Mr Mike Millard
Middle School Solo Performance Night
It was a great pleasure to attend the Middle School Solo Performance Night on Tuesday 5 June to see the large number of Year 6 – 9 students perform the solo work they have been developing with their instrumental teachers this year.
Stage performance opportunities are an integral part of Pedare’s music program and provide students with confidence and the capacity to join the bands and ensembles where their skills can develop further.
I thank the Instrumental teachers for working so successfully with their students to develop a wide range of performances. The detailed organisation for the evening was coordinated by Ms Carolyn Taylor and she brought together a very enjoyable evening for the audience. I thank Mrs Stroud and Mr Pederick for their hard work and encouragement of the students, as many students performed before a large audience for the first time.
Pinnacle College Invitation to Ramadan Dinner
Mr Jackson and I were very pleased to be able to represent Pedare at the Annual Ramadan Dinner held at the Adelaide Convention Centre on Thursday 7 June 2018. This annual event is organised by McYESS (Multicultural Youth Education Support Services), Pinnacle College and DIA (The Dialogue Institute of Australia). The purpose of the event is to build cultural bridges and better understanding between Australia’s Muslim community and the broader educational community in Adelaide.
Openness and understanding were the keys to the Pedare and Pinnacle College relationship during the negotiations about the sale of the Junior School. We look forward to developing opportunities for students from each of our schools to come together to learn more about each culture and to develop our shared values of acceptance and mutual respect. We will work closely with Pinnacle College during the next few months to ensure their transition to the campus is successful.
Mr Mike Millard, Mr Zeki Dengiz (Pinnacle Principal), Mr Huseyin Yigit (Pinnacle General Manager) & Mr Lindsay Jackson
One College Update
The final concrete strip footings for the Middle School were poured yesterday “so we are out of the ground” which is a significant point in the project. The footings for the Gymnasium are partially completed and are now the focus for the concreting program in the next two weeks. The Junior School site is being prepared.
The major excavations for carpark and entrance road are nearing completion. Over 5000 cubic metres of soil and fill will have been removed on completion and we are very grateful for the assistance of Pedare parent, Mr Rick Dell’Oro from Garden Grove for the relocation of this soil.
Middle School Foundations
Soil for Courtyard Landscaping
Junior School Site Being Cleared
Mr Randall Pearce
Reception Ready
On Friday of Week 5, we welcomed 18 new faces to the Junior School, our Reception Ready children. They have started their transition to full-time school, which will see three half-day visits and two full-day visits before they start with us at the beginning of Term 3.
The children certainly come with energy to burn and a thirst for knowledge and understanding. I am very proud of this program within the Junior School and have seen the program develop over the past two years. The Reception Ready Program supports children and their families who have just missed the cut-off date to start school in January and provides both a nurturing and academic program.
I am pleased to announce Mrs Sharon Booth has accepted the role within the school to be our Reception Ready teacher. Mrs Booth was made permanent in the role last year and we look forward to the changes and developments she makes over the course of this year and for years to come. The children and families are very blessed to have such an amazing first teacher.
We are looking forward to getting to know the Reception Ready children and seeing their little red hats amongst us in the yard again.
Staff Professional Growth
Each year, the College completes formal lesson observation and review for our teachers. This incorporates student feedback, peer observation, and self-reflection, and enables teachers to set evidence-based development goals to support their ongoing professional learning and growth.
This process is called ‘Educator Impact’. Educator Impact provides our teachers with a wide range and high-quality feedback about their practice. It is only through engaging in and receiving different forms of feedback that, as educators, we are able to understand our current level of impact in relation to our intent.
It is through this feedback we then identify where those perception gaps are in our practice and, by working on those areas for improvement, ultimately, it allows us to grow and develop our practice.
Educator Impact is a 360-degree teacher feedback program which empowers teachers to reflect on their practice and increase their impact in the classroom.
This is a very exciting time to see the impact of learning and growth for both children and staff. Educator Impact provides real evidence and supports our decision to adopt the International Baccalaureate and the Primary Years Program as student and staff engagement has never been higher.
