Pedare - The Vine Newsletter Issue 9 for 2023

The Vine Issue 9 – 2023

June 23, 2023
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A reminder to families that Term 2 will finish next week on Friday, 30 June.

Students will be dismissed at the normal time of 3:15pm on that day.

Students’ Semester 1 reports will be available on Friday, 7 July, and families will be advised when they are available on SEQTA.

The College Office will be closed from Monday, 10 July to Wednesday, 19 July and will reopen on Thursday, 20 July.

Should you need to contact the College during that period, please email or leave a message on 8280 1700.

The Junior School Office will be closed for the full 3 weeks of the term break, Monday, 3 July – Friday, 22 July.

Term 3 will commence on Monday, 24 July.


Mrs Lauren Brooks



The Performing Arts are such an enriching part of our College community. 

The opportunities for growth, exploration and creativity within our performing arts are limitless. From the success of our Generations in Jazz team, to our upcoming College Musical, to the Year 11 theatre production and engaging music experiences for our younger students (as well as the recent Junior School disco!), we have much to celebrate!

First and foremost, mark your calendars for the highly anticipated College Musical, ‘The Addams Family’. During our recent Assembly, our talented performers gave us a live performance of one of the acts, giving us a glimpse of the incredible professionalism and sophistication they bring to the show. This comedic ‘Addams Family’ performance embraces the craziness in every family and promises an unforgettable experience for all. Our dedicated musical team has encouraged and supported many students this year to showcase their acting, singing and dancing skills. We invite you to join us on 3, 4, or 5 August to experience their exceptional performance. Hurry and secure your tickets because they are selling out fast. 

Tonight, we would also like to wish our Year 10 and 11 Drama students, under the direction of Mr Bond, all the best for their performance of ‘Picnic At Hanging Rock’. After months of preparation, our talented students are eager to bring this captivating production to life. We admire their dedication and commitment to their craft and encourage our community to support them in their artistic endeavours this evening at the Golden Grove Recreation Centre from 6:30pm.


In addition to our senior students’ accomplishments, our Junior School recently had the pleasure of hosting the fabulous JAM Band musicians. Their entertaining, interactive and educational children’s show provided a truly inspiring music experience for our younger students. The engaging style of presentation not only fostered their musical growth but also instilled confidence and self-esteem in our students. We were delighted to witness such enthusiastic engagement from our students, reminding us of the profound impact of performing arts on their overall development.

Finally, we also thank our wonderful Parents and Friends Committee for organising our Junior School Disco last Friday. Children enjoyed a wonderful night of dancing, fun and festivities, and we thank all of our parents and staff for their support for a successful evening.

Junior School Disco – Friday, 16 June

Participating in our brilliant Performing Arts programs at Pedare not only allows students to develop their artistic abilities but also nurtures essential skills such as teamwork, self-expression and confidence. It is through these programs that our College community comes together to celebrate the creative talents of our students, fostering a vibrant and inclusive environment.


Mrs Mandy Hore


I find it hard to believe that we are now well into the long days of winter, that we are at the end of June, and that we are halfway through the year.

With the end of the term and the approaching holidays, it is appropriate that we reflect on another successful term.

Our students have achieved significant academic success, and in the coming weeks, you will receive reports that evidence their commitment, application and growth. They have complemented their academic program with involvement in various extracurricular activities, competitions, clubs and sports. They have displayed remarkable talents and excelled in music, the arts and drama. Importantly, they have cared for each other, looked beyond self and have shone as young people who are committed to contributing to the world and making a difference.

A very special thank you to the wonderful Pedare community for their generous donations during our Winter Warmers Casual Day on Friday, 16 June. We received overwhelming support; an abundance of warm beanies, socks, scarves, blankets and monetary contributions, all of which will go a long way in supporting the important efforts of Uniting SA in assisting local individuals in need this winter. Thank you all for your incredible support and generosity.

I would also like to acknowledge the exceptional efforts of the staff. Their dedication enables the exceptional education that Pedare offers.

Winter Warmers Casual Day – Friday, 16 June

Of course, as we bid farewell to this term, we also eagerly anticipate the start of the next one. We are excited about the opportunities it will bring and look forward to the ‘Addams Family’ musical, more outdoor education adventures, Community Dinners and an array of exciting learning experiences that are already in the planning stages. Please take time to review the College calendar.

Enjoy time to rest, rejuvenate, reflect and especially enjoy being with family and friends. Try something new, read books and embrace all that surrounds you. I hope you find time to stop, breathe and just be.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Thank you for your ongoing support of the College this term; education is a partnership. 


Mr Josh Willis


2024 Senior School Student Leadership

Learning to lead is a key part of a well-rounded education at Pedare. This week, we embarked on the process of electing formal Senior School Student Leaders for 2024. To launch this process, the current Year 11 students engaged in a leadership lunch last Thursday, 16 June, bringing together students, staff and special guest speakers. This event aimed to provide a platform for our future leaders to gain valuable insights into effective leadership and understand the significance of the opportunities available to them. We had the privilege of welcoming current and past Student Leaders and members of the Pedare Leadership Team, who shared their leadership journeys, offered advice and told stories of their own experiences as leaders. Students have been encouraged to consider applying for one or more of the following roles. 

  • College Captain
  • Community Captain 
  • Sports Captain
  • Arts Captain 

We understand that pursuing leadership roles can be a challenging journey, and we are committed to supporting all students through this process.


Year 10 & 11 Exams

Next week, Year 10 and 11 students will complete their Semester One examinations. A reminder that Year 10s will have regular timetabled lessons on Monday, with their examinations commencing on Tuesday, 27 June. Students are to wear their formal winter uniform and are only required to attend school for their examinations. Study spaces, including the Catford Library, will be provided should students have a morning and afternoon exam or wish to study at school. We understand that exam periods can be a time of heightened stress, and we encourage students to reach out to their teachers or members of pastoral staff should they require additional support. We wish all Year 10 and 11 students the best and look forward to celebrating their achievements together.

Year 11 Outdoor Education Challenge 

Year 11 students braved last week’s cold and wet weather for their Outdoor Education Challenge. The challenge served as a platform for students to step out of their comfort zones and embrace new challenges. The day program incorporated a range of activities that tested their leadership qualities, problem-solving abilities, communication skills and their ability to adapt to unfamiliar situations. Whether it was the 320 metre-long Flying Fox, the 8-metre-high Mega Swing or the 18-metre-high abseil, each student showed remarkable determination and a willingness to overcome their fears.


Mr Randall Pearce


Year 4 Mylor Adventure Camp

Last week, Year 4 students experienced their first overnight camp away from school at the picturesque Mylor Adventure Camp in the Adelaide Hills. From the moment they arrived, their faces lit up with anticipation, and students were eager to dive right into the action. Students were encouraged throughout the camp to step out of their comfort zones and conquer their fears. The challenging activities pushed their boundaries, and as they overcame obstacles, their confidence soared. It was wonderful to see their growth as they discovered newfound talents and realised their ability to be risk-takers.

Despite the unpredictable weather, including rain, hail and wet conditions, Year 4 students adapted with resilience and enthusiasm. Their spirits remained high, and the rain only added an extra element of adventure to their camp experience.

Year 4s couldn’t contain their excitement as they soared through the air on the flying fox, feeling the wind rush past them as they glided down the zipline. The giant swing provided a different kind of thrill as they swung high up into the sky, conquering their fears and embracing the rush of excitement. Bouldering brought out their determination and teamwork. Scaling the rock walls, they cheered each other, offering encouragement and celebrating each small victory. Divided into teams, the students explored the vast Mylor Campsite, deciphering clues and working together to uncover a hidden message. 

Students also enjoyed a variety of fun games that fostered teamwork, cooperation and healthy competition, allowing them to develop social skills while creating lasting memories. As a special treat, our talented Pedare staff delighted the students with a captivating theatre performance before bedtime in their dormitories.

Year 4 Camp was a resounding success. Our students returned home with a sense of accomplishment, new friendships and cherished memories. We are incredibly proud of their resilience, teamwork and personal growth during this transformative experience.

Year 4 Camp at Mylor Adventure Camp, 13-14 June

Year 5 Museum Excursion

The Year 5 students embarked on an exciting journey to the South Australian Museum, led by palaeontologist Felicity. Under her expert guidance, they were transported through time, exploring the Ediacaran, Cretaceous and Pleistocene eras. During their exploration, they investigated the world of animal adaptations, uncovering how creatures evolved over time. As part of their experience, they had the opportunity to act as palaeontologists and make imprints of fossils using putty.

“It was fun learning about the megafauna, and it turns out people are actually megafauna” – Jasper

“Everything was fascinating, especially learning about the fossils and the bones” – Dannie

“We used putty to make imprints on the fossils” – Oscar

Year 5 Museum Excursions, 20-22 June

Year 5 Chinatown Excursion 

In the unit of ‘Where We Are in Place and Time’, Year 5s investigated trade and market in different countries and various shopping styles specific to different cultures. As a part of our actions from this unit, Year 5s went on an excursion to Chinatown. By visiting Chinese grocery stores and enjoying a Yum Cha dining experience at a Chinese restaurant, students gained a profound understanding of how culture and tradition influence lifestyles. This excursion also provided a valuable opportunity for students to practice their Chinese language skills outside of the classroom.

Year 5 Chinatown Excursions, 20-22 June


For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. Romans 5:5

One of the more challenging aspects of the Christian faith to explain to our younger students is the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Actually, that’s not entirely fair to those in our Junior School; explaining the Holy Spirit to anyone can be challenging!

A few weeks ago, the Christian Church around the world celebrated Pentecost Sunday, an occasion each year when Christians give thanks for God’s gift of the Holy Spirit to all his people. First given to the followers of Jesus just a few weeks after his resurrection and return to heaven, the Spirit of God is the invisible but very real presence of God himself.

We reflected on this in Junior School Worship, recognising that we don’t have Jesus physically with us, but we do have Jesus, the Son of God, and God the Father with us spiritually in the person of the Holy Spirit. Through the Spirit, God is present with all his followers. Furthermore, the Spirit provides guidance, wisdom and strength, especially when times are challenging. He is not an add-on or optional extra, nor is the Spirit an impersonal force for good.

The Holy Spirit is God himself, taking up residence in every Christian, filling them with the assurance of his love and empowering them to live wisely, joyfully and with hope. Yes, understanding who the Holy Spirit is can be tricky – but experiencing the reality of his presence is truly wonderful!

Mr John Morton – College Chaplain


2024 Music Scholarships

Applications are now open for 2024 Music Scholarships until Friday, 30 June. Please follow the links below for more information and the application form.

Senior School Academic Scholarships for 2024

Application for a Senior Academic Scholarship is open to both new students and current Pedare students who will enter Years 9, 10, 11 or 12 in 2024.

Junior Shine Awards

Congratulations to the following students on receiving the Junior Shine Award for Term 2 at Assembly on Friday, 23 June.

RC – Lucas L
RO – Xavier C

1E – Lydia D
1HD – Emmie Q

2B – Lachlan S
2C – Charlie G

3G – James P
3OR – Saskia L

4B – Letty S
4V – Yasha T

5CT – Campbell L
5LR – Isaac J
5P – Hannah Y


Platter Boxes

Year 10 Food & Hospitality

Year 10 Food & Hospitality class had the opportunity to cater for 70 staff members on Tuesday, 13 June. The class designed and created platter boxes, utilising produce grown by the Year 8 Sustainability class. Students enjoyed their first experience of catering for a group and received positive feedback from the staff. 

Ms Chloe Veras

Outdoor Education Experience

Year 11

On Tuesday, 13 June, the Year 11 Outdoor Education Experience took place at Woodhouse Activity Centre on the Mount Lofty Adventure Hub. Despite the chilly weather, students embraced the day with enthusiasm and resilience.

Throughout the day, students engaged in various team-building activities that fostered camaraderie and strengthened their bonds. The excitement reached its peak as students embarked on exhilarating adventures. A 320-metre-long flying fox sent them soaring through the air, accompanied by screams of both fear and excitement. The 8-metre Mega Swing provided a thrilling leap into the unknown, evoking laughter and an adrenaline rush. Scaling the towering 18-metre climbing wall tested their physical prowess, while the 18-metre abseil pushed their limits and instilled a sense of accomplishment.

Amidst the screams, laughter and smiles, the Year 11 Outdoor Experience unfolded as a resounding success. Students embraced the challenges, supported one another and celebrated their achievements. The day left an indelible mark on their memories, reminding them of the power of teamwork and personal growth.

