Mr James Tamblyn
As you may recall prior to the impact of COVID-19 in Term One, the College was looking forward to welcoming John Hendry OAM to present a series of workshops with students, staff and families. John currently works as a consultant for the Institute of Positive Education and has been a significant contributor to the growth of Positive Education in schools over the past ten years.
John was engaged to work with our community on the role of forgiveness in a resilient and inclusive culture, specifically the role that forgiveness plays in enabling students and community members to move forward together in relationships after they have been damaged. Forgiveness does not mean allowing people to mistreat or hurt without consequence or repercussion; it is the intentional and voluntary process whereby a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitudes regarding an event. It involves the person letting go of negative emotions such as vengefulness and anger, and trusting that the other party has the willingness and capacity to change.
The flip-side of John’s business card reads as follows: Forgiveness gives us the capacity to make a new start…And forgiveness is the grace by which you enable the other person to get up, and get up with dignity, to begin anew…In the act of forgiveness we are declaring our faith in the future of a relationship and in the capacity of the wrongdoer to change.
Central to the act of forgiveness is the premise that other lives matter. In the context of the global unrest we have seen in recent weeks as part of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests, and the division fuelled by inequity and prejudice, it is imperative that we play our part by collectively committing to, and modelling, our core values. We are also committed to ensuring that we support our students to understand how forgiveness, as difficult as it may be, is a choice to invest in the future of a relationship, and that it is our relationships with others that ultimately matter most.
I have spoken with John Hendry this week and look forward to rescheduling his time at Pedare to later in the year when travel restrictions are relaxed and larger gatherings appropriate.
Mr Andrew Whiteman
This week, our Senior students have climbed the mountain and are now coming down the other side. The mountain, of course, was the Semester One examinations that took place in the College Chapel this week. Although a few nerves were evident in the morning, our students faced this challenge with enthusiasm and performed well in all of their allocated exams. For our Year 10 students this was their first experience and they passed with flying colours. The metaphor of coming down the other side refers to the end of the Semester One subjects. Week 9 signals the start of the second semester with many students having new subjects and new teachers as they start another journey of learning in the second half of the year. A number of students have requested changes to subjects, and we have been able to accommodate most of these. A reminder that any Year 10 or 11 subject changes must be completed by Friday 3 July (Week 10).
Our attention quickly turns to 2021 and our Year 11 students who need to be considering their options for Stage 2. Early in Term 3 students and families will have the opportunity to meet and talk with staff about their possible selections for Year 12. Each family will have a course counselling session with a staff member where 2021 subject selections will be made online and signed by all parties. This process was very informative and helpful for families last year and we look forward to discussing your children’s futures at these meetings. The same will occur for Year 10 families as they also make important decisions leading into Year 11. There is a lot of information being provided online by all of the Adelaide Universities and we encourage all students who are considering a tertiary pathway to research a variety of courses to ensure they can make informed subject choices in Term 3.
Mrs Lauren Brooks
On Friday 12 June, education ministers announced a comprehensive review into the Australian Curriculum from Foundation to Year 10, anticipating the launch from the beginning of 2022. The review will look to declutter the current curriculum and improve the relationship of the general capabilities, to the content of the learning areas. Furthermore, the ever-topical ATAR, (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) is also under more scrutiny than ever, with education experts suggesting that the ATAR should also be supplemented with vocational training, co-curricular experiences, skills, capabilities and a learner profile to ensure a student’s holistic gifts and talents are recognised post-Year 12.
With all of the discussions at a national level about a redesign of our curriculum, it is heartening to reflect on the forward-thinking International Baccalaureate (IB) methodology that frames a Pedare student’s learning experience.
In addition to the learning requirements of ACARA, Pedare students are challenged with a higher level of academic rigour through the IB framework, whilst developing strong social and emotional characteristics through our commitment to the development of our students holistically. We are guided by the IB Learner Profile which aims to develop learners who are inquiries, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective.
One of the elements I have been really proud to see thrive in our Middle School in 2020 is the element of ‘risk-taking’. Especially in our new subject Spark, seeing the high level of engagement from students in driving their own learning experiences with the support of their teachers. I had great joy chatting with some of our Year 6 students who were so excited about their new building proposal they are developing in their Spark lesson. Similarly, I enjoyed learning about some of our Year 8 student ‘Ted Talk’ topics that they have been working on in Spark. I am looking forward to seeing their brilliant and inspirational stories come to life over the coming weeks.
Mr Randall Pearce
No one ever got dizzy from doing a good turn!
This is another Church sign I read on the way to school over the past term. I am proud that as an IB School and Christian school we see many small and big acts of kindness and our students and staff taking action. Action is an element of the Primary Years Program (PYP).
Action is embedded in the philosophy of the IB and is promoted throughout all its curricular programmes. In the PYP, action is considered to be both an application of learning and an opportunity for students to engage in a form of contribution or service.
Many people think that Action is easy to define. It is something you do, right? But Action is much more than that. Action is a part of who we are. If we want to change the world, we need to start with changing ourselves. But sometimes change is hard. How do we make changes to the way we think so we can help the world?
If we want children to make a difference in the world, we need to help them personalise the action they take and understand that it is not just a mandate from their teachers and parents, but a life-long mindset they develop.
Taking action can happen at any age. It’s all about how we as parents, educators, and the community, support children and youth as they begin the learning journey towards becoming adults that are change agents!
Every teacher wants their students to take action that makes a difference to and in the world. I believe the concept of action is more a state of mind than a product. Action can only make a resonating difference to and in the world when it is developed in tandem with a toolbox of explicitly taught skills, modelled behaviours, scaffolded plans and a gradual release of responsibility.