Mr Andrew Whiteman
Despite the number of bulldozers, compact-rollers, excavators, concrete trucks, semi-trailers and workmen all around us, the Middle School is powering on. Each day, outside the windows of the Caladenia classrooms, we can see the construction of new buildings taking place. The civil engineers and concrete trucks have been very busy marking out the new classrooms and pouring concrete for the walls. However, the learning inside classrooms continues with the students able to remain focussed even if, from time to time, the trucks are a little noisy. Construction is all going according to the detailed plan and the weather has been very kind to us and has not held up anything at this stage.
Week 6 sees students pass the halfway mark of the term and, in almost all year levels, they are busy working on assignments or studying hard for tests. Our teachers are expecting that students complete their homework and, when there are times without homework set, students are reminded there is always revision that can be completed. For Years 8 and 9, the online resource ‘Education Perfect’ has a wide range of activities and resources for all subjects that students can attempt by themselves either as revision or as extension activities. If at any time you are concerned about your child’s progress in a subject please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher for further information.
Year 7 da Vinci Decathlon Participants
Year 9 da Vinci Decathlon Participants
Congratulations to the Year 6, 7, 8 and 9 students who attended the annual da Vinci Decathlon event held at St Peters Girls College. This academic competition places teams of 8 students in teams against a variety of other schools from around Adelaide. The competition is designed to stimulate the minds of the students across a variety of disciplines including art, poetry, mathematics and engineering. Our combined Year 6 and 7 team shared 1st place in the Creative Producers challenge. I know that all of our students had an enjoyable day and well done to all involved.
Pedare Girls Netball – Best & Fairest Award Winners
Last week also saw a number of sporting teams compete in Knockout competitions. The following teams were in action; Year 6/7 Soccer, Year 8/9 Football, Year 8/9 Soccer and Year 8/9 Netball. Mr Willis was very pleased with the way in which our teams represented the College and, although some of our teams did not win through to the next round, the students had fun and enjoyed playing in a competitive and friendly manner. Good luck to the 8/9 girls Netball team who continue into the next round and who also have other competitions ahead.
Congratulations to the following Netball award recipients:
Best and Fairest 17/18
Coaches Award Summer 17/18
Mrs Gillian Edwards
As the Year 10 and 11 students approach their Semester 1 exams, understandably this can be a time of anxiety for students and for their families. Please find below some tips that may assist students to be better prepared. This advice will be covered more fully in Community and individual subject lessons.
Revision should take a fair bit of mental effort. If you are zoning out while you revise, it’s not working. Here are some ways to revise effectively:
Exam Preparation
In the Exam
No one enjoys sitting exams; but the most important things to take out of these forms of assessment are: that they are a good practice for the years to follow; and they are an effective learning tool in highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement in which you can always try to do better next time.
Monday, 28 May
On Monday of Week 5, Year 4 students got their walking shoes on and headed down to Cobbler Creek for an excursion. Mrs Palmer ran a “bush classroom” lesson with us all, which aligned very well with our Unit of Inquiry – Sharing The Planet. We investigated the health of the ecosystem, in particular, the pH and turbidity levels of the creek water. Students enjoyed getting involved in the testing of the water and analysing the plant and animal life down at the creek.
Here are some of the highlights from our excursion:
Mr Jay Callaghan & Mrs Vicki Votino – Year 4 Teachers
Wednesday, 6 June
On Wednesday 6 June, Year 5 classes visited the Adelaide Planetarium at Mawson Lakes. Our presenter was the very knowledgeable Jeff who took us for a trip around our galaxy via the interactive dome. We were able to view the night sky and what it would look like in a remote location with no light pollution. Jeff pointed out some of the 88 constellations to us, some of the notable ones being the southern cross, the dog, the scorpion and Leo the lion. If we were to visit the closest star to earth, besides the sun, it would take us 48 million years!
Jeff focussed on the planets of Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Amongst these planets was a trail of stardust, this stardust is better known as the Milky Way. We were surprised to learn that the Milky way has over 200 billion stars and if you counted 2 per second, it would take you 3071 years to count them all!
Following this, we watched a movie called ‘Tilt’ which explained how the tilted axis of the earth creates the seasons. Our unit of inquiry was enhanced by our visit to the Planetarium.