Looking ahead, the Pedare community eagerly anticipates future outdoor adventures, knowing that each one will provide opportunities for students to create lasting memories and discover the thrill of pushing their boundaries.

Mr Michael Secomb

Australian Space Discovery Centre

Year 10 Science

On Thursdays, 8 and 15 June, Year 10 Science students embarked on an excursion to the Australian Space Discovery Centre and MOD. Museum as part of their current Astronomy unit. Students took part in the ‘Operation Eyes on Earth’ workshop at the Discovery Centre. They worked collaboratively in small groups to design a satellite capable of measuring ground temperatures on Earth. At MOD., students self-guided through the various FLEX exhibits on offer. They were able to learn and interact with current research occurring at the University of South Australia, such as the limitations of the human body during space flight. The day concluded with lunch at the Adelaide University Hub, where students could reflect on their learning from the two sessions and immerse themselves in university life.

Miss Hannah Dearman

Animals Anonymous Incursion


Friday, 16 June, was a special day for the Reception classes as they welcomed some scaly and feathery friends! Wallaby, goanna, gecko, crocodile, squirrel glider and python were just a few of the amazing creatures they had the chance to meet up close! 

Students had an incredible opportunity to hold pythons and interact with various marsupials and reptiles, many of them experiencing it for the first time. It was a truly special experience for the children.

A big thank you to Animals Anonymous for bringing these animals and teaching the students about their habitats, diets, special features, adaptations and the importance of conservation.

Geography Field Trip

Stage 1 Geography

Tuesday, 6 June, saw the Stage 1 Geography class, accompanied by Mr Agnew and Mrs McMaster, travel to the River Torrens Linear Park in Highbury. Students performed a range of fieldwork activities related to the natural river processes and human management of this important river system. Blessed with a sunny and mild winter’s day, the students completed field sketches of the river’s profile and a meander. In addition, they took photographs capturing the river’s health, measured the river width, velocity and profile at an accessible site, and also analysed vegetation through the use of both a transect and quadrat survey. While the principal purpose of the fieldwork was to gather, analyse and evaluate data in order to respond to a hypothesis about the river’s health, the outing also provided an invaluable opportunity to use a range of geographical equipment. 

Mr Tim Agnew

Magic Harvest Incursion

Year 3

Year 3 cohort has been focusing on Living and Non-Living Things during Science this semester. On Thursday, 15 June, they were lucky enough to participate in a Science incursion called ‘Magic Harvest’. Students enjoyed watching a play and learning about how ‘Soil is Alive!’ They also had the opportunity to create their own ‘seed packets’ filled with parsley seeds to take home. Students loved learning about the different layers of soil and creating organisms out of beeswax to place in the soil layers. What a fabulous afternoon with so much learning! 

Miss Kayla Gyles


Year 2

Students in Class 2B enjoyed getting acquainted with the VEX123 apparatus. Inspired by Mr Zankov’s energetic introduction, students were delighted to transfer their mapping knowledge, and prior experience in programming the Blue-Bots, to the context of the new VEX123 equipment. Collaboration, turn-taking, encouragement, reflection and logical thinking all played important roles in the learning process. Students engaged wholeheartedly with this hands-on activity and are eager to further develop their thinking and skills through future VEX experiences.

Mrs Ailsa Burne



The Pedare Extra-Curricular Team are excited to bring you a new portal, containing information and links all in one location to our Sports and Clubs program.

The Portal is updated regularly to bring you the latest news, announcements, updates, results and more of Pedare Extra-curricular activities and events.

Statewide School Sport SA Tournament

On Tuesday, 13 June, the SPIN Year 7/8 team came away with an undefeated three wins, securing their spot in  the next round of the Statewide School Sport SA Tournament. Congratulations to Mrs Zerner and the team on an excellent feat. 

Similarly, the SPIN Year 5/6 team replicated the success by winning all three of their games in Round 1 of the Statewide School Sport SA tournament on Monday, 19 June, progressing them through to Round 2. 

MS/SS Swimming Carnival Achievements

Following the success of the 2023 Middle & Senior School Swimming Carnival, there were some standout athletes. The All Age Champion Awards were presented to those who accrued the highest amount of points over their best three races per age group. In cases where students had the same points,  their next best race was considered. The following students were awarded the All Age Champion for 2023:

  • U12 Male – Alex J & Coen d V *
  • U13 Male – Krishna N
  • U14 Male – Liam S
  • U15 Male – Travis O
  • U16 Male  – Gabriel S
  • Open Male – Zack P
  • U12 Female – Ashleigh S
  • U13 Female – Siobhan C-B **
  • U14 Female – Emilia B
  • U15 Female – Sophia C
  • U16 Female – Bella C
  • Open Female – Caitlyn E

* Dual winner as both recipients ended on equal points. 

** Winner qualified for U12 but was chosen to swim in the U13 age group. This individual then went on to win the All Age Female Champion for U13’s.

The Fast 5 Male and Female swimmers qualified by swimming the fastest five times throughout the day. These students then qualified to swim against each other in one final swim. The placeholders for this race and the fastest swimmers at the College are:

  • Bronze Male – Gabriel S
  • Silver Male – Liam S
  • Gold Male – Zack P
  • Bronze Female – Tahlia W
  • Silver Female – Caitlyn E
  • Gold Female – Emilia B

A special mention to our All Age Community Relay Cup Winners and Overall Winners of our 2023 Middle and Senior Swimming Carnival – Surrey community. Thank you to the Surrey Sports Captains Santiago V Z, Sara P, Nathan G and Hebah E R for accepting the awards on behalf of their Community.

Student Achievement – School Sport SA Swimming

Swimmers Zack P, Caitlyn E and Emilia B will be representing the South Australian age 13 – 19 swimming team for the School Sport SA Swimming Championship. Held in Sydney, New South Wales, from Monday to Saturday, 21-26 August 2023. Congratulations and all the best to Zack, Caitlyn and Emilia on this incredible achievement. 

Student Achievement – Netball

Year 9 student Allyra N has been named in the Emerging 2023 Adelaide Thunderbirds Talent Academy, the highest Netball Academy available for her age group. Congratulations Allyra.

Student Achievement – Cross Country

Congratulations to Tessa E on her qualification for the U12 team to participate in the School Sport Australia Championship. 


School Holiday Activities St Peter’s Cathedral

Children’s Ministry at St Peter’s Cathedral invites families to visit the Cathedral during the school holiday and explore its magnificent building. Join them for fun art activities on Wednesday, 5 July and Wednesday, 12 July, from 11am to 3pm. It’s a free family activity, so craft-loving parents, grandparents and carers are warmly invited to join the fun.



Tea Tree Gully Anglican


Tea Tree Gully Anglican Church is a group of Christians who seek to serve Jesus in everything we do. Whether you are just visiting or looking for a Christian home, we aim to be a loving and supportive family for you. We meet at the church at 8.30 am, 10.00 am, and 6.00 pm in person. If you can’t join us just yet, we’ll continue to stream at 8.30 am and 10.00 am online using Zoom and YouTube  Service times are 8.30 am and 10.00 am.

Please contact Dave Brown at for more details, or check their Facebook page for links.

If you are struggling and would like to talk with someone from the church during these trying times, please phone 8264 3736.




Gully Church (Tea Tree Gully Uniting) – Banksia Markets


Gully Church hosts the ‘local and friendly’ Banksia Markets on the first Saturday of each month from 8.30 am to 1.00 pm at 600 Milne Road, Banksia Park. Stalls inside the hall and in the car park include produce, fresh fruit and vegetables, jewellery, tools, bric-à-brac and lots more.

For more information, contact the Gully Church website at or email




Golden Grove Uniting Church


Golden Grove Uniting Church, corner of Crouch and One Tree Hill Road, Golden Grove, has a traditional service at 10 am on a Sunday.  Also, on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, we have a cafe-style church, a relaxed contemporary worship service at 6 pm in the Church hall.

Café Youth is a fun, interactive program for young people ages 14 and up looking to engage in topics of faith. Café Youth sessions start with a fun 30-minute activity based on the theme for the night, then followed by “Talk Time”, during which the group discusses a topic of faith while enjoying delicious snacks, refreshments and pizza! The cost for each session is $5.

For further information, please contact the Office at 8251 4298 or email  You can even check our webpage: