2023 Annual General Meeting




College Chapel, 12–30 Surrey Farm Drive, Golden Grove

Monday 29 May 2023 at 6.00 pm

Members of the College are cordially invited to attend the 38th Annual General Meeting of Pedare Christian College Inc.

The Agenda will include:

  • a) Reports from the Chair of the Board and the Principal
  • b) 2022 Financial Report
  • c) Appointment of the College Auditor
  • d) Election of Board members

Notice of attendance

In accordance with the requirements of the Constitution, Members wishing to attend the Annual General Meeting are required to register their attendance by 4:00pm Monday 22 May 2023.

Notice of attendance can be given as follows:

  1. By clicking on the following link to register online:
  2. By telephoning the College on 8280 1700 weekdays between 8:30am and 4:00 pm, or
  3. Emailing the Public Officer at akleeman@pedarecc.sa.edu.au

When giving notice of attendance please provide your name and contact details.

Attendees are requested to observe physical distancing requirements and attempt to stay at least 1.5 metres from other attendees (not including people who live together, who are friends or family members, or people who regularly associate with each other).

Eligible to attend and vote

Automatic eligibility – The following adult persons are automatically Members of the College and can attend and vote at a general meeting providing notice of attendance is given as outlined above:

  • a parent of a present student of the College (as per the current signed enrolment form)
  • a present staff or Board Member

All others – To be eligible to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting the following adult persons are required to be Members of the College and to have provided notice of attendance as outlined above:

  • a parent of a past student of the College is eligible to be a member of the College up to December 31 in the third year after their last child leaves the College
  • a former student of the College with a minimum of three years attendance, is eligible to be a member of the College up to December 31 in the third year after they have left the College
  • a former student of the College who has current membership of the Pedare Past Scholars’ Association
  • a parishioner of a participating parish or church

Membership applications are considered and processed in accordance with clause 5(b) of the Constitution. Application forms are available on the College website:  https://www.pedarecc.sa.edu.au/membership/

2022 Financial Report

The 2022 AGM Minutes and Financial Reports of the College are now available for review:

Board Member Nominations

In accordance with clause 7(e) of the Pedare Constitution, a call for nominations to the Pedare Board was issued on 20 March 2023. Nominations received were reviewed by the Board Nomination  Committee, with three nominations being recommended to the Board. The Board subsequently reviewed these nominations and now recommends to the AGM the election of the following persons  to the Pedare Board:

  • Ms Susan Vincent Links Icon, Transparent Links.PNG Images & Vector - FreeIconsPNG– current Pedare Board member and Chairperson of Pedare Finance Committee who is standing for re-election for a term of two years, noting she has already served ten years of the maximum 12-year term of appointment as a Pedare Board member.
  • Mr Matthew Elding Links Icon, Transparent Links.PNG Images & Vector - FreeIconsPNG– current Pedare Board member and Chairperson of Pedare Property & Grounds Committee who is standing for re-election for a term of three years. Parent of three present students of the College.
  • Mr Craig Moore Links Icon, Transparent Links.PNG Images & Vector - FreeIconsPNG– current Finance Committee member who is standing for election for a term of three years. Parent of a present student of the College.

Following election by the AGM, subsequent appointment by the Anglican and Uniting Church Synods will be required in accordance with the requirements of Pedare’s Constitution.