Some student comments:
Mr Andy Peartree & Mrs Lauren Ciano – Year 5 Teachers
Colours of Impressionism Excursions
Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 Media Arts and Visual Arts students have all recently attended separate excursions to the Gallery of South Australia ‘Colours of Impressionism’ exhibition. Students viewed a range of work by the Impressionists masters including Monet, Renoir, Manet, Cézanne and many others. The focus of each excursion was to discuss the use of colour, movement and light. While also learning about the impact photography had on artists and how the invention of paint in a tube lead to the en plein air technique (painting outdoors).
All three excursions were valuable learning experiences and the students should be commended for their attention and behaviour as they represented the College.
Mr Tom Tymukas – Learning Area Coordinator, Visual Art & Mrs Leah Grant – Art & Media Art Teacher
Wednesday, 30 May
On Wednesday of Week 5, Year 10 Food Technology class completed their major project for Semester One. Each student was given a scenario that focused on either a birthday, engagement, wedding or gender reveal and had to create a cake based on this. Students had five modules in the kitchen to complete their project before setting up the Wattle Centre for their ‘Cake Showcase.’ Parents were invited to see what the class had been up to and marvel at their creations.
Miss Bianca Cameron – Teacher, Home Economics
Wednesday, 6 June
In preparing their SACE Personal Learning Plan, Year 10s have been researching possible career pathways. By completing questionnaires, they have identified their interests and strengths to find what careers these align with. Old Scholar, Emma Bulling, from UniSA came to speak about the results of one of the career matching tests and how to use this information to benefit them in their future planning.
This week, Year 10s have experienced Career Speed Dating. The students ask a series of questions to people from different career backgrounds and hear a range of different stories to listen to and learn from; stories are great!
Our presenters all have a connection to the College, making this a real community occasion, and I sincerely thank the following people who were able to be involved in this event this year.
Some student comment:
Mrs Jan Robertson – Assistant Head of Senior School
Thursday & Friday, 24-25 May
The Stage 1 Geography Camp gave students an opportunity to see the impact of fire on one of the few remaining Long Leaf Box communities in the Adelaide Hills at Roachdale Nature Reserve. We enjoyed recess at the Williamstown Bakery before walking through Morialta Conservation Park, having lunch at the Waterfalls, enjoying the view from the Giants Cave and various lookouts, and getting to the top of the first falls.
Students enjoyed learning how various native plants were adapted to the environment, the impact of aspect on vegetation and threats to biodiversity. The presence of koalas and kangaroos added to the experience.
That evening, we stayed at Shiloh Hills, where students enjoyed the bonfire and games night. The next day, we headed to Koala Creek and had fun on the Commando course before going to Mt Lofty to examine the impact of altitude and prescribed burns on the vegetation. Finally, we finished with lunch at Cleland Wildlife Park where students could get close to native animals.
Below are a few quotes from students:
Mr Andrew Penny – Learning Area Coordinator, Humanities
Wednesday, 6 June
This term, Stage 1 Business and Enterprise students have been learning about all different aspects of marketing. In Week 4, this learning included a visit from Sophie Gardner, who has experience working in public relations across the arts, at both the State Theatre Company and the Festival Centre. Students went on an excursion into the city in Week 5, to learn more about marketing and how it is evolving through a presentation given by the Marketing Manager at History SA, and undertaking a variety of research and learning activities on food packaging and promotions at David Jones and Haigh’s Chocolates. The marketing topic has culminated in the students producing and marketing their own food items for Enterprise Day. It was a very successful event held in the Wattle Café in Week 6, and the students should be proud of their efforts and organisation. All money raised goes to support the Senior School charities.
Some student comments:
“Enterprise Day was a fun and creative experience that allowed us to work as a team and combine our different skills to create the products. Not only did we find the experience of Enterprise Day interesting, it was also a great opportunity to learn.” – Eloise Arnfield, Lawa Shalal, Jorja Solly & Joe Innes (Business: Frog in a Swamp)
“Today our class took part in Enterprise Day. We have been planning this for the better part of the term now and have been working towards the finalisation and selling of our product. We’ve learnt many practical skills about marketing, presentation and team-work throughout this unit. We feel that this has made a positive experience on my learning.” – Tess Jackson, Mikayla Lemar & Max Allen (Business: Itsy Bitsy Spiders)
“It was a great experience that helped us to learn how to work as a team, using our best qualities in order to be more efficient, especially during the busy 15 minute period at the start of recess.” – Max Dell’Oro, Sophie Bansemer & Preston Chambers (Business: Crazy Floss)
“It was really fun to plan and create our own business and see it all come together. It taught us how a business is run and the many components involved.” – Kieren Lloyd, Nick Silby & Sarah Stacey (Business: Crunch Creations)
Ms Kirstin Davenport – Teacher, Business & Enterprise
Wednesday, 16 May
Recently, our Year 12 Essential English, as part of their course, spent a few hours in Adelaide, exploring ‘Hidden Treasures’.
In groups of 3 or 4, students set off from Rymill Park with a set of instructions that took them through laneways and past some amazing street art to the Barr Smith Library, where they exchanged their instructions for Set 2. This leg of their exploration saw them visit the Oxfam Shop, the Adelaide Arcade Museum and eventually had them arrive in the Adelaide Railway station where they received their last set of clues. This final leg took them eventually to their final destination – the Central Market.
It was agreed by all, this was one of the best excursions ever…despite one group getting a little lost on a couple of occasions!
Students are now in the process of creating their own “Hidden Treasures” walk, which will be assessed for its clarity and creativity.
Mrs Sally Tilly – Teacher, English
Friday-Tuesday, 1-5 June
During early June, Stage 2 Physical Education students went to West Lakes Aquatics Centre to complete their Practical Aquatics Assessments.
Throughout the PE course, students complete 3 practical units each worth 17% towards their SACE grade: Aquatics, Netball & Badminton/Lawn Bowls.
Our Aquatics unit was completed over 3 days, and each student had the choice of a particular activity: Kayaking, Sailing or Windsurfing. This year, we had 14 Kayaking, 6 Sailing, and 2 Windsurfing. Students are assessed on many elements such as: leadership, initiative technique, terminology and processes for emergencies such as capsizing.
The sailors and windsurfers had light winds for all 3 days which ranged from 2-7 knots. The wind direction varied throughout the days and both groups had to constantly adjust their route and adapt to the conditions. The light winds did allow for great learning conditions and students were able to develop complex skills such as, ‘man overboard, square runs, gybing and tacking.’
The kayaking group enjoyed the capsizing and deep sea rescues. There was plenty of laughter during the team-based activities, with comments on who was the calmest when sitting upside down in the cold water and searching for their partner’s kayak to save them. One of the highlights was when Olly escaped a local bee by practicing his capsizing technique.
The West Lakes Aquatic Centre Instructors were extremely impressed with the Pedare students and enjoyed seeing them improve over the three days.
Congratulations to Year 12 Physical Education students on their efforts and thanks go to the Aquatic instructors for providing an excellent learning environment for our students.
Damien Hutchings & Mr Brenton Fennell – Teachers, Health & PE
The One+ Career Expo will be held on Wednesday 13 June at the Golden Grove Recreation & Arts Centre. Over 25 exhibitors will be at the event and students are encouraged to attend after school and in the evening with their families. Chelsea Lang – YLab Manager at Foundation for Young Australians will be the guest speaker at 6:15pm, speaking on the topic ‘Get Ready for the New Work Order.’ To register for the guest speaker presentation click here.
For more information click here or to view the exhibitors attending click here.
Pedare is a leading school in Robotic Competitions – EV3s, VEX IQ and EDR and FIRST Robotics
Learn how to program the LEGO EV3 Robot or the brand new VEX IQ Robot! To register, please follow the link to find out more about Robotics at Pedare:
Available for students in Years 3 – 6 who attend any school.
To register, please follow the link:
DreamLab is a multi-awarding winning App that harnesses the processing power of smartphones to crunch cancer problems to help complete research faster. Developed by Vodafone Foundation in partnership with the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, DreamLab is an easy way to make a real difference. It’s so simple you can do it with your eyes closed.
By simply downloading the App and charging your smartphone while you sleep, you will be helping fast-track cancer research. The more people that use the App, the faster it works and the faster we can help develop more personalised cancer treatments.
The App uses everyone’s phone as a “supercomputer” to contribute to cancer research. To view a video about How DreamLab Works, please click here or for more information about how you can support DreamLab, click here
The Senior School charity for 2018 is the Cancer Council and by using this App you can help support Cancer research.
If you are looking for something to unleash your child’s imagination during the next school holidays, Pedare is hosting a very special school holiday program called Code Camp, where your child can learn to code and build their very own iPhone or Android.
For more information about this exciting and challenging activity, you can click here to view more information which also includes the booking link.
We encourage families to share their child/rens personal achievements from both within and outside of the College, as we understand learning doesn’t stop at the school gate. If your child has a special achievement, we welcome your submission. Articles of 100 to 200 words along with a good high-resolution photo can be emailed by clicking the button below.
Congratulations to Aavi Puri, Year 11, who has been selected to represent South Australian schools in the Australian finals of the annual worldwide Chinese Mandarin speaking and performance competition (Hanyu Qiao汉语桥), which will be held at the University of Western Australia. The competition is organised by the Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) in China. The theme for this year is “Learn Chinese, double your world- 学会中国话, 朋友遍天下”.
There will be 14 contestants chosen from all Australian states to compete in 3 categories: Chinese general knowledge, Chinese speech and cultural performance. Pedare’s ex-scholar of 2016, Callum McGing and current Year 12 student, Sophie Szabo represented Australia in the 2016 and 2017 “World Chinese Bridge Competition” in China. Over 60 contestants from all over the world will be taking part in this competition. We wish Aavi luck in her upcoming competition in Perth.
Congratulations to Ryan Przibilla, Year 10, who has recently returned for the Senior League Baseball National Championships in Lismore, NSW. Ryan came home with a silver medal.
Well done Ryan.
Congratulations to Connor Brennan, Year 9, who will be featured on the television programme Totally Wild this Saturday, 9 June at 8:30am on Channel 11. Connor will be talking about the magnificent creations he builds with Lego, including models of Her Majesty’s Theatre and the Paradise Interchange.
Well done Connor, we look forward to seeing you on TV.
Congratulations to the following students who recently sat their AMEB Piano exams which were held in the Pedare Chapel on Saturday 19 May:
Extra-Curricular Fixtures are available on the Pedare App and on the College website.
Year 7 Boys Soccer
The Year 7 Knockout Soccer team went into their first-round matchup feeling confident after taking out the Tea Tree Gully Sapsasa Carnival. The boys faced a tough match against St Francis of Assisi, played at Max Amber Reserve. After a slow start and conceding an early goal, the team found their feet and eventually scored early in the second half thanks to some great team play, finished off by Nick Graves. Unfortunately, the opposition was far too strong and scored some late goals to win the match 4-1. Thank you to Mr Scott Growden for coaching the team on the day and for his support at the carnival.
Best players: Jack Povey, Nick Graves
Year 8/9 Boys Soccer
The Year 8/9 Knockout Soccer team had a tough first round draw against Thomas More College and Roma Mitchell Secondary College held at Thomas More.
The boys started the first game against Thomas More very well and held an early 2-0 lead with both goals to Jaidyn Croucher after finishing off some fine midfield work. Unfortunately, the boys conceded two goals late in the first half to enter halftime at 2-2. An even second half with chances for both teams not taken ended the game at 2-2. As a result, was required, we proceeded to a penalty shootout which both teams held the advantage at different times but we ended up losing 5-4 after eight penalties each. Logan Cornell made three excellent saves but unfortunately, many of the boys were unable to convert their spot kicks.
With very little rest in between games, the boys were on the back foot early in the second game with Roma Mitchell scoring a spectacular bicycle kick goal in the first minute. The Roma Mitchell team were fresh, very skilful and played a crisp brand of football and we entered halftime 4-0 down. The boys fought hard in the second half and scored a deserved late goal but unfortunately ended up losing 5-1.
Well done to all the boys who participated and did themselves proud.
Best players: Thien Nguyen, Jaidyn Croucher, Josh Swan.
Mr M Watson – Coach
Senior Boys Soccer
On 28 May, the Senior Boys Knock-out Soccer Team played against Banksia Park and Golden Grove. Our first match was against Banksia and we knew it would be a difficult game as they had just beaten Golden Grove 4 nil. On the 15th minute mark we went 1 nil down but 5 minutes later Mihajlo Stojanovic equalised and the score remained at 1-1 at half time. Early in the second half Mitchell Phillips made a good run along the wing and crossed it across goal to give Mihajlo his second goal. The opposition then went on the attack and managed to score 2 goals in the last 10 minutes to win 3-2. Our final game was against Golden Grove. The first half was lacklustre and we were fortunate to finish the first half at 0-0. We began the second half with a quick goal from Shae Cowan. Ten minutes later they equalised. With several minutes to go Cooper Sutton made a deep cross from the wing which swirled and went in the top corner. We were pleased to finish second as we were easily the second best team on the day. The whole team played well despite losing 2 crucial players at the beginning of the day due to injury. We look forward to next year as two thirds of the squad came from Year 10 players.
Mr J Carletti – Coach
6/7 Girls Netball
On 5 June, girls selected from the 6/7 SPIN squad played their first-round knockout match against St Augustines. A very disciplined team effort resulted in a successful result. All combinations produced good connections between the midcourt and the goalies. The final score was 43-2 and we are now looking forward to our second round matchup in a few weeks.
Best players: Chloe John, Grace Waugh
Mrs J Johnson – Coach
8/9 and Year 10 Girls Netball
On 28 May, girls selected from Pedare’s specialist Netball squads played their first round of the 8/9 and Year 10 Knockout competition against Thomas More College.
The Pedare teams were dominant in both matches and their hard work at training was evident in the way they played.
The 8/9 team ran away winners 44-26. The Year 10 girls showed great discipline and a four-quarter effort to win the match 93-22. We look forward to both of these teams going deep into the competition.
Mrs Hayley Mayer & Ms Fiona Hunter – Coaches
Open Girls Netball
The Pedare Open Netball Squad travelled to Kingswood on Friday 1 June to play Glenunga International High School and Mitcham Girls High School.
The girls faced a very strong Glenunga in their first match of the day. Throughout the game, the defence worked tirelessly to create turnovers from the opposition, however, Pedare struggled to convert due to Glenunga’s pressure. With the game still in reach at halftime, it was the second half where Glenunga pulled away to win the game 46 – 16.
The second game saw Pedare play Mitcham Girls. Having got the cobwebs out in the first match, the girls had a clear focus going into the game of being disciplined in attack to reward the defenders’ hard work. The difference in play was much improved with the girls turnover to conversion rate increased to 64% and finishing the first quarter up 14 – 8. The girls went on to finish the game 57 – 34. All players were able to take the court in both games and it was a full team performance! Sarah Stacey had an outstanding day in defence, continuing her relentless pressure to win numerous ball and provide a strong, steady option in attack.
Mrs F Fowler – Coach
Week 4
Week 5
The Journey Uniting Church have programmes running for children and youth on Friday nights in Term 2. Some of the activities include: Games Night, Photo Rally, Wheels Night, PJ Disco. For more information about Journey Youth, Kids Club and Freshman (Year 5 & 6), please click here.
Generators Kids Club 2017 (Years R-6)
Come and join us. Generators Kids Club meets Fridays each fortnight for great games, craft and bible time. The next Kids Club is on Friday 15 June from 3:30-5:00pm. This craft this week is Thermal Sensitive Mugs. The Term 2 program can be downloaded from our website. For information about 2018 Kids Club, phone Rick on 8264 3736 or click here
SWAT Youth (Years 7-12)
Meets Friday each week at 7:30pm. The next meeting is on Friday 15 June. Come for a great time of games, friendship and bible discussion. For information about 2018 SWAT Youth, phone Dave on 0403 723 953 or click here.
Normal Weekly Services – Check out our website for more details.
Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion.
Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries. Communion on third Sunday of every month.
Sunday@6.00pm: Youth, young adult and those young at heart. Communion first Sunday of every month. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.
Join St Mark’s Anglican for soup on Thursdays 6:00pm to 7:30pm from May to August. Enjoy free cafe style soup in a warm and friendly community atmosphere. Everyone is welcome. For more information phone 8289 4003 or email