Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 5 for 2021

The Vine Issue 5 – 2021

April 1, 2021
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Mr James Tamblyn


The Thursday before Good Friday is known as Maundy Thursday. The word ‘maundy’ comes from the Latin word ‘command’. It is on this day that Jesus and his disciples shared their last supper together to mark Passover. Jesus washes his disciples’ feet, and commands them to love one another.

When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, ‘Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.’ – John 13:12-15

Through this act of service and kindness Jesus is showing us how to treat others. Despite the impending betrayal of his closest friends, he chose to share his final meal with them and serve them in this way. And he calls us to do the same; to put others’ needs ahead of our own and model the ways we would like to be treated.

As we prepare for our Easter break, and the ensuing term break, please accept my thanks and gratitude for your ongoing support of the College. Term 1 is always a particularly busy time, and I encourage you to find some time for yourselves, with close family and friends, over the next few weeks. Term 1 concludes on Friday 9 April, and we look forward to welcoming students back to school on Wednesday 28 April to commence Term 2.


Mr Andrew Whiteman


At this time of year many of our students are looking for a break and the Easter holiday period comes at the perfect time. Our senior students have worked very hard this term to complete their assessment tasks to a high standard. The end of term is almost here, and I know after speaking with many students there is still work to be completed in the final week of term. I will be delivering a message to our students about the need for them to stay focused on their studies for the last week and finish the term off in a positive manner. It will be the efforts of our students to continue right to the very end that will bring them the most satisfaction. There are tests, assignments and presentations that need to be finished over the next 4 days and finishing off well will be our major focus this week.

For our Year 12 students the holiday break should be a time to unwind and take a break from the regular school routine. It should also be a time for the students to be maintaining a study routine and ensuring that they are comfortable with the work required in Term 2. The holidays should be a time of rest and renewal but, as we remind our most senior students, the final year of school will be finished before they know it. Our message is to not waste any of the time available to them.

This past week has seen our Year 10, 11 and 12 students out of the College on a variety of excursions. Our Year 12 Physics and Year 11 Maths Methods students visited UniSA at Mawson Lakes, our Year 10, 11 and 12 Art students visited a number of galleries and our Stage 2 Business and Innovation students toured the picturesque Adelaide Oval. Here they learnt about the impressive business model of the oval as part of their external assessment. Some wonderful opportunities for our senior students to extend their learning outside of the classroom.

It was wonderful to see so many families in the College on Tuesday night for our Parent Teacher Interviews evening. After not seeing many families during 2020, due to obvious reasons, the energy and positivity throughout the Mallee building was impressive. These opportunities to connect with your child’s teachers are valuable and can provide a genuine platform for improvement in their academic studies. On Wednesday night the second night will be held. As always, if you are unable to attend these interviews, please make contact with your child’s teachers to arrange a phone conversation or a meeting at a mutually agreeable time.

I hope you all have a happy and safe Easter break.


 Mrs Lauren Brooks


‘Bird by Bird’

The Middle School aims to support students in getting into good study habits, manage time effectively, prioritising and communicating with teachers ahead of time if they experience any issues or concerns completing schoolwork.

As we near the end of an eleven-week term, most of our Middle School students will now be well entrenched in several assessments. Some of our students may be starting to feel a little overwhelmed with the volume of work ahead of them to complete before the holiday break.

I read a beautiful vignette from the book ‘Bird by Bird’ by Anne Lamott recently that reminded me of the ideal mindset for our students when feeling overwhelmed in their assessments.

The story was about a time Anne watched her Dad support her little brother. Her brother had been procrastinating to write a very big school project where he had to catalogue a prodigious number of birds.

The night before the due date, he felt overwhelmed and sat at the dining table in tears, surrounded by papers and textbooks, unable to know where to begin. The task had been left too late, and now, the night before, he sat in a panic and immobilised by the enormity of what was ahead of him. His Dad walked over to him and asked him to calm down. He sat with him until he stopped crying.

When he was calm, his Dad put his arm around him and simply said… “Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.”


Mr Randall Pearce


In Week 10, we saw Year 5 students and their teachers experience camping life with a 3-day 2-night camp at Douglas Scrub McLaren Vale. This camp is an extension from our previous sleep over in Term 4 as Year 4 students, where the students spend a Friday night in tents within the school grounds.

School camp is a fantastic opportunity for children to develop new skills, friendships and interests. The benefits of school camp are numerous, here are my top five:

  1. Development of social skills

School camp is a great opportunity to develop a range of social skills. Most activities at camp involve teamwork, which is great to strengthen established friendships and also to develop new friendships by connecting with children they don’t regularly talk with at school.

Through bonding activities, children develop supportive relationships not only with different children, but also with their teachers. At camp, children have the opportunity to learn about acceptance, caring and understanding.

  1. Development of independence skills

For many children school camp is their first time away from family and home for a few nights. Parents are not there to remind their kids to eat their vegetables, brush their teeth, or to have a shower.

Therefore, this is a great opportunity for kids to grow up by learning how take care of themselves and to do things on their own. Most kids do rise to the challenge and learn to rely on themselves when they spend time away home.

  1. Development of decision-making skills

Should I go with my friends or should I do the activity I really want to do? Should I sneak in my iPad / iPhone or similar? Should I stay up or go to bed? Supervising teachers are not able to hover over each child all the time, so at camp, children are responsible for making more of their own choices.

  1. Increased environmental awareness

During camp, children are exposed to authentic nature-based experiences. Hands-on activities in the outdoors stimulate all senses and facilitate learning. Children become more aware of the environment, develop outdoor skills and appreciation for nature.

  1. Learning new skills

At school camp, children will be exposed to a range of activities that they may not have tried before. When away from their parents, children are often more adventurous and willing to try new things.

Finally, school camps provide children with the opportunity to work with a variety of adults, that will nurture experiential education, build intergenerational relationships and result in a different style of learning. Teacher involvement is, of course, vital to every successful camp, with the bonds between students and teachers strengthened away from the classroom. Our students have the opportunity to form relationships through first-hand experiences with trained, caring adult role models and experience a sense of achievement in a supervised, safe and positive environment as a result.

Please click here to view some student comments and photos from our Year 5s whilst on camp.


Finding Harmony

One definition of harmony reads, ‘The quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole’.

Every year in Australia, Harmony Day is celebrated on 21 March. In our recent Middle and Senior School Assembly, we focussed on the importance of Harmony Day and how we can bring harmony to Pedare. Each Home Group and Core Class had the job of presenting a word associated with Harmony Day and this created a wonderful display in our Chapel.

Some thoughtful and insightful words shared by our students in this Assembly were:

Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. Interestingly, almost half of Australians were born overseas or have at least one parent who was. More than 7.5 million people have migrated to Australia since 1945 and over 70 indigenous languages are spoken in Australia. The week gives us an opportunity to reflect on what we do as individuals and as a group at Pedare. A focus this year has been on showing empathy, listening to others’ stories and taking action to promote a sense of belonging at Pedare. We hope you take the time to make others feel welcome and appreciated for their differences, understanding that our unique stories and experiences make Pedare that much richer as a community’.

Having a sense of inclusivity and belonging, and demonstrating gratitude and kindness, enhances our wellbeing. We encourage everyone to look for small things that can be done each day to create harmony within themselves, and in the interactions, they have with those they meet each day.

May we always try to ensure that the wellbeing of others is enhanced from our every interaction.



On Thursday 8 April, at 7:00pm, Pedare will once again be hosting their wonderful Cabaret evening in the College Chapel.

This is always a fabulous night of glitz and glamour, showcasing the talents of our music students as staff, family and friends are entertained by Pedare’s Stage Band, Luminaire Vocal Ensemble and Solo Performances.

Please BYO food and drinks. Tickets can be bought via QKR! App at a cost of $20.

This year, funds will be raised for Cancer Council SA.


Please see below Easter services for local churches:


  • Good Friday 2 April – 9:30am
  • Easter Sunday 4 April – 8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm

Easter Family Fun Day

On Easter Saturday 3 April, visit Banksia Markets from 8:30am – 1:00pm for Easter gift ideas, BBQ & Devonshire Teas, free Easter craft activities for children, plus over 30 stalls to browse. Part funds raised help support local mission initiatives and school chaplaincy.


  • Good Friday 2 April – 9:30am
  • Easter Sunday 4 April – 8:30am, 10:00am & 6:00pm (all Communion services)


  • Maundy Thursday 1 April – 6:00pm – Hall
  • Good Friday 2 April – 9:00am – Church/Hall
  • Easter Sunday 4 April – 10:00am – Church/Hall (Holy Communion)


  • Good Friday 2 April – 9:00am
  • Easter Sunday 4 April – 9:00am

If you wish to attend either service, please contact Ann Dixon on 0421 816 614 or email as attendees are limited due to Covid regulations.


For good quality second-hand uniforms, the Parents and Friends Shop will open, by appointment, on Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 April 2:00pm – 5:00pm in the coming term break. Please email to book a time.

The P&F Shop is open every Wednesday afternoon 3:00pm – 4:30pm and alternate Saturday mornings 11:00am – 1:00pm during term time.

Please click here for the dates.



Congratulations to the following students for achieving VEX Awards from the Nationals and State Championships, 2020 Science Investigator Awards and Athletics Carnival Race Medals which were all presented at Assembly on Thursday 25 March. (Please note: some of the award winners were unavailable when photos were taken).


2019 Nationals VRC – Pedare Pulse – Amaze Award

  • Tim Szabo
  • Angus McPherson
  • Vas Nair
  • Kaleb Bowering

2021 Stage Championships VRC – Robot Skills, Tournament Finalist and Think Award

  • Timothy Szabo
  • Angus McPherson

2019 Nationals VIQC – The Enigmas – Inspire Award

  • Simon Malherbe
  • Tegan Murby
  • Lainie Edwards
  • Keith Hodgson
  • Jayden Weber
  • Natalie Palmer (absent for photo)

2021 State Championships VIQC – Omega Bots – Judges Award

  • Callum Robertson
  • Aidan Zhao
  • Jesse Cockburn
  • Isaac Lyon

2021 State Championships VIQC – Thunderbolts – Amaze Award

  • Gideon Malherbe
  • Lachlan Saunders
  • Brooke Webster
  • Lysander Halikias
  • Abdul-Jalil El Rachid
  • Hiranya Agarwal
  • Aidan Milne
  • Dylan Shephard-Bayly

2021 State Championships VIQC – Power Source – Create Award

  • Josie Morrison
  • Madelyn Weeks
  • Kacie Duff
  • Charlie Kleeman
  • Sienna Gunn
  • Phoebe Urquhart


  • Jesse Cockburn – Year 7 – 2nd place
  • Caitlyn Ekins – Year  8 – 1st place
  • Ranya Tongaria – Year 8 – 3rd place
  • Katarina Basic – Year 8 – 3rd place
  • Eugene Lee – Year 6 – 1st place (Eugene was also presented with a CREST Award)
  • Ryan Jackson – Year 11 – 1st place (absent for photo)


Congratulations to the following race winners of the Athletics Carnival held at Tilley Reserve on Friday 12 March:

  • Jon Liebelt
  • Aden Parry
  • Teagan Murdey-Green
  • Jack WIlliams
  • Hamish Green
  • Tamica Muvingi
  • Tanveer Dunduli
  • Nicholas Graves
  • Daniel Growden
  • Rylee Schroeder
  • Gabrielle Smith

Other race winners who were absent for the photo are: Adele Jansen, Kyah Norris, Emma Caeran, Dylan Shephard-Bayly, Cashius Welch, Sophie Turnball.


Congratulations to the following students who were presented at assembly on Friday 19 March with a certificate for Reaching a Lexile level of 1000:

  • Allegra Barnes – Year 5
  • Blake Drechsler – Year 4
  • Alex Johns – Year 4


Pedare string students shine! On Sunday 28 March, four Pedare students Timothy Szabo (Stage 2 Ensemble Performance), Hannah Szabo (Year 11) Inseo Yoon (Year 10) and Alice Kim (Year 10) performed Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A Major with guest clarinettist Dean Newcomb from the ASO and Vaughan Williams London Symphony in the Adelaide Youth Orchestra. Premier Steven Marshall was in attendance and our Pedare students performed incredibly.

Mrs Nadine Stroud – Director of Music


On Friday 26 March, Year 12 Physics students went on a trip to the Mawson Lakes Campus of the University of South Australia. The day started off in the momentum lab of the University. During the morning session, students completed a practical using air hockey tables to investigate the conservation of momentum in two dimensions.

The afternoon consisted of a tour of the campus where students got to have an inside look into the new mechanical engineering workshop space and many other areas and facilities. Students were also introduced to some of the leading-edge research happening at the University including thin films that have a wide range of uses. The day ended with a presentation from two PhD students and one senior lecturer who introduced students to the vast world of material science and engineering. 

Mrs Natasha Paget – Senior School Physics Teacher


Year 11 Mathematical Modelling 2D to 3D UniSA Connect Program.

On Thursday 25 March, Year 11 Specialist Mathematics class built upon their knowledge of mathematical models and the relevance of these models to real world structures. As part of the program, they designed a bridge, had it printed as a 3D model and then explored the strength and stresses acting on their design. These 2-3g bridges were able to support loads of up to 11.7kg!

Mrs Leonie Brown and Mrs Bronwyn Dutch

Here are some student comments:

  • The Maths excursion was interactive and fun. It was really fun making bridges using excel and then using the 3D Printer to print it.” – Siddharth
  • “The Maths excursion was very insightful on showing how maths is applied to real life applications such as through bridges and structure.” – Alicia
  • “The Maths Modelling excursion was really fun and interactive. We were able to learn about building bridges and the different types of bridges.”Aayush
  • “It was really enjoyable learning about the bridge infra-structuring and modelling and using the 3-D printer to create our own bridge. The polarisation explanation was also very interesting; however, some was difficult to understand.”Emmett
  • “I quite enjoyed the Specialist Maths excursion as it gave me a chance to look at maths that is not shown or taught in schools. The 3D printing and destructive testing were very enjoyable.”Mitchell
  • “I thought the excursion was very insightful as I was able to learn about modelling maths for real life scenarios. I found it interesting learning about the mishaps that can occur when building structures and how designs have developed overtime. It was quite enjoyable building our structure and was interesting seeing how much weight it could take.”Ivanna
  • “The excursion to University was extremely interesting as we were all able to get an insight into maths in the real world. We all designed and modelled our own bridges to explore which types of structures would be the strongest. This enabled us to communicate with one another and research ways to strengthen our bridges. Seeing our designs come to life with the 3D printer was extremely interesting and would definitely recommend it to other students!”Samata
  • “This was the first time that I got to learn about 3D printing, and I thought it was really interesting to know about how it works and to observe the printed products. It was helpful to learn about the reasons behind the structures of the bridges.”Mingzhou


In Week 9 this term, our Year 10, 11 and 12 Visual Art students visited various galleries in Adelaide so that they could experience in person some of the wonderful artworks available for the public of South Australia to view. At the Art Gallery of South Australia, students were delighted to see an exhibition of paintings by the recently discovered Australian artist Clarice Beckett titled ‘The Present Moment’. These delightful artworks, created in the first half of the 20th Century took students on a sensory journey from the first breath of sunrise, through the day to the mists of nightfall.

Later in the day, students had the opportunity to view examples of the 2020 Stage 2 SACE Visual Arts students artworks and folios. This gave the them the opportunity to consider the diversity of themes that past students have attempted to communicate through art and to observe the variety of approaches to the presentation of their learning process in the Folios.

The excursion finished at the Samstag Museum of Art. Here students were challenged by the theatrical, multi-media installation artwork by the Irish artist Jesse Jones. The dark space with large video displays, moving walls of curtain and unexpected sounds and performances delighted and occasionally scared our students.

“There seemed to be a connection with the past and especially women of the past, who suffered greatly, and I felt a sense of relation, fear and empathy.”Jenna

The diverse range of art approaches witnessed during this excursion will encourage our students to explore new concepts in their art and experiment with alternative media.

Mr Tom Tymukas – Learning Area Coordinator, Art


In Week 10, Year 7s enjoyed their camp at Woodhouse Activity Centre, Piccadilly in the Adelaide Hills. This Outdoor Education Experience is a land-based camp that helps to develop relationships, independence, resilience and camp craft. This year, the weather was perfect for students to try new activities and to get out of their comfort zones whilst engaging with other students.


Year 5 students have been enjoying some incredible weather on their camp at Douglas Scrub. Students set up their own tents and even cooked their own dinner on a Trangia last night. Other activities included an adventure trail, orienteering, rock-climbing, camouflage games, boomerang making and shelter building. Lots of fun!

Student Comments:

Shelter Building

The instructor spoke to us about different types of materials We could use in the bush. We enjoyed as it taught us how to survive in the wild. We learnt if you need help you can make a shelter out large branches and sometimes bark in case you are lost in the bush to protect yourself from wild weather and animals.

  • “I like this because I like building shelters.”Tanvi
  • “It was fascinating to learn how fun it was to collect sticks and build with them.”Vincent

Rock Climbing
To be safe for rock-climbing we all needed gear such as a helmet and a harness. Once we had had a safety talk, we went over to the climbing wall in pairs. An instructor strapped one of us in to go climbing as high as we could. It was quite scary for some of us, but most got to the top. Your partner eased the rope back to the instructor to belay us down.

  • “It felt awesome getting to the top because we challenged ourselves.”Neel
  • “The belayer below helped you get to the top, so it was a team effort.”Emily H

Camouflage Games

Dressed in hessian sacks we had to use the foliage to decorate ourselves to help us blend into our surroundings. We painted our faces dark and light green and brown to further help us camouflage. We played ambush and sardines where we had to camouflage into our surroundings as best we could before we were found.

  • “We learnt how to be quiet and sneaky when creeping up on people.”- Hrihaan
  • “I enjoyed being able to learn while having fun about camouflaging in the wild.” Lizzi
  • “I had a really good time learning how to camouflage and what makes it easier to stay well hidden.”Stella
  • “It was very challenging to find an effective spot to hide.”Keith

With a map and a compass and we had to find markers around the camp site with our group. We held the compass in our hands and had to look where the red arrow was to orientate ourselves. Once we found each marker, we had to stamp our map to show we had successfully found each.

  • “I enjoyed using the map to find the locations.”Charlie J
  • “I enjoyed leading the group to some of the markers.” – Isabella 


Congratulations to Brooke Joppich, Year 11, who has progressed to the State Finals of the 2021 Lions Youth of the Year Contest.

Representing Pedare and the Golden Grove Lions Club, Brooke completed Round One of the competition at the Golden Grove Lions Club, and last weekend, was one of 5 contestants to participate in the regional round.

Brooke answered her two impromptu questions, ‘What are two values you see in a good leader?’ and ‘How have your range of subjects equipped you for your future goals?’ before giving her prepared speech on ‘My disAbility’ to the audience.

One of a talented field, Brooke performed very well to place second and we wish her the very best when she competes in the state final in the April holidays.



Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:


Congratulations to our Sub Junior Netball team who won their Grand Final at SADNA on Tuesday 30 March.

The team played a fast and strong game to come up victorious by 10 goals against North East Zodiacs.

Commiserations also to our Primary team who were defeated by two goals in their Grand Final on Friday 26 March after a marvellous season!

Well done to all for a great season.


On Tuesday 30 March, Pedare’s SSSA Athletics team enjoyed a massive day at SA Athletics Stadium in Mile End. After excellent individual results, with some students finishing in the top 3 and or achieving a personal best in their event, Pedare was placed 6th overall with the Boys coming in 3rd in their division.

Fantastic teamwork was demonstrated throughout the day in the outstanding relay performances.

Well done to all participants.


Congratulations to the Tea Tree Gully SAPSASA District Athletics Carnival Champions for 2021 – PEDARE!

Held at Bulkana Oval, Banksia Park, students competed against 17 other local schools and finished 20 points above their nearest competitor. Events included Shot Put, High Jump, Long Jump and Discus.

Well done to all participants.



Week 8


  • Year 6 Gold – BYE
  • Year 7 Blue – Pedare vs Athelstone Allstars – Loss 18 – 40
  • Year 7 Red – Pedare vs Stradbroke Scorpians – Loss 19 -21


  • Year 4/5 – Pedare vs Vale Park Primary White – Won 134 – 130
  • Year 6/7 – Pedare vs Blackfriars Priory – Loss 1(51) – 9(78)


  • Sub Junior 1 Yellow – Pedare vs Northeast Zodiac 3 – Won 30 – 17


  • Year 6 – Pedare vs CBC 1 – Game cancelled
  • Year 7 – Pedare vs Nazareth College – Loss 3 – 7
  • Year 8/9 – Pedare vs St Ignatius 1 – Won 7 – 5


  • Open B1 North – Pedare vs St Ignatius 2 – Won 3(77) – 0(69)
  • Open B2 North – Pedare vs PAC – Loss 1(51) – 2(63)
  • Middle C North – Pedare vs St Ignatius 2 – Won 2(63) – 1(67)
  • Middle B1 North – Pedare vs St Ignatius 2 – Loss 0(31) – 2(50)
  • Middle B2 North – Pedare vs St Peter’s College – Forfeit
  • Open Girls – Pedare vs Gleeson 1 – Loss 0 – 3
  • Middle Girls 1 – Pedare vs Kildare 2 – Won 3 – 0
  • Middle Girls 2 – Pedare vs Kildare 1 – Won 2 – 1


Week 9


  • Year 6 Gold – Pedare vs Kings Thunder – Loss 11 – 36
  • Year 7 Blue – BYE
  • Year 7 Red – Pedare vs Athelstone Allstars – Loss 10 – 50


  • Year 4/5 – Pedare vs Stradbroke School White – Won
  • Year 6/7 – Pedare vs Cabra Dominican College – No result 6(98) – 5(113)


  • Primary 1 Green – Pedare vs Tango 4 – Loss 14 – 16


  • Year 6 – Pedare vs St Ignatius 1 – Loss 2 – 10
  • Year 7 – Pedare vs St Michael’s – Won 10 – 2
  • Year 8/9 – Pedare vs St Paul’s – Loss 1 to 11


  • Middle B1 North – Pedare vs Pulteney Navy – Won 3(75) – 0(56)
  • Middle B2 North – Pedare vs Adelaide High – Loss 0(45) – 2(50)
  • Middle C North – BYE
  • Open B1 North – Pedare vs Blackfriars Priory – Loss 0(17) – 2(50)
  • Open B2 North – Pedare vs St Ignatius 2 – Loss 1(52) – 2(73)
  • Middle Girls 1 – Pedare vs Kildare 1 – Loss 1 – 2
  • Middle Girls 2 – Pedare vs St Ignatius 2 – TBC
  • Open Girls – Pedare vs Our Lady of Sacred Heart 1 – Loss 1 – 2




Tea Tree Gully Anglican


Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting, or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you. We meet at the church at 8:30am, 10:00am, and 6:00pm in person. If you can’t join us just yet, we’ll continue to stream at 8:30am and 10:00am online using Zoom and YouTube  Service times are 8:30am and 10:00am.

Please contact Dave Brown on for more details, or check their Facebook page for links.

If you are struggling and would like to talk with someone from the church during these trying times, please phone 8264 3736.




Tea Tree Gully Uniting – Banksia Markets


Tea Tree Gully Uniting host the ‘local and friendly’ Banksia Markets on the first Saturday of each month from 8:30am to 1:00pm at 600 Milne Road, Banksia Park. Stalls inside the hall and in the car park include produce, fresh fruit and vegetables, jewellery, tools, bric-a-brac and lots more. A BBQ and delightful Devonshire Teas are available. There is also 50% off of items in the BIG shed. For more information contact the TTG Uniting Church website a

A new Backyard Beekeeping introductory course starts on Tuesday 13 April at 7:30pm at the church. This event gives you all you need to know about “how to get started” in beekeeping. Meet with Phil Marshall; an experienced commercial beekeeper.



St Mark’s Anglican Church


St Mark’s Anglican Church currently have a 9:00 am traditional service. Please email to advise if you will be attending either service for COVID-19 requirements.

For further information and updates about St Mark’s services, please visit the website at or visit their Facebook page




Golden Grove Uniting Church


Golden Grove Uniting Church, corning of Crouch and One Tree Hill Road, Golden Grove, has a traditional service at 10:00am on a Sunday morning.  Also, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, we have a cafe style church, which is a relaxed contemporary worship service at 6:00pm in the Church hall.

On a Friday morning for parents/carers and children from birth to 5 years we have a mainly music programme starting at 9:30am. This is a fun, interactive 30-minute music session followed by morning tea and free play.

For further information, please contact the Office on 8251 4298 or by email:  you can even check our webpage: