Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 6 for 2019

The Vine Issue 6 – 2019

May 10, 2019
The Vine logo

Mr Mike Millard


Mr Mike Millard


One College Project Update

I am very pleased two Year 6 classes have been able to move into the new Middle School from the beginning of this term. This is an important step towards the completion of the ‘big build’ in the coming month. The internals of the Middle School are coming together very quickly in this final phase and the external landscaping is well underway.

The turfing and irrigation of the Junior School oval space has really had a big impact for our students and teachers. The ‘vision’ of the new Junior School on the same campus as the rest of Pedare has come together in a very substantial way with the completion of this landscaping project. The College is very grateful that Pedare parent Rick Dell’Oro from Garden Grove supplied the turf ‘at cost’ to Pedare. Garden Grove has been a long-term supporter of Pedare and we really appreciate the contributions they have made over many years.

Reception Welcome Assembly

The annual Reception Commencement Service was held on Tuesday 7 May and was very affirming of the One College vision especially as the Year 12 Buddies played a bigger role this year in the lead up to the event, by being able to easily visit the Reception students in their classroom. The Reception students have developed confidence with their new spaces and have settled into their learning program under the care and support of their teachers Mrs Sarah Davis and Miss Jasmine Orlowski. The impact of this assembly runs deep within the culture of Pedare.

Welcome to new Business Manager

I am pleased to let the Pedare community know that Ms Amanda Kleeman has been appointed as the new Business Manager and she will commence in early June. Amanda is currently Finance Manager and Company Secretary with General Dynamics Land Systems – Australia, which is a company involved in the defence industry. Prior to this, Amanda was Corporate Services Manager and Board Secretary for Central Adelaide and the Hills and Northern Adelaide Medicare Local.

Amanda is a CPA with over 20 years of financial experience and 17 years of management and strategic level work. Amanda is keen to join the Pedare community as the College consolidates the One College vision and moves towards a new strategic planning process in 2020.

We look forward to welcoming Amanda to the Pedare community in the coming weeks.

Mr Andrew Whiteman


Mr Andrew Whiteman


Welcome back to all families and I trust you had an enjoyable break over the holidays. It is always a nice feeling to break from routine, particularly for students to have a little bit of downtime from the daily stresses of school. The holiday break allowed my family to get away and enjoy some sunshine and, although it already seems like a long time ago, it was nice to recharge the batteries. I do hope our students took the time to get out about and socialise with their friends.

It was wonderful to be a part of the Reception Commencement Service earlier this week. To see the bright and energetic Reception students interact with their Year 12 buddies was a delight. The joy, and nervousness, on the children’s faces as they were presented on stage bought a smile to everyone’s face. As their new journey at Pedare begins, we wish them all the best for the next 12 years.

Our Stage 2 Physical Education students enjoyed 3 days at West Lakes as part of their Aquatic unit. They enjoyed the challenge of sailing, windsurfing and kayaking and worked hard for their assessments during the week. Although the weather wasn’t kind to them on the last 2 days, their teachers were very impressed with their resilience to keep on trying.

Congratulations to Year 10 student Connor Brennan who won the Under 16 competition at the recent Brickalaide Lego competition over the Easter weekend. Connor’s outstanding Lego model of the Middle School was highly commended by the judges for its ability to tell the story about life in the new buildings. Connor will display his scale model again at Brixpo in the July term break.

During Term 2, Year 10 and 11 students will receive notification of the subjects they are enrolled in for Semester 2. Some students may wish to change their subject choices and, while this is possible, not all requests may be able to be accommodated. Senior students should also have an eye on 2020 when thinking about subject choices, as a good grounding in a subject can be very helpful the following year. Very early in Term 3, the process for 2020 subject selections will be undertaken.

A quick reminder on uniform as we are now into Week 3 of term. All students must now be in full winter uniform where the Blazer is to be worn to and from school each day. On occasions such as a formal assembly, the Blazer must also be worn. The College uniform looks great when it is worn correctly and we ask for your support with this. Students can continue to wear their PE uniform on days they have their practical Physical Education lessons. The formal uniform shorts are an option for all boys and girls in Winter. If students wish to wear shorts in Winter instead of the long pants, they must be worn with the jumper and/ or blazer and tie and with short grey socks. Please note that Senior girls who had previously purchased the navy formal pants can continue to wear these, but the approved shorts / pants for all girls R–12 are now charcoal grey.

Hopefully the weather is kind to us next week and we can continue to build on the positive start to Term 2.

Mrs Lauren Brooks


 Mrs Lauren Brooks


Mother’s Day is around the corner and we thank all of the incredible Mothers in our Pedare community who do an amazing job each and every day.

Classes were filled with enthusiasm this week and we loved welcoming such positive and happy students back to school after the holiday break.

The Year 7 students have begun an exciting new learning opportunity this term called ‘Innovation Hour’. This is an initiative that encourages students to choose a topic of interest and facilitate their learning supported by the IB MYP learner profile. It allows students to explore their own passions with teachers helping to facilitate their projects. We are looking forward to celebrating some of the amazing ideas and projects our students come up with in the coming weeks and months.

Our Year 5s, 6s and 8s were treated to The Maths Show this week which was a live maths performance. It was very engaging, and our students enjoyed the short sketches that combined maths with history, magic, puzzles and more.

Our Year 6 students went on their camp this week at Roonka Water Activity Centre and we look forward to sharing more of their experiences upon their return.

Next week, Year 7 and 9 students will undertake their Naplan testing. As the testing is online this year, students need to come to school each day with a fully charged laptop, a set of headphones (and if they are using an iPad, the College recommends the use of an external keyboard) to complete the testing. These tests are the national literacy and numeracy tests that all Year 3, 5, 7 & 9 children across Australia will sit during this week. Students at Pedare have many gifts and talents and a standardised test simply cannot measure all of these. We hope that all students come to school feeling relaxed and simply put in their best effort as we would expect them to do each and every day.

For more information about the Naplan tests please see

Week 3 Schedule – Year 7 & 9 Students:

  • Tuesday 14 May
  • Wednesday 15 May
  • Thursday 16 May
    Conventions of Language
  • Friday 17 May

Mr Randall Pearce


Mr Randall Pearce


On Tuesday 7 May, we came together as one, not just to celebrate new beginnings with Reception students, but to also acknowledge the contribution of Year 12s and to wish them well with their studies this year. Seeing the Year 12s and Receptions together is a pure joy, the smiles, the fun, the laughter and the genuine care they have for each other has been a privilege to observe. We know this is not a one-way relationship.

We hope Receptions pass on the joy of being young and remind our Year 12s it is okay to have fun and laugh, and that monkey bars and slippery dips are still pretty cool!

I thank the Reception teachers, Miss Orlowski and Mrs Davis, Assistant Head of Junior School, Mrs Hanna, Assistant Head of Senior School, Ms Robertson and our Year 12 students for their wisdom and guiding the way forward. They are amazing role models for our Receptions to follow.

One thing I miss now I am not a classroom teacher is storytelling and reading to the children. Storytelling is the greatest technology that humans have ever created, and is the basis for almost everything in our society, the way we interact, build, communicate, live and dream. It is a skill where a teacher can formally or informally share knowledge, skills and experiences. During the Reception Commencement Service, I shared a storybook titled It Takes a Village by Hillary Rodham Clinton. I chose this story as I believe the key messages told in the book are very timely when we consider our move to One College. The messages are:

  • Pedare is a village
  • From our youngest and oldest, to our smallest and tallest you are all very important to us
  • All staff at Pedare, including Grounds, Administration, Teachers and Leaders care deeply and work hard to make the College a wonderful place to learn and grow
  • A place where talents, skills and personalities can shine.

So I say to all students, whilst you are at Pedare, take every opportunity to let your light shine, and as our Receptions reminded us in the song, Reach for the Stars performed at the Service, the world is yours to explore and change for the better.

Please click here to see photos of our wonderful Reception Commencement Service.



A big thank you goes to the wonderful P&F Committee who prepared and assisted with the Mother’s Day Stall on Friday 10 May in the Junior School. There was wide variety of magnificent gifts for the students to choose from. This year, as we are now One College, students in Middle and Senior School also had the opportunity to buy a gift for their mums, grandmothers, step mums or aunties. This is always a great event as students enjoy choosing just the right gift for their family member and show them how much they care.

Opening times for the P&F Shop for the next two weeks are as follows:

  • Week 3 – Monday 13 May 3:00pm – 4:30pm
  • Week 3 – Saturday 18 May 10:00am – 12:00pm
  • Week 4 – Monday 20 May 3:00pm – 4:30pm

With the winter weather finally here, you are now able to purchase Umbrellas, with the Pedare logo, from the front office or the P&F Shop. A Large Sports umbrella is $30 or a small compact one is $20.


Have you enrolled younger siblings?

The move to One Campus has generated strong demand for places in coming years, and waiting lists are being experienced across many year levels.

Parents are advised that a separate application for enrolment needs to be submitted for each child.  If you have siblings of current students and have not yet applied, please contact the Community Relations Manager, Julie Holland, for an application form.

While siblings are given preference for a place, they cannot be guaranteed a place if the year level is already full, therefore early submission of Application Forms is encouraged for consideration in future years.

Accompanying the application, we require a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate or evidence of residency, the most recent school report (if attending school), NALAN results (where applicable) and any relevant Medical Reports and Educational Assessments, as well as a $50 application fee. The application cannot progress until these are provided.



The Pedare Christian College Music Scholarship and Bursary Program recognises individual musical talent and the commitment of the College to this important area of the curriculum and the musical and worship life of the College.

These scholarships and bursaries are open to instrumentalists and vocalists and will be awarded to students who display outstanding musical ability and potential and a sound academic record.

The College has a strong music culture with Concert Bands, a Stage Band, Choirs for all ages and a Jazz vocal ensemble, String Ensembles, two string quartets, percussion and guitar ensembles and a biennial musical, that we will develop with successful applicants.

Applicants may have a contemporary, jazz or classical background in Music. Applications for 2020 are now open and will close on Friday 28 June, with auditions to follow.

For more information or an application form, please click here.



Students have all received their Sponsorship Booklet to start fundraising for the One College Colour Explosion on Wednesday 22 May. If they have misplaced the Sponsorship Booklet, spare copies are available from the College Office.

Money raised will go towards the new picket fence around the Jackson oval, providing a secure environment for our children. Students who raise $50 or more, will have their name placed on a picket around the Jackson Oval.



The Woolworths Earn & Learn Program is back, having commenced on Wednesday 1 May 2019 and will conclude on Tuesday 25 June 2019.  The program allows Pedare to earn points to buy new educational resources for the College. To participate, all you need to do is shop at Woolworths and collect the stickers. This also includes shopping online (the stickers will be delivered to your home with your order). You will earn one sticker for every $10 spent and there are bonus stickers to be earned as well. Boxes will be located in Woolworths at The Stables and Golden Grove Village in which you can post your stickers….keep an eye out for the box marked “Pedare”.

Alternatively, stickers can be delivered to either the Catford Library, Junior School Administration or College Office. Last time the program ran, the Pedare Community collected an incredible 40,320 stickers which were used to buy some new Maths equipment. It would be amazing to equal or even surpass that total this year!

Thank you in advance for your support with this program.



On Wednesday, 22 May, our Junior School students will be participating in the National Simultaneous Storytime reading ‘Alpacas with Maracas’ by Matt Cosgrove. As an extension to this activity, we would like to offer them the opportunity to make maracas. Please could you collect any small plastic bottles (preferably with lids) or small cardboard boxes (which have not contained nuts) or canisters to recycle and then we can repurpose them into maracas. The bottles/boxes/canisters can be handed in to the library for distribution to the various classes.

Your contribution to this recycling venture would be much appreciated.




On Tuesday 7 May, our new Reception students were formally welcomed to the College at the Reception Commencement Service. This is always a wonderful event, when the Pedare Community come together to see the newest members of our school be led into the Chapel by their Year 12 buddies. During Term 1, Receptions and Year 12s enjoyed learning, playing and bonding with each other in many inside and outside classroom activities, with the highlight being able to share time on the new play equipment, and showing the Year 12s that you must always make the time to have fun.




On Thursday 2 May, the Middle & Senior School assembled to recognise and remember those who have served their country in war, in particular, the ANZACs.

During the assembly, Year 11 student Maddy Maltby gave a wonderful performance singing On My Own, Year 9 students Lily Appelt and Amelie Sams, gave the opening prayer, read the Bible reading John 15: 9-13 NIV, recited Prayer of Remembrance and Ode of Remembrance and Charlie Corney, Year 8 read a Story Telling of “Hell of a Time”. This was followed by student leaders, Assistant Head of Schools and Mr Millard lighting candles in this very moving and respectful event.




2019 was Pedare’s sixth attendance at the annual Generations in Jazz trip to Mount Gambier. Twenty-two of our passionate and keen music students travelled down to this amazing music festival which attracts schools from all over Australia and now New Zealand.

Again this year, Pedare took two of our premiere ensembles; the Pedare Stage Band performing Division 4+ and Luminaire, to compete in the Division 3 Vocal section. Our students always bring their absolute best to the stage during the Saturday school competition and this year they performed with passion and skill to achieve outstanding results.

The most exciting news from 2019 is that Luminaire vocal ensemble came 3rd in their section of 22 ensembles gaining a placing in the top three for the first time ever! They received well deserved praise and compliments from adjudicator Nick Begbie (The Idea of North) and words cannot express the absolute excitement and joy we felt when we were announced in the large tent as one of the winners in our section. The Stage Band performed very well together under the direction of Mr Gerald Pederick coming 10th in their section of 24 bands. Their performance was praised by the adjudicator and both of our ensembles got invaluable feedback on how to grow and develop as ensembles.

Students were once again blown away by the homegrown and international jazz musicians and vocalists who performed in three major concerts over the weekend.  The jazz ensemble from the Herbie Hancock Institute in America, along with Grammy Award winning Kurt Elling, Joey DeFrancesco, Kevin Woodard and of course James Morrison, Ross Irwin and amazing musicians from James’ Jazz Academy in Mt Gambier.

A highlight for the students this year was the stunning, graceful and humble vocal prowess of Lizz Wright; acclaimed jazz and gospel singer from Georgia, America. Her rendition of Amazing Grace completely unaccompanied brought 10,000 people to a standing ovation. The passion she shared for music will stay with us for a long time.

The humble, professional jazz musicians from all over the world conducted workshops for the students, teaching from their wide experiences. We gleaned so much from their focus on how to be better musicians, even when you are playing at the level they are. Their passion for music and seeing the next generation grow and be part of the music world is inspiring.

Many thanks to Mr Gerald Pederick and Mrs Rachelle Knight for their work with the Pedare students. What a fantastic music team we have here at Pedare!

We are so excited to get to GIJ 2020 for more inspiration and growth! Please click here to view highlights from Pedare’s amazing 2019 Generations in Jazz trip. Credit goes to Year 11 student Erin Beattie for putting the video together.

Mrs Nadine Stroud – Director of Music R-12




On Monday 6 May, Year 5, 6 and 8 students attended The Maths Show in the College Chapel.

The Maths Show is a stage performance full of mathematical history, puzzles, magic and fun – designed to entertain and engage students while increasing their interest in mathematics.

During this interactive performance students found out some information about famous mathematicians and were astounded by the power of numbers and their ability to predict the future.

Mrs Nicola Fotheringham – Learning Leader – Maths




Stage 1 Geography students completed vegetation transects to compare biodiversity across a part of Dry Creek that has been revegetated by the Tea Tree Gully Council and the Friends of Dry Creek. Our students can be proud of their efforts as they worked diligently to complete drafts of their transects. These type of fieldtrips are essential for Geography students to experience and explore diverse environments to develop their knowledge.

Mr Andrew Penny – Learning Area Coordinator, Humanities



On Tuesday 2 April, 12 students from Middle & Senior School took part in the Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) competition. The CAT competition, run by the Australian Mathematics Trust, is designed to encourage student curiosity and promote multiple modes of thinking.

Congratulations to the following students:



Gaohn Park-Year 8

High Distinction



Shaun Phillips-Year 8




Timothy Szabo-Year 10

High Distinction



Holly Schutz-Year 10




Bradley Langfield-Year 10




Shea Cowan-Year 11



In April this year, Nathan White, Year 12, was lucky enough to go to Dunedin New Zealand as part of the Education Perfect Student Internship. This is an annual prize which is awarded to a student selected by Education Perfect.

In order to qualify, a student must earn 30,000 points in the World Series, and then fill out an application and participate in a round of interviews in order to be selected. Nathan had asked to work with the Development Team, who are responsible for creating new features on the website and apps, closing exploits as they are discovered, fixing cosmetic bugs and much more.

Nathan’s mentor, Ben, showed him software used to program the site and got him to fix some ‘bugs’ – some of which are now visible on the website, including typos and placement of dialogue boxes. Nathan also learnt that the database team has almost five terabytes of text-based data – or more than 5 billion characters of questions and other data. If you tried to read through all of them at the rate of one a second you’d be sitting there for 155 years.

While he was there, he also learnt that one of the people he met, Joel, is notorious for making code fail when it works for everyone else!

This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and Nathan is so glad he was able to turn his passion for Education Perfect into an opportunity to learn more about it. 30,000 points is a difficult threshold to cross – but it’s absolutely worth it to anyone who does.


Congratulations also go to Nathan who recently entered the Education Perfect Term 1 Opinion Piece Competition. Nathan was placed in the top 3 finalist of Australia with an honourable mention. The comment from the Teacher Consultant & Cross-Curricular Literacy Team Leader from Education Perfect was that Nathan’s entry was ‘brilliant’. This was a huge achievement considering the large number of entries they received.



Irina Tarchynska, Year 9, is organising a beach clean-up day at Sempahore on Sunday 26 May from 12:30pm – 3:00pm for her Community Project. If you would like to be involved, meet at the beginning of the Semaphore jetty, where the event will commence. Baked goods will be provided to the people who participate, as well as $25 prize money for the person who collects the largest amount of plastic on the day. To view the flyer for more information please click here.


Talia Milne, Year 9, would like to collect a minimum of 20 pairs of reading glasses and donate them to third world countries for her Community Project. Talia is working with the Lion’s Club organisation, who donate the glasses to people less fortunate than ourselves. If you would like to help Talia with her project, please have a search at home for any old glasses you no longer have a use for and click here for instructions on how you can donate them.



Congratulations to Imogen Cadd, Year 5, who competed in dance performances for three age division, Senior, Intermediate and Junior. Imogen was successful in winning the Junior prize in a group of 9 performances, including solos, duos and trios. Imogen created her own lyrical solo piece and had only one short studio practice before performing.

Well done Imogen.


Congratulations to Oliver Shephard-Bayly, Year 11, who is participating in this year’s YMCA Youth parliament and was voted as Leader of the Opposition by his peers. Oliver will be working on an Environmental bill which will be debated and voted on in the Parliament in July.

Good luck Oliver.


Year 8 student Brayden Howitt’s family pet dog Archie, a miniature Labradoodle, recently featured on Channel 7’s Today Tonight program as he has been trained as a ‘Dental Aid Dog’. Archie helps people with a fear of going to the dentist to relax. Brayden, who helped train Archie, was able to observe behind the scenes filming and learnt what it takes to make a news segment for a television program.



Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:





  • Sub Primary 1 – Pedare vs Banksia Park 1 – Loss 8 – 9 (MVP Whole Team)
  • Sub Primary 2 – Pedare vs Hope Valley 4 – Won 4 – 2
  • Primary 1 – Pedare vs Tea Tree Gully 4 – Loss 1 – 27 (MVP Keeley, Ruby, Imogen)
  • Primary 2 – Pedare vs Para Hills Wanderers – Won 22 – 2



  • U12 Blue – Pedare vs Bullets – Loss 14 – 50
  • U14 Blue – BYE
  • U14 Red – BYE
  • Middle A – Pedare vs Pulteney Grammar – FORFEIT
  • Middle B – BYE
  • Middle C – Pedare vs Gleeson College – Won 32 – 24 (MVP Levi, Thomas)
  • Senior 1 – Pedare vs Gleeson College – Loss 53 – 66 (MVP Alex, Ethan)
  • Senior 2 – Pedare vs Sacred Heart College – Loss 24 – 36  (MVP Eli, Ben, Damien)


  • Sub Junior 1 – Pedare vs Tea Tree Gully 4 – Loss 14 – 21 (MVP Matilda, Kiera, Emily)
  • Sub Junior 2 – Pedare vs Trinity College Gawler 5 – Won 6 – 20 (MVP Holly, Lorcyn, Hannah)
  • Junior 1 – Pedare vs Tyndale 1 – Won 36 – 22
  • Junior 2 – Pedare vs Modbury Hawks 2 – Loss 6 – 75 (MVP Kelsey, Maya, Kiera)
  • Sub Primary 1 – Pedare vs Golden Grove 3 – Loss 9 – 10
  • Sub Junior 2 – Pedare vs Hope Valley 3 – Loss 0 – 19
  • Primary 1 – Pedare vs Tea Tree Gully 4 –  Loss 4 – 21 (MVP Ruby, Zoe, Grace)
  • Primary 2 – Pedare vs Golden Grove 5 – Loss 8 – 13
  • Intermediates – Pedare vs Para Hills Wanderers 1 – Won 55 – 10


  • Middle Boys – Pedare vs Trinity College – Loss 2 – 6
  • Senior Girls – NO GAME




Tea Tree Gully Anglican


SWAT Youth (Years 7-12)

Meets Friday each week during school term at 7:30pm. Come for a great time of games, friendship and Bible discussion. We meet at 19 Perseverance Rd TTG. Click here for more details or phone Dave on 0403 723 953.

Weekly Services – Check out our web site for more details.

Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion.

Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries.

Sunday@6pmYouth, young adult and those young at heart. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.