Mr Mike Millard
Scholarship Presentation University of Adelaide
On Thursday 14 June 2018, I had the pleasure of attending University of Adelaide’s Scholarship Presentations to recipients of the University’s Principal’s Scholarships. These prestigious awards are presented each year to students who have excelled in Year 12. Pedare’s Scholarship recipient, and now undergraduate, is Xueying Sun, Class of 2017. Xueying achieved an ATAR of 96.45 and is now studying for a Bachelor of Health Sciences with her long-term goal being to transfer into a Bachelor of Medicine in the coming years. It was a pleasure to share this time with Xueying and her family.
Mr Mike Millard congratulating Xueying Sun on her University’s Principal’s Scholarship Award
Oliver Shephard-Bayly, Premier’s Anzac Spirit School Prize Winner
Premier’s Anzac Spirit School Prize
Congratulations to Year 10 Pedare student Oliver Shephard-Bayly who has won a fully funded 14-day study trip to Vietnam in October 2018. Oliver has been chosen to be a member of a small group of SA History students and teachers who will visit Vietnam to research the Vietnam War’s impact on both Australia and Vietnam. Accompanying the trip will be Mr Andrew Penny, Pedare’s Humanities LAC, who also had to go through a selection process to be selected for this History trip.
Careers Expo ONE +
On Wednesday 13 June, the ONE+ schools conducted the Careers Expo at the Golden Grove Recreation & Arts Centre. I was very impressed with the large number of tertiary providers who were able to be present from midday until 6pm. The range of providers enabled students with different pathways to learn more about opportunities ranging from VET and apprenticeships to university courses. In future, I would encourage parents to accompany their Year 10, 11 & 12 children to the afterschool session as this is very beneficial for the essential career planning that needs to be discussed at home. My thanks to Mrs Debbie Hollister, Pedare’s Director of Senior Studies and Pathways for her assistance in the planning of this event.
Mr Randall Pearce
“Well done is better than well said” (Actions speak louder than words)
‘Well done is better than well said,”’has been my theme for this year, which has built on last year’s theme, ‘From little things big things grow.’ Both themes are about students and staff taking action. Action is an element of the Primary Years Program (PYP).
Action is embedded in the philosophy of the IB and is promoted throughout all its curricular programmes. In the PYP, action is considered to be both an application of learning and an opportunity for students to engage in a form of contribution or service.
Many people think Action is easy to define. It is something you do, right? But Action is much more than that. Action is a part of who we are. If we want to change the world, we need to start with changing ourselves. But sometimes change is hard. How do we make changes to the way we think so we can help the world?
If we want children to make a difference in the world, we need to help them personalise the action they take and understand it is not just a mandate from their teachers and parents, but a life-long mindset they develop.
Taking action can happen at any age. It’s all about how we as parents, educators, and the community, support children and youth as they begin the learning journey towards becoming adults that are change agents!
Every teacher wants their students to take action that makes a difference to and in the world. I believe that the concept of action is more a state of mind than a product. Action can only make a resonating difference to and in the world when it is developed in tandem with a toolbox of explicitly taught skills, modelled behaviours, scaffolded plans and a gradual release of responsibility.
Teachers need to provide the scaffolded learning experiences that help students gain the skills (including how to collaborate and how to focus on solving challenges) and knowledge to take sustained and meaningful action.
I am proud to report, in the Junior School, we have students keen to act to make our world a better place. Liam Ruthen from Reception O, wrote me a beautiful letter about a plan to have a ‘Soft Stuff’ Day, to help raise funds for homeless people. Liam’s idea and action came after a family holiday to Melbourne where he experienced seeing people sleeping rough and he was called to serve and act.
As a result, I have met with the Student Voice Council (SVC) and we have used Liam’s idea and developed “Pedare’s Fancy Feet” Winter Appeal. The outcome of this meeting is, on Thursday 5 July, in Week 10, students and staff are permitted to wear different footwear with their school uniform and dress code.
Students and staff could wear different socks or shoes or even both. Please note shoes MUST be enclosed and appropriate for play.
Students and staff are asked to donate a new pair of winter socks which will then be donated to Anglicare’s Winter Appeal, so people less fortunate than us may experience something new, warm and soft this winter.
Another act of great action this year has seen the College, led by Mr Heath Perry, share our donated Coles vouchers with Anglicare, who will then use the sporting equipment to assist newly arrived refugee families to Adelaide. Anglicare has used 17,000 vouchers to purchase hula hoops, soccer balls, basketballs and high bounce balls. Again, this idea came from the community and further developed by staff at the Junior School, many thanks to Joanne, Nathan (Year 4) and Tegan Murby (Year 2).
Junior School Disco
The Junior School Disco will be held on Friday 22 June from 6:00pm. This wonderful opportunity is only made possible due to the hard work of our Parent and Friends Association who organise the night for the Junior School, along with staff who volunteer their time. A great example of our community working together to support the children we love and care for collectively.
Mr Andrew Whiteman
“Wisdom is not knowing what to do now, but what to do next.”
It is that time of year again where Middle School students are focusing their time and energy on finishing assignments, preparing for tests, getting creative with video presentations and generally completing assessments. There is also often an element of worry or stress for some students which can cause a change in behaviour, sleepless nights or even no change at all! The information below is sourced from the Learning Curve website which is where the information in the Student Planner originates from. With such busy daily lives sometimes students need to stop, sit and relax and just think of the present moment.
Mindfulness is about connecting with yourself and the present moment. There are many stressors which trigger negative emotions in students which:
Every parent of an adolescent understands that not all children are comfortable in immediately asking for help from adults: therefore, it is important for parents and teachers to take the initiative and raise the issue. At Pedare our teachers, counsellors and pastoral team help students to develop positive coping strategies. These strategies are little positive actions which relieve pressure and they vary from student to student.
Positive coping strategies fall into four general categories, which are:
I encourage you to talk with your children about how they are coping with the demands of school. It may be just the opening that a child needs to talk about how they are feeling and if they are not coping. Don’t be surprised if they don’t communicate well as this all part of being a young adolescent. Try modelling and talking with them about some of the positive coping strategies mentioned above and hopefully you have a successful outcome.
Well done to all of our musicians as they performed at the Middle School recital night in week 6. There were so many students it was hard to keep up, with a number of students performing more than one instrument, a wonderful effort and a big thank you to our instrumental and music staff for their preparation of the students.
I look forward to seeing all parents and caregivers of Year 9 students at the Community Project evening being held in the Wattle Centre on Thursday 28 June. Once again there are a wide variety of topics that students have chosen to explore and we eagerly await seeing all of their hard work on display.
Mrs Gillian Edwards
As we come to the end of Semester 1, the past two weeks have been a time of consolidation as well as looking forward.
Year 10s have been finishing semester work, preparing and sitting for examinations, and giving consideration to their future learning pathways by attending the One+ Career Expo and the Career Speed Dating at the College. We hope the latter two events have helped students to gain a better idea of possible career directions.
Similarly, the Year 11s have been concluding their semester work and sitting examinations. We hope they too took advantage of the opportunity to discuss pathways with the exhibitors at the One+ Career Expo. They will also be attending the Year 11 Challenge on Monday and Tuesday of Week 10 this term. We look forward to this event. Both days offer challenges of a different nature and will give students an opportunity to demonstrate their resilience, creativity, collaboration and leadership skills.
Thank you to Mrs Denton-Brown, Mrs Carter and to all the teacher invigilators who helped to make the examination process run as smoothly as it did. Hopefully the students could demonstrate their knowledge and understanding and have gained some insights, about themselves and the process, through this experience, that will hold them in good stead for the future.
Meanwhile, the Year 12s continue with their studies. The Year 12 Solo Performance evening and the PE Aquatics Camp have come and gone. The Year 12 Drama students are hard at work preparing for their externally assessed performance in Week 10. The Formal Committee is busy planning for this much anticipated event. With only fourteen school weeks left until they celebrate their final day at the College, we are all reminded of how fast the year goes by and how much still is to be achieved.
So, my very best wishes to all members of the Senior School as we commence Semester 2. We look forward to a renewed focus by students as they begin new opportunities or develop their learning in continuing subjects.
STEM – Engineers in the Making
The Year 2 students have been exploring the transdisciplinary theme of ‘How the World Works’. The key concepts of Responsibility, Function and Causation have encouraged reflection on our responsibilities, how things work and why things are the way they are. Keeping in mind the central idea: ‘Technology impacts upon our lives’, students have engaged in a variety of STEM activities to improve their understanding of how materials behave and their function. They are also conducting research into discoveries and inventions, in order to inquire into their impact upon our lives. There definitely are some budding engineers and scientists within the cohort and their engagement with the topic is highly commendable.
Student comments:
Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week saw the Year 2 students participating in a variety of activities to raise awareness and understanding about reconciliation; as we learn to get along by acknowledging the rights of all Australians, celebrating differences and including everyone. We feel sorry about what happened in the past and want to work together to create a brighter future and equal rights for all Australian people. Some activities the students were engaged in were:
Tea Tree Gully Heritage Museum Visit
Recently, the Year 2s visited the Tea Tree Gully Heritage Museum and Library. An enjoyable day out was spent exploring our community’s past and how this has shaped who we are today. It was also interesting to consider the importance of preserving buildings and artefacts from the past, as we reflected on the transdisciplinary theme of ‘Where We Are in Place and Time’. No one would have guessed that the Year 2 students were so skilled at washing and ironing! The blacksmith was a hit and wowed everyone with his skills and the safety goggles quickly became the preferred fashion accessory of the day. The slab hut gave everyone a new appreciation for the comforts of modern day living and had them thanking their lucky stars they are 20th century children.
TelstraKids – Blue Bots
The TelstraKids grant has helped to make our mapping lessons so much more fun, inspiring young minds to visualise a path on the customised Blue Bot grids and using coding to convert their ideas into programmed directions.
Student comments:
Mrs Ailsa Burne & Ms Alicia Clare – Year 2 Teachers
As part of our inquiry of different lifestyles in different cultures, our Year 4s and Year 5s have investigated some Chinese sports such as Jianzi毽子, Tai Chi 太极and Chinese YOYO抖空竹. They were very excited to join in a real practice of Tai Chi with instructors from Confucius Institute of Adelaide University. The workshop was both engaging and practical and our instructors were introducing the meaning of Tai Chi and teaching basic moves of this traditional Chinese sport. Students were able to wear Tai Chi clothes and experience the beauty of Tai Chi- the balance between body and mind.
Student comments:
“It was an amazing session and we had lot of fun. I think the instructors taught us very well and I would recommend it to all.” – Hannah C
“It was very engaging, interactive and a good learning experience. Very relaxing too!” – Thomas P
“I liked how they taught us about the meaning of Tai Chi and its basic moves.” – Inka G
Ms Grace Liu – Chinese Teacher
Middle School Recital #1 2018
On Tuesday 5 June, the Pedare Chapel held our first Middle School Music Recital evening for the year. There were a phenomenal 70 music students performing solo and small group pieces on flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, drum kit, piano, acoustic and electric guitar, bass guitar and voice. Almost half of these students were from the Year 6 cohort which is showing some amazing growth in the instrumental music program.
Performing solo music is a very challenging but rewarding experience for students. Combining many long hours of practice into presenting a piece of music that is polished and expressive is one of the most rewarding processes a student can be part of. Music is such as valued part of our culture at Pedare, and we thank all of the dedicated instrumental tutors who have a lot of fun working with our students to make music. There will be a second recital evening for Middle School students in Term 4, so we look forward to more even more students being involved next time.
Stage 2 Music Solo and Ensemble Performances
On Tuesday 12 June, Stage 2 Music Solo and Ensemble Performance students presented their first assessed performance of the year. Luminaire Vocal Ensemble performed three high-quality pieces with Michelle Mooney, Abby Hogarth and Tai Appelt being assessed for their part in the group. The Year 12 Rock Band entertained us with three fantastic pieces showcasing the skills of Bradley Schwartz, Mark Allen, Cooper Nickolai and Alexander Butler, supported by Owen Jolly on the bass guitar.
The Stage 2 Solo Performance students then impressed us with their polished and skillful performances, most students presenting three pieces. Congratulations to Bradley Schwartz, Cooper Nickolai, Mark Allen, Michelle Mooney, Brooke Carrigan, Tai Appelt, Alexander Butler for all of the preparation and hard work they put into getting ready for a performance like this. Great satisfaction comes from performing this challenging repertoire and the students are now looking towards their second performance in Term 3.
Mrs Nadine Stroud – Director of Music R-12
Between Weeks 3 and 7, the Year 6 cohort worked on their major Interdisciplinary unit for the year. Named “Mind Your Own Business”, this unit addresses outcomes in Individuals and Societies, Language and Literature, and Maths; and requires students to work intensively in small groups to create a simulated small business.
After completing tasks relating to their business, including undertaking market research, designing a logo, slogan and name, researching an existing business, choosing merchandise, creating an advertising campaign and planning a budget; the Pedare Plaza opened to great fanfare on Wednesday of Week 7.
We were fortunate to have as a special guest Carly Didcote, Youth Development Co-ordinator from the Tea Tree Gully Council. Carly has spent this term working with some of our students on creating a REAL small business with products to sell at the Winter Warmer Market on Saturday 28 July, and we wish our students every success in this venture. Carly spoke engagingly about her experiences as a small business owner and gave the students valuable ideas about customer service and presenting their market stalls. She then interacted with each group as they set up their stalls.
Thank you to the Year 7, 8 and 10 students, and the staff members, who came as “customers”, your engagement gave the students a realistic and rewarding experience. It has been a full on 5 weeks, with tears and joys along the way, but we believe every student has learned valuable lessons in team work and personal and collective responsibility and organisation.
Ms Rachael Young – Year 6 Teacher
A new display of artwork has recently been on display in Caladenia and the Wattle Centre of Semester 1 work. Year 6 students have been learnt about artists Ayako Mitsu and Bridget Riley and created their own contrasting patterns. Year 7 students have completed a unit on Cubism where they learnt about Picasso and created portraits in this style. Year 8 Media Art students discovered the photography technique called Cyanotypes and were inspired by artist Anna Atkins.
Ms Leah Grant – Visual Arts and Media Arts Teacher
Year 8 Media Art students are embracing the cool weather and getting outside to take photographs around the College. On Friday Week 7, students made use of raindrops and puddles to find interesting reflections. They focused on using a range of photography techniques including Depth of Field, Leading Lines and Rule of Thirds.
Ms Leah Grant – Visual Arts and Media Arts Teacher
On Thursday 21 June, some Year 7 and 9 Language & Literature students attended the Convention Centre for the annual Meet the Writers Festival, an event to celebrate reading and writing. A number of highly acclaimed Australian authors were in attendance to share their thoughts on the writing process and the value of reading. Some students attended a very interesting session run by Jack Heath who spoke about how we can tell if people are likely to be telling the truth or not, for example, telling a story out of order and adding sensory detail are indicators of truthfulness. Interestingly, the same factors which help to reveal a person’s truthfulness also make up a list of factors which make great story writing. The students learned much throughout the day about the choices authors make in creating a plot and the effectiveness of different narrative styles. For instance, a character-driven novel (as opposed to a highly plot-driven story) is more likely to develop intrigue on the part of the reader because it teaches us more about life, relationships and ourselves.
The day was highly enjoyable and enriching for the students in attendance.
Students need to be eating a healthy breakfast!
We have all heard it before, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. If students are eating a proper, fulfilling breakfast, they will have enough energy to start the day off well and won’t be checking the clock every 30 seconds to see if it’s recess. Effects of skipping breakfast include the increasing risk of high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.
On the other side, having breakfast improves memory, concentration, behaviour, overall wellbeing and contributes to maintaining a healthy BMI.
For my community project, I created a website called “Brekkie Made Easy”, which has lots of recipes that are totally versatile to any dietary requirements or likes/dislikes. There are sections on why everyone should eat breakfast, substitutes and servings, nutrients and superfoods which can be added in. Breakfast can be transformed from a boring piece of Vegemite on toast to something more exciting.
e.g. a chocolate smoothie, berry oats, avocado & egg on toast or a tropical smoothie.
Please see my website, give some of the recipes a try and leave feedback.
I hope I can encourage everyone to eat a healthy breakfast and prove brekkie can be made easy!
Paris Hedger, Year 9
On Wednesday 30 May, Eco Force students met up with Shanelle Palmer and Friends of Cobbler Creek to create a heritage garden. Shanelle and the volunteers directed the students to dig holes, so they could plant some of the local native species. When digging, students found an interesting collection of assorted artifacts, earthenware and even a stem from an old clay smoking pipe. While some students moved crushed gravel to make a pathway, others moved stones and rocks to create the outline of the heritage garden. The area students visited is situated off the Grove Way at the Teakle Ruins, which is a historical restoration site from the 19th century.
Eco Force students will continue their community service by revisiting the site later in July to continue the work.
Mr David DeBoer – IBMYP Coordinator
We encourage families to share their child/rens personal achievements from both within and outside of the College, as we understand learning doesn’t stop at the school gate. If your child has a special achievement, we welcome your submission. Articles of 100 to 200 words along with a good high-resolution photo can be emailed by clicking the button below.
Congratulations to Ava Haldane-Spencer, Year 6, who won the under 12 novice solo aggregate in Dance Competitions SA, held at Goodwood recently. Ava competed in jazz, tap, song and dance, lyrical, hip-hop and classical ballet. The competition is for the soloist who obtained the most points for competing in solo events over the course of four days.
Well done Ava.
Congratulations to Thomas Brennan, Year 7, who recently received an A+ for grade 5 piano.
Well done Thomas.
Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:
Independent Schools Swimming Carnival
Extra-Curricular Fixtures are available on the Pedare App and on the College website.
On Thursday 14 June, Pedare students from Years 4 – 7 participated in the Independent Primary Schools Swimming Carnival at Prince Alfred College.
This was the first meet of the year for this extremely competitive competition, as swimmers from the biggest Independent Schools in Adelaide compete in individual and team events.
This event is a great opportunity for our students to experience a high level of competition and see how they rank against some of the best swimmers in Adelaide. Our students can now strive to reach greater levels in their swimming.
Our swimmers did themselves and the College proud. The boys’ team finished fifth out of the eight schools and the girls finished seventh. Overall, Pedare finished seventh in the combined scores.
Thank you to Mr Perry and Mr Raymond for their support with training the team and thank you to the parents who assisted with timing at the event.
Mr Joshua Willis – Director of Sport R – 12
Week 6
Week 7
The Journey Uniting Church have programmes running for children and youth on Friday nights in Term 2. Some of the activities include: Games Night, Photo Rally, Wheels Night, PJ Disco. For more information about Journey Youth, Kids Club and Freshman (Year 5 & 6), please click here.
Generators Kids Club 2017 (Years R-6)
Come and join us. Generators Kids Club meets Fridays each fortnight for great games, craft and bible time. The next Kids Club is on Friday 29 June from 3:30-5:00pm. This craft this week is Exploding Pop Sticks. The Term 2 program can be downloaded from our website. For information about 2018 Kids Club, phone Rick on 8264 3736 or click here
SWAT Youth (Years 7-12)
Meets Friday each week at 7:30pm. The next meeting is on Friday 29 June. Come for a great time of games, friendship and bible discussion. For information about 2018 SWAT Youth, phone Dave on 0403 723 953 or click here.
Normal Weekly Services – Check out our website for more details.
Sunday@8:30: Prayer book service – weekly communion.
Sunday@10: Family service and specific children’s ministries. Communion on third Sunday of every month.
Sunday@6.00pm: Youth, young adult and those young at heart. Communion first Sunday of every month. There is no children’s program but drawing supplies and a withdrawal room are available for your young ones.
The TTG Uniting Church will be hosting Christmas Tree Festival workshops for students during the July school holidays. Come along with your ideas or your craft-making gifts and help create items for sale at the Christmas Tree Festival to be held 29 November to 1 December. All monies raised go to our local Pastoral Care Workers. The workshops will be on Thursday 12 July and Thursday 19 July, from 10:00am – 3:00pm in the TTG Uniting Church Hall. For more information, contact the TTG Uniting Chruch office on 8396 3252 or email
Join St Mark’s Anglican for soup on Thursdays 6:00pm to 7:30pm from May to August. Enjoy free cafe style soup in a warm and friendly community atmosphere. Everyone is welcome. For more information phone 8289 4003 or email