new routines, it could be highly beneficial to include children into the conversations and decisions of what their day could look like. This will help the students understand what it means to be principled in making balanced choices throughout the day that positively impact on their own wellbeing. I am sure many parents are prepared with games, craft, chores and books as balancing play and online learning form a wholistic routine for children. Providing choice of activities such as baking, reading, viewing, making and moving our bodies can also assist with keeping frustration and boredom to a minimum.
When considering new routines that accommodate remote learning please be open minded as good mental health relies on our ability to keep connected. In this end, technology is our friend. Connecting with friends on social media, Skype and phone calls are a great way to reach out in support of one another. I would encourage that all children use this technology under the supervision of parents.
Here is an additional resources you can use to assist you to develop your home routines:
Mrs Lyn Davis – Assistant Head of Junior School
It is no news to any of us that we find ourselves in a space like we have never been in before. All change brings its challenges, and when there are so many added uncertainties like those we are experiencing at the moment, we need to be honest and acknowledge how we are feeling, but take positive steps to keep a healthy outlook.
To be successful during remote learning, we must consider our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. At Pedare, we are focussing on the following six aspects of wellbeing and looking for ways to maximise these and keep ourselves in a positive growth mindset.
We will be making regular ‘check-in’s’ with our students with suggestions of how to maintain their wellbeing, and encourage parents and families to tap into these also. The points printed in red are some tips and hints aimed at wellbeing practices during remote learning.
Self Care
Get a good night’s sleep, eat healthy and exercise.
Where possible, keep doing the things you enjoy.
Stay in touch with family and friends.
Set-up a dedicated workspace, stick to your College timetable, limit distractions and stay in touch with friends, family and your teachers.
Be generous to others – giving to others in times of need not only helps the recipient, it enhances your wellbeing too. Is there a way to help others around you?
Mindfulness is the practice of ‘just being’ – being aware of the present moment and approaching it in an accepting, curious and open manner. Research has shown that practising mindfulness can decrease anxiety, increase optimism and academic performance.
The ‘Smiling Minds’ app is a great free resource that you can use to practise mindfulness at home.
Programs Include:
Other Useful links:
Beyond Blue’s information about wellbeing in relation to the coronavirus
Lifeline’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Tips during the Coronavirus
Headspace’s information for young people and Tips to maintain a healthy headspace.
Ms Jan Robertson – Assistant Head of Senior School & Mrs Joanne Murby – Student Counsellor
The College library is a very friendly and supportive learning space. It is wonderful to see our students enjoying reading. Stories entertain us and teach us so much about our world, ourselves and each other.
We hope that all our students will take time to read a good book or story as they spend more time at home. Many have borrowed extra books from our library.
Premiers Reading Challenge rules have been relaxed for this year so students can choose more free choice books at their level if they are unable to access books from the PRC list to add to their own record.
Our Middle and Senior school students have access to the Wheelers ePlatform through the library button on the student SEQTA welcome page. Choose SSO to access the library WEBOPAC where students can view the Wheelers ePlatform and our databases. Once students have accessed the Wheelers ePlatform, they could choose to download the ePlatform app and read/listen to books from their device or phone.
Please contact the library staff if you require further assistance. Happy reading.
Mrs Liz Denton-Brown – Teacher/Librarian
Congratulations to the 2019 Year 9 students who have officially completed the IBMYP programme and will receive their certificates. Please click on the video below to see the recipients of the MYP Academic Excellence Awards, IB Learning Profile Awards and the Community Project Excellence Awards.
Congratulations to Eugene Lee, Year 6, who was awarded the BHP Science and Engineering 2020 Primary Encouragement Award for his ‘Wireless Power Transmission’ project. Eugene also obtained the First Prize of Oliphant Science Young Scientist Award, the First Prize Scientific Inquiry Award, Australian Institution of Energy Prize, and the Bronze CREST Award (recommended for secondary students) in his fifth grade 2019.
Entry into the BHP Foundation Science and Engineering Award is via nomination only through a state or Territory Science Teacher Association Competition.
Well done Eugene.
Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below: