Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 6 for 2018

The Vine Issue 6 – 2018

May 11, 2018
The Vine logo

Mr Mike Millard


Mr Mike Millard


Welcome back

Welcome back Pedare students and families to Term 2 after what I hope has been a restful and enjoyable holiday break. Term 1 was a long term, which included two public holiday breaks. I was very pleased with the determination students and staff displayed to ensure quality learning was maintained to the very last day of term.

This term, we look forward to the Anglican Cup, Year 6 Camp and Year 11 Camp Challenge, NAPLAN and later in the term, Year 10 and 11 examinations and Semester 2 changeover.

Generations in Jazz Festival

From Friday 4 May to Sunday 6 May, Pedare’s Jazz Band and Choir competed at the annual Generation in Jazz Festival in Mount Gambier. The event is the largest school Jazz competition in Australia and it is a wonderful opportunity for Pedare music students to compete against many schools. I thank Director of Music, Mrs Nadine Stroud, Mr Gerald Pederick and Mrs Caroline Taylor for their significant efforts to prepare the ensembles for the competition and ensure their stay was a great experience. Both ensembles finished in the top half of each of their divisions, which was a pleasing outcome. Click here for a full “Generations” report.


One College Update

The civil and concrete work for the Middle School and Blue Gum Gymnasium is well underway with the first footings for the Middle School having been poured and the pad for the Gymnasium compacted and ready for foundations. It is exciting to see the project coming out of the ground. In addition, work has commenced on the Junior School car park, Kiss and Drop and new entrance from Tenison Place. This part of the project should take two months to complete.

Mr Randall Pearce


Mr Randall Pearce


Welcome back to all of our students and families. It is wonderful to see all the children looking so smart in their winter uniforms. May I extend a warm welcome to Erin Bewley, 2B, who has joined our community this term. I hope that you already feel a part of the Pedare family and your association with the College is a happy one.

Cross Country

On Thursday 10 May, the Junior School held the Cross Country run. Please click here to read more about this annual event.

Mother’s Day Morning Tea

On Sunday 13 May we celebrate Mother’s Day. Mothers come in all shapes and forms. You can find them in your classrooms as teachers. Some are foster mothers or adoptive mothers. We have stepmothers. Many women care for children that are not their own – some aunts, sisters, grandmothers and friends. All these women are willingly and selflessly helping those around them. It is these women we honoured at our Mother’s Day Morning Tea on Friday 11 May.

Many thanks to the Parents and Friends Association and volunteers who, through our annual Mother’s Day Stall, gave the opportunity for the children in the Junior School to purchase a special gift for their mums for Sunday.


In Week 3, the Year 3 and 5 students will participate in the NAPLAN tests. This is a great opportunity for students to share their learning and growth and as a school, we are able to identify areas of strength and improvements at the individual and school level. At this stage these tests will be delivered online, should this change, the year levels will be notified. I ask all other year levels and visitors to the school are conscious that these tests are occurring and limit their noise around the Year 3 and 5 classrooms. The schedule is as follows:

  • Wednesday 16 May – Writing 9:00am
  • Thursday 17 May – Reading 9:00am Conventions of Language 10:30am
  • Friday 18 May – Numeracy 10:00am
  • Monday 21 May – Catch up day for tests missed.

I ask parents of Year 3 and 5 students help their children to feel relaxed about the tests. NAPLAN tests are important as they provide schools, education authorities and government with information about how education programs are working and whether young Australians are meeting important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy. Could I please also ask that you arrive at school on time next week, with a good breakfast and with the right equipment ready to shine.

Mr Andrew Whiteman


Mr Andrew Whiteman


Welcome back to Term 2 and I hope that the recent school holidays provided students and their families a break and time to relax. I was fortunate enough to spend some time on the Yorke Peninsula during the holidays and was treated to some beautiful weather. Our building contractors obviously had a busy term break because there was a lot of work completed while we were away.

The Chapel Courtyard was redesigned over the break with new paving and garden beds installed. This space is now more functional and Junior School students will enjoy this area when they arrive in 2019. The northern entrance, near the Golden Grove Arts and Recreation Centre, has been changed in preparation for the new road and carpark for the Junior School. Students have been asked to take extra care if they are entering or leaving the College from this gate. During this term, a new road, extra car parks and designated kiss and drop parks will be established. A new classroom was installed behind the Chapel making the new Danthonia precinct almost complete. This area currently houses 3 Year 9 classes but will become the Drama and Music area for all year levels in 2019.

We hope our Year 6 students enjoy their time away on camp this week. They have travelled to the Roonka Activity Centre in Blanchetown and we look forward to hearing about their exciting 3 days away.

In week 3 our Year 7 and 9 students will be completing the annual NAPLAN assessments online.  These tests are the national literacy and numeracy tests that all children across Australia will sit at the same time. Unfortunately, and unavoidably these tests do cause stress for some of our students. We have tried to convey to all our students the fact that the tests are simply a test of a particular skill on a particular day. Students at Pedare have many gifts and talents and a standardised test simply cannot measure all of these. We hope that all students perform to the best of their ability and look forward to the challenge of the Literacy and Numeracy questions.

A reminder that the students must have their electronic devices fully charged for the NAPLAN tests. Headphones are required for each test and, if students are completing the tests on an iPad, an external keyboard is strongly recommended. There will be some spares for students but please remember to send these on each of the days.  For more information about the NAPLAN tests please see

It was wonderful to see so many families attend the recent Parent / Student / Teacher Interview evening. I know there was much to celebrate last term and this night is a chance to put some faces to names you may have heard about from your children. Hopefully, the students and families came away with some strategies about how to improve on student results. It is when we operate in partnership with families that the most improvement can occur. If you were unable to attend the night, or missed seeing a particular teacher, please do not hesitate to contact them via email to arrange a meeting.

Mrs Gillian Edwards


Mrs Gillian Edwards


Welcome to Term 2 which even in the first two weeks promises to be a busy and engaging one.

A number of our students attended a Barista Training Course at the College on the day before school resumed. We look forward to enjoying the fruits of their skills as the term progresses. At the end of the first week, our music students attended the annual Generations in Jazz at Mount Gambier. In Week 2, some of our English classes attended both theatre and Spoken Word Poetry performances and several of our Year 11 Science students attended a STEM for Girls day at UniSA. Our Senior School also participated in the annual Anglican Cup.

Later this term we look forward to evening performances from our Year 11 and 12 Drama students, the Year 12 Solo Music evening, Year 12 PE Aquatics Camps, Year 11 Geography Camp and a variety of excursions across many Learning Areas, concluding with the Year 11 Challenge in Week 10.

Semester 1 will conclude in Week 8 with examinations for Years 10 and 11, commencing on Friday of Week 7. Following Parent/Teacher/Student interviews late last term, we hope our students have returned to the College with increased focus on how they can better develop their learning outcomes. Please do not hesitate to contact teachers if any concerns or questions arise.

The SACE board has provided familiarisation details about electronic examinations. Our Stage 2 English Literary Studies class will be the first to complete their final exam online at the end of this year. Then other subjects will be rolled out in coming years. You are encouraged to access the link, please click here to familiarise yourself with the future of SACE examinations. For further information about electronic examinations, click here.

Very best wishes to you all for a happy and successful Term 2, as well as a healthy one as we move into the winter months.




College Chapel, 12-30 Surrey Farm Drive, Golden Grove

Monday 28th May 2018 at 7:30pm

Parents, friends and old scholars of the College are cordially invited to attend.

The Agenda will include:

  1. a) reports from the Chair of the Board and the Principal
  2. b) the financial report for 2017
  3. c) the appointment of The College Auditor

Eligible to vote

The following adult persons are automatically eligible persons who can attend and vote at a general meeting:

  • a parent of a present student of the College (as per the current signed enrolment form)
  • a present staff or Board Member

Others who wish to vote

To be an eligible person wishing to attend and vote at a general meeting the following adult persons will need to have completed a Membership Application form:

  • a parent of a past student of the College shall be eligible to be a member of the College up to 31st December in the third year after their last child leaves the College
  • a former student of the College with a minimum of three years attendance, shall be eligible to be a member of the College up to the 31st December in the third year after they have left the College
  • a former student of the College who has current membership of the Pedare Old Scholars’ Association
  • a parishioner of a participating parish or church

Membership Application forms are available on the College website:  New membership applications will need to be received by the College (Board Secretary) by 4:00pm Friday 11th May 2018, to enable the College to process applications prior to the Thirty-third College AGM.

Copies of the Agenda may be obtained from the College Office, or by phoning 8280 1700, or on the College website Tea and coffee will be served following the AGM.

On behalf of the Board

Mark Watson

Board Secretary

30 April 2018



Thursday, 3 May

With Anzac Day falling in the Term One holidays, it has become a Pedare tradition to have an Assembly in the week we return to school which includes a segment dedicated to recognising and remembering those who have served their country in war, in particular, our Anzacs.

This year, staff and students in each Home Group were asked to participate in a reflection on Anzac Day and write a message of remembrance on a piece of paper. Each message was then attached to a makeshift wire wreath, some of which included further decoration such as rosemary, poppies and bursts of colour.

During the Assembly, our Australian flag was assembled on the stage and together, we all said the Ode of Remembrance. The Pedare Student Voice representative from each Home Group was then asked to bring their wreath to the stage and lay it at the base of the Australian Flag. The messages that had been written were heartfelt, thoughtful and pertinent to the occasion, and it was wonderful to have everyone in our College community contribute to this act of remembrance.

Lest we forget.

Ms Jan Robertson, Assistant Head of Senior School




Head of Junior School Awards

On Friday 13 April, Head of Junior School awards were presented to students from each year level. Congratulations to the following students:

  • RE – Tyson Penney
  • RO – Emeline Carr
  • 1M – Blake Drechsler
  • 1P – William Maynard

Tyson Penney & Emeline Carr


Blake Drechsler & William Maynard

  • 2B – Stella Amadio
  • 2CH – Christian Caruso
  • 3A – Zara Lebessis
  • 30 – Zoe Goodland

Christian Caruso & Stella Amadio


Zoe Goodland & Zara Lebessis

  • 4C – Ruby Horridge
  • 4V – Elijah Crossman
  • 5LC – Isaac Lyon
  • 5P – Kailee Panagopoulos

Ruby Horridge & Elijah Crossman


Kailee Panagopoulos & Isaac Lyon



The students at Pedare Christian College are delighted to have received their BluBots and grids, thanks to a generous TelstraKids grant from Telstra. The new set complements the sets bought with the Woolworths Earn & Learn points in 2017. The Junior School now have 14 BluBots, which means one bot between 2 students.

We are excited by the prospect of developing our skills in coding, through the hands-on opportunities and challenges the Blubots will provide. This has already proven to be an engaging vehicle for exploring technology in our digital age and has prompted thoughtful reflection and positive risk-taking amongst our Junior School students.

Mrs Ailsa Burne – Teacher, Year 2



As part of our inquiry into change and its impact, the Year 2s are exploring the key concepts of: ‘How is it changing?’ and ‘What is the link to other things?’

They were keen participants in a number of Science experiments presented by the Mobile Science Lab on Wheels. The main focus was an investigation into how materials behave. The presentation was both engaging and inspirational and our budding scientists are reflecting on aspects of the world around them with a heightened sense of awe and wonder.

Mrs Ailsa Burne and Ms Alicia Clare – Teachers, Year 2




Thursday, 10 May

Some very challenging weather conditions, with wind and rain throughout the morning, threatened this year’s last Cross Country at the Junior School Campus. Fortunately, we were able to get through the program with the rain pouring down on us at the end of the Reception’s first ever Cross Country run. A large number of parents and caregivers attended with their brollies and coats and supported their children along the way.

The usual community cheers began proceedings and for the first time, the students got to sing (yell!) the cry on three occasions, as year levels joined in from their classes. This enthusiasm continued throughout the races. The students showed great determination as they pushed themselves to the point of pain.

There were some very convincing performances, which will hold Pedare in good stead as they will represent the College next Friday, May 18, at the Tea Tree Gully District SAPSASA Cross Country event at Bulkana Oval. We wish those students well and are confident as a school we can go close to winning the Shield.

The results from the day:

  • 1st   Eldergreen 3.13 pts
  • 2nd   Surrey 2.91 pts
  • 3rd    Hillcott   2.51 pts
  • 4th    Greenwith    2.37 pts
  • 5th    Brooklyn   2.15 pts

Mr Heath Perry – Sports Coordinator R-5



IB MYP Perfect Score Winners


Thursday, 12 April

The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), for students aged 11 to 15 years provides a framework of learning which encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers. The MYP emphasizes intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and to the real world. It is this connection with the real world that gives our learning context and meaning. Creativity and problem solving is central to education, along with inquiry and research, which gives our programme international credibility.

Congratulations to the following students for their academic achievements in IB MYP:

IB MYP Award

Year 10

  • Liliana Carleti – Perfect IB Score – 49
  • Soniya Panakkal – Perfect IB Score – 49
  • Maya Smale – Perfect IB Score – 49

Year 11

  • Jack Hynds – Highest IB Score – 48

Community Project Award

Year 10

  • Phoebe Armitage – Healthy Lunch Kits – 29/32
  • Alicia Jamal – Healthy Lunch Kits – 29/32
  • Alexandra Gauci – Health & Fitness Nutrition Plan – 28/32
  • Ashdyn Zechner – Kid’s Club – 30/32
  • William Piercey – Environmental Characters – 28/32

Community Project Award

Year 10 

  • Soniya Panakkal – Raising Awareness about Homelessness – 31/32
  • Liliana Carletti – Community Project A to Z – 30/32
  • Maya Smale – Teddy Bears for Christmas – 32/32
  • Chelsea Shattock – Designing a brochure to promote volunteering – 28/32

Global Context Prize Winners

We also congratulate the high level achievers of the Personal Project, including the Global Context Prize winners:

Year 11

  • Asini Walganpola – The Female Fight
  • Ashley Sarich – Raising Children with Awareness of Feminism – Global Context Prize
  • Dylan Wall – A History of Test Cricket
  • Kate Dewis – K-pop, Kimchi and Kwanghan – Global Context Prize
  • Connor Pullinger – Making Adelaide Exciting for Adolescents – Global Context Prize
  • Jorja Solly – Educating Year 7s about Impacts of Bullying
  • Eloise Arnfield – Dance Performance for the Elderly
  • Holly Willsdon – Health & Well Being Magazine

Year 11

  • Holly Randell – Illustrated Book Exploring Societies Perception of Success – Global Context Prize
  • Brooke Carrigan – Benefits of Listening to Classical Music – Global Context Prize
  • Nathan White – Maritime Safety – Titanic Lifebelt
  • Erin Pallant – Times Tables Activity
  • Jack Hynds – Emergency Black Box
  • William Norrington – Mosquito Catcher – Global Context Prize
  • Katherina Mazai-Ward – Our Solar System and Beyond – Global Context Prize
  • Freddie Piercey – Designing a Clothing Label – Global Context Prize



Friday – Sunday, 4-6 May

2018 was Pedare’s fifth attendance at the annual Generations in Jazz weekend in Mount Gambier, and what an amazing time we had! Twenty-four keen and enthusiastic music students travelled down to this phenomenal music festival which hosts schools from all over Australia to perform and be inspired.

This year, Pedare took two ensembles: the Pedare Stage Band to perform in the highly competitive Division 4 Band section and the Division 3 Vocal section. Pedare students performed with passion, skill, determination and a lot of heart, to achieve excellent results and invaluable feedback from international musicians and vocalists.

Students watched in awe as once again the host James Morrison bedazzled us with his trumpet prowess and was accompanied by a range of highly accomplished world-renowned musicians and vocalists. International Jazz trombonist Shannon Barnett, and US Jazz sensation Jeff Clayton on the saxophone entertained and wowed us with their virtuoso skills. Nazrine Rahmani showed us what percussion should really sound like and we were privileged enough to have a concert of unbelievable jazz vocal by Grammy Award Winning Patti Austin. Patti won the hearts of the students with her cheeky personality, but showed us all how to tell a story through her voice.

The highlight of this year would have to be the absolutely brilliant concert on the Saturday night of The Cat Empire. No words can describe the energy in that tent seating about 7000 people as the Cat Empire energetically thrilled us with their passion for music. It is one we will never forget

These humble musicians and vocalists from all over the world also provided workshops for the students, teaching from their wide experiences and they graciously met, chatted and had photos with our students.

Many thanks must go to the amazing Mr Gerald Pederick and Mrs Rachelle Knight for their leadership and support over the weekend, but most of all, for their love of music.

Bring on GIJ 2019!

Mrs Nadine Stroud – Director of Music R-12




On Wednesday 11 April, the Eco Force group went on an excursion to the St Martin’s Anglican Church in Campbelltown to be part of the their ‘Eco Faith’ ceremony. The students were joined by a number of people from the local community who grew their own vegetables, specifically for donating the harvest to local charities.

Eco Force students brought the produce from Pedare’s own gardens and participated in a service giving thanks to God for the bounty and how it might bless local people in need. Several students spoke about caring for the homeless or their roles in the SA Youth Environmental Council.

After the service, students toured the old Anglican chapel and cemetery, which also contained some excellent artefacts and interpretative information on the history of the local market gardens in the Campbelltown area.

We discovered Campbelltown was famous for its own variety of celery, a very exciting fact indeed!

Mr David DeBoer – IB MYP Coordinator



Mr Penny with Geoguessr winners Ashley Donaldson and Kevin Ho


Year 6 Persuasive Speaking Competition

Term 1 Week 11 saw the finals of the annual Year 6 Persuasive Speaking Competition. This Competition, currently in its 6th year, sees students research, write, rehearse and deliver a persuasive speech to their peers about which animal species deserved to be saved above all others. Every student who completed this, for many, very difficult and nerve-wracking task deserves to be commended. Two students were then selected from each class to compete in the Grand Final. This year’s finalists were:

Oliver Carletti, Grace Collins, Ryan Ansari, Natasha Paraskeva (People’s Choice Award) and the joint winners – Han Fan and Liam Henderson.

Congratulations to all students.

Year 6 Geoguessr Competition

In Week 11, another Year 6 tradition was held – the Geoguessr Competition. This competition requires students to use their skills in Geography and all their resourcefulness in research to identify the location of a random Google Earth photo. Mr Penny (Learning Area Coordinator, Humanities) once again awarded globes for the winners, who were Kevin Ho and Ashley Donaldson.

Year 6 Zoo

In Week 11, the Year 6 students completed their studies in Biology by designing and making a model of a zoo enclosure for an animal. To begin the learning, we were lucky to have Dr Susan Hazel, Lecturer in Animal Behaviour, Welfare and Ethics, as a guest speaker. Dr Hazel spoke very engagingly about the joint needs of the animals, the zookeepers and the public, and gave us valuable insight into how zookeepers provide the best level of care to the animals. The students then had fun researching, designing and building their enclosures. Finally, we assembled all the enclosures into the Year 6 Zoo! We enjoyed the opportunity to share our learning with the children of the Journey Church, who use the Grevillea building on Sundays.

Mrs Rachael Young – Teacher, Year 6



Monday, 9 April

In Term 1, Week 10, Leana from Start Smart came to the College to talk to the Year 8 students about making “Smart Choices” with their finances. The Start Smart program, run by Commonwealth Bank, changes the way young people learn about money. It makes money management interactive, engaging and fun. The program equips students with the confidence to make competent smart decision about money.

The Smart Choices workshop focuses on the foundations of making financial decisions by stimulating students to think and reflect on their current spending habits. It helps students to question their purchases and understand the wider implications of their decisions, prompting students to ask the following questions before making a purchase:

  • Do I need it?
  • Why do I want it?
  • Can I afford it?

Students were thoroughly engaged in the workshop and have realised the important lesson that it is never too early to start making Smart Choices with their money.

Mrs Nicola Fotheringham – Learning Leader of Mathematics and Numeracy



Friday, 6 April

In Week 10 of Term 1, Year 10 Visual Arts and Media Arts attended an excursion to the city to visit two current art exhibitions. They explored the Light Square Gallery for the SACE Art Show where art and design work is displayed from Year 12s in 2017. This was a wonderful opportunity to be inspired by last year’s graduates and gain a deeper understanding of the subject.

The class also visited the Art Gallery of South Australia to see the 2018 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art ‘Divided Worlds’. This was a diverse and engaging experience with a large variety of artists and media on display. Students enjoyed viewing such a range of artworks from oil paintings to film projections to sculptural installations.

Mr Tom Tymukas – Learning Area Coordinator, Art and Mrs Leah Grant – Teacher, Arts



We encourage families to share their child/rens personal achievements from both within and outside of the College, as we understand learning doesn’t stop at the school gate. If your child has a special achievement, we welcome your submission. Articles of 100 to 200 words along with a good high-resolution photo can be emailed by clicking the button below.


Oliver Shephard-Bayly with Ms Paula Luethen MP


Karys Emery


Inseo Yoon

Congratulations to Oliver Shephard-Bayly, Year 10, who was successful in winning a position in the 2018 Youth Parliament. This is a political platform for young people to have their say, learn about the parliamentary process and the development of bills, gain leadership skills and connect politicians and decision makers with youth in South Australia. He will work on preparing and presenting a bill to parliament in 2018.

Well done Oliver.

Congratulations to Karys Emery, Year 5, who competed in “Create” Choreographic Dance competition in the April school holidays. Karys won first place in her division with a Hip Hop solo performance. The competition is for students to choreograph a dance in the style of their choice.

Well done Karys.

Congratulations to Inseo Yoon, Year 7, who received an ‘A’ Grade for the AMEB exam for Violin Grade 5.

Well done Inseo.


Cassandra Hoare


Ella Forrester


Josh Zeelen

Congratulations to Cassandra Hoare and Savannah Crompton, both Year 12, who have been awarded and recognised by Gymnastics South Australia at their Annual Award Dinner for 2017. Cassandra was awarded the Tramp Elite Female Athlete of the Year award. Savannah was awarded the WAG Levels Athlete of the Year award.

Well done to both the girls.


Savannah Crompton

Congratulations to Ella Forrester, Year 10, who will be travelling to Singapore in June to represent Australia after the Northern All Stars Senior Softball team were successful in winning their playoffs.

We wish Ella all the best in her upcoming tournament.

Congratulations to Josh Zeelen, Year 7, who took part in the Old Collegians Rugby Union U14s in Perth, WA during the April school holidays. Josh and his team competed against two U14 Perth clubs, which was a great opportunity to further develop skills, and establish new friendships. Josh also was fortunate enough to tour the Campbell Army Barracks.



Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:

Extra-curricular Overview – Term 1




Extra-Curricular Fixtures are available on the Pedare App and on the College website.

Click here to view the Extra-Curricular fixtures online

Extra-Curricular Fixtures_web




Following the Pedare Athletics Carnival in Term 1, awards are given to students who receive the highest amount of points in their best five events. Congratulations to the following students on their achievement:

Open Boys

  • Winner: Mitchell Phillips
  • Runner up: Kyle Alchin

Open Girls

  • Winner: Sakura Tatewaki
  • Runner up: Chelsea Blackman

U/16 Boys

  • Winner: Owen Hirons
  • Runner up: Thomas Corker/William Norrington (Tie)

U/16 Girls

  • Winner: Gemma Greenwood
  • Runner up: Chloe McCarthy

U/15 Boys

  • Winner: Cooper Murley
  • Runner up: Harrison Webster

U/15 Girls

  • Winner: Isabella Bogan
  • Runner up: Lauren Booth

U/14 Boys

  • Winner: Jay Watson
  • Runner up: Joshua Swan

U/14 Girls

  • Winner: Teagan Murdey-Green
  • Runner up: Emma Caeran

U/13 Boys

  • Winner: Tyler Edwards
  • Runner up: John Lediaev

U/13 Girls

  • Winner: Hannah Szabo
  • Runner up: Emma Milne

U/12 Boys

  • Winner: Dylan Shephard-Bayly
  • Runner up: Zack Piercey

U/12 Girls

  • Winner: Kiera Geesing
  • Runner up: Emily Briggs

There were ten College records broken at Athletics Carnival, which shows how strong our athletics team is at present.

  • Gemma Greenwood- U/16 Girls 800m (2:39.05)
  • Gemma Greenwood- U/16 Girls 1500m (5:33.25)
  • Jude Barker- U/13 Boys 200m (27.17)
  • Tia Oors-L’Estrange- U/13 Girls 80m Hurdles (17.60)
  • Luis Moore- U/12 Boys Triple Jump (8.19m)
  • Kiera Geesing- U/12 Girls Triple Jump (8.20m)
  • Chloe McCarthy- U/16 Girls Discus (24.97m)
  • Chelsea Blackman- Open Girls High Jump (1.60m)
  • Hannah Szabo- U/13 Girls Triple Jump (8.43m)
  • Kane Cheetham- U/13 Boys Shot Put (10.85m)

Record Breakers

In Week 11, students from Year 8-12 competed in the SSSSA State Athletics Championships at Santos Stadium.

The Pedare team did incredibly well at the carnival in difficult conditions. Including relays, Pedare was awarded 36 first place certificates, 25 second place and 21 third. These students will receive their certificates through their Home Group teachers.

The 4×100 relay are very important as they are worth the most points. Out of 8 relays, the Pedare team finished first in 4 of them, second in 2, and third in another, which is an amazing achievement.

Five Pedare students received a standard of excellence on the day.

Isabella Bogan

  • U/15 Girls 100m 13.52s

Owen Hirons

  • U/16 Boys 100m 11.84s

Teagan Murdey Green

  • U/14 Girls 100m 13.21s
  • U/14 Girls 200m 28.43s

Cooper Murley

  • U/15 Boys 100m 11.92
  • U/15 Boys 200m 24.03

Sakura Tatewaki

  • Open Girls 100m 13.39s

The boy’s team finished second on 367 points. The girl’s team finished in first position on 369 points. Which meant Pedare finished first overall with a combined score of 736 points in front of Nuriootpa, Pulteney Grammar and Unity College. A fantastic achievement.

Extra-Curricular Sport

Basketball –  We had four Basketball teams playing in the Norwood League competition in Term 1. Two U/12 teams made up of year 6 students competing and two U/14 teams playing the competition at the ARC at Campbelltown on Monday afternoons. Our Basketball program continues to grow as we have another further four teams competing in the Saturday morning SAAS competition this winter season.

Cricket – Our two cricket teams had a very positive start to the cricket season. The 6/7 team coached by Jonathan DeConno showed fantastic improvement and finished Term 1 undefeated. The boys also had a heartbreaking draw in the Knockout competition, where they lost to Trinity Gardens on a countback. The Middle team had a fantastic win in their opening round against Rostrevor. They battled hard against much older opposition in the remaining games and should be very proud of their efforts.

Tennis – Three teams across the Middle/Senior School competed in the SAAS Tennis competition. It was great to see so many students giving tennis a go and we had fantastic results across the board. All of the teams showed fantastic improvement. Thank you to our coaches Mr Andrew Penny, Mr Andrew Richards and Mrs Ingrid Moodley for their ongoing support of their respective teams. A special thank you to Mrs Yvonne Blackburn for her expertise at training, I know the players appreciated your knowledge of the game to help them improve.

Netball – The SADNA summer season came to a close at the end of term 1. Pedare had six teams competing across the college, a number that has grown to seven for the winter season. Well done to all the girls on their achievements in a difficult competition. Congratulations to Mrs Hayley Mayer’s Sub-Primary team on making the finals in their division for the second season in a row.

Volleyball – Three Friday night teams in the SAAS (Sports Association for Adelaide Schools) and two teams in the Saturday morning girl’s competition. Senior C team, coached by Mr Brenton Fennell, won their Grand Final, a great achievement.

Swimming – The Swim team had a very successful Term 1. Up to fifty students trained and continue to train regularly on Friday mornings at State Swim with Mr Mike Raymond. The SAPSASA team finished first in the Tea Tree Gully Championships and the SSSSA team also came away with the title at the State Championships for their division. Our swimming program continues to grow in numbers and quality and I know there will be some exciting opportunities around the corner for this group of students.

Mr Josh Willis – Director of Sport R-12


SSSSA Athletics Championships


Girls Volleyball



Congratulations to Pedare’s Soccer team who competed and won the Tea Tree Gully SAPSASA Soccer Carnival at Tilley Reserve on Tuesday 8 May. The boys are all Year 7 students.

Well done.



Week 10


  • U12 Blue – Pedare vs Prescott Force – Draw 16 – 16 (MVP Tiancheng, Nicholas)
  • U12 Red – Pedare vs Prescott – Loss 23 – 19
  • U14 Blue – No Game
  • U14 Red – No Game


  • 6/7 Boys – No Game
  • 8/9 10B  –No Game


  • Primary – Pedare vs Blackfriars – Loss 28 – 37


  • Middle (mixed) – Pedare vs Nazareth Catholic College – Loss 2 – 0

Week 11 


  • U12 Red – Pedare vs Pedare Blue – Loss 25 – 27 (MVP Tiancheng, Nicholas)
  • U12 Blue – Pedare vs Pedare Red – Won 27 – 25 (MVP Dylan, Damon)
  • U14 Blue – Pedare vs SJMS Hurricans – Won 40 – 10 (MVP Bailey)
  • U14 Red – Pedare vs Stradbroke Strikers – Draw 23 – 23


  • 6/7 Boys – No Game
  • 8/9 10B  –No Game


  • Primary  No Game

Volleyball – No Games


Week 1


  • U14 Blue – BYE
  • U14 Blue – Pedare vs Rostrevor 6/7 Red – Forfeit
  • U14 Red – Pedare vs Stradbroke 6/7 – Forfeit
  • Senior 1 – No Game
  • Senior 2 – No Game
  • Middle 1 – No Game
  • Middle 2 – No Game


  • Sub Junior 1 – Pedare vs Gemini 1 – Won 28 – 12
  • Junior 1 – Pedare vs Modbury Hawks 2 – Won 68 – 1 (MVP Brooke, Ella, Ally)
  • Junior 2 – Pedare vs Para Hills Wanderers 3 – Won 50 – 19


  • Senior C Grade – No Game


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Journey Kids

The Journey Uniting Church have programmes running for children and youth on Friday nights in Term 2. Some of the activities include: Games Night, Photo Rally, Wheels Night, PJ Disco. For more information about Journey Youth, Kids Club and Freshman (Year 5 & 6), please click here.


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Tea Tree Gully Anglican

Generators Kids Club 2017 (Years R-6)

Come and join us. Generators Kids Club meets Fridays each fortnight for great games, craft and bible time. The next Kids Club is on Friday 18 May from 3:30-5:00pm. This craft this week is heat sensitive painted mugs. The Term 2 program can be downloaded from our website. For information about 2018 Kids Club, phone Rick on 8264 3736 or click here

SWAT Youth (Years 7-12)

Meets Friday each week at 7:30pm. The next meeting is on Friday 11 May. Come for a great time of games, friendship and bible discussion. For information about 2018 SWAT Youth, phone Dave on 0403 723 953 or click here.

Normal Weekly Services – Check out our website for more details.

Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion.

Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries. Communion on third Sunday of every month.

Sunday@6.00pmYouth, young adult and those young at heart. Communion first Sunday of every month. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.


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Soup at St Mark’s

Join St Mark’s Anglican for soup on Thursdays 6:00pm to 7:30pm from May to August. Enjoy free cafe style soup in a warm and friendly community atmosphere. Everyone is welcome. For more information phone 8289 4003 or email