Teachers need to provide the scaffolded learning experiences that help students gain the skills (including how to collaborate and how to focus on solving challenges) and knowledge to take sustained and meaningful action.
I commend the Junior School ably led by Mrs Ailsa Burne who this week donated over 1000 food items to the UnitingCare, who will ensure these donations support needy people in our local area.
We are pleased that Shade sails have now been installed over the Grevillea and Acadia playgrounds to provide the much-needed protection from the Australian sun. We’d like to thank the Government of South Australia and Pedare’s Parents & Friends Association who both contributed the funds for this project.
The Pedare Christian College Music Scholarship and Bursary Program recognises individual musical talent and the commitment of the College to this important area of the curriculum and the musical and worship life of the College.
These scholarships and bursaries are open to instrumentalists and vocalists and will be awarded to students who display outstanding musical ability and potential and a sound academic record.
The College has a strong music culture with Concert Bands, a Stage Band, Choirs for all ages and a Jazz vocal ensemble, String Ensembles, two string quartets, percussion and guitar ensembles and a biennial musical, that we will develop with successful applicants.
Applicants may have a contemporary, jazz or classical background in Music
Applications for 2021 are now open and will close on Friday 28 August 2020 with auditions to follow.
For more information or an application form, please click here or contact the Community Relations Manager, Julie Holland at the College Office 8280 1700 or email:
MSP Photography are on their way!!!
School Photo Day is:
Wednesday 1 July
Have your child’s school memories captured forever.
MSP Order envelopes will be distributed to students on Monday 22 June.
Please take time to read the relevant information on the MSP Order envelopes and make sure your child brings their envelope to school on Photo Day.
A huge thank you to all our wonderful Pedare families for their generous donations. Over 1000 food items have been collected during the Junior School ‘Food Drive Fortnight’.
Donations will go to the local UnitingCare South Australia Emergency Relief Centre at Modbury Uniting Church to provide for the many individuals and families who have been affected by the economic fall-out of COVID-19. The donations were handed to Rev Button on Thursday 18 June.
All of the Junior School classes made artwork, including paintings and pictures, for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. The theme was Rainbows.
Heidi from the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Foundation came to talked about what she was going to do with the rainbow pictures. She was very excited to take them. Other schools have also participated. Heidi organises lots of other activities with schools and in the hospital so the children in the hospital won’t be bored. She also explained it helps kids to calm down if they are scared about having an operation or a needle. It’s also fun to do activities with them.
Some of the paintings will go in an old cafe near to the hospital, as a little gallery to say a big thank you to the hospital staff for always putting in an amazing effort, especially over the last few months. People who go past will be cheered up with the amazing patterns and colours. They will also be hung on the walls in the hospital hallways for all to enjoy.
The children in the Pedare Junior School are very happy that their artwork is being shared to brighten up other’s days.
Year 5P students – Allegra Portakiewicz, Ella Pring & Isabella Winder
Year 7 students have been exploring the use of Aquaponics and the Greenhouse to develop optimum growing conditions, so that we have a continuous yield of plants available for Food Technology classes to use.
In addition, the Year 7 Design classes have made informational videos to explain these areas of the College to new students (please see below).
It is fantastic to see how engaged the students are in this space.
Mrs Jude Johnson – Teacher, Year 7
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ― Fred Rogers
The world today faces serious global issues of terrorism, ethnic conflict, social inequality, and environmental destruction. Students are constantly encountering these issues through a variety of media so how can we prepare our students to cope with these problems?
In times of community or world-wide crisis, it’s easy to assume that young people don’t know what’s going on. Even if we wanted to, it would be impossible to give our children all the reasons for such things as war, terrorists, abuse, murders, fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes. If they ask questions, our best answer may be to ask them, “What do you think happened?” If the answer is, “I don’t know,” then the simplest reply might be something like, “I’m sad about the news, and I’m worried. But I love you, and I’ll take care of you.”
Here at Pedare we see our role as helping the students to become aware of these global issues and develop knowledgeable, ethical decision makers.
The goals of a global education include knowledge, skills, attitudes and action. Cates, Kip. (2002 in Teaching for a Better World: Global Issues and Language Education states that:
We welcome healthy and positive conversations about current global issues with our children and young people, as we help them to better understand the world they live in and encourage them to become the ‘helpers’.
The Pastoral Team
Extra-Curricular Sports feature articles and results below:
The Netball Spirit is alive and well at Pedare, with trainings running each morning from Monday through to Friday. The girls have been so happy to get back to training with a total of 8 Squads and 4 SPIN Teams, a record breaking number of enrolments.
The College has been so fortunate to welcome a brand-new team called Go Green! This team transitioned from the Net Set Go Program run each year in Term 1 to form their very own Squad in Pedares External Netball Competition. Coaches Ella Forrester and Alicia Jamal (current Year 12s) were so grateful for the opportunity to coach these girls who are featured in the short video below. We can’t wait to get back to the court in a competitive stance and look forward to the exciting opportunities on the horizon…
Ms Alana Glapa – Specialist Program in Netball (SPiN) Coordinator & Teacher, Year 6
Due to the current situation with COVID-19, the Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is no longer able to meet together in their traditional Sunday format. As such, Sunday gatherings have been suspended but are currently meeting online using Zoom and YouTube Service times are 8:30am, 10:00am and 6:00pm.
Please contact Dave Brown on for more details, or check their Facebook page for links.
If you are struggling and would like to talk with someone from the church during these trying times, please phone 8264 3736.
Some COVID-19 restrictions have now been lifted and we are able to meet face to face. However, there is a limit to how many people we can safely fit in the available space.
Please email before 5:00 pm on Saturday evenings if you would like to attend our 8:30 am or 10:30 am services.
If you prefer, one of these services will be recorded and uploaded to our website to watch at a later time.